Live Again (Camren)

By Crazy5harmoz

234K 6.9K 4K

Camila a hopeless romantic navigates through the struggles of being in love with the most oblivious and close... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


32.1K 642 404
By Crazy5harmoz

Camila woke up with a massive headache, symbols crashing in her head, burning dry throat. She had yet to open her eyes, knowing what would come with it. Oh that terrible light. It would only worsen the pain in her head. Deciding to bite the bullet, she slowly opened them one at a time. Then it hit her all at once, today was her first day of work. She moved around trying to find her phone to check the time and that's when she felt it, the warmth of another body. It was another woman, long dark raven hair and pale skin. She couldn't see a face because it was facing the opposition direction from her but Before she had any time to think, her phones alarm started going off. Shit! She was going to be late for her first day of work.

She began stirring the other woman awake because she needed to start getting ready. The woman didn't budge so she got up and took the sheets with her, exposing the raven haired  girls body, ass up and everything. Camila threw a pillow to cover up the woman's ass, and this woke her up.

She didn't seem as hungover as Camila, she rubbed her eyes and let out a long yawn before she spoke. "Uhh...Hey." Her husky, and rough morning voice said.

"Hi." Camila responded, in her own rough voice, staring into the woman's emerald green eyes.

"Do you know what time it is..." she trailed off, she kind of felt bad she didn't know the brunettes name.

"Camila." She answered. "It's almost 7:30. I'm sort of running late for work so do you mind..." Camila also trailed off, she didn't want to be rude and kick the girl out but she did have to get going.

"Oh, yeah I'm running late too." She said getting up, in all her naked glory. That's when Camila saw it. You would think since she had  just woken up from a night of drunken sex with this green eyed girl, that she wouldn't be surprised  to see what she saw but she was, she was so fucken drunk last night. She only had a few seconds to look at it before the woman was covering it up with her briefs. But she definitely saw a penis.

She had herd of such conditions but never encountered such a person, well at least not until now. Camila had been with both men and women, she always felt like the sex of a person didn't determine weather she could fall in love with them or not. So she didn't feel disgusted about sleeping with her, in fact from what little she could remember sex with her was some of the best sex she's ever had. To wrapped up in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed the raven haired girl was dressed and ready to go.

"I should get going." The girl said awkwardly.

"Yeah, okay." Camila said still clutching her sheets. Before the girl had a chance to turn the nob on the door, Camila spoke up. "Wait! what's your name?" She asked, it was already awkward enough sleeping with a complete stranger the least she could do is learn her name.

"Lauren." The rough voice said.

"Bye Lauren." Camila waved goodbye to the girl named Lauren.

"Bye Camila." She spoke before walking out of Camila's hotel room.

"What the hell happened last night?" Camila asked herself out loud.


Everything here was different from back home, the weather was cooler, the sand was a little rougher and the ocean water was definitely a lot colder. This was all new for Camila but people always say change is good right? Moving across the country, leaving behind her family and friends was the right choice, right? She hoped it was at least.

Camila was moving from Miami, Florida to a small college town in California. She had been offered a great creative writing, teachers assistants position at the university of Santa Cruz and since she was working on her second year of grad school this was a perfect opportunity to get the hands on learning experience she needed. The only downside to this perfect opportunity was that she'd be leaving behind her family. She and her family were really close, so close that even at 24 years old she was still living at home and it wasn't because she couldn't afford to live on her own it was simply because she loved being with her parents and younger sisters. But now she'd be living out of a hotel until she found a more permanent place to live.

Right now she was sitting at beach near the shore watching the sunset, it was the beginning of summer but for some reason the air was still chilly, that was something she'd have to get used to as well. This was nothing like Florida at all. This View however was breathtaking, the sky was a light shade of pink covered in orange that reflected perfectly into the water. The waves crashing into the sand watching the water foam up, a couple sinking their feet into the sand as the water ran through them. And behind her was the boardwalk, all the carnival rides were starting to light up which meant all the people on the beach were packing up and getting ready to either go to the boardwalk or home since it was  going to get dark soon.

