
By Avid_Rdr

331K 13.6K 5K

In a normal world the role of idol and fan are very much set in stone. One cannot exist without the other... More

A Special Note to My Readers
Dear Reader
Just a little note from me...
Not an update! But still please read. :)


4.7K 202 105
By Avid_Rdr

AN:  Hey everyone.  Sorry for the short hiatus.  I needed it.  Honestly.  You needed me to need it whether you know it or not.  Anyway, I am now sick.  And bored.  So I wrote this yesterday for you.  I hope it makes sense since I was sort of having a problem thinking clearly yesterday.  Haha! Ahem... Anyway.  Thanks for being so supportive and allowing me that little break. 

A strong knock on the door woke Nari up from her Sunday afternoon nap.  She rubbed her eyes and crawled down from her bed to the floor.  "Coming," she said, sleepily.  She grabbed the door knob and turned it, blinking her vision into focusing.

"Delivery for a Choi Nari.  Sign here."  A small clipboard was shoved into her hands and then as she frantically signed her name, a small, clear, square vase stuffed with a bouquet of soft pink roses was then shoved into her hands in exchange for the clipboard.  "Have a great day," said the voice and the delivery guy then disappeared, leaving Nari standing at the door, dumbstruck at what had just happened.

She looked down at the small bouquet and saw a tiny cream colored envelope poking up from the petals.   She closed the door and went back into her room, setting the bouquet down on the dresser.  She opened the flap on the small envelope and pulled out a card.  As she studied the note written on it, she became more puzzled. 

"Congratulations on a amazing recital yesterday.  From your number one fan." 

She turned the card over and saw nothing on the back.  Her number one fan?   Why would she have fans?  The door suddenly opened and Gina breezed in.  Nari looked up and immediately asked her the number one question on her mind.  "Gina, did you send me flowers for the recital yesterday?"

"Did you send me flowers," asked Gina in return, rifling through a box under her bed.

"No," said Nari quietly.

"Then why would I send you flowers," grumbled Gina.  "Where is it?!"

"Where is what?"

"A piece of music I need.  Argh."  She shoved the box back under the bed roughly and sat on the floor, leaned up against her bed.  Looking up at a stunned Nari, her eyes drifted over to the bouquet on the dresser.  "Those the flowers?"

Nari nodded and handed her friend the card.  "I have no idea who it's from."

Gina read the card and then returned it back to Nari with a shrug.  "Seems like someone has a secret admirer."  She smirked and then hauled herself up off the floor with a frustrated groan.  "Maybe I left it at my parents' house.  I hate when I can't find things. " She looked around the room with her hands on her hips and frowned.  "Ah, I'm going to my parents' tonight so I won't be home till after classes tomorrow.  Just thought I would let you know."  She winked at Nari and made as quick an exit as she did an entrance.

Nari felt like she was always left in the Gina wake whenever her roommate would enter or leave the room.  She sighed and climbed back up into the bed, staring at the bouquet.  It was beautiful.  Small and modest.  Not very extravagant, but then again, roses at this time of year were always extravagant.   Maybe they used a coupon code or something...

Nari laughed and pulled out her phone, snapping an artsy photo of the bouquet and then adding an even more artsy filter to it.

IvoryTickler1195 : A sweet Sunday surprise. Whoever you are, thank you,

She rolled over onto her bed and sent her Tweet, happily puzzled by the mystery that was just delivered to her door a bit ago.

@JimiNana2K : WHO SENT THOSE?! They're gorgeous! I'm jealous. Send me some too!

@JiminsScarf : Someone has good taste! You have a secret admirer?! It's a mystery!
|_ @JimiNana2K : Almost as good a mystery as BTS' teaser videos and MV's. 😏
|_ @JimimsScarf : Nothing is that mysterious!
|_ @IvoryTickler1195 : Stop hijacking my status.
|_ @JimiNana2K : Party pooper.

Jimin laughed down at the replies. It was weird having a conversation where a gif of himself was used but meh, whatever. He felt a body sit down next to him on the sofa and he quickly put his phone away. He looked over to see an underwhelmed Yoongi sitting next to him.

"Yah, stop trying to hide it. Did she like them?"

"Huh? Did who like what?"

Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. "The flowers. Did Nari like the flowers?"

Jimin stared at him incredulously. "How on earth did you know about that," he muttered.

"Because. I'm Min Yoongi. I know everything. Everything about you anyway." He watched Jimin's face turn red and the younger man looked away. "Okay, fine. If you must know, I saw you ordering them online this morning."

