The Awakening (RAPTURE Series...

Af LadyDawn

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Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn 2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved *Edited* This is Book # 2 of the Raptu... Mere

RAPTURE The Awakening Copyright
Chapter 1 Training Camp
Chapter 2 The Enforcers Take Their Place
Chapter 3 A New Era Begins
Chapter 4 LadyDawn Heads Back Home
Chapter 5 Tracking Down The Traitors
Chapter 7 Ravenwood Is Under Attack
Chapter 8 Two New States Arise From The Ashes 1 In Trouble
Chapter 9 A Plan Is Forming, Where Did They Take Her?
Chapter 10 Another Day Brings with it (1+1) + (1+1) = Superiority
Chapter 11 Fire Rains Down From The Sky
Chapter 12 Love Them British Boys
Chapter 13 A Test of Skills
Chapter 14 Here Kitty Kitty Kitty
Chapter 15 An Easily Corrected Mistake
Chapter 16 Ouch - That Butt Chewing Hurts, Practice Make Perfect
Chapter 17 Samantha Proves Her Worth
Chapter 18 Renascence Festival of Horrors
Chapter 19 Tender Is The Heart
Chapter 20 Why Is Emmie Turning Green?
Chapter 21 Three Grapefruits On The Table But Nothing To Eat
Chapter 22 A Day The World Will Never Forget
Chapter 23 Set Fire To The Sky
Chapter 24 Desperate Measures Require Desperate Actions
Chapter 25 Tracking The Enemy
Chapter 26 You Can Hide But We Are Tracking You
Chapter 27 Clyde's Mistake our Fortune
Chapter 28 A Trip to Germany Then Off to Romania
Chapter 29 The Week Drags On
Chapter 30 Continuing Troubles
Chapter 31 Another Day of Testing Two Die Today
Chapter 32 A Full Moon to Remember
Chapter 33 A Day In The Life of A Trainer
Chapter 34 So The Battle Begins
Chapter 35 Run Little Wolfe Run - We Are Going To Catch You!
Chapter 36 Meet The First Supreme Witch
Chapter 37 Six Months Was Only An Estimate
Chapter 38 The Battle Begins
Chapter 39 The Awakening
Chapter 40 Time to Toy with the Enemy
Chapter 41 Fighting Mad
Chapter 42 The Final Battle ?
Chapter 43 Life After The Battle

Chapter 6 The Underground Cavern

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Af LadyDawn

Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 6 The Underground Cavern

Sandu is down in the office talking to Viorel discussing their last mission with all the Enforcers at the warehouse. They had just found out that there was a new organized group out there banding together out to disband and kill off all the Enforcers, Protectors, and the High Council. They want to take over the earth, rule it essentially entrapping all the humans to use them for food and forced labor. Plus get rid of all the vampires becoming the only true mythical force to recon with.

“We need a new plan of attack to deal with these new predators, they are especially vicious. The ones we dealt with at the warehouse were ruthless fighting to the death unlike what our parents dealt with.” Sandu explained a worried look played upon his face,Viorel's eyes went wide in shock. She is not liking this one bit worrying about her own safety there at the manor being a direct target.

“We all need to stay on our toes from here on out when we are not here at the manor. If you leave be sure to take two guards with you at all times, and in a security car; they have special armored against outside attacks to protect you.” Sandu insisted to Viorel she just shook her head in understanding. This was a serious matter now not to be taken lightly; when they expected her a common secretary to be so well protected just to leave the compound.

Sandu left Viorel and proceeded to the sitting room of the manor only to meet up with his brother Sorin and all the girls sitting around watching the news on the TV and reading the paper on their tablets. “Hey, how's it going did I miss anything good on the news this morning?” he asked.

“Na same old same o giggle” Catarina responded from across the room from her place on the couch sitting next to his brother Sorin and her sister Ceferina. Sandu walked over to the love seat and snuggled in next to Amalia wrapping his arm over her shoulder pulling her in for a hug.

“Where have you been sweetie” Amalia asked Sandu when she was comfortable snuggled up into his side slipping one arm around him.

“I was down in the office chatting with Viorel about our last mission and filling her in about not leaving without taking at least two guards and a security car with her for her own safety. We can't afford to loose her.” He explained in a whisper to his little mate while running his fingers through her long dark black straight hair.

