𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 |...

By SierraDuckland

49.9K 1.5K 699

❝𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.❞ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Part 1
Chapter 29 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 3
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - Part 1
Chapter 33 - Part 2
Chapter 33 - Part 3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - Part 1
Chapter 45 - Part 2
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2

Chapter 12

666 31 3
By SierraDuckland

***Author's Note***

OMG!!! I LOVE you guys so much right now!!! 💗💗💗 This story officially now has over 200 views!!! It may seem something very small to brag about, but it isn't to me...

Thanks everyone, for this soooo much. It means a lot to me, it really does. Now... back to the story.


Laura's POV

Rebecca took the lead—walking ahead with Moira and I following right behind her. While the three of us were searching for the little girl inside the police station, I had out my 9mm beretta in hand, Rebecca was scouting the area with her galil, and Moira had the switchblade I lended her.

It seemed like Rebecca was being a bit overprotective with me. Always making sure I was not too far behind her, but still close in proximity. After all, she did promise Chris that she would keep me safe at all times. And that's completely understandable though. As we continued on walking down the hallway, I whispered,

"Over here, I saw her go through here." I pointed over at the exact door.

Once we reached the door, we stop beside it. Moira and I positioned ourselves on both sides the door, with our backs leaned against the wall and our weapons in hand. We had to be cautious, careful, and always aware of our surroundings the whole time. Anything could happen while we're here. Especially with B.O.W.s crawling all over the city.

Once we're in position, Rebecca carefully grasped ahold of the door knob. Turning it slowly with her fingers and opening the door slowly. All of a sudden, Rebecca gasped, as someone from inside snatched ahold of her. Pulling her inside the room. When the door was about to close behind her, I moved from the wall and grabbed onto the door handle with both of my hands. Trying to pry open it all the way. Moira grabbed onto the side of door, her fingers gripping the edge of it a she kept jerking the door open.

With all of our combined might, we managed to open the door all the way—forcing our way into the room. With my 9mm Beretta in hand, I rushed first into the room, with Moira following right behind me. As we quickly scanned the conference room, I heard a gun cock behind my head.

In a fast stance, I turned around and threw my gun into the air. Very quickly, I grabbed the guy's wrist and twisted it very tightly. He groaned in pain, while I contorted his arm to a very painful degree. Once I managed to get him to drop his silver ghost handgun, I fiercely flip him over my back. Slamming him brutally onto the ground. And just in time, I catch the falling gun in mid air, aiming it at the guy laying on the ground.

"Laura...?" Tyler muttered, as he groaned in pain.

"Tyler...?" I stuttered. My eyes widening as I stared at him in total shock, as I holstered my handgun.

"Damn girl... that hurt like hell," He muttered, gripping his right shoulder in pain.

"Sorry about that," I apologized to him. "Here let me help you up." I offered my hand to him.

Tyler grabbed ahold of my hand, as I helped him back onto his feet.

"Laura!" Emile squealed happily, as she dropped the rusty crowbar she had in her hands, and tackled me to the ground before Tyler could hug me. She was embracing me so tightly, as if I were a ketchup bottle being poured over French fries.

"I can't believe it's actually you! I thought that I would never see you again!" Emile's grip around me tightened even more. While she was hugging me to death, Tyler picked up his gun off the ground—switching on the safety. He then walked over to the door we just came through. Checking the hallway for any infected, before locking  the door so we wouldn't attract any unwanted attention.

"It's good to see you too Emile..." I barely breathed out, gasping for air.

Once she realized how tight she was actually hugging me, Emile let go of me and helped me up off the ground. The moment I was back on my own two feet, I glanced over at Tyler, with a look of relief and joy. He walked up to me, quickly pulling into a bear hug.

I embraced him tightly. Wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face into the crook of his neck, as I began to softly cry. It takes a lot to make a girl like me to shed even a single tear, but I thought that I wasn't going to see him or Emile ever again. Losing them would've left me heartbroken. They were two of the few friends I had left. Tyler gave a kiss on the forehead, rubbing my back tenderly with one of his hands. He muttered,

"It's okay Laura... It's okay."

I glanced up at him, with tears trickling down my pale cheeks s Tyler lifted his other hand up to my face. Using his thumb to wipe away some of my salty tears. Once I calmed down, I pulled away from Tyler—glancing around the room for Rebecca. I quickly spotted her laying the ground a couple feet away from us, struggling to stand up on her own.

"Rebecca, are you okay?" I asked her. I went over to her and helped her get back up on her own two feet.

"I'll be fine, it's just a scratch," Rebecca explained, as she rubbed the side of her arm. Rebecca glanced over at Emile and Tyler, then directed her gaze back at me. "Friends of yours?"

