No One Is Perfect

By TheBlueBubbles

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Wynter Miles has had a rough life from going to different foster families and homes, but not towns so no matt... More

No One Is Perfect-Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Fourteen

631 9 0
By TheBlueBubbles

Chapter Fourteen

When I woke up I was laying on something and I was bouncing, "Stop moving." I said sleepily.

Someone chuckled, and I looked up to see Charles looking at me, I looked to see what I'm lying on and it's his lap. He laughed when I blushed so, I elbowed him, and he grunted.

"Ow, Wynter that hurt."

"It was supposed to." I said ''

He glared at me before bending down to kiss me, it was gentle at first then it started to get hard and fast. I moaned at the back of my throat as he stroked my side, "Guys, seriously?" Luke said.

"Can you do that once we get out the car?" Seb asked as well.

Just to piss them off I slipped onto Charles's lap so that either leg was on either side of him, then I kissed him deeply. I grinded my hips along him so he grunted, and Luke and Seb made vomiting noises. Charles thrusted his hips along mine making me moan loudly. I broke away from him and sat on the seat next to him.

"Hoped you enjoyed the show," I say.

"How long left?" Seb asked Luke who was driving.

"Ten minutes." He replied turning onto someone's driveway.

"You mean ten seconds?" I ask.

He puts the finger up at me and we all get out the car. Charles follows me, and I saw my bag and my suitcase.

"You packed my things?" I say looking up at Charles he nods and leans closer to me.

"I really like that sleep wear you had in your bag." He whispers making me shiver; if I was sharing a room with him I'm so wearing it.

The others arrived shortly after and Quin said he will go in first and tell him of our arrival and why we are here. I looked around the place and found that we are in the county with a little bush here and there; I have no idea where we are.

There is only one house here, which is a mansion! It's about three stories and is so long and wide!

Quin came back and motioned us forward, I got in the house and looked around amazed, and there were chandeliers everywhere and statues. There were the colours red and gold, with some black here and there. I saw a tall, extremely sexy man by the staircase. He has black hair and the blackest eyes I have ever seen, and they were staring intently at me. He has a strong nose, chin and full kissable lips.

He's extremely tall and has more muscles then any man here, I can see a scar on the side of the face which started to turn me on, but I controlled it. Tattoos lined his forearms, god I just wanted to lick and taste them. When he stared at me my whole body felt tingly, my breath got caught in my throat when he gave me an easy smile.

"Welcome Bridge Pack, this is my home where you will be staying until I have finished helping Ms Miles complete her transition. Please, go make yourself at home." He says in an accent much like my own.

Charles puts his arm around my waist glaring at the man. I rolled my eyes, so territorial. We all descended the stairs to find our rooms; I found out that I am indeed sharing a room with Charles. I bit my lip thinking about the things we will be possibly doing.

Charles leaned down to my neck and whispered, "I can smell your lust, I'll fix that in just a moment."

I shivered as we finally got to our room, it has a large king size bed with red blankets and matching curtains and walls. The floor is tiled and there are large closets on the side as well as our own bathroom.

I put my stuff down and look at the bed again, it looks so soft! I took off my shoes and socks and dived onto the bed. I bounced, and I leaned against the mountain of pillows, I moaned at the feel of the silkiness of the blankets and the feathery feel from the pillows and mattress.

Charles laughed at me and climbed over the top of me and whispered, "Better make use of this huh?"

I swallowed and bit my lip, thinking of the things he could do to my body. I knew he could smell my lust rolling off me like waves, but I didn't care. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down, so I could kiss him. His lips moved softly against mine as he started to caress my sides, I lifted one of my legs and placed it on the back of his calf to get more of him.

He bit down on my lip softly and I gladly opened for him, I could never forget the taste of him, like the forest and lust, a great combination if I say so. I gripped the edge of his shirt, wanting to take it off him and I did. I flipped him over, so I can touch his abs more easily. I straddled him as I slightly scratched him as I ran my fingers over his hard abs. I watched him groan and it was sexy as hell.

"Do you like me being on top?" I purred.

Leaning down to taste his abs. I teased him a bit by making my tongue get the tip of his crouch where the pants go down a bit he grunted and answered my question, "Yes."

I gently bit him there and he bucked as well as growled, "Wynter, it's not nice to tease."

I laugh and started licking and nibbling up his stomach. I got to his nipples and licked them, he groaned, and I smiled, I bit down a little too hard though, but he growled loud.

He flipped us over and I felt him against my thigh and good god is he hard! He took off my shirt and my bra were not hard to shred in his strong hands. When he looked at me I felt so beautiful, I felt wanted for once. He put my thighs on either side of him and felt him press against my core making me arch and press more into him.

