Does It Still Hurt?

By Razia101

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Copyright© He held me and asked "what's wrong?" I looked at his beautiful forest green eyes and smiled and s... More

Chapter One: Welcome To Forest High
Chapter Two: Hello Beauiful, I'm Xavier
Chapter Three: Im Your What?...
Chapter Four: Starbucks
Chapter Five: Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Six: The Smile Is Fake, The Tears Are Real
Chapter Seven: You Wouldn't Understand
Chapter Eight: My Story (Part One)
Chapter Nine: My Story (Part Two)
Chapter Ten: Truly Beautiful
Chapter Eleven: Have Fun For Once
Chaper Twelve: Broken... Again
Chapter Thirteen: Hell Broke Loose
Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!
Chapter Fifteen: The Punishment
Chapter Sixteen: The Game
Chapter Seventeen: Audition
Chapter Eighteen: There's A Bump
Chapter Nineteen: Girls Night!
Chapter Twenty: Pack Doctors
Chapter Twenty One: "Im Sorry"
Chapter Twenty Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty Three: Lucy's Funeral
Chapter Twenty Four: The New Beginning
Chapter Twenty Five: Hugs Give Me Life
Chapter Twenty Six: "Its Coming!!"
Chapter Twenty Seven: "There's A What?!"
Chapter Twenty Eight: Surprise
Chapter Twenty Nine: Amulet
Chapter Thirty: Intruder
Chapter Thrity One: Ross?
Chapter Thrity Two: Secrets Hidden
Chapter Thrity Three: Golden Eyes
Chapter Thirty Four: Parents
Chapter Thirty Five: Moving Out
Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Back
Chapter Thirty Seven: Captured
Chapter Thirty Eight: Time Stood Still
Chapter Forty: Second Wish
Chapter Forty One: Thank you
Chapter Forty Two: The Big Question
Chapter Forty Three: Forgetful
Chapter forty four: Graduation Day
Chapter Forty Five: Official Prom

Chapter Thirty Nine: Moon Goddess

436 35 4
By Razia101

Dedication goes to to: sillyfun4lyfe


Cause now I'm a warrior,
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm warrior, and you can never hurt me...
Again. ~Demi Lovato

{Rosalina's POV}

My body was wet from head to toe due to cold sweats. I was chained to to a bed in a cold damp basement. Or at least I think I'm in a basement I felt weird and my body was aching. I looked at my bloody wrist, chained to the bed and sighed.

The bastard left me here for hours and didn't feed me shit. I was use to it though, those endless nights back home when I starved myself. My shirt was tattered into pieces. My bra held on strong and my jeans stuck to my body with sweat.

My back hit the cold wall and I winced with pain. I turned my head trying to get a good glance at my back. I saw red marks coming from the end of my back to the other corner. The bastard whipped me every time I mentioned Xavier's name. No matter how many times I begged him to stop he kept whipping me and telling me I was cheating on him.

I bet if someone stood behind me they could see my back bones through the slashes. I miss him, my mate he's my everything. I miss my friends, there hugs always leveled me out. My heart was aching when Ryder told me Xavier felt my pain. He must be going insane right now. He hurt me everyday that I was with him just because he knew he was breaking Xavier by hurting me.

There was a little creek in the wall that let the sunshine through. This helped me keep track of the days that I've been captured. Tears stained my checks. Dried blood covering my body. My body felt useless, I didn't feel like the athletic girl I use to be. I just wanted everything to be over with. I wanted to die, I didn't even want to go back to Pine forest where everyone I loved was.

I was useless, disgusting no one would want me after my capture. I'm useless now my body can't fight the pain anymore. I just wanted to feel numb I wanted everything to disappear, I wanted to disappear.

I heard a creek from the door and I closed my eyes pretending I was still fainted from the last time he visited.

His boots clicked against the ground and I wanted to cry with fear. I felt his face close to mine, probably even inches away. After all he always got a close look wanting to see my pain. I felt his cold breath against my face, I didn't dare move an inch.

