The Risk To Love

By KeziahFerguson

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⚫ A Wattpad Featured Story ⚫ Ever since the stranger in school A.K.A - notorious bad boy from the city arrive... More

CH 1: Unhappy & Undecided
CH 2: New beginnings & Hot Strangers
CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering
CH 4: News & Nudity
CH 5: All Nighters & Acquaintances
CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions
CH 7: Surfs & Silent Bonding
CH 8: Slaps & Soberness
CH 9: Realizations & Reality
CH 10: Healings & Hideouts
CH 11: Carelessness & Confessions
CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna
CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness
CH:14 Paranormal & Paranoia
CH 15: Reunions & Rapists
CH 17: Raiders & Resolution
CH 18: Promises & Probability
CH 19: Stalkers & Sentiment
CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets
CH 21: Almost Firsts & Awakenings
CH 22: Spooky Mansion & Speculation
CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement
CH 24: Broken Boundaries & Party Poopers
CH 25: Misdeeds & Hostages
CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings
CH 27: Impetuous Behavior & Confrontations
CH 28: Spilling The Beans & Trust Issues
CH 29: Forgive & Forget
CH 30: Night Owls & Not So Chaste Kisses
CH 31: Unwanted Feminism & Buried Secrets
CH 32: Maze Runners & Walking Corpses
CH 33: White Lies & Wild Thoughts
CH 34: Pettiness & Meditation Gone Wrong
CH 35: Glitter Mermaids & Revenge Plans
CH 36: The Boys & Pathetic Comebacks
CH 37: Sneaking Around & Party Plans
CH 38: Threats & Medication
CH 39: Orange Vodka & Spin The Bottle
CH 40: Tears by the Lake & Watchers in the Woods
CH 41: Knights in Shining Armor & Mending Relationships
CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles
CH 43: Suicidal Prisoners & Calling Truce
CH 44: Left Raw & Reeling
CH 45: The Love Triangle & Queen Bee Collison
CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues
CH 47: Pageant Pony & The Missing Pendant

CH 16: Fast & Furious

67 10 1
By KeziahFerguson

Listen to Work The Middle by Alex Aiono


Chapter 16

Lowering myself off of the strangers back I put my hands on my hip not wanting to show them how much of a fool I'd been since confidence was the way to go in this awkward situation.

"Guys, I want you to meet Sydney. He's a friend of mine not a rapist," she giggled again knocking into his shoulder even though he didn't move an inch.

"Yeah. We can see that," Jay and I exchanged looks of pure embarrassment of trying to protect Ting.The big bulky man embraced both of us in a tight hug lifting us off our feet. "Sorry, I'm a hugger. You'll get used to it in time."

Barely able to breath we just nodded in sync as we felt our lungs being crushed slowly. Psh. Cause I'd be coming back to this place.

Yeah right.

Following behind them we went through a dark trail and were finally in the midst of all the action. In the middle of the burnt buildings were loads of young people betting and jeering on the cars. Definitely felt like a scene straight out of Fast and Furious. The DJ booth was located in the ruined pavilion on the left side of the area giving us a great view. Keeping my head down Sydney made way for us to avoid the packed crowd that were too preoccupied to notice us. Other intimidating looking men whom I assumed were the organizers of this illegal rally let us pass through acknowledging the presence of Tingting.

"So I'll leave you to it, just call me if you need me to take over aye?" He said after helping us set up stretching his hands up revealing more tattoos.

It was more like just Ting and him setting up. Jay and I were still in shock at the amount of hot looking college, mid 20 guys and high school drop outs that were everywhere. Literally. If you did a 360 turn you'd be dazed by their looks. Although nearly each and every one of them had about five women or older girls draped around them and their hot wheels.

"Okay. Don't make it to obvious that you guys are underage. Just stay close and try and blend in," she coaxed her hand in a rhythmic wave pattern as if she were a hippie high on drugs.

"Got it," we noted mimicking back the action in a serious tone. Shrugging her head she slipped on her headphones. We headed out the booth trying to be as discreet as possible as we stood in the middle of the rubble. The music started up and the people jumped up and down to the beat. Moving further towards the tracks we finally found a good empty spot that was clear of people smoking joints or doing other shady things. The MC with the big afro was announcing for everyone to take their final bets. Our town was never known to be full of criminals or gangs but illegal events were usually held here since there were so many rundown buildings and empty land that weren't of use. It was also smack down in the middle of a state border and the city.