She was nervous and excited about her first day tomorrow which is why she couldn't stay cooped up in her hotel room and decided to walk down to the beach since it was so close. She was thinking and overthinking about every possible thing that could happen, good and bad. She was so distracted that she didn't realize the sun had set and she was the only one at the beach.

Making her way back to her hotel room she saw a bar. She wasn't a big drinker but the nerves of teaching for the first time ever were getting to her.

"One shot of tequila wouldn't hurt right?"

She didn't have time to continue with her recollection because she was already running late. She jumped in for a quick shower. Camila had no idea how strictly the dress code for the staff was enforced at this university  so she decided to play it safe and went with a black pantsuit, a white button up blouse, and black pumps. She left her hair in its natural waves, and put on some light make up. She grabbed her bag and rushed out of her room and into her brand spanking new 2017 silver Chevrolet Malibu.

It was a going away present from her parents. Camila came from a high middle class family, her father owned his own small architecture company. They lived in a nice house, placed in a great neighborhood, with some of the best schools around. Camila and her sisters didn't have to live without anything, weather it was a necessity or just something for pleasure they always had it. She never took that for granted and appreciated everything her parents did for them, because it wasn't always this good. Camila was born in Cuba and after a few years her family moved to Mexico. When she was seven Camila and her parents moved to Miami Florida without a penny in their pockets and earned everything they had now.

She ran through the campus not really knowing where she was going but hoping she would soon run in to the most important looking building. She had to go check in at the main office, that was also where she would meet the professor she'd be working for. She stopped running and slowed down stopping the first person that ran into her, asking them for directions to the main office. Turns out she wasn't that far off.

Straightening out her suit and catching her breath, she made her way to the front desk receptionist.

"Hi I'm looking for Professor Normani Kordei." Camila said perfectly to the older looking woman. She had repeated to herself this name over a thousand times since she got her letter.

"You must be her new TA, Camila Cabello right?" The other woman answered, Camila nodded in confirmation. "She's been expecting you. But you'll actually be meeting in her office so I'll have another one of our TA's escort you to her class. Just have a seat until she arrives." She informs Camila who complies and takes a seat in one of the empty chairs.

About five or so minutes later a tall and thick blonde wearing a light blue t shirt with white bold letters and a few music notes surrounding what looked like three musical instruments, a guitar, a piano and drums and the two iconic comedic and devastated masks. Camila was going to make an assumption and say she was a theater major.

"Hey Shelly, I'm here to pick up the new TA." The blonde girl asked the receptionist.

"She's sitting right there hun." The older woman pointed to Camila who looked up and gave the blonde a tight lipped smile.

"Thanks Shelly." The girl said to the woman. "Camila right?" She asked the brunette.

"Yeah." Camila answered.

"Come, I'll take you to Normani's classroom." She said waving Camila over to her.

Camila did what was asked of her and followed the tall blonde.

"I'm Dinah by the way." The blonde girl introduced herself. "So have you read any of Normani's work?" She asked Camila as they walked to the classroom, making sure to pay attention to her surroundings so she could later find the classroom on her own.

Camila could lie and say she had but this Dinah chick kept referring to the professor by her first name which led her to think that they were on a first name based and probably knew each other so she was better off being honest. "No but I've herd nothing but good things about her novels. To be honest science fiction isn't really my thing."

"I like your honesty." Dinah said, with a chuckle. "She's my wife, and I love her but I haven't picked up and read any of her books either." Dinah admitted.

"She's your wife?" Camila asked dumbfounded, Dinah looked as young as her and she was already married. Now more than ever did she feel like she didn't have her life together. Camila has always been a huge romantic, with her parents as examples of true love And the crazy amount of romantic novels she's read and movies she's watched. How could she not want to find her one true love?  Unfortunately for her love didn't seem to want to find her. She had only been in two somewhat  serious relationships, the first was back in high school with Aaron. Star football player, most popular boy in school and by far the most attractive. He was nice and Camila seemed to enjoy his company but after a couple of months of dating, it felt boring to her. She didn't feel a spark when she kissed him or anything that people described that they felt with the one they loved. So they ended things peacefully.