Jimin face palmed himself and groaned. He was trying so hard to be careful but apparently he was not being careful enough to keep his "stalking" of Nari away from the eagle eyes of his hyungs.

"You better be more careful. It was just me this time. Next time might be a manger. You really want to answer those kinds of questions, Mini? I think not." Yoongi smiled smugly to himself and folded his arms across his chest. "By the way, I think pink was a nice color. Personally, if it were me, I would have chosen white, but let's be honest, when will I ever have to worry about sending a girl flowers? I'm married to my soundboard." He laughed wryly before the laugh fell flat and he ended with a heavy sigh. "I know you have your performance footage on your phone. Show me." He leaned over so he was up against Jimin's shoulder, staring over it while waiting patiently.

Jimin sighed and hesitantly opened his phone, pulling up the file, then pressing play. The music began and soon Jimin and Jungkook were seen dancing on stage. The pair sat silently as they watched. Yoongi looked over at Jimin's face occasionally and saw how he couldn't hide his admiration for the pretty pianist.  He smiled softly.  This was the look he liked to see on Jimin's face.

Too often people accused Jimin of being rude or having a bad resting face.  The reality was he was very shy and was afraid people would want something from him so he would blow them off in the blink of an eye.  But Yoongi had seen his softer side more than once and right now was one of those times.  The look he now saw on Jimin's face was so soft and sweet.  He was legitimately smiling.  He leaned back on the sofa as the music finished and he grinned at his friend.

Jimin felt the eyes of his hyung boring holes into the side of his head as he shut off his screen and slid the phone back into his pocket.  "What," he mumbled, settling back against the sofa next to Yoongi. 

"You are so smitten."  Yoongi grinned and slapped Jimin's leg lightly.  "Do you think about her all the time?"

"What?  No!  Of course not!" Just most of the time, but he doesn't need to know that. 

"Did you talk to her after the performance?"

"Yeah," blushed Jimin.  "We even took a picture," he said softly, quickly pulling up the picture on his phone.

Yoongi snatched it from his hands and pulled it up to his face for a good look.  He whistled softly and cocked his head to one side.  "She's out of your league, Park Jimin."  He grinned and handed the phone back to its owner.

"That's not fair," mumbled Jimin, tucking the phone safely back into his pocket. 

"Well, do what you want then.  Just do me a favor and don't get hurt.  Be careful."

"Hyung, I'm not...I won't...I'm just a fan." Jimin sighed and ran his left hand through his hair.

Yoongi watched Jimin's tell tale nervous habit manifest itself and he smiled softly.  "Even a fan can fall in love, you know."  He turned and left the room, leaving a dumbfounded Jimin in his wake.

* * *

A few hours later, Jimin was standing alone in front of the wall of mirrors in their dance practice studio.  He leaned forward to the mirror, checking out his complexion and running a few fingers over the light stubble on his chin.  He stood tall again and looked himself in the eye. 

Love?  Ha!

He had no time for such feelings.  Nari was simply cute.  Maybe even pretty.  She played the piano well.  That's all it was.  Just an appreciation for her and her talents as a human being. 

He sat down on the floor and spread his legs, stretching his stiff muscles.  Yoongi was wrong.  Jimin had no time for love.  He had no time for a girlfriend.  Yoongi, out of all people, should know that first hand from his own experience. 

Jimin scoffed at Yoongi's final comment to him that afternoon.  "Seriously insane," he mumbled. 

"What's insane," whispered Taehyung, pressing Jimin's body towards the floor, extruding a displeased grunt from the other member. 

"I just started stretching," groaned Jimin, slowly coming back up to a seated position.  "I wasn't ready to go down that far,"  he said, struggling to pull his legs back together. 

"Stop whining," giggled Taehyung, who was beginning his own set of stretches nearby.  "You're a dancer.  You should be more limber anyway." 

"I am limber!"  Jimin protested a bit too loudly, causing his voice to echo through the large, white, empty room. 

"Hyung, you're so loud," mumbled Jungkook mischievously.  He stretched a bit on his own and then when the other two seemed to be finished, he walked over to the computer.  "Let's start with the newest one," he said confidently. 

"Hey, who left you boss," laughed J-Hope, walking into the room at a quick pace.  "Sorry, I'm late.  It's just us four tonight.  So gear up, ladies, we are gonna do some dancing!"  He clapped his hands together with a loud cackle and did some quick stretching. 

