Whispers In the Dark

By MyJewel12

622 24 4

Lunette is an orphan, abandoned by a mother she never knew, a father she never met. Plagued by dreams of an e... More

Authors note
A note about the cover
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

87 3 0
By MyJewel12

Chapter 5

I moved quickly and quietly through the forest. The full moon shined a light on my path, as if guiding me. I felt rejuvenated under her watchful gaze and more eager to see him. I quickened my pace, clutching the sapphire crystal necklace around my neck. I felt his presence even stronger as I got closer and found myself standing in an open stretch of grass, surrounded by trees, overlooked by the moon.

"Lunette." I felt warmth coil around my chest as his silhouette appeared from the tree's shadows.

I don't remember falling asleep but somehow I ended up waking up in bed again. But I do remember having another dream. Except this one wasn't foggy and I could remember bits and parts of it.

Who was I calling out to? Where was I going? Was that . . . Noctis?

What am I thinking. It was just a dream. It didn't actually happen. It was probably just shock from everything that had happened. Probably just my stupid teenage hormones going crazy over a ridiculously attractive man that had saved me from being attacked by thugs. Yup, thats all.


I needed to get over this ridiculous urge to sleep . . . and other things.

This time I made sure not to make any sound when I got up, quietly creeping out of bed. I didn't need to faint again and slow myself down. I was still a little lightheaded but otherwise okay. I opened the door tentatively, half expecting there to be a guard waiting outside. There was no guard, but there was something at the foot of the door. I stopped myself from nearly stepping on it. At first I thought it was a cat, but I'm sure cats don't have little wings and elongated ears. At least not ones I'm accustomed to. It's fur was a pure white, with streaks of silver along it's side and around it's long tail. It's eyes were wide and blue, like the ocean, and at the very center of its forehead was a small mark in the shape of a crescent moon.

"Who are you?" I asked the beautiful creature. I could have sworn it smiled at me before coming to stretch against my foot.

Its fur tickled my toes and I giggled at the soft touch, kneeling down to pet its head. "Have we met before?" It purred in response.

"Hey, do you know how to navigate this place?" I asked, making total conversation. Yes, Lunette, because the little cat creature with wings can speak to you.

It made a cute little noise before walking down the hall. It turned its head, as if beckoning me to follow. The little creature padded its way across the wooden floors as I followed it to a set of spiraling stairs that curved its way into a large foyer. "Are we in a mansion?" I had never been in a house as big as this one before. The orphanage was a small cottage home that was just enough for all of us to fit.

Their was a large door embezzled with intricate shapes and designs. The little fur-ball went in the opposite direction of the door and down another hall. "Wait, isn't this the way out?" I went to open it but was stopped by a voice.

"Hey!" I turned to see the blonde boy from before come running down the stairs. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look I'm doing? I'm leaving." I put my hand on the door knob, opening the door just an inch before he slammed his hand down, shutting it.

"Where could you possibly go?" He leered at me, closing me in with his outstretched arm.

"I'm not suppose to be here," I said with as much force as possible. "This is all some kind of mistake. I'm not who you're looking for."

I felt something rub up against my leg and looked down to see the white cat creature looking up at me. "Then how can you see her?" The blonde boy asked.

I gave him a confused look. "She's right in front of me?"

He had a hint of a smirk on his face. "If you really weren't who we know you are, you wouldn't even know she was there."

"You mean--?"

"Humans can't see spirits. At least, not normal ones."

"Spirits?" I stammered.

"Hak!" The voice came from a silver haired boy at the top of the stairs. "We were given our orders!"

Hak backed away from me and turned to the voice. "So what? She's useless to us if she doesn't remember anything!"

"That doesn't give you the right to interfere!" He said in a stern but calm tone. "You know who you have to answer to. Leave it."

Hak looked like he wanted to argue but another firm look from the boy made him stop. "Damnit, Emerson," he sighed. Without another look in my direction he backed away, wringing his fingers through his hair in annoyance. "Sometimes, I hate it when you're always right." He met him at the top of the stairs.

The boy named Emerson smiled back at him. "I know you do." He turned to look down at me. "I would advise you not to wander too far, Lunette. For your own safety. That includes everything beyond that door."

And then they were gone before I could even muster a reply. The people in this place . . . Is there something in the water they drink?

I looked down at the creature and narrowed my eyes. This was a spirit? What did that even mean? She tilted her head and fluttered her wings.

"I don't understand," I murmured. I looked to the door again. There was my escape route but why was I holding back? Something was pulling me to this place, to these people here, to Noctis. All of the strange dreams I've been having don't seem like just dreams anymore. This place held the answers to all my questions. I'm sure if I left now I would probably regret it.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Lead the way." I said to my fellow companion or spirit or whatever, turning away from the door.

"Besides not knowing exactly what you are, I don't even know your name." We moved down another hall, passing by multiple doors. "Do you have a name?"

"Her name is Solar." I jumped at the sudden voice.

Noctis stood leaning up against the wall up ahead of us. He looked at me with silver eyes, a rage of emotions swirling in those dark orbs as they fought between light and dark. His black hair was tousled in a way that made it look like he had just raked his fingers absentmindedly through it. He wore a black collared shirt that looked like it was made out of silk, black slacks, and black dress shoes. He looked like a dark prince emerging from the shadows.

Solar perked up at the sight of him and trotted over to rub her cheek against his ankle. "She really likes you. Is she yours?"

His gray eyes flashed silver as he looked at me, regarding me with something special, seemingly searching for something. "Yes and no."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"She was put in my care a long time ago," he said nostalgically, a faraway look in his eyes.

I felt a sudden pang in my chest when he said that. "Someone close to you?" I said in a nonchalant tone. I looked up to meet his piercing gaze. Silver pools softened as his expression became warm, and his lips formed into a smile. "My most precious person."

There was a pang again as I felt my heart beat against my chest. Solar came to rub against my ankles after having gotten tired of Noctis. I smiled down at the little creature I had started to grow fond of. "Have you rested to your mind's content?" He asked.

I looked up to see he had closed the gap between us and it took me a moment to get my heart under control at the sudden proximity. "I think I slept too much, to be perfectly honest." And I realized I had slept more the past night than I probably had in a long time.

"Not enough to ease the shadows under your eyes." His hand found its way to my cheek before I could comprehend the meaning of his words. His touch put me at ease, relaxing the tension I had been feeling since I had first come to in this strange place. I found myself craving more when he pulled away, leaving me feeling strangely sad. I thought I saw a flash of regret in those silver eyes but it was gone so fast I wondered if I had imagined it.

"You should eat something to replenish your strength." He reached his hand forward as if to take mine before he stopped. Curling his hand into a fist, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Follow me." Part of me wanted to lunge forward and grab his hand while another part of me couldn't understand why I was acting this way. I ran to catch up with his long-legged pace, noting how he slowed down to meet mine.


Hmm. I'm sure you guys can already tell what's happening, or at least some of it. Or you have some kind of idea.

So how was it? Leave a comment telling me what you think happens next or what you want to see happen next (although I can't guarantee it will come true...)

Before I go I wanna give a huge shout out to the lovely @RozariaMay for the gorgeous cover! My jaw dropped when I saw it. 😩 Thank you for that lovely!

See you all in the next chapter! ❤️

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