2-D X Reader; Taken out to Se...

By rrhinestoneeyes

90.3K 3.3K 1.1K

Murdoc was looking for a few extra guests to feature on Plastic Beach, and decided he'd go into town and choo... More

part 1; the pier
part 2; carrying along
part 3; end of the voyage
part 4; arrival
part 5; hidden roommate
part 6; movie night
part 7; restless
part 8; a view as lovely as you
part 9; a rather peaceful morning
part 10; apology gift
part 11; a nightly routine
part 12; nights like these
part 13; surprise teacher
part 14; lessons
part 15; another apology
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24 ((kind of smut; suggestive))
part 25 ((smut oops))
part 26
part 27 ((suggestive))
28 ((wow more smut))
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32 (smut)
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
thanks guys (:
New 2d x reader fic

part 36

1.4K 53 27
By rrhinestoneeyes

You didn't feel like you slept at all, but you must have, because you woke up to darkness, the only lights being the glowing buttons from the front where Murdoc was stationed. You looked up and saw 2D. His eyes were shut and his lips were parted; he was sleeping. His arms weren't wrapped around you anymore, so getting out of his lap without waking him up wasn't as hard as before. You moved from his lap onto the floor as carefully and quietly as you could. Once your legs touched the cool metal ground, you stood up, placing your hand firmly on the wall for balance. You tiptoed from 2D up to Murdoc. You had to squint in the darkness to see, just in case there were things lying around you could step on. "Murdoc," you whispered, approaching him with caution. "Are we there yet? I'm awake and I'm ready and-" Murdoc cut you off by turning and placing a finger on your lips. "We are not there, but I have a feelin we're close. Just don't wake face ache, he can't come.

"But, Stuart wants to come. And I want him to come." Murdoc groaned and rolled his eyes, dropping his hand from your mouth and placed it back down on the steering wheel. "There's a different between want and need, and we need him to stay here. He'll just make it difficult." Your face began to heat up, but not for the reasons it usually did. A sharp pain shot down your arm, reminding you of why you wanted 2D with you. "I do need him. I need him to be with me. But, I also need to come with you. So, he's going to come. He has to." Murdocs hands dropped down to the bottom of the wheel and he let out a deep sigh. "Get the knob up now, then. We have about ten minutes til we're going to be at the ship. We have to plan on how we are going to get in." You nodded and turned around to face 2D. He must've been in a pretty deep sleep, because when you approached him and called his name softly, he didn't wake up like he usually did. You rolled your eyes and squatted down next to him. You gently tugged on his shirt sleeve and whispered his name until he woke up.
"H-huh? Whut?" He murmured, rolling over and opening his eyes. "Oh! Good mornin, luv. How'd yew sleep?" You smiled softly at how kind he was being despite the rather bad circumstances you were in. "I slept fine, how about you, Stuart? Do you need me to get you anything? Some water, some food?" He rubbed his eyes and shook his head. He sat up straight and yawned. "Ah'm fine, luv. Thank yew though." He looked over at Murdoc but then back to you. "Are we goin to be there soon?" He tilted his head and looked a bit upset as he asked. You sighed and stood up, 2D going the same. "Yeah, Murdoc said about 10 minutes. We have to plan on how to get into the ship apparently," 2D grabbed your hand firmly and wrapped his fingers around yours.