"Rise and shine baby" I heard his evil voice against my face. I didn't move my body, maybe he would think I was dead. But then again he was a vampire. His hand connected to my right cheek. A sting stirred up and I tasted blood in my mouth. I opened my eyes and starred at his scary ice blue ones.

"Next time I say wake up you LISTEN!" he yelled and got close to my face. I shut my eyes not wanting to see his lost eyes. I gritted my teeth and I heard him throw something on the ground.

"Eat, your all bones. No one would want my vampire queen looking anorexic" he said sliding a boil of oatmeal with his foot. I didn't respond or eat the oatmeal I stood still and didn't talk.

He grabbed my chin roughly and starred at me ad his fangs were out. "Eat or there's gonna be another whipping" he said with a smirk. He enjoyed this weakness he had on me. I moved my face from his grip and starred at the nasty oatmeal. I dipped my head and ate the oatmeal like I was an animal. My stomach growled and even though this didn't taste pleasant it was better than nothing.

I wiped my mouth with my free hand and slumped back to the cold wall. He starred at me but I didn't dare look up. "I can't believe you though you could get away from me" he said smiling like an idiot. I glared at him and images of Xavier flew through my brain. I looked down at my amulet and it was glowing green. I was praying Ryder didn't notice the glow from beneath my tattered shirt I slipped on.

This meant they were looking for me. But it was no use they cant find me. I will be stuck here forever, might as well just die young. "Please leave me alone" I whispered. He got closer and kneeled down.

He moved my hair away from my face. His lips connected with my cheek and I whimpered. I didn't want his kisses I wanted Xavier's. This bipolar son of a bitch is crazy I thought. I moved my face from him and he slapped me once again. I fell to the side as tears ran down my face.

"What the fuck do you want from me?!" I yelled and sobbed uncontrollably.

He gripped my thigh and his sharp nails dug through. "I want you to be mine!" He yelled and his face was inches away. I spit in his face, he growled and jumped back wiping his face.

He punched me on the side of my face and I saw black dots invading my vision. He kicked me in my stomach and I puked out the remaining oatmeal that was in my stomach. He kicked me repeatedly and I felt that my lungs were on fire. I coughed up blood, and my brain felt dizzy. I laid on the ground with my eyes shut.

"You made me do this to you. Everything is your fault" he said coming closer to my limp body.

"Your a monster" I whispered against the cold ground I laid on. My body was shrieking in pain. "Don't you have a mother? Would she want you treating me like this? Or is this what all you vampires do?" I said as my lips brushed against the ground. I heard him breathing loudly and he punched the wall and yelled in anger.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother!" He yelled and punched the wall once more. His blonde hair ceased with sweat as he inhaled loudly.

"Why? because you know she would be disappointed in you!" I yelled and tugged on my chain which gained a wince from me. He grabbed my neck and squeezed it roughly.

"Because my moms dead you bitch!" He threw me to the other side of the bed.

"You don't know anything about me so stop acting like you do!" He yelled and turned around. His hands turned into fists and he didn't dare show me his face.

"Tell me about her" I said softly trying to gain his trust so I would learn his weakness. He turned around his face looked confused to why I would even mention her again.

"My mother was human, she didn't have any vampire blood in her. One night the odds weren't in her favor. She got off of work one night later than she usually did, and a vampire attacked her. He raped and beat her that was the night I was conceived. She didn't know what to do. She found out that she was pregnant and she didn't want to give me up. She kept me a secret from everyone, after all she was only a teenager" Ryder said and my mouth fell open but things still didn't make sense to me.

"After three months I was born. My birth obviously wasn't like a human babies. I was a vampire kept in a humans womb. My mother died instantly when I was born. I never got to see her" he said as a tear fell from his eye. He turned around and wiped his eyes. I looked down not knowing exactly what to say.

"Who told you all of this?" I said quietly understanding why he's so upset.

"My adoptive parents told me this last year, around the time you left me" he said coming closer to me. I backed up just a little not wanting to make him angry.