He thrusted against me, making me tip my head back, dear god if he could do this to me without entering me then I'll die when he does! I moaned loudly at the same time he did, "Oh god Charles!" I say lustfully.

He leans down to my neck and whispers, "Say my name again."

"Charles!" I nearly scream as he thrusts against me again.

He kisses me hungrily as I scratch all up his back, probably making him bleed but he just groans. My other hand reaches down and stroked him, he bucked and growled. He took my hand away to rub me through my jeans. It feels so good! I moaned and arched my hips into him.

He zipped my pants down and pulled them off and he stared at me, then he put his hand back, but he also slipped it underneath my panties. He thrusts a finger inside me, "Charles!" I shout as the pain turns to pleasure.

Charles pants, "Oh god, Wynter, you're so tight, you feel like your squeezing my finger to death."

He thrust his finger making it go fast and I start clawing at his back harder, I scream as he reached my G-spot high up. He thrust in another one making me scream again. He kissed my nipple taking it inside his mouth.

"Fuck!" I scream as something comes closer.

He starts going faster and tells me huskily, "Look at me."

I obeyed but barely. "You're so perfect, Wynter." He whispers but I couldn't say anything back as orgasm hits me. I scream, and the white-hot tingles spread through my body like a disease.

That was my first ever orgasm and dear god it was so good! I saw Charles pull out his fingers then lick them, I whimpered.

Someone knocked on the door and I quickly put on my clothes in super speed, Charles is lucky because all he had to do is put on his shirt. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him still licking his fingers which made me feel hot again.

"Yes?" I said as I answered the door.

I saw the man standing there and I'm so glad I tied my hair up while getting changed otherwise he would know exactly what we were doing; I know he didn't hear us because the walls are soundproof.

"We should get started with the exercises, I suggest you change in the outfit you wish to run in." he says as his black eyes run over me. I nod and go back inside and change into my training shorts and bra and my shoes.

I was about to walk out but Charles stopped me, "You sure you don't want to put a shirt on?"

I felt my eyebrows furrow, "I thought you didn't mind me wearing my sports uniform."

"I do, but only when you're training with me and not some other guy." He says, jealousy came out loud and clear.

"You've seen me in less, so you don't have to worry, plus when I come back I'm going to make sure you finish." I say popping a finger inside my mouth. Charles smirked over my shoulder and I turned and saw that guy, I took my finger out my mouth and I blushed madly.

"You ready, Wynter?" he asks, god his voice is like magic.

I nod, and I follow him out, I was still embarrassed from what happened, so I had to clear it up.

"Back there, I'm not normally like that it's just um he's the only guy I've let touch me and so well yeah." That was stupid, I smacked myself in the face for that. "God I just sounded like an idiot, what I meant to say is I'm still innocent." That's not any better!

I felt like this guy was laughing at me and I crossed my arms over my chest. "I get what you're saying Wynter, I know of your past." He says.

"Who told you?! That's private!" I yell. Who the fuck told him?

He turned to me and looked at me with those gorgeous black eyes, "No one, I knew your mother, the last time I saw her was at her funeral."

My breath got caught in my throat, "You knew my mother? How?"

He smiles at me, a nice soothing one. "I'm an old family friend, let's just say that."

He does seem like an old Werewolf but if he knew my mother then could he tell me about her? I only remember some things about her, but not everything. He went off walking again and we ended up in a training ground. It has a track and weapons and Quin was there.

"You are going to do some mind exercises, to block out your wolf." The guy explained, I really wanted to know his name.

I nod, and he explained to me that when my wolf starts to take control of my body I must push her out. Do you want me to help you? By trying to take over? I promise not to do anything bad and I'll back off if you fail.

"Okay," I say to my wolf.

I look to the others, "My wolf is willing to help by trying to take over my body and she will back off if I fail."

The guy looks me over and says, "Why would your wolf do that?"

"She wants us to be the strongest there are, and first off I have to survive the transition for us to do that." I say, and I felt the truth in the words, knowing she felt this way.

The guy nods and told me how to do it, I nod and say quietly, "Try now."

A pain went to my head and I fell on all fours, I imagined pushing her out making a mental cage in my head like he told me. It didn't work as I felt my body shake and I know she's through.

Need to do better Wynter, we cannot have you so weak! She hisses, she backs off and I whimper.

"Do you always have to hurt me to get through?" I ask her pissed off she gave me a damn head ache.

If I because you pain you go weak, that's how I do it in the transition. She replies matter-of-factly.

"Again." I say.

