Frenemies With The Principal...


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Arwen Sandoval is a trouble maker and just transferred to East Cougar Town High School. Mr. Robert Downey Jr... More

Frenemies With The Principal (StudentxPrinciple/RDJ FF)
|We Meet Again| Who knew!|
|Plan Backfires| Meet Ally Part 1 |
|Meet Ally Part 2|
|Coffee With The Vice Principle...errr Tom? |
|Trouble Is Rising|
|Who Are You?|
|It's For The Better|
|Happy Valentine's Day!|
|Past Is Returning|
Author's note, Importante!
|Step Witch The B*tch Exposed|
|Foolish Foolish Arwen|
|18th Birthday|
|Locked Up... Again|
|Nightmare or Reality?|
|I Promise|

|Hello Vice Principal|

4.1K 144 86

I yawned and flipped over to my right side. Someone was snoring lightly and their breath was tickling my face. I opened one eye an stared at Mr.Downey.

What?! My eyes widened but then I calmed down when the recent events rolled through my mind.

Robert snuggled closer to me, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. He's so cute when he's asleep, not saying annoy me.

I played with a lock of his hair enjoying this peaceful moment. I grinned. I should make him breakfast, after all, that's what girlfriends do, right?

Well, I'm his fake girlfriend. But fake or not. That's what they do...but don't boyfriends do that too. Ugh! The indecisiveness! It's killing me!

Fudge sticks...

I'll do it, only because I like cooking. I enjoy showing off my skills. I got out of bed and put on a robe. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. It's too early to dress up in my Ally costume.

I went downstairs slightly yawning. I trudged to the kitchen and set up the coffee machine. Hmmmmm...what should I make? Hash browns, eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes, what's breakfast with out pancakes. Though personally, I don't like pancakes...

What? You're probably thinking, what person doesn't like pancakes?! Well, I don't. We're not all the same you know.

I'm talking to myself again, aren't I?

"Yes, you are." I heard a tired voice say.

"Morning." Robert yawned and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." I muttered back, concentrating on my master piece. Robert was pouring himself some coffee and took as sip, watching me. "You could be a chef, you know?" He said.

"Yep, I've been told before." I said and added the finishing touches.

"Voila!"I said proudly and set breakfast on the table. "Smells delicious," he said and dug in. I scrunched my nose.

"Don't hork it down! One must savor the food, not chew and swallow, without tasting it! God gave you taste buds for a reason!" I said as I looked at, what once was my beautiful master piece. I pouted. Robert took the opportunity to give a big, sloppy, and very sticky kiss on my lips.

He started dying of laughter when I ran to the kitchen washing off the syrup that was smeared on my the whole bottom half...maybe I was just exaggerating.

"It's just syrup, Arwen! Besides, I wanted our kisses to be sweeter." He said grinning like a Chesire cat. I scowled.

"Robert, the kissing is only between you and Ally. I'm in Arwen mode right now." I muttered.

"Then why did Arwen make me breakfast?" He said. Shoot. He got me there. He smirked as I stayed quiet.

"B-b-because! Because...I love cooking! Yeah! Because I love cooking, I couldn't pass up this opportunity." I said as I snapped my fingers. He just raised an eyebrow, smirking at me.

"Well, I have to go get ready for school, thank you Arwen, for the lovely breakfast." He stressed my name. I crossed my arms. I want to go to school too.

Woah! You, Arwen Delilah Sandoval, did not just say, you want to go to school.

Apparently I did. I narrowed my eyes at Robert as he walked up stairs. He has an evil genius plan! And I think it's working...not.

Before Robert left, he chased me around the house, wanting a kiss before he would leave to work.

"No!" I shouted as I did parkour. "Just one kiss! Is that too much to ask for!" He said as he did the same moves as me. Woah, for his age, he's good!

"No, I'm in Arwen mode! Ally's not here right now, please leave a message! Beeeep!" I shouted as I skidded across the hallway.

"Please, Ally, come out so I can French the sh*t out of you!" He said half jokingly. Holy guacamole... I squealed as Robert nearly grabbed my shirt. "Ha, ha!" I laughed and looked back at him. My eyes widened.

"Nooooooooooo!" I shouted dramatically as Robert tackled me on the carpet. "Gotcha." He breathed out heavily as he pinned my wrists above my head. I grunted.

He leaned to kiss me but I moved my head, he ended up kissing me on the cheek. This went on for a couple of minutes.

He cried out agitatedly then grabbed my face and kissed me. He was true to his words, he frenched me. He frenched me goooooooooood. He pulled away and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My eyes were still closed, that was heavenly.

I opened them slowly, I probably looked like that receptionist lady at school, with a dreamy dazed look. Robert grinned and kissed me softly on the lips again. Nope, he shall not French me again! He's trying to make me fall under his evil spell!

I bit his bottom lip softly and lifted my body, slightly rubbing against him. His breath hitched, and he groaned. Ha, ha! Whose under whose spell now! Not me! Wooooo!

Then I shoved him off, "No more, you got your kiss, now, be gone from me!" I said snottily. He just shook his head and stood up. "There's plenty more where that came from." He said winking before exiting out the door.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I want to go to see my best friend Judy of course...and to see how much damage I did on Brittany's birthday present. Muahahahahha aha aha HAHAHAHAHA! Okay that's enough laughing.