"Hyung, don't push us so hard tonight," whined Taehyung.  "You drove me almost to exhaustion the other day.  Seriously, hyung, when you're in charge of dance practice, it's like some new sort of torture."  Taehyung moped over into his place and waited for the music to cue.

Jimin couldn't help but giggle at his comparison and he had to agree.  However, J-Hope just wanted his members to do their best.  Even if he did resemble some kind of ancient taskmaster when he did it.

The boys got through the routines and collapsed breathless into the floor.  Jimin laid on the cold floor, chest heaving, thankful his mind was clear and nothing was in his head except for the steps to the dance.  He smiled smugly to himself.  Hyung was wrong. 

"You're doing it again," whispered Taehyung, sitting next to Jimin. 


"What are you thinking about?"  Taehyung's eyes were sparkling with mischief.

Just then Nari sauntered across Jimin's thoughts and he groaned, holding his head and rolling over to his side.  He then sat up quickly and whacked Taehyung on the arm.  "Yah, I was doing just fine.  Why did you have to bring her up?!"  He stood quickly and huffed out of the room after grabbing his things.

"What was that about,"asked J-Hope. 

"Who knows," said Taehyung with a smile.

* * *

BTS' comeback was on the horizon.  Everyone was preparing for it, especially their fans.  Slogan projects for performances had been organized.  Groups who would do this or that were put together to help streamline music show voting and food deliveries for the members were lined up by their fans. 

Social media was abuzz with rumors, teasers, tracklists, jacket photos, and theories, all keeping the talk of BTS alive and well right up to comeback day. 

Nana lay in her bed, rubbing her temples and reading another theory about who might be dead, who survived, or how did that detail on this member's outfit give a hint to the storyline.  She laughed softly as she rubbed her temples.  What storyline? 

She lifted her gaze as her mother walked into the room with some water and a few tablets of medication.  "Here," she whispered softly. 

"I don't want to take it," grumbled Nana.  "It just makes me tired.  It doesn't help.  I have a comeback to prepare for.  I can't be tired. "

"Nana, please."  Her mother's sad tone toyed with her heartstrings and she finally sighed and reluctantly took the medication. 

Just then her phone dinged and she received two text messages.  She opened the first one and immediately began bouncing around the room, all attention to her current headache now being focused on the goodness in her hand.  "I got in!  I actually got in!"  She grabbed her mom and hugged her tightly, squealing like a little child.

"Nana! This is not good for you!  Calm down!"  Her mother scolded her softly but was soon celebrating alongside her daughter.

"Wait, there's another message."  Nana opened the second one quickly and began screaming this time.  "I got into another one!  Mom!!!!!!"  She bounced around the room some more, holding her mother's hands. 

"How many did you apply for?"

"Four.  Mom!  What if I get into all four?"

"Let's just be thankful you have two.  If you can even go."  Her mother's excitement soon faded to a smile of worry for her daughter.  Her hand smoothed down her daughter's hair. 

"Oh, I'm going.  This is too big an opportunity, Mom!  Don't you see?  I'll get to see them all again.  I gotta text Nari!"  Nana sat down on her bed, barely able to keep still because of her excitement.  Her thumbs pecked away on her phone as her mother watched her carefully.  She smiled sadly and then left the room. 

* * *

"EONNI!!! I am the luckiest girl on the planet." 


"I got into two out of four fansigns I applied for! How awesome is that?!"

"Wow!  So half of what you applied for?! That's great, Nana!  I hope you have a great time." 

"Oh, there's no doubt about that.  It will be amazing!  Wait, I just got another message."

Nari laughed at her little sister's obvious excitement.  She was happy for the girl.  Nana's love for BTS was unrivaled.

"EONNIIIIIIII!!! I got into one more!  That's three fansigns in a week!  How did I get so lucky?!"

"Whoa, you are lucky.  Make sure you make time to come see me if you're nearby!" 

"Do I look like the type of sister who would neglect her sister if she was near her dwelling place?  Hm?  HM?"

Nari couldn't help but laugh.  Nana was a mess when she was excited. 

"No, of course not.  So when do these happen?"

"Two weeks.  I have to pick up my entry permission papers at the stores.  I AM SO EXCITED!! Love you, Eonni!"

"Love you too, Nana." 

Nari laughed and tucked her phone under her pillow.  It was late and she was sleepy.  She looked down at the flowers one last time, a smile creeping across her face. 

Whoever you are, thanks for brighting my day.

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