I felt her try to hurt me, so I numbed myself, so I couldn't feel her doing good Wynter. She praised but she got through as she felt like punched my gut.

"She is learning to numb her body, but she is still no match for an old one." She backed off and I looked at the others, they had shock on their faces.

"What did she mean by that?" I ask.

I meant that I am one of the first Werewolves, we are, you have the spirit of one and so does all the she-wolves something they did not know.

"Guys, I have some valuable information now." I say, and Quin got excited, "Every she-wolf has one of the first Werewolves spirit, we are the reincarnations of one of the Old Ones."

Quin clapped his hands, but then frowned, "It still doesn't explain why you are the reincarnations of them and why you are all girls."

I shrug, I have a feeling my wolf will not be telling me more. "Again." I say.

After the exercises I still haven't mastered it, so I went back to my room and tried it again.

"Tell me what I am doing wrong!" I shout to no one.

Put more force behind it, pretend it is our step-father. She told me, I did that, and I finally managed to get her out, I jumped and then collapsed.

You are drained, too much energy you used.

I really need to train this because I am so not ready for the transition that is in nine days. I sighed and headed down stairs looking for someone. I found the guy by a water fountain outside, so I went to him.

"What's your name?" I ask, he looks at me then the air around me.

"You are drained, here let me show you something." He says ignoring my question.

I sighed and sat down. "I can transfer my energy to you, or you can steal it." He grabs my hand and places it on his neck where I felt the strong muscles and veins. "Close your eyes and reach out, if you see a yellow light grab it and imagine it going through your body."

I did as he said and reached out for anything, I say lots of yellow lights and grabbed most of them imagining them flowing through my body like wind. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me intensely. He moved his hand so that it went down my arm like a caress and I wanted to close my eyes because it felt so nice, but he has captivated me in his gaze.

His hand slides down my shoulder down my side to my hip, he left my skin ablaze everywhere he touched. "Look at the flowers, Love." I did as he said, and I found them all dead.

I realised what the other lights were now. "I-I didn't mean to." I stuttered.

He smiles softly at me, "You are strong, young one," he stroked my face with the hand that was not on my hip.

I stood up realising that he was going to kiss me, and I said, "Sorry I have to go, Charles will be wondering where I am."

I quickly got out of there scolding myself on the way back to my room, I found Charles and he was about to drop his towel to get changes when I came in. My eyes widened and so did his, we started laughing. I walked over to him and grabbed my towel but before I reached the bathroom I pinched his butt.

When I got in I started thinking of how I nearly kissed that guy before, I don't know why I feel so attracted by him when I don't even know him! I'm with Charles so it doesn't matter. I look at my wrist and I let my fingers run over the scars I had left there.

You don't need to do that anymore, we have a family now, people who love us and care for us. As we do them. She was right, I smiled.

After I was done I jumped out the shower and wrapped my towel around me and walked out in to the room and saw Charles sitting on the bed.

"Eager, are we?" I teased getting out some clothes.

He laughs and looked innocent, making me laugh too, "I was able to block out my wolf from taking control, but it takes out a lot of me, it leaves me drained of energy." I say slipping on my undies then I put my oversized shirt on and walked over to Charles.

"Well that's good, not the whole being drained part, but the part of you being able to control your wolf from controlling you." he says as he got comfortable while holding me.

I nod and leant my head back on his chest, I was so tired even though I took so much energy. My body was killing me, and my wolf was still at the back of my mind. Charles stroked my side, I shivered at the feeling, but I knew we are moving quickly in our relationship and I feel that we should start slowing down.

"Charles," I say nervously biting my lip.

"Yeah?" he murmured in my hair.

"Don't you think we are moving fast?" I ask more nervously.

He pulls away from me and looks at me evenly in the eye, "We will slow down if you don't feel comfortable, I don't mind I'll do whatever you want."

I smile and put a slight kiss on his lips then reply, "I just think it's wiser to slow down, to leave things for the future, to look forward to."

He smiles and kisses me again but didn't last too long, "We better go down stairs for some dinner,"

I nod, and we head down, I forgot about the lack of clothing I was wearing as we went in to the living room, but by the stares that guy gave me I instantly remembered and blushed badly. I quickly sat down at the table and waited for the others to arrive.

I look at the guy and asked again, "What's your name?"

He's black eyes stared into mine as he said, "Damien."

I nodded; I expected something a little older like, Nathaniel or something. Wait, could that be Nathan's full name? I didn't ask in case I seemed like an idiot.

The other came down soon after that, the same with dinner or shall I say a feast? There were so many meats, cheese and drinks that I can't even decide which one I wanted. How was I going to stay here for the next ten or so days?

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