I decided that I would use the Ally costume in the house, I wanted some time to be plain ol' me. I called Judy to pick me up, I had sneak out of the house carefully, without being seen by the step witch and my father.

"I told you that I would take care of the school stuff Arwen." Judy muttered as she drove. "I know! I know! It's just that, I wanted to see how much damage I caused Brittany." I replied.

"You sure about that?" She asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I said tiredly.

"Are you sure it doesn't have to do with the step witch visiting Mr.Downey?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why would you ask-" Judy cut me off by pointing at the school entrance. My jaw dropped. Satan's mistress is wearing the most sluttiest and shortest dress I have ever seen her in. I growled.

"Oh she's gunna get it now." I hissed and got out of the car. "Arwen! Wait for me!" Judy rushed out of the car. I marched up the steps, just as I was getting close to her, I bumped into someone with an oomph!. "My apologies." A British voice said.

"No need to apologize, excuse me." I said without even glancing at the man. I was focused on my step mom right now. The bell rung. Damn it! She's heading toward Robert's office.

"Everyone head to your classrooms now!" My annoying math teacher shouted. I scowled and walked into the classroom.

I was shaking my leg nonstop and biting on my nails. Ugh! When will this hell hole of a class end already! There was a knock on the door, everyone's eyes flew to it. "Hello everyone! I'd just like to introduce the new vice principle!" An assistant from the main office beamed.

I rolled my eyes, I don't give two sh*ts about who is the new vice principle! I wanna know what Satan's mistress is up to in Robert's office, though I have clear idea of what she wants...

I growled at the thought. Everyone looked at me, including a pair if greenish-blueish eyes. I muttered an apology. "Hello, my name is Tom, but I'd like to be addressed as Mr.Hiddleston or Vice Principal Hiddleston." The tall slender, handsome I guess, man said.

Girls greeted him with a giggly hello. I dropped my head on the desk with a bang. "Ms.Sandoval." My math teacher hissed. "My apologies." I said with a fake smile then I scowled. The new vice principle excused himself then left the room. Grrrrr! I can't take it anymore! I need to know what's happening in Robert's office!

I raised my hand and waited impatiently. "Yes, Ms.Sandoval?" My teacher asked. "I need to go take a dump!" I said. The teacher grimaced at me. "No!" He snapped.

"Okay, the truth is, you know, it's that time of the month and I really don't want-" I was cut off by my teacher. "Yes yes, go now!" He urged. I smirked and left to the bathroom.

I made sure the bathroom was empty then went to the last stall. I dug in my backpack and took out my Ally costume. Phew! Good thing I packed it up. I wanted to look decent but sexy...I'm no good with fashion so I just threw on a Bazinga! The Big Bang Theory shirt, some short shorts and red converse. I got out and looked at myself. I looked good. I just need eyeliner, mascara, my nerd raybands.

There! Wait I'm forgetting blue eye contacts and wig! Duh!

I put them on and fixed the wig into two low ponytails. Okay, done! I went back to the stall and got on top of the toilet. One of the tiles on the ceilings was loose, I punched it and hid my back pack in there. I got down and looked back at the mirror, I practiced my British accent a bit then exited the bathroom.

"Okay..." I breathed out and looked behind me to see if anyone was there. "Oomph!"I bumped into someone. Not again! I looked up. Mr.Hiddleston?

"Pardon me, I was not looking." He said, his arms were around me. Okaaaaay... "No, its fine." I replied, Oh. I hope my accent is as good as his.

I took a few steps back. "Oh, so rude of me! I'm Vice Principle Hiddleston. Are you a new student here?" He asked. "Oh, I'm Ally. And no, I'm not a student. I came here to look at the school...for my...sister." I said, hoping I lied smoothly.

"Really? Where are you from?" He asked. I gulped. "Uh not to be rude, but why should I answer that?" I asked. "You're right! Much apologies, would you like to come out for coffee with me?" He asked.

"Uhhh..." I was unsure, but his eyes peered at me. Make it stop! "Sure." I muttered. He smiled widely. "Wonderful!" He said. Then we stood in awkward silence.

"Well, I need to the principle's office." I slowly said. "Okay, I'll accompany you." He replied politely. The whole walk to the office was silent, and awards filled silence...

"Here we are." He said and gestured to the door. I looked at it eagerly and swung the door open. I gasped. Robert and the step mother of a slut pulled away. I looked at him infuriated.

"Arw-Ally! I can explain!" He said. I slammed the door shut before he could finish. I took deep breaths took keep calm. I want to slap Robert so hard, but what I really want to do is beat the living sh*t out of my step mother. I scowled in disgust. I looked up at Mr. Hiddleston with watery eyes. "Let's have that coffee right now." I said.

A/N: So...yeah...introduced a new character! And Also a picture of Arwen, that's only her for now...still looking though

And...did anyone get the Ratatouille reference? And the Gabriel Iglesias one? No? Okay...
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry took long, school! My Spanish teacher is so cocky! Cute but annoyingly cocky. >.< until next time! Thank you for those who commented and voted for my story! And added it to their reading list! Later guys! Or..girls! Yeah! Girls!

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