The Wolves

By phantom1robin

547 99 79

Ulf and Astrid have moved to a small city on the western cost of America, they're enrolled in a Catholic high... More

Settling in
First Day
Awaken Children
School Work
Bullying the "Gay" kid
My Word Given
Yule Preparations
Put On Hold
Till Morning Comes
Lost 'Dog'
Found The Elf
We're Going Now
Seen It Now...
You've Grown...
That Can't be Her
Senior Year's Start
Crafting Night
There Was Never A Silver Lining
Night Endings
Hiding Secrets
Old Flame
For Her Heart
Testimony of a Dreamer
More Than Murder
You Had One Job...
Without Him
A Boy
He's different
Waking up Dead, worse Hangover Ever
Writer's Note.

Ulf and Annie's Prom Night

10 3 0
By phantom1robin

Prom night came just as quickly as the summer heat. It was a beautiful night, filled with dancing, talking and fun. It seemed perfect, but there was the ever present feeling that belonging here still hadn't been fitted to the twins. Their dates were happy to have them there but the other seniors weren't...

Ulf spent most of his time talking with Annie, he could get so lost in their conversation that at times he forgot that he was even at a party. They all seemed to disappear from around them, it felt as if they were the only two people in the whole world. The world disappeared and they were the only two things that were still here. As he sat there there were only a few things that came to his mind. 

Annie is the most beautiful person I've ever met, her mind is wonderful and I could get lost here forever with her... She's perfect

 Then as their conversation went on through the night he stopped himself in this thoughts as he came to a realization. 

I love her... I truly love, I've fallen so hard for her... I mean look at me, I've been saving money, I got a job and started building a house. She's changed me so much from what I could have ever imagined. . . Annie is the best thing to ever come my way in this world, I really hopes she feels the same way about me, I'm sure she does, she opened up about everything. She's not shy around me like she is with others... Annie is my true love.

His thoughts were smitten as he continued their endless night of chatter, neither of them had gotten the thought to dance but Annie's were similar to Ulf's.

He's so good to me, he's sweet and actually cares about what I think and what I have to say. I never understood why everyone said he was odd person. He's the best kind of person I've ever met in this whole time in this town. He's funny and so smart, I think I might just have to marry him... I don't think I could go a day without talking to him.

The night seemed to hang in a balance of bliss for the couple, on occasion the two of them would hear the start to a slow song and Ulf would lead them onto the dance floor and they would sway back and forth like children as listened to the slow hum of the song. 

Ulf wrapped his arms around Annie's waist as she wrapped her's under his arms. She wasn't tall enough to comfortably wrap them around his shoulders but this way she could rest her head against his shoulder and chest. He rested his chin of her head as they swayed. She took in the smell of spruce and smoke that came from his clothes, his arms were strong and warm as she smiled to herself. All the while he caught the lite airy scent of strawberries and wild flowers, she made him think of summer and all it's beauty and wonder. 

In a way, Annie was the summer and Ulf was the winter. She was warm, sweet and was the kindest of all. But Ulf could be the opposite, he could be cold, bitter and mean if it meant keeping someone safe or standing by what he believed in. She was his balance and he was her's. Though Ulf couldn't be sure that he could keep her safe forever, he offend thought of what could happen if he changed and lost control. Would the beast he would become be able to recognize her and be able to protect her from itself. Or would he forget her and wake up without her there anymore and blood on his hands... 

This was one of the few things that made Ulf hold onto Annie tighter when he they crossed his mind. She never knew what he was thinking of but she never protested when he did this, feeling his arms around her and him planting a soft kiss on her head as they danced. He didn't do this offend, the random kisses and affections but when he did, she knew that something bad had entered his mind and this was his way of making sure that things were still real. He wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong, that she was still dancing with him, that he was still standing and alive. She knew his mind was on occasion a troubled place but she just held onto him tighter in turn. 

When he felt her hug him, he knew things were alright. His world was still intact, it hadn't fallen apart, his love was still here in the gymnasium... Dancing to old slow music that was nearly done playing now. He could go back to just getting lost in her words in a few moments but he wanted to make these last few small moments last. He wanted this to count for something, he wanted to remember this forever. If he died today for tomorrow, he wanted this night to stay with him well into his afterlife. He wanted to remeber every single bit of Annie. 

How she had trusted her sister to do her makeup and asked Astrid to do her hair. How her dress had been something they had made an outing of, her and her group of friends had set out on that quest with her one afternoon. 

He wanted to remember her smile how it made his chest tight when she looked up to hear his voice when he said something funny or sweet. He wanted to remember how her blonde hair fell just right with every lock of golden hair. How her dress moved with her as she walked back to their table with him. That sweet smell, he wanted to save it and make the most primal parts of his brain remember her... If the worse happened, if he went and changed without control, he wanted her to be safe, he wanted to know it was her and be able to control his actions. He wanted to protect her, not hurt her. 

Her words and what she said to him, the answers and questions she gave him. Their conversation, he wanted to scribe it all down and remember how she said ever salable, how it floated off her tongue with such easy. This was different than his own speech, his was sometime paused and broken in a mix of Swedish and English. When this happened she waited for him to either find the same word in English or let it go and use a simpler word that he knew better. This would make her smile, she would offend joke about how she made him unable to think straight. Which was true, he would get mixed up sometimes when he thought about expressing himself. Little words here and there would be from another land but sometimes Annie over looked them and didn't mention it. 

But there was a time when Ulf had gone on in Swedish without knowing it for a while, after he was done saying his words that was when he saw Annie's confused face and she told him and asked what he had said. In the moment he internally cursed himself but on the outside he sighed and told her he had given her the deepest part of his soul. He had spoken words that even if she couldn't understand them, they made her heart swell. They were beautiful in passion and power alone. He didn't need to translate his words because he was then met with a cautious hand searching for his cheek and then her soft lips meeting with his. In that moment he knew she understood his words even if they alien to her ears. 

Annie understood everything she was to him and her kiss told Ulf so many more things than what her words could have told him even if she had a lifetime to say it all. They loved each other more than the world could understand. 

Their night was perfect for a fairy tale, happy ending and all. 

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