The Street Racer

By nunehzakarian

167K 4.1K 524

Emma Golding doesn't like the fact of being in love in high school. She thinks all boys are immature and anno... More

The Street Racer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

11.2K 217 53
By nunehzakarian

This week was perfect. Adam and me are official and I love every minute being with him. Even better news, Adam and Nick are actually getting along which I am thankful for. There are days like these that you just can't forget because everything makes you happy. But, today I am freaking out! It's Friday, which means it’s my date with Adam. I was skipping school today because he said it's a special date. What the heak does that mean?! It's 2:00 and I am ready for our date. I'm wearing a peach summer dress with brown sandals. I left my hair natural and did water fall braid to the side. I put on some mascara to make my blue eyes pop and put some lip-gloss on. 


Oh my gosh that's him! I made my way downstairs and opened the door. I suddenly forgot how to breathe. I was stunned. Adam looked so.. handsome. He was wearing beige pants with a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair had a sexy messy style, which made me want to play with his hair. 

"You done checking me out?" he smirked. I shot my head up to meet with his eyes then glared at him. "Since when did you become the cocky type?"

"Since I knew it would annoy you," He smiled. "Well are we going to go or what?" I said. He laughed then reached his arm out for me. I slid my arm through it and walked to his car. 

He opened the door for me and I lipped right in. "Oh and Emma."


"You look breathe taking," he shut my door and I immediately blushed. 


We made it to our destination and I was thankful because my butt was getting num. I got out of the car and my eyes widened and my mouth dropped. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was a river with a bunch of lily pads lying on the water and trees around it, you can see the suns brightness shining through them. It was breathe taking. Adam slid his hands with mine and looked into my eyes then smiled. I loved it when he smiled. 

We walked towards a.. canoe! 

"Are we going in that?" I asked. "Yes now do me a favor and get in," I followed his orders and got in. It wobbled a little and almost tipped over but Adam caught my arm and put me in the canoe safely with him following. He started canoeing and we were moving in the water. "Adam this is beautiful." I said and looked up at the beautiful trees, then look down at the water and watched as the lily pads moved around our canoe while we were moving. "Not as beautiful as you." I looked up at him and saw him looking intensely. I smiled at his comment and continued to look around. I knew that at that time I was in love with Adam Cash.

We were in a comfortable silence the whole time, then we got out and laid down on a hill and watched the sunset. I wrapped my arm around his waist and laid my head on his chest. I was listening to his heart beat. It was soothing and everything was nice and quite. "So did you like the date?"

"Yes but I am hungry."

"Now that wont be a problem. Just wait right here."

"Uh, okay," he got up and made his way to the car. A minute passed and he was back with a picnic basket.

"You are actually so cliché," I told him. "Well, isn't this what girls like?"

"Yes but it doesn't matter what other girls think because I like when boys are creative with there dates and I have to admit this was very creative and I absolutely love it," I smiled. "Well I’m glad you did because I was freaking about this date but you like it so I’m glad" he smiled. "Well..." I said. "Well what?"

"Well, it was an amazing date but..."


"Gosh, you're so impatient!"

"Oh well I'm sorry I want things to be perfect!"

"Man you are something else but anyways, I like guys that are like you but I can’t lie, I really like a bad boy."

"A bad boy?" He asked with confusion written on his face. "Yes, I like boys that are wild but are still a gentlemen. Someone who will do the craziest things but still be a softie for the one he loves. But most importantly, a guy who will chose his family over anything. That's just what I think," A smile grew on his face from ear to ear and his eyes were sparkling. Curious, I asked, "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Well Emma, lets just say that there is a part of me that you don't know about." He said still smiling like a fool. "And what is that?" 

"You'll see," He grabbed his phone out from his pocket then dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. "Hey, Noah. Yah change of plans, I'll be there." 

"Yah, all right bye," He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "Come on we need to go and make sure you tell your mom your staying at Nick's house because we will be gone for the night."

