Bound to the North {Complete!}

By Abby_C_ACE

11.1K 1.1K 371

A bloody war waging between generations of creatures. An ultimate betrayal by one they trusted more than any... More

01| Mission:Failed
02| Runaway
03| The Hunt
04| The Good Elf
05| Unanticipated
06| Silver and Pink
07| The Maid
08| Rejection
09| Deadly Ambitions
10| Fight
11| Fairy and Elf
12| Anchor
13| Trust
14| Free Fall
15| Moonlight
16| Omen
17| Doubt
18| Rebel Heart
19| Beautiful Soul
20| Betrothed
21| Ruthless
22| What Lurks Beneath
23| Fairies in the Sky
25| Line of Fire
26| Shattered
27| Dry Eyes
28| Bonds Forever Broken
29| Capture
30| Cut like Paper
31| Raven
32| Rescue
33| Drowning
34| The Royal Bride
35| True Identity
36| Face the Fear
37| Spread Your Wings
Author's Note

24| Revelation

177 22 8
By Abby_C_ACE

Finn POV   

I sprinted through the woods, following the sound of Serena's voice. Ozio, Amara, and I had been on patrol near the fairy border. Amara had disappeared out of nowhere, and I'd heard Serena yell soon after. Ozio trailed behind a bit, confused as to why I was running so quickly.

I crossed the border onto fairy territory without a moment's hesitation. Ducking through the trees, I ran onto the scene.

The first person I saw was Serena, who was cowering against a tree, eyes wide with fear. She was staring at Amara, who had Irene in a chokehold, pressing a dagger against her neck. "Stay out of this!" Amara snarled when she saw me.

I couldn't trust anything she did anymore. Ignoring her warning, I ran to her and roughly jerked the dagger out of her hand.

She yelled in pain, and let go of Irene. Amara held the arm I had jerked gingerly, and that's when I noticed her elbow was sticking out the wrong way.

Irene crumpled to the ground, and Serena immediately ran to her side. There was blood on Irene's neck from where the dagger had cut her, and Irene held one hand to her stomach in pain.

"Why are you doing this?" I yelled sharply at Amara.

"What's the problem?" she asked nonchalantly. "We tried to kill them at the human castle..."

"You're on their ground! Do you not know anything about honor?" I looked at Serena, who had ripped off part of her shirt and was pressing it against Irene's neck. "You okay?" I whispered silently through tight lips.

She nodded slightly.

"Let's go," I said curtly to Ozio and Amara. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ozio staring at me oddly. He then glanced at Serena for a moment. Without a word, he turned and walked back onto elf territory. After glaring angrily in my direction, Amara followed suit.

"Tonight," I whispered to Serena. Irene met my eyes, and sent a silent thank you to me. I nodded, and followed Amara out of fairy territory.

Ozio POV

It was a little past sunset. I sat with Finn back at the palace, silently trying to make sense of what I'd seen. Finn was broodingly silent, which was unusual for him.

What was that? I guess I understood why what Amara did was wrong, with it being on fairy territory and all, but why would Finn go to such lengths to save a couple of princesses?

"Oh my god, you're in love with her," I murmured quietly.

"Hm?" he asked tiredly, looking at me and blinking his blue eyes heavily.

"The young princess. I saw the way you were looking at her back there!"

"What're you talking about?" he asked dumbly.

"You love her. You're in love with Princess Serena!"

"Shh!" he hissed violently. "Someone's gonna hear you."

"It's true?!" I gasped. He sighed tiredly, and rubbed his eyes. Is that why he's so tired all the time?! "You're seeing the princess?"

A guilty look came onto his face.

"Mate, you're a bloody idiot!" I scolded.

I stood up and left the room, shocked beyond words. As I walked through the corridor, I passed Amara. Seeing my disturbed face, she stopped to look at me.

"Amara, you are never going to believe this..."

Being an evil writer is fun *^_^*
Anyways, I attached a map of Ozymandia for anyone who is interested or confused...

As always, thanks so much for the support on this means so much more to me than I could ever express.
Love you all,
<3 Abby

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