OMG I'm in Supernatural?

By jazzyCrazy

466K 13.9K 5.4K

Mackinley Lesdi woke up next to a garbage skip, next to a handsome guy who just happenes to be Dean Wincheste... More

OMG I'm in Supernatural?
#1 Diner fun. Or not.
#2 Castiel tells some shocking news (and totally surprising.)
#4 Abandon all hope
#5 Shut it Cas.
#6 Sorry.
#7 Shut up.
#8 Amen.
#9 Why, oh why can he not die?
#10 Cheese chili hamburger.
#11 Deli's suck.
# 12 Serioudly a salad again?
#13 I took three actually
#14 I am always right!
#15 1978-Shops are closed on Sunday.
#16 I love you
#17 Molly Christian Winchester.
#19 Djinn
#20 where is she?
#21 The end is never far.

#3 Dean gets old. (evil laugh.) Only funny after he doesn't die.

25.7K 753 476
By jazzyCrazy

This may be the last chapter for while, or not. It all depends when my mum will let me use her laptop. She says I've been hogging it too much. And since my laptop charger broke and I live in the middle of no where and we aren't going into the city for a while. So just be warned if I don't update for a while it's not because I don't want too. It's because I can't.

This chapter is set in season 5 when Dean gets old. Hence the title. Hope you like. Enjoy.

(If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes I will say sorry. Sorry :))

The first thing Dean did after Castiel told him we were soul mates was laugh.

"Cas are you playing? Did you finally watch MTV like I told you too?" Dean asked.

My reaction to that was to slap him on the face. Granted the first thing I did when Cas told me was laugh too. But I did it because I thought he was messing with me. Dean seemed to do it out of annoyance and humor, like he was being punk'd.

"What was that for?" Dean clutched his cheek tightly, "damn crazy..."

"It was for disrespecting your elders," I said before he called me names that would just earn him a slap. I do not tolerate disrespect.

"This is very serious," Castiel didn't even break a sweat at the stern gaze he gave Dean, "she will carry you through the light Dean. Sam she will be your confidant and friend. One day you two will have the most powerful children. That is if you can get through this time without killing each other,"

"Not likely," Sammy muttered with a smirk

"That can't be right," I feel tears welling up in my eyes, "I can't have children."

"We fixed a few things," Castiel said, "you can have a whole football team of kids."

I lunged for him giving him the biggest hug of my life. "Thank you."

"It's a pleasure. I know you two can do it without killing each other," Cas patted my shoulder.

I tried smiling at him but failed miserably. I could only really grimace. I was still so happy that I could have children now.

"Oh and don't worry about your mama," Cas saying mama made Dean snort and then cough to try and hide his laugh. "She'll be safe in your universe."

With that Castiel vanished away, leaving me to deal with the Winchester boys.


I had explained to Sam and Dean like a hundred times about my universe. They were skeptical but trusted Cas enough to know I was at least telling part of the truth. I was surprised at how well they took it. They didn't treat me differently, okay Dean didn't treat me any different. Sammy, however was a lot nicer.

"Want anything to eat?"

I glared at Sammy, I was still angry at them for leaving me at that disgusting motel. More at Dean then Sammy. Sammy was sweet trying to ask me questions about my old life and being nice to me. Dean was just being a pig-headed arrogant jerk.

"I'll have some cherry pie and a Dr. Pepper please Sam," I polietly asked with a small smile, knowing I should still be angry but I just didn't have it in me. To be mad at Sam. Dean I still had it in me. He deserved it.

"I'll have the same," Dean said and Sam ran out to the gas station shop.

"So Mackinley?" Dean looked at me from the rear view mirror, his signicature smirk in place. I seriously wanted to wipe it off but I held my cool. I would act like the lady I was.

"Yes oh wonderful, powerful Winchester," I said sarcastically. That earned me an even bigger smirk. Did this guy never not smirk? I doubted it.

"You don't have to state the obvious," Dean said with a mischievous smile.

"If I'd wanted to state the obvious I'd call you a pig," I smiled back at him. I couldn't help it.

"Really now?" Dean chuckled, not offended at all. With the way he acted I wouldn't be surprised if he got called a pig daily. I still found it funny how we were supposed to be soul mates. I mean come on, we are both so different.

Although he was insanely attractive, his mouth ruined everything by talking.

"I still can't believe you left me in that motel," I huffed angrily, "all by myself. Anyone could've tried to kill me and I wouldn't have been able to fight."

"You still sour about that?" Dean asked rolling his eyes, "don't be such a baby."

"Says the man who cries when a woman the size of a child hits you," I shot back with a truimphant smile.