"My adoptive mother was my moms best friend. She was there when I was born. The day she told me this I went out looking for my dad. Eventually I found him in that ally way where my mother was raped. He was there sitting on a spot near the corner grieving for some reason. As soon as I saw him I knew he was my father. He felt it too but I didn't even let him speak. The moment I saw him I killed him without further explanation". I gasped and Ryder looked down at me.

He killed his father. I understood his pain, his guilt that he was keeping all this time. But that gave him no right to treat me like this. "I'm sorry about your mother Ryder. I'm sorry she had to go through all of that. But listen to yourself, your putting me through your mother's pain and that's not fair!" I said slamming my hands on the ground.

He smiled at me and kneeled down. "You and my mother were both humans. You and my mother both have supernatural beings in your lives. But the only difference is that you deserve it, she didn't" he gritted his teeth and slapped me across the face. I shut my eyes and let the pain consume me. I was done trying. I'm not gonna fight for my life when I know I'm gonna fail at the end.

If he wanted to rape me and then kill me, he can. If he wanted to mark me and make me his vampire queen for his people, he could. I was done trying to hold onto something that was so far in reach. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cold ground.

His breath fanned my cheek and he moved my hair away from my neck. His cold fingers traced my veins. His nose touched my neck and I swear I felt his fangs brush against my skin which caused me to shiver. "Later, don't worry. You'll be mine for century's on end" he said and kissed my neck. I didn't argue I just laid still like a dead body and let him do whatever.

I heard his boots clicking against the ground and he was walking towards the door. The door shut with a bang that's when I knew I was alone in his hell. I let out a sigh and let my tears fall free.

I wish I just jumped that day when I had the chance. Images of the cliff comes to mind and how Xavier saved me from my own suicide. I wish he was never my mate I would have never been going through this. Even better I wish there was no supernatural beings in this world. It would have been so much more peaceful.

I gripped my hair and screamed at the top of my lungs. Its been three days and I felt like I've been going insane. I just want the pain to end, I want to feel numb.

I dug deep into my thighs with my nails and slits formed with blood slowly pouring out. I sobbed and cried in the corner of the basement I wanted it all to end. I shut my eyes and let the darkness consume me. Its like when you've cried for so long your bodies telling you its okay to take a break. And that's exactly what I did.

*three hours later*

I felt a bright light invading my sleep. I covered my face with my hands and groaned and wanted to fall back asleep. The light wasn't going away so I lifted my eyes open. I blinked repeatedly and my eyes weren't adjusting to the light. I rubbed my eyes and opened my eyes fully. My mouth fell open as a women in her early thirties stood in front of me.

That's not what why I was in shock her presence was glowing. She was in a cream colored gown that reached to her feet. Her blond hair was shinning and her whole body had a glow to it. She looked like a beautiful angel standing in front of me. Maybe I was hallucinating I looked down and rubbed my eyes numerous times. I peeked through my one eye and she was standing there with a smile.

"Your not hallucinating Rosalina, don't worry I'm real" she said in happy voice followed by a giggle. Her hands clasped together. Her golden skin looked so beautiful it went hand in hand with her blonde curls.

"How do you know my name?" I asked bewildered with this beautiful women standing in basement in front of me.

She laughed a little bit and came closer to me. Her light was blinding me, she stuck her hand out and I took it in mine shaking it. Okay she was defiantly real I thought to myself.

"I know a lot of things Rosalina. In fact I know a lot about you" she said confidently with her perfect smile. Why is she so happy? This is getting weird.

"Creepy" I whispered under my breath hoping she didn't hear me.

"Fine then, you know a lot about me and frankly I don't care because I have better things to worry about. Such as I don't know, dying!" I said huffing and crossing my arms.

"Listen I know your frustrated and your hurting and-" she began but I cut her off.

"No you listen here lady, I'm beyond frustrated and hurt. I just wish this could all be over. I'm not really the chit chat type of girl. If your not gonna help me get out of here, I suggest you leave" I said tears on the verge of spilling.

"Be careful what you wish for" she said in whisper and she closed her eyes. I heard yelling coming from outside. I heard things being smashed and gun shots.