"Umm, where the heak are you taking me." 

"Like I said, you'll see," Ugh, great now I have to wait. "Oh and by the way I'm going to have to take you home to change into something hot because where we are going, the people won't like how you look."

"What do you mean?" 

"Why so many questions Emma?"

"Uh, because I have no clue where we are going and I am kind of scared by that."

He laughed "Well don't be. You're safe with me, I promise."

We both got in his car and it's weird. I did feel safe around him. Almost like he could protect me from anything. We then drove off.


I'm in the car and all I'm thinking is where the heak are we going? Before we were going to this place I had to go home and change. I wore high wasted tight leather black pants; with a crop top with the words BOSS printed on it and burgundy wedges. I made sure I told my mom about the lie and she seemed fine with it. I felt bad for lying but hey, it happens. We finally drove into an alley and I gasped and then had the biggest smile on my face. "I knew you would like it," Adam said. "Like? I love!" I said and clapped rapidly. We were driving in an alley with a bunch of people with sexy, fast cars and girls showing there skin and people just laughing and talking looking like there having the time of their life. Music was blasting and all I could think was am I in a Fast and Furious movie? I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Paul Walker here.

Adam and I both came out of his car and he came to my side and put his arm around my waist. We walked to a group of kids who were laughing at some joke a kid said. "EYYYY, Adam my man what’s up?" One of the boys yelled. This caused the whole group to turn and look at us. Heat rose to my cheeks and I felt weird being here. "Noah man how’s it going mate?" Adam said while doing that bro shake with him. 

"Not to bad man but I am so pumped to see you race!" Noah said to Adam. A smile grew on my face and I turned to look at Adam who was already starring at me. "You're going to race?" I said with a raised brow and a goofy smile on my face. He chuckled then smiled. "Yes I am, you like that don't you?"

"Eh depends?

"What do you mean?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "If you can even race."

"Oh snap she is feisty dude" Noah said then drank some of his beer he was holding in his hand. "Kitten I hope you know that I am the king of racing here." 

"Really well then lets see about that," I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine, if I come in first place you have to promise me something."

"What?" I asked curios. "You have to stay with me during the weekend and be my slave." Ohhhhh it's on! "Deal!" 

"Ouf, she likes a challenge. Me likey," One of the boys said and shot me a wink I winked back and he smiled like a goof. Adam captured this and glared at the guy and the guys smiled faded away. "So why don't you introduce us," Noah said. "Alright, Emma this is Noah, James, Aiden and Ryder." I waved and smiled at them and they did the same back. "OH, wait dude isn't this the girl you wouldn't shut up about since you moved school's," Aiden said. Adam's cheeks turned red and I couldn't help but laugh this was all too funny. Adam glared at Aiden, which caused me to laugh even more making me tear a bit. "Emma.." A familiar voice said. I wiped my tears away and looked at the person and both our eyes widened. "NICK! What are you doing here?!" Nick looked different. He had that bad boy vibe going on and I was so confused. "Uh, I can ask you the same?"

"Well! I am here on a date with Adam now your turn!" I asked angry at this point. He didn't answer. "You better answer Nick or else." He still didn't answer; he just looked at the ground. "Alright if you say so." I took off one of my heels and was ready to throw it at him but he finally spoke "OKAY, OKAY I'LL TELL YOU JUST DON'T THROW THE HEEL AT ME AGAIN. I already went through that pain once I ain’t going through it again!" He said with wide eyes. A group of laughter came behind me and I turned around to see all the boys laughing and Noah and Ryder on the floor laughing clutching their stomachs. "Dude, she is hilarious!" James said and the boys just kept on laughing and nodding their heads as an agreement. I turned to Nick and he was glaring at them.

"SO are you going to tell me or not because last time I checked we were best friends since we were in diapers!" I said. "OKAY, so there is this part of me that you don't know because I was afraid you would judge me for it." Is this kid serious?