"Yeah, don't worry they're cool."

After giving Rebecca a hand, I peered over at Tyler and Emile. They're were covered in a dirt, sweat, and blood. There had very small cuts and rips all over their clothes. Tyler had a handgun in his hand, that I'm guessing that he found somehow. As I was glancing over at Emile, I noticed a bloody gash she had on the lower part of her left leg. All wrapped in a makeshift bandage, with blood seeping through the material and staining a part of her pants.

"Oh my god! Emile, your leg! What the hell happened?!" I gasped quietly.

"On the way here, one of those things cut me with a meat clever. It's fine though, it doesn't hurt as much now. I can tolerate it," Emile explained, wincing momentarily. I can instantly tell that she wasn't taking her injury seriously.

"No Emile, you can't. If your cut goes untreated, you could get an infection and die from it. Rebecca can help, she's a medic," I pointed over at Rebecca. "Please, I know that you hate doctors, but I don't want to lose you. Not today..." I pleaded.

A look of guilt clouded her features. Emile sighed.  "Okay fine... I'll let her treat my wound."

"Alright then. Come on, let me help you." I went over and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. Helping her over to one of the chairs.

"I got it from here Laura, I'll make sure that she's okay," Rebecca reassured me. She walked over to Emile, as she was sitting at the long meeting table.

After talking to with Rebecca, I went over to Tyler, who was talking with Moira near the exit. The three of us conversing for a little bit to catch up.


"I'm sorry for your loss, Tyler," I told him—resting my hand on his shoulder. He just finished explaining to Moira and I what happened before he and Emile arrived here.

While being escorted out of the city by military personnel and BSAA troops, the trucks were abruptly ambushed by a massive horde of B.O.W.s. About five times the size of the troops and survivors combined, so they easily outnumbered. If it weren't for the sacrifice Charles Nivans and his wife Trinity Nivans made, Tyler and Emile wouldn't have made it out of there alive or in one piece.

Just imagining the aftermath of that scene made me sick to stomach. Seeing those innocent people, including the Tyler's parents, dying at the hands of a horde of flesh-eating monstrosities. 'They didn't deserve to go out like that, none of them did...' There's a long pause of silence between the three of us, letting that information sink into my mind. I glanced back up at him—removing my hand from his shoulder.

"Tyler, have you seen a little girl around here?" I inquired.

He glanced up at me, wiping away the brimming tears in his eyes. "Yeah, you just missed her."

"Do you know where she went?"

"Here, it's better if I show you. Follow me." Tyler motioned me to follow him.

Moira and I went along him over towards the back of the conference room. He lead us to a door that had several planks hammered onto it, along with a hole at the very bottom of the door.

"When Emile and I just arrived here, she got scared and ran away from us. While she was running, the little girl found the hole—crawling through it before we could even catch up to her," Tyler explained to me, as he pointed at barged door with the hole.

I kneeled down, peeking through the tiny hole. It was very small—too small for Emile and Tyler to crawl through. I doubt that Moira or Rebecca would be able to fit through the hole, but I could... An idea popped into my mind.

"Hey Tyler, can you get me that crowbar over there?" I asked him.

He quickly caught on to the idea I had. "Oh no... I know what you're thinking Laura. You're not crawling through there and going after her on your own."

"Tyler, she has to. Laura is the only one out of all of us here who could possibly fit through there," Moira stated.

"Tyler, I have to. There isn't much time."

"She's right Tyler."

We both shifted our gaze over at Emile, as Rebecca helped her over to the rest of us. Emile had her left arm draped over the medic's shoulder, as I noticed the clean bandages that were now wrapped around her left calf.

"She's the only one that can possibly fit through that hole to go find that girl, and she can take care of herself when it comes to these kind of situations. You know that. And there isn't much time left too," Emile stated, as she held out the crowbar to me.

I treaded up to glance at her for moment, before taking the crowbar out of her hand.

"Thanks Emile."

"Anytime," She replied.

I headed over to the door with the crowbar. Using the straight head of the tool, I jabbed it in between the one of the planks and the door. Prying off one nailed plank of wood at a time—creating a hole in the door big enough for me to crawl through. Once I was done, I handed it back to Emile. I glanced over as Rebecca, as she was grabbing something out of her bullet proof vest.

"If you're going in alone, take this," Rebecca handed me a spare PDA.

"So you can contact me, Chris, or any of the other Alpha team members in case your in trouble, you better get going before I change my mind on letting find the girl on your own." I put the cellular device in my jean pocket.

"Okay," I turn around and kneel down on all fours, as I began to crawl through the small hole in the wall.