"Whats that suppose to mean?!" I yelled and got up standing in front of her tall figure. She didn't open her eyes but she was mumbling gibberish words that were freaking me out.

"Who are you? Answer me!" I yelled and shook her body. Her eyes shot open but they weren't the soft blue I remembered. They turned into full white eyes which made me let go of her and fall to the ground.

More shouts came from upstairs that made me curl into the corner.

"Don't be afraid of me sweety, I'm here to help you" she said coming closer to me. I backed away from her, and closed my eyes hoping this was all a dream.

"Answer my questions" I said hiding my face in my lap.

"My name is Princess Mariah I am the moon goddess of all werewolf species" she said in a calm voice. My eyes widened in shock. A moon goddess was standing in front me, ME!! of all people.

"Do you know what that means Rosalina?" She asked sitting in front of me. I shook my head. I only knew a little bit but I wanted to hear the full story.

"I was a one of the first werewolves ever created. I was a princess of a land before I met my mate and he turned me into a werewolf. My parents were human and the kings and queen of Nova village. My parents killed me a hundred thousand years ago with my mate" she said with a sly smile.

"Wait your dead?" I asked touching her warm hand. She nodded.

"That's when I turned into a goddess with my mate who is the god of werewolves. I'm living as a powerful spirit. My job is to destine two people with each other, also known as mates" I gasped.

"Wait your an original werewolf? And your the one who destined me and Xavier together?" She nodded.

"I am one of the first werewolves" she said with a smile. "I'm the one who gave you this life. And I'm the one that can take it away from you" she said looking deep into my chocolate eyes.

I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion. "What do you mean take it away?" I asked as my heart beat increased.

"I told you to be careful what you wish for. I'm here right now in front of you. I've never showed myself to anyone before. All of this will be written in the book of shadows and one day there will be people reading your story Rosalina. Your special Rosalina now tell me what you wish for?" She asked getting up and walking in circles.

"I-I don't k-know" I said whimpering. I heard gun shots from upstairs which made me cry like a child.

"Yes you do, tell me before Xavier comes down here and takes you." she demanded as if she knew me. I shook my head.

"Xavier's here?" I asked getting up looking around. She nodded.

"He's upstairs fighting Ryder's men. Now tell me what you wish for?!" She yelled and shook my shoulders. I shut my eyes and shook my head.

"I don't know!" I repeated, and grabbed my head. My mind was blank and I couldn't think properly.

"JUST TELL ME!" she said as her voice changed into a male voice and her body looked powerful. I stared into her white eyes and shut my eyes hard.

"I WISH A LIFE WITHOUT SUPERNATURAL'S" I yelled and stomped my foot against the ground. My eyes were still shut and my breathing was very loud. I didn't feel her hands on my shoulders anymore. I opened my eyes and a bright light invaded my vision.

"Wish granted" I heard a robotic voice, my eyes widened as my chains were all broken and I was free. I closed my eyes once more and opened them my eyes widened.

I wasn't in a cold underground basement anymore. I was standing in the middle of Pine Forest. I looked around and saw the cliff with the rushing water. Tears ran down my face. I'm free, I'm finally free. What if he finds me? I ran as fast as I could to my old apartment.

How did I even get here? I ran and ran but my legs weren't going as fast as they use too.

I saw my apartment and ran into the lobby hoping nobody would see my tattered and bloody clothing. I got in my apartment and everything was the same as before. But we moved all of my stuff to Xavier's mansion. How did our stuff get back here?

And why was our door open? Questions all unanswered. I ran into my room and everything was the same. I quickly took my clothes off and went into the shower letting the water wash my dirty body. I got dressed and thighed my hair. I winced as my back was hurting from all the slashes that were left there. I really needed stitches.

I heard noises coming from the living room. My heart beat increased and I felt tears. "Is he coming back for me?" I whispered and grabbed my bed lamp in my hand. I opened my door slowly and gripped the lamp in my hand.

I ran out ready to attack when I saw Ariana coming from the door with groceries in her hand. Serenity was behind her and Meghan was coming in as well. I dropped the lamp on the ground as my tears ran down my face.