"UH Nick we've been best friends for so long and I have never judged you for anything and ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I have told you so many times that I have been dying to go to a place like this and you just thought Oh she will just judge me! Are you an idiot!"

"Yes I am and you're right I shouldn't have thought that and I'm sorry and I'll buy you're favorite ice cream I promise!" Nick said. Well he is my best friend and I can't just stay mad at him. "Fine, I forgive you. But, make sure next time you come here you tell me!"

He laughed. "I promise I will." I nodded and turned around to face the boys who were staring at us like there life depended on it. I turned to look at Nick and he just shrugged his shoulders. Nick broke the silence. "So Adam, when you racing?" 

"Right now," he said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the racetrack and the rest of the boys including Nick followed. Once we were near the lined up cars Adam turned to me and kissed me on the lips hungrily. He broke the kiss and I was so shocked I could barley breath. "I'm going to win this race. You will be my slave for the weekend," he said then shot me a wink and got in his car. I shook my head and smiled. I turned around to walk to the stands and saw the boys starring at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked worried. The boys laughed. "You're such a loser Em. Just come and sit and watch." I glared at Nick then did what I was told and sat in between Ryder and James.

The cars roared for life and a smile grew on my face. I was so excited for this. A girl walked in front of the cars and held a flag up signaling for them to be ready. Then she yelled 'set'. Then she dropped her face flags and yelled 'RACE!’ The cars sped past the girl and the girl walked off the track. I noticed Noah starring at the girl and she looked at him and he shot her a wink and she blushed. She was really pretty. I looked back at the track and saw Adam was in the lead. I jumped up and yelled "YAHH, LETS GO ADAM WOOOO!” The rest of the boys joined me and cheered and Adam made his way to the finish line coming in first. I jumped up and down and hugged Ryder then awkwardly let him go and we both just laughed. Everyone ran towards Adam and I followed. The boys were already patting him on the back and I walked towards them. Adam looked at me and laid back on his car and crossed his arms. I ran to him and jumped on him and he grabbed me with his hands on my butt while my legs were around his waist. "I'm happy you won but I'm bumped out that I have to be you're slave for the weekend." I frowned. He smiled. "It's you're fault kitten, now were my victory kiss," he said with his eyebrow raised.

I turned and saw the boys were distracted so I smacked my lips on his and bit his bottom lip and teased him. He groaned and it was so sexy. We started kissing intensely and he pushed my back to his car and he took that as a chance to slip his tongue in my mouth and I allowed him. Electricity was filled in my body and my knees were going weak. 

"So like are you love birds done making out cause I kind of want to celebrate," Ryder interrupted. We both stopped kissing and smiled. Adam put me down and put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist and we all walked out.

I heard a sound of music and I turned my head and saw a group of people holding drinks and cheering at people who were hip hop dancing. "Hey Adam what’s that?" I pointed to the group and he smiled. "Those are the street dancers. Anyone who wants to compete competes and whoever wins gets named the king or queen of the streets. A smile grew on my face and I turned to look at Nick who was already starring at me. "I already know what you're thinking Em." Nick said. "Well do you remember our dance to Lip Gloss by Lil Mama?" I asked and he frowned. "Yes but no I don't want to do that one. Lets do Suavemente by Kennedy Jones that's my favorite one." He smiled. I nodded my head in agreement. We both made our way to the area with the boys following. I let go of Adam and me and Nick put our names down to compete. Nick and I have always loved to dance and always competed. It was just our thing. Once we finished I noticed I wasn't wearing proper clothing and I stopped walking and stood in my spot shocked. "What is it?" Nick asked.