After him, she dated Diego for almost a year, he was just as nice and she thought they just might be together forever. But after being in college for almost a week, he broke up with her admitting that he was gay. Of course she was upset and a little angry but not completely with him. She couldn't blame him for finally being his true self. She did however find it hard to open herself up like that to a person again. Which was kind of when she herself began exploring her own sexuality. She stopped having one night stands after she finished her undergrad, well at least she had. She went into the bar hoping to calm her nerves with a tequila shot but ended up with so much more.

"Yeah. We got married last summer in Paris. Our one year  anniversary was two weeks ago, we just got back from Aruba actually." Dinah indulged to Camila about her very personal life. If it was anybody else she'd find it a little strange that they were over sharing but she just figured that Dinah understood the fact that she'd be working closely with her wife which meant that she'd be seeing a lot of the blonde woman.

"Sounds really nice. Congratulations." Camila said sincerely, she obviously didn't know the woman well enough to be overly excited for her but if Dinah felt comfortable enough to share something personal with her she wouldn't be rude about it.

"Yeah thanks. So if your not into sci fi, what are you into?" Dinah asked, Camila seemed like a nice girl, she also knew she was new in town and it wouldn't hurt her to make a new friend.

"Romance, that's what I want to write anyways." Camila answered honestly. You could practically see her eyes turn into red hearts.

"Nice. Romance huh? So does that mean your in love?" Dinah prodded, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nope." Camila shook her head, letting out a laugh. Every time someone asked her about her writing interest and she gave her answer, this question almost always followed so she expected it by now.

"Well I hope we can continue this conversation another time, but we're here." Dinah gestured to the navy blue colored double doors. She reached out and opened one, allowing Camila to walk in first. The classroom was a small auditorium, this made Camila a little nervous. "She's probably in her office. Follow me." Dinah guessed, since that's where she spent most of her time.

They walked down the steps that lead to the front of the class, front and center was a giant screen and slightly to the right was a brown wooden podium and pressed against the wall was a wooden table, off to the far left was another blue door. Normani was one of the few teachers on campus who had a permanent classroom so her office and classroom were connected. Dinah knocked on the door and announced herself, they herd a faint "come in." And entered the office. The office had two desks on opposite sides of the room. One was completely empty, the other had a stack of papers, framed photographs, a laptop and other little things and diplomas hung on the wall. She also saw a tall, dark skinned, with a short bob cut hair, bright white smile beautiful brown eyed woman sitting at her desk. She seemed to be laughing at something.

"Mani this is Camila Cabello your new TA." Dinah introduced Normani to Camila.

"I should get going." Another voice spoke from across the room. And the brown eyes found the source of the noise. Those eyes and that face, were unmistakable. It was Lauren. What the hell was she doing here?

"Laur, I didn't see you there!" Dinah said excitedly, walking up to the girl and enveloping her in a hug. Lauren seemed to tense up at first but eventually relaxed into the tight hug.

"Welcome back DJ. How was Aruba?" Lauren politely asked the blonde after they broke the hug.

"Incredible, you were right the beaches there are amazing." Dinah gushed to the green eyed girl.

"Not to brag but it's kind of my job to know these things." Lauren joked, making Dinah chuckle. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." She added her voice giving off nothing but sincerity.

"Yeah, yeah Dr. Lauren jauregui renowned marine biologists blah blah blah." Dinah mocked her green eyed friend. 'Wait she's a professor here? 'Camila asked herself.

"Do you guys mind taking this conversation somewhere else? I should really get started on my study plans with my new TA." Normani interrupted them, both nodded understanding. Camila was still standing awkwardly at the door frame and that's when Lauren finally saw her. She didn't say anything, but she knew Lauren recognized her by the facial expression she made.

"Oh shit right." Something clicked in Dinah's mind. "Lauren this is Camila, Normani's new TA. Camila this Lauren, she's a marine biologist and a professor here at the university." She introduced the girls.