Everyone's eyes turned towards mine and they looked at the shattered lamp in the ground. I ran towards Ariana and hugged her.

"Guys I'm back! I missed you so much" I said grabbing Serenity into the hug. They looked at me weirdly.

I grabbed Meghan and kissed her cheek. "Rosey, what are your talking about? you were never gone" Meghan said giving me a confused look.

"What? No remember when Ryder took me three days ago from our school? Please tell me you remember?" I asked as tears ran down my cheeks like a waterfall. They shook there head.

Ariana grabbed my hand. "Rosey are you okay?" Her hand rested on my forehead "you have a fever, here come one you need to rest" she said opening my bedroom door.

"No! How do you not remember?" I asked sobbing. Serenity came and hugged me.

"Rosey you need to calm down babe" she looked up and starred at my face. "Where did you get all these bruises from?" She asked touching my bruises.

"Are you hurting yourself again, you promised you would stop" Meghan asked coming closer. I swatted her hand.

"I can't believe you guys don't remember" I said in a whisper and fell onto the sofa.

"Where's Xavier, is he okay? What about the guys are they good too?" I asked looking into Ariana's orbs.

"Who's Xavier?" She asked and scrunched her eyebrows. My eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean who's Xavier? He's my mate, where is he?" I asked clenching my fists.

"Rose, I think you need some rest" Serenity said with sad eyes. I shook my head and got up and turned toward the window where the view of pine forest was.

"Oh wait you mean that guy who's the captain of the football team?" Meghan asked. I nodded.

"What about him? He's such a jerk he flirts with every girl in the school he's so annoying" she said rolling her eyes.

"Rose, you can so much better than him. I didn't know you guys have a thing, when did this happen?" She said with a cheeky grin.

The way she described him wasn't my Xavier. Maybe it was the old Xavier, but he changed. My head felt heavy and I felt like fainting.

"What are you taking about? Xavier is not like that anymore!" I defended and Meghan stepped back with her hands held high in surrender. "Him and I has happened a while back. What about the guys your dating where are they?" I asked.

"Girl are you trying to rub it in my face that I don't have a boyfriend? I'm single as a Pringle" Serenity said huffing in anger. I laughed.

I looked at Ariana she shook her head. "Don't look at me I would have told you if I had a boyfriend" she said biting her nails.

I looked over at Meghan. "What about Josh? The twins? where are they?" I asked getting frustrated.

"Girl who the fuck is Josh? And I'm a virgin I don't have kids you dummy. Damn could you imagine getting pregnant in highschool?" She asked laughing. I looked at her weirdly.

"Yo guys, I bought extra ketchup it was on sale!" I heard the voice coming from the doorway. This voice was so familiar I haven't heard in a while. I turned around and my mouth dropped to the ground.

"L-Lucy?" I questioned. Was this a dream? Lucy was in the doorway with a big smile on her face holding bottles of ketchup in her hand.

She's suppose to be dead how did this happen? I ran to get and hugged her tightly and she felt like skin and bones. "I missed you so much how could you leave me?" I asked holding her tight.

"Rose I saw you this morning" she said patting my back and playing with my hair. I wiped my tears and held onto her. I didn't think I would see her again.

"What's going on? I'm so confused!" I yelled and gripped my head. I opened my eyes and everyone's was giving me weird looks.

"Serenity what's the date today?" I asked biting my nails.

"Oh, its September 1st 2016" she said smiling. I stopped biting my lips and felt like fainting. The time moved to exactly a year ago when we met the guys. Its suppose to 2017 not 2016. I dropped to the floor and curled into the ground. How can time move backwards?



Hey guys what's up? So... Its a cliff hanger once again. I worked extra hard in this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. Its one if my favorite chapters of Does it still hurt? Wbu?

I'm thinking of ending Does It still Hurt? At chapter 45. I might have a sequel but this only if people start reading it more. I do promise a sequel in the future for this book. Do you agree?

Don't forget to...
Comment (for a dedication)


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