Taking in my surroundings I noticed just opposite us were a circle of guys and a few girls hovering over multiple race cars. One of whom I assumed was the leader was making goo goo eyes with Jay. Although she was too preoccupied to notice since she was updating her Instagram and snapchat stories with endless videos captioning them as 'lit' or 'lit asf'. Her social life especially at night meant everything to her. Well,more like the amount of likes or comments received.

"Jay, I think you just got marked...or whatever it is they call it around here," I whispered nudging my head towards the tattooed guy who kept giving flirtatious looks her way. Siding his figure that was sitting on the hood of the car she snapped a shot of him captioning it 'hot asf' while smiling perceptively.

"Come to think of it,I've never gone out with a gang member before."

Oh my sweet nuggets.

"That's because girls who do, get murdered in cold blood and end up in ditches outside of town after they've been used and BRAINWASHED!" I shook her shoulders trying to get the memo through her brain.

"Relax! I'm kidding." She took another glance at him biting her lip but his bright blue eyes were still fixated on her, "Blondie isn't my type anyway."

I rolled my eyes at that,trying to get a glimpse of a cat fight between two huge breasted girls that was going on behind a huge container. "But apparently brunette is."

She didn't seem to find humor in one of my Morgan jokes this time. Instead she just watched the handsome stranger nod his head in our direction summoning her.

What a weasel.

I scoffed loudly at this.

"How pathetic! What does he think,you're some kind of lapdog that he can whistle at and will come fetch instan-" barely finishing my sentence she placed her handbag in my arms and crossed the tar sealed tracks approaching him with fast strides shuffling her hair in the process.

Was this payback for my irrational behaviour lately? Cause I've learnt my lesson and right now I was freaking out!

My eyes widened at the realization of us blending out if we involved ourselves with this notorious looking group. Catching up to her fast paced self I was too late. The introductions had already begun. There was no turning back from this one. Sliding off the hood of the sliver Lamborghini he shook his heavy gold watch further up his sleeve taking her hand and kissing it ever so softly.

What a joke.

"Never seen you round these parts Jay. I'm Devon. But everyone calls me big D," he winked obviously implying a sexual innuendo out of that one.

Gross. More like big Douche bag.

"That's Sean," he pointed back to a muscular dark guy leaning against the car door who was eyeing me like fried chicken. "That's the rest of the guys and some of the girls," he introduced still looking at Jay from head to toe while the rest of them seemed uninterested with two feeble young bloods.

Standing at the back clutching our bags I forced a smile tugging at her elbow for us to leave. "And you are?" His friend came over circling round me like a vulture.

"Not interested..." I shot back shoving his chest back when he hovered in front of me. The only emotion I could express when surrounded by guys that gave off a bad vibe was rudeness. I had to place up walls and barricades so I wouldn't seem transparent. I learnt from my mistakes.

Devon and his friend raised their eyebrows. "Feisty friend you got here."

Jay gave me the 'chill your damn panties' face. Turning her attention back towards him she tilted her head smiling ever so sweetly. "Shay's just in a mood but I on the other hand,"she moved closer to him, "Would like to know more about your car."

What was up with this girl? She never tried to hit on a guy, it was usually the other way around. She must've been having some upsets in her love affairs. This was where the best friend role comes in and would have to try and pry out what was bugging her. Truthfully it's exhausting.

Continuing their indisposed conversation I finally spotted Sydney in the crowd whose facial expression looked deadly. Shaking his head for us to leave.

There it is.

The sign that we were in deep inescapable trouble. "See you around Dev," she dropped a nickname with that farewell finally getting the hint that we should return. He grabbed her forearm as she turned and whispered into her ear. Making her shudder,I noticed goosebumps erupt all over. Which was rare since no guy ever got an effect out of her. I was about to yank her huge dangling earrings for us to head back to Ting before three large engines rolled through screeching directly in front of Devon and his gang. This hushed the crowd for some time as they were aware of the strangers identity.

Oh what now?

The driver rolled down his window and hauled himself out of it like a ninja.


Two more guys followed behind him stepping out of the car but they appeared to be much older. Devon and his gang reacted quickly gathering together in a stance position as if they were ready to battle. Tugging Jay's hand we moved further away from whatever was gonna go down. The three tall guys with their back still turned to us headed over to the MC doing a bro kind of handshake and slipped over some money.

