Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON H...

By Samantha-chan

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I'm Rin. Rin Kagamine. I live in a cold-ass town named Denver.It was first day of school. Wait. That kinda ma... More

Song of Love: Chapter 1
Bad Apple: Chapter 2
Zoetrope: Chapter 3
A... Kiss!: Chapter 4
Some What a Date... With a Locker: Chapter 5
"It's Not About the Money".... Jessie J. You Are Wrong: Chapter 6
Red, Blue, White, Green, Black: Chapter 7
Black and White: Chapter 8
What Rin Doesn't Know- The Black Side of Len's Bracelet: Chapter 9
A Look Behind the Scenes of Rin's Life: Chapter 10
Money and Family: Chapter 11
Neighbors: Chapter 12
Not Twins, but Triplets!: Chapter 13
Rin POV: That Cake, Though: Chapter 14
New Rival?: Chapter 15
Fridays are the Best!(Saturdays too): Chapter 16
Elitches; What Dress Did I Wear?: Chapter 17
Our First Date: Chapter 18
I'm Grounded and I Don't Care!: Chapter 18
Inside Rinny-chan's World: Special Chapter
Worse Than Black Friday?: Chapter 20
In the Rocky Mountains: Chapter 21
The Rocky Mountains; Home of the #1 Criminal: Chapter 22
Fighting Back: Chapter 23
No Way Out: Chapter 24
Just Hold on We're Comin' Home
From the Mountains, to Aspen, to Lakewood, to Denver
Zack's Point of View
Thrift shop- the HQ of the Wolf Pack
Everything Back to Normal...?
A Fever is the Best Way to Get a Guy's Attention... Well, Results May Vary
The 3 Musketeers... More Like the 3 Stooges
What Rin Doesn't Know-Len's Back Story-The White Side of his Bracelet
Work in Progress
What is the CTO Planning?
Explanation for Lola and Lucy's Disappearance?
Denver Health
Speacial Long Chapter~ It's My Birthday So I Felt Happy and Updated! X3

Inside Len-kun's World

376 20 5
By Samantha-chan

Song of Love-Extra Chapter-Acapulco

Len-kun pov-

Well, I know what you're thinking. Where was I this whole time??? Well, I was faited to meet my princess. Yes, that's right. My PRINCESS. I met her while taking a break from Len's crazy life. I thought he might want some space, so I headed to Tokyo, Brazil, France, and Mexico. Acapulco, to be exact.

I actually went with my friend, Kaito, to Tokyo and Acalpuco, but only because he was the one who convinced our boss to give us a vacation. But once we headed to Mexico, he left me for this chic in teal pigtails. typical chibi behavior.

So I walked the beaches of Acapulco by myself for a while,but that was where I met my princess, so I should thank him next time I see him.... I should also beat the crap out of him for making me pay for his coconut drink. Those drinks sure are expensive.


I went in a little store and there was lessons for swimming and I have to admit.... I can't swim. So I asked the employee where I can take lessons. He said they would be happening in front of the store, where it was the shores of Acapulco.

The instructor was already there, and so was 4 other people.(This is the chibi version of Earth, so they're not talking to real people-just other people's conscience). The instructor was a redheaded girl with black eyes, if i remember correctly.

The one next to her was head over heels for her, sticking close to her and asking if she was single. I don't remember what he looked like... and like I said, typical chibi behavior... for guys.There was also another guy who had green hair and a yellow eye and a green one. He looked somewhat identical to the instructor.

One that caught my eye was a girl with the same blonde hair as me and eyes that were as blue as the beach. I remembered it was the girl that poked me a while back! What is she doing here? The boss wouldn't let that many people have a vacation... maybe I can ask her later....

"Okay, so your all here for the swimming lessons or because you just have personal reasons," She eyed us boys in irritation. She had a strong accent.  "So I will assign you partners and try to test out how good you can float. To swim, you need to learn to float, obviously. Questions?... Good. So I already see that we have an uneven number so..." 

She eyed us carefully. She had a thoughtful look, and turned to the blonde girl "You. With me. You boys can choose your partner. Ready? Good Let's go!" She headed to the beach, dragging the blonde girl with her.

We boys followed along, and I figured this trip would not be a fun one. But, of course, I was wrong.


As we were learning, the sunny weather suddenly turned to a small rainfall and fog. The lifeguards were yelling things in spanish. The instructor looked worried. "Guess we'll have to cancel early." We walked up the shore, and headed to a small shack for shelter from the rain.