The two of you walked hand in hand over to Murdocs chair. He continued to keep his eyes forward as he drove the submarine further into the ocean. "So, since I didn't expect face ache to eh..." he glanced at you, and you returned his glance with a scowl. "...to want to join us. So! I'll have to adjust the plans then, eh? Well, uh, (y/n) and I need to get past the guards, don't know how-" suddenly, his face lit up and a devilish grin appeared on his face. "2D, buddy, yah know I've always cared for you! You need to fake bein' one of 'em pirates. They haven't seen yah face." 2D's smile slowly faded as he thought about what Murdoc had just said. "Yew, want me to fake bein a bloody fukin pirate? And yew expect me ta not fukin die?!" Murdoc chuckled and directed his attention back to where he was going. "They won't be able to tell. We just need to ruff ya up a bit, getcha lookin like a pirate. A few fresh bruises, maybe even a gash. Tattered clothes. Say we knocked out ya teeth, fucked up ya eyes. Say we gave you a real hard time." As the two men discussed the plan on breaking into a deadly pirates ship, you simply stood by their sides and listened carefully. "What do you need from me? I'm willing to do whatever it takes... I..." you chimed in, your voice shaky because of your nerves. 2D tightened his grip on your hand. "All we need from you, is for you to stand there and look pretty til' the coast is clear," you nodded adn bit your bottom lip. "So, eh, Muddz, yew said somethin 'bout me havin ta get bruises n' cuts?" Murdoc gave a deep sigh and nodded slowly. "Well? How ah'm I gonna do that?! Hurt m'self?" Murdoc snorted and your stomach did a flip. You knew exactly what he was going to say. 

"Course not, face ache. Ya lovely girlfriend (y/n) here is gonna help you with that! I have a rather large knife back 'ere in one of 'em smaller boxes. (Y/n)! Cut him up a bit. Punch him. I would do it but eh, I'm too busy. You already have those damned bullet wounds, so no need for 2D to inflict any pain on you in return." You and 2D stood there, hand in hand, in complete silence. "Well? Get along then! We're losing time to get this shit storm rollin'." You looked up and 2D, and he looked down at you. He smiled weakly and gave you a small nod. Your heart ached as he led you over to the boxes.

"Punch me." He whispered, sorting through the boxes, looking for knives. "Stuart, I'm not going to punch y-" 

"Do yew want ta get back that robot?" 

"Yes, of course, but I love you too much for this."

"Luv, just fukin do et. Ah've been hit before."

"But... this isn't right... it'll make me like..."

"(Y/n). Yew are nothin like yewr stinkin ex, ah'm asking yew to do this. So? Fukin deck me."

You squeezed your eyes shut, and punched him dead in the cheek. One time, two times, then three. Your fist was shaky and you dropped it to the ground, swinging your arms around 2D before even looking at the damage you had done. "Owh... yew 'ave one hell ova hit, luv. Eheh..." He cupped his cheek and rubbed it, putting his other arm around you in return. "I'm sorry." He kissed the top of your head and eased you off of him. "Don't be sorry, luv. Thank yew for hittin me." You looked beneath his eye, and saw a large bruise already forming. "Stu... I..." you reached up and placed a hand on your cheek, but he winced back in pain. "Again, don't yew dare say sorry." You retracted your hand and sniffled, and continued to watch as he looked through the various boxes. "I can't cut you, Stu." He sighed as he pulled out a rather large dagger. You placed your hands over your shirt and clenched your stomach. You felt sick. "Yew don't 'ave to. Ah've got this under control," he the proceeded to cut as his own skin as if it was nothing. "STUART THAT'S ENOUGH!"You screeched, pretty much falling backwards as you kicked off of the ground in sudden shock and pain of what you were watching. "It's barely anythin, luv. Dont worry yewr pretty lil heart. Ah'm okay... ah'm fine." Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, and you felt sick. He had a medium sized gash under his eye where the bruise was forming. He also cut up his shoulders a bit, tearing the fabric on his shirt in various places to look like you had grabbed onto it at one or more points. You sighed in relief when you realized it wasn't nearly as bad as you had anticipated it being. "I'm sorry I freaked out, I just don't like that type of thing." 2D nodded and grabbed your hand softly in his. He pressed his lips gently on the top of it and gave it a gentle kiss. Your heart beat slowed down, and you felt comfortable enough to slouch down a bit. 

"Murdoc, we're done." You called, turning your head to face him.

"Good! Just in time. We're comin up on tha ship! Good thing ya punched me a while back, I'm still bruised enough from that. Just eh, just say I was driving and I didn't come out, 'cause I knew what he was here for... blah blah blah... n' all that lovely bull shit!"

You took a few deep breaths and shut your eyes. You were about to risk your life with your one true love, and some grimy scum bag who had gotten you into this in the first place. 

"Great. Can't wait."

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