The three guys walked coolly over to Devon and his group. One guy in particular stood out more. I'd notice that smirk and green eyes from a mile away. Ryder Haynes. I wasn't surprised. They appeared different to me with their all black stylish clothing and fancy cars.

Mischievous? Rebellious? Roguish? How could I describe it?


"Well, if it isn't Small D and the gang. What brings you to our new turf?" A Spanish guy with spiky hair and a goatee stood in front of them leaning forward while Ryder and the other guy observed although he still hadn't spotted me in the crowd.

Shrinking back from their group with Jay ensuit. Devon stepped forward scoffing. "Should've just stayed back in the city Marco. At least there you and your boys still had an actual chance of winning. Go tell your boss tonight's gonna be a loss."

So the floating rumours were true. The new boy from the city was part of a gang. A famous one at that.

The Spanish guy-'Marco' laughed looking back at the other two while they joined him. "Always the confident one little D. Lets just see you put your money where your mouth is," he winked back in a challenging tone. With those words both groups turned back and headed into their individual cars revving their engines while pulling up to the white line. Looks like the challenge was accepted. The crowd who were accustomed to this,moved closer silencing their cheers while the MC jumped on top of one of the containers his huge afro wobbling with his movements.

Hyping the crowd he jumped and ran up and down as if he were possessed. "Yo! Is that a challenge I hear?" He looked back and forth at the six cars near the white line. "We got a 1 on 1 race off between...BIG D," he hollered as screams and cheers rang out meaning that they had more supporters. "...against THE CITY POIZ," he dragged out earning a mouthful of boos from haters. Ryder and his two friends were parked along side each other with Devon, Sean and a pink haired girl in their own custom cars.

"Gentlemen, let the race begin!" He bellowed through the microphone. Instantly a woman wearing a glittery bikini holding up two white flags stood in the middle like she'd walked straight out of a video game with her bare skin and all. Ryder who was closest to my side rolled his window down smirking. Tapping the top of the car roof impatiently with his fingers waiting for the flag to go down. Laying both of our bags on a huge empty drum next to me I stepped out of Jay's shadow excited to witness this. A part of me actually wanted him to spot me. Shayreece Taylor doing something unexpected without him being involved in it. Having his whole stereotypical view of me be shook. I watched his eyes scan the crowd and soon they landed on mine while we were all counting down. "TAYLOR?!" He shouted over the blaring music and numerous voices. His expression was priceless. He must have thought I was a hologram since this was the last place on earth he'd expect me to be on a Wednesday night.

"Hi," I mouthed not knowing how else to respond,holding up a peace sign with that. Soon the flag was down and the loud horn blared through the night. All the vehicles had zoomed off but Ryder's was still parked. Quickly realizing he recollected himself and sped off after them leaving the crowd in a puff of smoke as they ran wildly chasing after the cars.

Had I just cost Ryder the race? I shall add this to the top of my list of 'Unintentional Screw Ups.'

From a far distance we could see them exit the arena and I noticed Ryder's Pagani Huayra BC had caught up to fourth place leaving Sean and the pink haired girl in the dust. "Yes," I mumbled doing a little fist pump in the air knowing I hadn't screwed things up entirely. Jay grabbed my hand as if I were a toddler at a huge supermarket and we both made our way back to the booth. "What did Devon tell you?" I asked seeing as she was shaken up watching Ting spin her tracks that I couldn't help but sway to. "Huh?" She looked up at me coming out of her trance. "Nothing too serious. Don't worry about it." She smiled staring back into space.

I cocked my head not wanting to push the subject any further as that was interpreted as "It's too intense. I'll tell you later."

The MC commentated the rest of the race but the music was too loud to hear a word. Minutes had passed and still no car was in hindsight. Heading out of the booth I squinted finally seeing 3 cars lined up next to each other speeding towards the finish line. The crowd began with their uproar. They were about 800m away till we all heard a loud siren wailing loudly which was coming from the MC. But when I looked up he didn't have a thing in his hand. His expression and a few other people who were on top of the large containers changed to wide eyed fear followed by a string of curse words before jumping down and running into the night or towards their cars.

Then it hit me. The cops were on their way. Scratch that. They had just surrounded the whole bloody building.

Yay life.

Comment and vote! Love you guys plenty·

Emma x

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