As we were headed for shelter, there was A LOT of people. I wonder why. "A lot of people are ecxited about the FIFA World Cup, so many are already betting on teams and such." The instructor yelled. Wait. Wasn't she closer to us? Oh no, we're getting seperated!

Oof! I bumped into someone, hard. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I quickly helped the person up, and I noticed that the person was mad. "Rinny-chan doesn't need help! Shoo!" She shooed me away, and noticed that the poor chibi girl fell, again.

"Wait!" I quickly scooped up her 'lil body, carrying her pincess-like. I ran across the street to this small church. There was a sign, and it said;

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad 

I need to learn to read spanish sometime. Okay, back to th girl. I sat her on the bench, and she was punching me. Good thing her hands were little, the typical size for chibi people.  "Y-You perv! Rinny-chan said she didn't need help!"

She tried standing up, but she fell, failing at running away from me. I just wanted to help. "Your welcome," I muttered, then started to walk away. "NO!" Rinny-chan said, pulling on my hair. "Ow! What do you want?" I asked, confused at what she was trying to do here.

"Your hair is so soft," She said, and she hugged me tightly, making me blush. Then I remembered- "Your that girl that kept on poking me!" I said, pointing at her accusingly. She pouted. "That's 'cause Rinny-chan loved how soft your hair looked."

She hugged me again, and she smelled of oranges. What exactly is happening?! Is my heart beating fast from being hot or something??? I don't know anymore. Wait, I do. I like her, and I admit it! Maye I found love... just like Kaito! 

I let her hug me, and she suddenly stopped. I looked back to see that she fell asleep. Awww, how cute. Then her phone started buzzing. She didn't wake up, so I answered for her, in case someone was worried for her or something.

"Hello?" I said, and the person quickly responded. "RInny-chan! Thank goodness! Where are you?" Is my voice that girly-sounding? Whatever. No time for that. "Actually, it's Rinny-chan's... friend. She fell asleep and I don't know where she lives or anything so..."

"Oh, no prob! I'll come get her! Where are you guys at?" I told her the directions, trying to pronounce the street names. "Kk~ got it. I'll come over in, like, 10 minutes. Byebye!" She hung up, and I waited patiently, looking around the church.

There was a lot of pretty stained-glass windows, which made a rainbow-ish light, making the altars and crosses seem... magical or something. It felt very welcoming. There was just like, 5 other people who were praying in front of this picture that was of this brown-skinned lady with a green robe, and an angel was in the bottom, holding the bottom part of the robe.

10 minutes passed by rappidly, and there was this girl who ran in the church, and quickly spotted us. "Rinny-chan!" She said, and ran to us. I turned to Rinny-chan, and sure enough, she was awake. "Miku-chan!" She said, and she ran to her.

Oh, there's someone else with her..... it's Kaito! Oh yeah, the girl was the one he ran off with! "Kaito, just where did you run off to?" I said, scolding him. The girls giggled a little. "Oh, so this is the guy you were telling Rinny-chan about?" Rinny-chan said, a smirk on her face.

Miku-chan blushed. "Y-yeah. In fact, we're dating." She said in as a matter-of-fact way. Kaito blushed, and I laughed at him. He turned to me and started chasing me. "Kaito and Miku, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S--" He caught up to me and was about to punch me when Miku stopped him.

"Well, it was nice knowing you guys. Me and Rinny-chan have to get going. We plan on traveling to Canada!" We said our goodbyes, and me and Rinny-chan exchanged goodbyes bye hugging each other, only 'cause she wanted to feel my hair some more. "Goodbye, fluffy hair dude," She said.

"I have a name, you know. And don't make it sound like we're never gonna see each other again!" I said "Fine then. What's your name then?" She said, still petting my hair. "My name is Len." I said, wondering if she would say my name all cute-like just like she did with Miku's name.

"Nah, don't like it. I'ma call you fluffy hair dude still!" Great, a nickname. Well, doesn't matter 'cause she hugged me while saying it. I really hope we meet again, 'cause to me, she's like my ohime-sama(princess). Is this love at first sight?


Well, i would like to say tht im sorry for not updating, so i tried to make this a speacial chapter by making it long and making it a behind the scenes of Rinny-chanxLen-kun. U likey? if u do, then pls vote on it! it would really make me want to update alot more! comment if u hav any ideas or questions, etc.


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