"It's nice to meet you." Lauren replied, she pretended like she had not just left Camila's hotel room earlier this morning.

"It's nice to meet you too." Camila went along with the plan.

"Well, I'll be going now." Lauren said awkwardly, stepping out of the classroom and avoiding anymore eye contact with the brown eyed girl.

"Sorry about her, she's not big on socializing." Dinah apologized for her friend, knowing everyone who didn't know Lauren personally always assumed she was a total bitch. "Well I'll leave you too it." She said, exiting the room and leaving Normani and Camila alone.

"Shall we get started?" Normani asked the brunette, gesturing for her to have a seat in the chair across from her, Camila just nodded and took a seat, setting down her book bag.

Since classes didn't start until the fall semester it meant she would be doing this for the next two months which was learning everything she had to know about whatever lesson plans Normani wanted her to teach.

Normani needed a TA because she was working on her doctorate and needed more free time to focus on that. She would still continue with teaching her advanced classes but for the most part Camila would handle the introductory level classes.

After spending the work day with Normani she learned a few things about the woman. One was that's when it came to work she was always serious but when they took a break to have lunch she learned that the woman was actually pretty funny and intriguing. Camila was collecting her things when Dinah walked into the office again, she was getting ready to go back to her hotel so she figured Dinah was here to meet up with Normani to head home or something.

"Hey Camila, heading home?" Dinah asked the brunette.

"I'm not sure I can call it that." She said vaguely, confusing the taller woman. "I've been staying at a hotel." Camila clarified.

"Still haven't settled in?" Now Normani asked.

"I know I should have probably moved here a few weeks earlier to settle in but I kind of wanted to spend as much time as I could with my family before moving here." Camila admitted, yup she's going to be living uncomfortably from a hotel all because she wanted to spend more time with her family, in her book it was worth it though.

"Aww how sweet," Dinah cooed, then had a lightbulb moment. "We live in an apartment complex, there are only four apartments there but one of the tenants just moved out. I could get you an appointment with the owner if you'd like?" Dinah offered, she felt compelled to help out the girl. She had a gut feeling they would become good friends.  She began writing something down on a piece of paper and held it out for Camila to take. "This is the address to the place, I'll talk to the owner today and if everything goes well, I'm sure we can get you in."

"I would really appreciate that." Camila answered sincerely, she usually didn't ask for help but living out of a hotel wasn't really comfortable. "Thanks for all your help today Dinah. It was really nice to meet you both." She said, grabbing her bag. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that she was off.

When Camila finally got 'home' she slipped off her shoes, dropped her bag and threw herself on the queen size bed. She wasn't used to wearing heels for a full 6 hours and now her feet were killing her. After napping for a good hour or so she ordered room service and ate a huge meal with dessert. Afterwards she laid in bed and watched the new really boring Disney shows, why couldn't they play reruns of the original shows? Once she felt like enough time had passed she ran herself a nice warm bath and was just in her robe waiting for the water to be perfect enough to get in when there was a knock on her door. Before she answered she checked the peep hole to see who it was, it was Lauren standing around awkwardly. She had no idea why she was here so she decided to find out.

Answering the door, neither of them said anything for the first few seconds but eventually Camila spoke up."Hey?"

"Uhh...sorry to just show up unannounced, I think I left my phone here." Lauren said almost robot-like. 

"Oh...okay come in." Camila said, opening the door wide enough to let Lauren in.

From her first sweep Lauren noticed it wasn't anywhere visible which meant it could possibly be under the bed, she went to look under the side of the bed she slept on and saw it. Grabbed it and was ready to rush of but then remembered she had to have manners. "I found it, thanks for letting me retrieve it." She thanked the brown eyed girl.

"Your welcome, listen about today...I had no idea that you were a professor at the university." Camila said, wanting Lauren to know she didn't seek her out and try sleeping her way to the top or whatever.

"Why would you?, we didn't discuss our personal or professional life's last night." Lauren said very bluntly. "I should get going." She spoke up, almost sounding rude.

"Right...okay bye." Camila didn't really know how to reply to that.