He just smirked. AGAIN! It was irritating me. He was irritating me. He was still the most good-looking man I had ever come eye to eye with but he was also one of the most arrogant.

"Was what Cas said true?" Dean had to ask, "about the kid thing?"

"Not anymore," I smiled at Dean happily, forgetting for a second that I was upset with him, "I was thriteen I went to the doctors because I had been feeling dizzy and they did some tests. Anyway in the end they told me I'd never be able to conceive a child. Castiel's made one of my dreams come true again. I've always wanted a little boy with my eyes," I said. I remembered being a thirteen year old girl and crying over never being able to hold my child in my arms.

Dean's smirk had gone and he had a smile on his face, his green eyes looked into mine. As he was about to say something, Sam opened the door and got in the front seat. Ruining it all.

"They didn't have cherry pie but I got you each apple instead," Sam grimaced when we both said at the same time, "damn it Sammy."


Four hours later

We were still driving...somewhere?

"Where are we?" I yawned, I'd been sleeping the entire ride to where ever we were going. I was just along for the ride.

"Somewhere," Dean shot back drinking another Dr. Pepper? Had we stopped. Damn I slept like a cauldron. My neck was really painful. Like sickly painful. I clutched the seats like they were my life saver. They were.

"Dean," I groaned as Sammy snored in the front seat.

"Yeah?" he asked, he was driving far too fast.

"Please slow down," I begged, vomit slowly rising in my throat.


"I'm gonna vomit," he stopped the car so fast it left brake marks on the road. He was outta the car quickly, opening the door and helping me out. I vomited right on the side of the car. I emptied everything I'd eaten that day. To say I was embarrassed was an understatment. I was mortified.

Dean didn't help me, I opened my hand and he passed me his Dr. Pepper. Since we didn't have any water. Gosh, I'd kill for a glass of cold icy water. I swallowed back the Dr. Pepper.

"Maybe you got food poison?" Dean shrugged his shoulders as I got back into the car. Trying to ignore the vomit Dean started the car.

"How come you didn't get sick too?" I asked, Sammy was still sleeping curled up. He looked younger when he was sleeping and peaceful.

Dean chuckled deeply, "I have a stronger stomach than you girly."

"That is the worst nickname ever," I muttered.


The next motel was practically the same as the last.

"So what do you know about us?" Dean asked putting his bag on one of the two twin beds.

"A bit," I said not letting on how much I knew. I knew bits and pieces. I knew that Dean had been in hell and Sam used to be addicted to Demon blood. Yuck! Mama was right about that Sam shoudn't be drinking that shit.

"We're gonna fetch Uncle Bobby," Dean said as if he was going to leave me behind.

"Dean you are not leaving me here again," I gave me my deadliest glared. He slightly withered but just shook his head. I refused to be left behind.

Mumbling swear words he walked out the door leaving Sam and I to follow.


Uncle Bobby was waiting for Sam and Dean to pick him up for the hospital. He hated being in the stupid wheelchair. He cursed for the hundredth time in the past half an hour. He was going to kill those Winchester boys. Late to pick him up. It was damn embarrassing being a wheelchair, he didn't want any further embarrassment on waiting outside while the sky got cloudy.

Finally after another five minutes he recgonized the Impala turn into the hospital parking lot. Bobby didn't see the blond girl until she stepped out from behind Dean. She smiled at him broadly.

"Hi Uncle Bobby," she stuck her hand out. He noticed she had a Southern accent and was tiny compared to the boys next to her. They towered over her. She didn't look like a Hunter but looks could be deceiving.

"It's real nice to meet you," she said as he took her hand. She had a firm grip at least. He noticed the purple bruising on her neck and wondered if the boys had done that. Surely Sam and Dean weren't that...what was the word he was looking for? Rough? Cruel? She looked like a dwarf compared to them.

"And you are?" he gruffly said, he was not in a good mood. He glared at Dean, who shrugged with an apologetic smile for being late.

"I'm Mackinley," she sighed as if she'd said her name too much. She glared at Dean, "Dean."

"Whatever you're gonna say no," Dean said pushing Bobby towards the car. Mackinley pouted and glared at him.

"I have a case for you," Bobby said as Dean helped him into the Impala. Bobby spoke trying to hide his embarrassment on being helped into the car. Dean slammed the trunk putting Bobby's duffel bag in there.

"Hey Bobby," Sam who had stayed in the car, smiled warmly had Bobby.

"Hey kid," Bobby muttered. Sammy's too long legs touched the edge of seats and Mackinley smiled as she realized she didn't like Uncle Bobby's attitude.