Amalia and Sandu have become quite an item Amalie and Sandu are also very close being mates, but not as close as Amalia is to Sandu. They are always together they run the manor and the US office together with Amalie as a second in charge so to speak.

The other triplet is a group of their own right, but they are all equals Sorin loves both girls equally, and they do him. They work as a fighting team, a very deadly team at that. Where you find one you find all three. One protects the other at all times. All three boys are extremely powerful with gifts that equal all the powers that all the girls have with the exception of being able to shift change like the twins Emmie & Emari whom are Shapeshifters. When they are around their mates they amplify their power three fold making them unstoppable.

A news bulletin popped up on the television announcing that there has been a deadly attack in Kansas City, Kansas. There are hundreds dead in a park near the boarder of Kansas City, Ks. and Kansas City, Mo. at a concert that was being held last night by a big time band playing music from the early 2000's; some really old tunes, that people were all dancing to when a fight broke out. A massacre erupted when a hugh pack of wolves came rushing the field from all directions. The police killed only a couple before they were also killed, then the spectators scattered like ants caught in a tidal wave of panic. In the end several hundred were left dead, or dying. It was a bloody mess the reporters said that were there reporting on the massacre. They couldn't even film it, the sight was so horrible to see that even the reporters got sick themselves.

“OK everyone pack up we are headed to Kansas City, KS. right away I will tell Maria and Viorel we are leaving” Sandu jumped up pulling Amalia with him in the process slapping her on the back side sending her up to her room to pack as he headed into the kitchen to talk to Maria. Everyone else followed Amalia's direction and went upstairs to pack also. Thirty minutes later they were all sitting inside their new jet ready on the tarmac to take off heading west to Kansas City. KS.

This new jet has a much faster flying speed compared to the old ones the Protectors used to use. They just took ownership of them a month ago after getting back from their last mission helping out the UK office. They have a fleet of three of the big ones that hold twelve passengers with a pilot and co pilot. Plus seven six passenger jets with the new high speed engines all capable of supersonic speeds. It took just over one hour to get to Kansas City, Ks. From Queensbury, Pa.

We landed at the Kansas City, Mo. Airport they directed us to the furthermost southern parking area and terminal where there were three awaiting brand new 2032 black all electric Cadillac Electraglade SUV's. They were awesome looking and the largest vehicle on the roadway we found out as we drove through town and across the water to where the field was from two nights before. Viorel always schedules to have us new SUV's waiting on us at any airport we land at for our disposal. New SUVs gave us less problems than old used clunkers they used to rent in the beginning, not like we could afford to break down during a chase or anything like that.

So here we are driving by the park, with all the security and police there, and us looking for the head of the police to check in. Catarina screams out. “STOP THE CAR!” she jumps out running at full speed across the field Sorin and Ceferina hot on her heals chasing her as she zigzags around markers and body parts blood stains heading for the stage. Sandu spots movement from his spot in the front SUV at the side of the road under the bandstand where the band had been set up on. All their instruments were still there scattered around the stage.

They all exit the SUV and sprint across the field and before they can even make it one quarter of the way across the field they are stopped by a police Sargent demanding they stop. Sandu uses mind control to instill in him the urgency that they be allowed full access to the park for him and his whole group and that he radio in that they are there to help in the investigations. Sandu, Amalie, and Amalia turn and run the rest of the way to the bandstand to assist the other group just in time to catch a lone werewolf trying to escape them turning directly into an awaiting Amalie's open arms who crushed them down tightly around him stopping him immediately.

She paralyzed him in his tracks then they interrogated him on the spot for information on the whereabouts of the hideout for the pack of werewolves that did all this to the group of innocents. He at first resisted till Catarina used her compulsion on him to force him to talk then he wouldn't shut up. When they had all the information they needed Sorin killed and flashed burned him so there would be no evidence left for anyone to find. Though they are working with the local police they have to keep this secret from them; well as secret as possible.

The werewolf told them that they were held up in an old abandon cavern once used by packing companies to store and ship refrigerated foods from underground, right below the city of Kansas City; right under the heart of the city and the main roadway. There were hundreds of hidden tunnels mined out in the early 70's to late 90's stretching for miles in every direction. Then it was used as cold storage to store foods till it was found that the storage of food there caused a major cancer risk and was closed down. Go figure.