After Lauren left, Camila was left to think this whole day over while she took a nice relaxing bath. Before she went to bed Dinah called letting her know she could see the apartment tomorrow after work.


The next morning she woke up on time, dressed casually and comfortably because during the summer there was no dress code. She had a big breakfast and that really helped her have a good day at work, she seemed to be catching on to what Normani expected from her. After work she drove over to Dinah's and Normani apartment complex.

It was a beautiful place, well maintained, nice neighborhood and less than 2 miles away from the beach. The lot only had four apartments and a quad area in the middle, Two apartments on each side. Each apartment had its own driveway and small front door porch along with a backdoor porch. They were painted a beige color and in all honesty they looked to be in great condition.

"Okay so this is the empty apartment ." Dinah said leading Camila over to the front apartment on the right. "Ours is the one on the right on the other side of the quad, along with our neighbors Shawn and his wife Lucy their apartment is on the left next to ours." She showed Camila. "Now come on lets go see the inside." She led them inside.

All the apartments were designed the same way but obviously decorated differently. The downstairs was an open floor plan with the living room next to the front door, guest bathroom in a small hallway along with a spare closet, then the dinning room and kitchen along with a large pantry. The stairway in the living room led up to the master bedroom, and second bedroom, bathroom, and more closet spaces. The whole place was painted an eggshell white, dark wood flooring all downstairs and beige carpet upstairs. They walked to the back  of the kitchen that had a sliding door that lead to the quad area. It was a grass area with a concrete pathway, behind the bright blue pool with a few rose bushes on the right side and on the left side was a small building painted the same color as the apartments, which she found out was the laundry room, in the center was a concrete area with a picnic bench and a expensive looking grill. They had an outdoor black and beige living room set and in the center was a bonfire pit. It was all under a black four post, pyramid roof wooden gazebo.

"This place is great." Camila said in awe.

"Obviously the inside looks a little bland but you can paint it and decorate it to your style. So should I tell the landlord your moving in?" Dinah asked, excitedly. She loved the idea of Camila moving in for more than one reason.

"Yes, I would be a fool not to take this place." Camila answered back quickly, no way was she turning this place down.

"Okay awesome, we can wait for him to show up with all the paperwork at my house." Dinah said leading them down the quad through the glass backdoor of her apartment and into her kitchen.

Camila was a little taken back by the style Dinah and Normani were going for, let's just say she didn't want to sit down because everything looked super expensive. They had a very sophisticated style. 

After Dinah gave her a tour of her house, they sat in the kitchen table and had a glass of wine. It didn't take long for the landlord to show up and it took even less for Camila to sign the paperwork. The landlord told her she could move in as soon as she wanted because the apartment was ready to go.

As Dinah was walking Camila to her car, Camila realized Dinah never told her who her next door neighbor would be. "So who lives here?" She pointed to the apartment next to hers.

"Remember the girl that was in Normani's office on your first day?" She asked, not sure how good Camila's memory was.

"Umm...Lauren right?" Camila played dumb, she didn't want to make it super obvious that she knew very well of the girl.

"Yeah, she lives next door but she's hardly ever here, in fact she's leaving to the French Polynesia islands in a day or two. She usually spends her summers doing research so you won't see her until the fall. And even then you'll hardly run into her, with her lectures and late nights at the university and not to mention the fact that she usually isn't home on the weekends. I'm rambling but basically She won't be a bother." Dinah explains to assure her, but she holds of on going into to much detail because she isn't sure how much of Lauren's life she wanted to tell the girl about mostly because Lauren would kick her ass if she said something she didn't want anybody to know.

"Oh okay. Sounds good. If your not busy tomorrow maybe we can go furniture shopping?" Camila suggested, she didn't have the best taste and seeing Dinah's home she felt like she could help.

"Oh my god yes! I would love that. It's going to be great having you around." Dinah said excitedly, it's been a while since she's had a girl friend. "See you tomorrow Camila." She said waving goodbye to Camila as she got in her car.

It took Camila about a week to fully furnish her apartment, and move in.


Hope you enjoy it 😬

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