Once back at the motel the guys sorted themselves out with the "case". I just pouted at Dean angry he'd rejected my plan without listening to it.

"I'm going out," I declared. All three pairs of eyes were on me.

"No you're not," Dean grabbed my upper arm roughly.

I spoke coldly, "Dean Winchester if you don't get you hand off me I will not regret what I will be forced to do."

Sam was about to get in between us when Dean let my arm go.

"Cas told us you are important," I could see him trying not to look at my clevage. I was trying to see if Dean was a boob or ass man when Bobby said, "Who exactly is this chick?"

Just to piss off the incredibly goregous Dean, I wrapped my arms around Dean's neck and smiled at Bobby, "I'm the future Mrs. Winchester."

Dean shook me off, I smiled at the now laughing Bobby.

"I'm going shopping," I sang, "I'll be back here by 8 tonight. Dean drop me off at the mall please."


I had seven hundred dollars to spend. Dean muttered when he dropped me off, "don't cause any trouble and stay away from bars."

"I'm not as stupid as I look," I said slamming his precious car door. He winced and cursed at me, though I couldn't hear with the windows closed.

I was going to treat myself since nobody else would. I walked through the mall slowly.

I ended up buying a lot more than I expected for really good prices.

Shoes: A pair of purple converses and black stilettos.

Pants: Jean capri's, black yoga pants, purple short-shorts and plain old jeans.

Tops: Three black t-shirts, three white tank-tops, one brown long cardigan and a navy blue pea-coat.

And I of course brought as much underwear as possible.

I hailed a cab, telling the driver where to go. Since Dean didn't care enough to offer me a ride back when he dropped me off. He really had some problems.

Once at the motel I noticed the Impala wasn't there and I didn't have a key. Damn it. I'd have to break in. And I thought my criminal days were over. Only joking. Sort of.

I was about to get a pin from my hair when the door flew open.

I screamed at the really old dude...wearing Dean's clothes? He had shocking white hair and familiar green eyes. "What are you doing in my room?" I prepared to attack. I didn't know if I could attack an old guy. Lord Jesus please say I don't have to attack him. I don't want to accidentally kill him. What if I did? Accidentally kill him that is. How would the Winchester's and Bobby act when they saw an old ead guy lying on the floor of their motel room.

He looked like I'd just given him a heart attack. Please don't die.

"Mackinley," the deep voice said slowly, "it's me Dean."

"Yeah," I snorted, nice try old man, "How do you know my name? Did Dean set you up to this?"

I walked into the room, feeling pretty safe that the old guy was harmless.

"I had some trouble with a witch they made me old," he cried. I dropped my shopping bags on the floors turning to Dean.

He did have Dean's lovely green eyes.

"Where did we meet?" I looked into his eyes.

"By a dumpster," Old Dean smirked, "and you were in this tight short.."

"Old perv," I muttered wrinkling my nose. Knowing it wasn't nice to name call but not caring. It was safe to say it was Dean. He was a perv...sort of.

I couldn't believe witches were real! They actually did magic and everything. That was pretty cool. Admit it, having superpowers would be insane.

He laughed, "It's not my fault. It's all Bobby's. Stupid old fool."

"Says the man who's like a hundred and one. Are you gonna be old for a long time?"

His face turned worried, I didn't know what to do so I patted his arm. He looked up at me in shock, as if he couldn't believe I'd be nice to him.

"I hope not," he shrugged.

"Me too," I admitted.

"Why? So when we finally come down to concieving our kids you don't want me dying on you when we're in the middle fu..."

I put my hand over his mouth, scowling his terrible behaviour. Mama save me now. I should've asked Castiel on a handbook on how to handle Dean Winchester.

It could be titled:

 The guide to figuring out Dean Winchester.

A step by step self-help book.

I would've laughed at my mind had it not been for the pained expression Dean gave me. He clutched his chest. I panicked as he fell to the floor in a heap. His body shaking violently.

"Dean," I took his hand. I didn't know what to do. My only thoughts were to save him. Only I didn't know how?

I quickly searched his pockets finding his phone. I went to last calls and dialled Sammy's number.

"Sam's busy," Bobby's gruff voice came through the line after only one ring.

"Bobby? Something's wrong with Dean. I think he's having a heart attack,"

"Jesus. Sam hurry up," he shouted.

"I'm done," I heard Sam call back to Bobby.

Then suddenly as I looked to Dean his skin got tighter, his face getting rid of the wrinkles. He no longer clutched his chest but my hand instead.

"Is he okay?" I did not like witches anymore. Not that I liked them anyway. Not that I knew any witches.

I laughed evilly, "Dean was old," I laughed harder. It's only funny after he didn't die.

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