"Be careful Laura..." I heard Moira mutter from the other side of the wall, as I stood up.

I cautiously glanced around the darkened hallway—taking in my new surroundings. Behind me, it was a dead end, because there were several stacks of chairs and other furniture blocking that part of the hallway. 'I can't go that way, so my other option was to continue on forward in the hallway.'

'Alright Laura... there isn't much time. First, find the girl and make sure she's alright. Then get the hell out of here and regroup with the others ASAP. Simple enough.' I thought to myself.

I pulled out my handgun out of my holster, carefully beginning to walk forward. Away from the blockade. With each step I took, I kept hearing the constant moans and groans of the undead echoing throughout the entire police station, as I continued on. Even though the footsteps of the walking corpses creeped me out, I didn't let my emotions overwhelm me and get the best of me right now.

While I wandered on, I stopped in my tracks. Spotting something laying on the blood stained carpet. I halted in front of the small inanimate object, picking it up with my free hand. It was a small black teddy bear, with a blue lace ribbon tied around its neck into a tiny bow.

'The little girl must of dropped while she was running away,' I thought to myself. So, I unzipped my purse—placing it in there before continuing onward in the hallway to find her.

When I entered what seems like an office area, there was a loud scream. I quickly glanced over to my right, seeing a B.O.W. about to grab the little girl. She was hiding underneath one of the desks—trying to kick the undead being in the face with her small legs. To get it away from her. I whipped out my gun and aimed at it, as I yelled out,

"Hey ugly!"

It turned its head towards me, its pale rotten eyes looking into my vibrant blue ones as I got its attention. The B.O.W. forgot completely about the little girl hiding underneath the desk, beginning slowly getting up off the ground and walking towards me instead. With mucus drooling from its open mouth.

"Try picking on someone else your own size," I taunted.

As I aimed directly at its head with my beretta, I pulled the trigger twice. Shooting it twice in the head. Causing blood to splatter along the walls and desks. After the walking corpse fell dead to the ground, the little girl briskly crawled out of her hiding spot. I holstered my gun after killing the undead being. She was about to run off again, then I spoke,


She stopped in her tracks—slowly turning around to face me. Quivering in fear, with tears brimming in her eyes.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I open my purse—taking out the stuffed teddy bear.

"Is this yours...?" I asked her, using an altruistic tone of voice. I kneeled down, holding out the toy to her.

The young girl nodded her head, as she started to tread slowly towards me. I could tell that she was doubtful about me from the reluctant look on her face.

"It's okay... I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," I stared, as I smiled kindly.

Her look of skepticism disappeared straightaway, instantly replaced with joy. She ran up to me—grabbing the small stuffed bear out of my hands. The little girl wrapped her tiny arms around me in an attempt to hug me.

"Thank you..." She thanked me, using an appreciative tone of voice.

"Your welcome," I embraced her. I gently pulled away from her, introducing myself. "My name is Laura, what's yours?"

"I'm Lily," She replied.

Lily appeared to be around five or six years old. Too young to left anywhere on her own, especially out of all times. She had a small blue headband on her head over her short blackish-brown hair. Her eyes were blue, her skin was radiant yet pale. Lily's wearing a blue t-shirt with white butterflies over a simple white long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans, and tiny blue sneakers.

"Nice to meet you Lily, that's a pretty name you have."

Lily smiled at me, as she hugged her teddy bear she tightly against her chest.

"Are you okay?" She inquired, when she pointed to the small bandage on my forehead.

"I'm fine Lily, it's just a cut. It's you that I'm more worried about."

"I'm okay, the monsters didn't hurt me," Lily answered.

"Good," I sighed with a relieved tone.

"What are you doing here all by yourself? Where are your parents?"

She thought to herself for a moment, before answering. "Mommy brought me here to keep me safe from the monsters. She said that she had to go do something and left me here."

"Did she leave you here on purpose?"

"No... Mommy said that she would be right back. She said that I would be safer here, than at home," Lily explained to me, as her eyes began to brim with tears.

'I can see why her mother would leave her here at the police station. But the real question is, did her mother actually abandon her here at the police station? Or will she come back to get her? If so, when?'

"Listen Lily," I started off. "It's not safe here anymore, there are monsters crawling all over this place, and the rest of the entire city. I want you to come with me, my friends and I will keep you safe. As long as you stay close to me, okay...?"

"What about Mommy? She promised to come back to get me..." Lily asked me, using a discontent tone of voice.

"Don't worry about that, Lily. As soon as we all get out of here, we'll go look for your mother," I told her, as I stood up and offered my hand to her.

"Okay..." Lily grabbed my hand. I smiled at her, as we began heading back to the conference room.

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