"I don't have proper clothing," I said and Nick laughed. "You think I didn't know that. I have some sweats and shoes in the back of my trunk go get changed and hurry." I ran to his car and got changed. Nick was always ready for things like this. I made my way to the street dancers and went to the group of boys since Nick was with them. I wore gray sweat, black adidas shoes and I left my crop top on. I tapped Nick's shoulder and he turned around. "You ready?" he asked. "HELL YAH" I answered. With that he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the middle of the group of people. Everyone stared at us and I couldn't help but feel nervous. "Don't worry, we got this Em," Nick said. I suddenly felt relaxed and was ready to dance. The music started playing and I swayed my hips and brang my arms above my head and brang them down slowly. Nick then put his arm on my stomach and he was right behind me and he swayed his hips with mine. I couldn't help but smile. I missed dancing with Nick. The song suddenly went upbeat and fast and we both spread apart and doing the salsa and I flipped my hair several times. Then the beat dropped and it went to a trap beat and we both were crumping like crazy doing the same moves. The crowed went willed and screamed and the boys were screaming our names. 

The song was almost over and it was time for the big flip. Nick did a back flip and I did a side flip over him and the crowed screamed. The song was over and I hugged Nick and he hugged me back. A guy with a microphone came beside us. "Everyone give a round of applause for our new King and Queen of the streets, Emma Golding and Nick Turner!" The guy yelled and everyone cheered. 

"HOLD UP, HOLD UP! Ain't nobody gonna still my place as the Queen of the streets." Everyone went silent and a dark skinned girl came towards me. She put her face near mine and said. "Listen you little white girl! I am the queen of these streets and ain't nobody gonna steel that from me." 

"Oh but, I just did." I said. The crowed OHHH and she got mad. "Well then why don't we just compete then? Whoever wins is named Queen of the streets. Got it?" She said.

"Bring it on bitch." I said and the crowed went wiled. Adam was cheering my name and Nick was yelling things like 'you got this Emma'. The boys were cheering 'Go Emma!’ I was ready to beat this girl. The music started and she went first. She was good but I was better. I mean, her moves were sloppy and did simple things. It was my turn and I decided to do some stepping, then I did some moves that made me look like a robot but in a cool way. I did three back flips and landed in the splits and stayed there and was waiting for her to do something else. But, she didn't. She just stomped away, which means I'm the Queen of the streets. I got up and the crowed roared and Adam pulled me into a hug and spun me around and put me back on the ground and kissed me. He let go and I got tackled with hugs from the boys. "Damn Emma! You can dance!" James said. "Yah dude, I swear if you weren't with Adam you would have been mine already." Ryder said. I laughed and thanked them all. "Now can we go home please I'm tired.” I said. "Awe, come on stay for a bit. It will be fun," Noah said. "No, I think I'm gonna take my Queen home. She needs rest," Adam said. 

"Alright man, later!" Noah said. He waved and we walked to his car. We got in and he started the engine. "Emma?"

"Yes," I said and turned to him. "You are so sexy!” I laughed. He then drove off into night and we were in a comfortable silence the whole ride.


Before we got to his house he drove me back home for some clothes for the weekend. My mom was still not home so I'm guessing she’s staying late at work. I send her a text saying I won't be home for the weekend and that I'll be back on Sunday night. 

We were now at Adam's house. Sorry, not house, I meant MANSION! His house is huge. We walked in and I was amazed at how beautiful it was. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the staircase came from both sides of the second floor. "Come on lets go get changed," Adam held my hand and brought me to his room. His room was clean and had a Queen size bed. It was huge. "You can get changed in the washroom if you'd like."

"Okay," I said and walked to the washroom and got changed. I changed into some comfy purple shorts that were right under my butt and a black tank top. I put my hair into a messy bun and got out from the washroom. Adam was already in the bed with his arm on his forehead and he was looking up at the ceiling. I slid in his bed and put my head on his chest. I put my hand on his stomach and felt his hard abs. He put his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. I listened to his heartbeat and we just stayed like that. "Hey Adam?"


"What are you thinking about?" I asked curious.

"About you." He whispered huskily. "What about me?"