We packed up and headed to the main area which was only one mile away by car on interstate I 70. Once we arrive there it was a stone road to the main quarry to a steep stone ramp down one hundred and fifty feet into the belly of the quarry. There we had to go around a few tall towering pillars that are  used to hold up the roof of the first section before we could enter the tunnels. Once inside it was at least 18 feet tall inside with black ceilings from all the soot of the millions of trucks that came and went over the years. Driving further inside it cleared up a bit, but became impassable with a vehicle so we parked all three of our SUV's by the side of this pillar and left a guard with each one then we headed inside.

Walking for thirty minutes seeing nothing then walking up to a fork in the tunnel we were hesitant which way to go. Sorin and Sandu each went to the entrance of a path and knelt down placing a hand on the ground palm down closing their eyes. They concentrated on the vibrations in the tunnels everyone was quiet. No one was even breathing not a single sound could be heard. Sorin stood up and said. “This way they are not too far off” pointing in the direction on the right hand side Sandu rose to his feet, and we all followed Sorin down the dark damp tunnel quietly trying to be as quiet as a church mouse.

Rounding a corner the whole place was lit up. We jumped back up against the wall trying to hide in the darkness. Amalie went invisible so she could go inside and inspect the lit up room so she could report back to us her finding.

“Boo” everyone jumped, holding a hand over her heart Amalia slapped Amalie on the arm. “Ouch why did you do that? Damn sister I was only joking.” Amalie rubbing her shoulder with her hand then she said. “There are about fifty to seventy five people in there and about twenty children. It looks like this is their home and their base camp they have food and all kinds of weapons stacked up all around the area. This is going to be difficult unless we blow the whole place up on them, but this place is a fortress all built out of stone. If we go in there, there are too many of them for us to safely take out.” Amalie explained drawing a map on the floor as Sorin kept watch on the entrance.

“Well we do have about forty pounds of T3C8 with us that will take down several high rise buildings in a big city at one time it should be enough to take this place down and seal them in. Can you check to see if there are any more exits and place charges at each of them with remote detonators we can set off” Sandu asked Amalie, she nodded her head throwing her back pack loaded with T3C8 and timers in it and went invisible again then went in search of any exits. She was back almost an hour later, in that time Sorin had to quietly kill two werewolves who has left the room to exit the way they were standing fortunately no one heard them fall when he killed them both. 

Amalie returned appearing next to the two dead werewolves looking down she almost tripped on them. “What is this damn...” Amalia slapper her hand over her sister's mouth cutting off whatever else she was about to say placing a finger to her own lips to indicate to be quiet. Then she removed her hand. “What is with these two Amalie whispered?”

“They came out of the room we had to deal with them” Amalia explained. “Did you plant the explosives and how many exits are there?” Amalia asked.

“Yes there are two exits, but rather big ones and one top vent, but I managed to set explosives at all three of them. Are we set here if so lets get out of these caves and back to the truck so we can blow this place.” Amalie wanting to leave the area she lead the pack seeing as she didn't need the light to see. Just as they all arrived at the awaiting SUV's Sandu pulled the safety pin on the timer pressed the red go button and tossed it up on the pillar ledge with the antenna pulled way out so it would transmit all the way back into the cavern.

The guards had already turned the SUV's around before they arrived so as to be ready to leave in an instant. They all jumped in and started racing out exiting the underground just as the first explosion went off followed by three more in rapid succession. Then a loud rumble with a huge cloud of white smoke rose from the top above them. It was stone dust from the rock being blown to pieces.

When all the smoke cleared they spent then next day and a half going through all the debris making sure there were no more evidence of werewolves alive or otherwise. The few that they did find the boys burned to eliminate the evidence of, just in case someone came snooping around. This new explosive that they used is one hundred time more powerful that the old C4 with a thermal characteristic added into it to cause a flash burn fire so intense it burns anything flammable within five hundred feet of it's explosion it even melts one inch steal in a mater of seconds. They witnessed flame shoot out of the tunnel and up in the air a hundred feet then rain down white ash of rock like snow flakes.

Once they were done, and positive no werewolves were left they headed back do all their paperwork and to their awaiting plane to fly back home to Queensbury, PA. to restock their supplies and clean up after all their trekking through tons of debris. Maria makes them a nice meal when they arrived and then they all retired to the sitting room for a few games on the wall screen TV before all turning in for a restful nights sleep.

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