"Well, for starters you are nothing like the girls I used to date. I mean, you accept me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that every girl that I have dated loved only one part of me and that was my gentleman side. But, when I showed them my bad boy side they all hated it and left me heart broken. Ever since, my last girl friend I thought I might as well just never show a girl this part of me ever again, or I may as well just never date anyone."

"Who was your last girlfriend?"



"Yup. But then I saw you and I was blown away by you're beauty. All I thought was I have to get to know her." I smiled from his comment. "And when I met you, you were so kind. I loved it. I wanted to be more then friend with you but I was dating Ashley and I knew it would be wrong. That day you cried when we were sitting at your table my heart shattered. I wanted to hold you in my arms and keep you warm and just comfort you," His words made me snuggle more into him. "Then when you wanted to do nothing with me, I hated myself. I was mad I messed everything up with you. I heard you were really close with Nick and I was jealous of him. I wanted to be him. I started to notice that I didn't even like Ashley anymore and that she was a pain in the ass. So when I saw you stand up to her I thought why not I do that to. So, I broke up with her. Then I got you back and when I kissed you at the studio. Woof, was I relieved." I laughed.

"But then you didn't want to do anything with me again and I was just like 'how the heak did I mess things up again'. I could barley think things straight that day. But, all I knew was that I wasn't going to let you go. So, when I kissed you at the field I fell in love with everything about you." The word love made me shiver. "But, that scared me because, you were so perfect for me and I was afraid that if I showed you the other side of me you were going to let me go. So, I was going to keep it from you but then, you told me how you like a bad boy and let me tell you Em, I was the happiest guy in the world." I smiled. "You accepted me. You accepted both sides of me and I knew that now that I have you. I am never letting you go." 

His words made me want to cry of happiness. I wanted to tell him. Tell him I was in love with him. I will tell him. 


"Yes, Kitten."

"I..I love you." I felt his heart beating faster and faster. He rose and put his face in his hands. Oh no, he doesn't love me. I'm such an idiot. I should have waited. "I..I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that," I turned to face away from him and hugged the pillow. I was holding in tears. I was so hurt; it just sucked when someone didn't love you back. I let a tear escape my eye and shut my eyes, which caused the rest of the tears to fall down from my eyes. I knew I was about to explode. I had to get out of here. I got up from the bed and grabbed my bag. "I have to go," I tried my best to keep my voice firm but I couldn't. I didn't want him to see me like this so I ran out of his bedroom and down the stairs.

"Emma wait!" Adam yelled. No, I don't want to see his face right now. I was about to leave but a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around. His face softened when he saw my stained face. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me. I hugged him back and let out all my emotions. I cried and cried and he hugged me tighter even more. "I'm sorry..." I said between cries. "I was just so shocked and hurt that you didn't love me ba-" he cut me off. "Wait you think I don't love you?"

"Well yah, I mean you didn't even say it back!"

"Are you crazy! Emma I'm in love with you! I have been in love with from the first time I saw you!"

I was shocked. He loves me. He let me go and started massaging his temples. He then started pacing back and forth. "Listen Emma I-" I didn't let him finish. I cupped my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He kissed me back and electricity was filled in my body. My knees were going weak. His lips were soft and warm. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I allowed him. We broke apart and started into each other’s eyes. "Why don't we go back upstairs and rest." 

"Okay,” I agreed. I got my bag and he carried me bridal style to his room. When we were in his room I dropped my bag and both slipped in bed. "I love you Emma," he whispered in my ear. "I love you to." We both then fell asleep.


HEYYY GUYS! So how do you like the chapter? Did you like the bad boy side of Adam? Are you happy they both confesed there love for eachother! Cause I am!

I want to get to know you guys and tell me what you think of the book so far!

Message my kik: noshig123


And follow my twitter and instagram account:

instagram: noshigzakarian

twitter: NZ_wattpad <-  for the fans. I'll follow back if you give me a shout out!


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