Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 1: Sector One
Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 36: Days Like This

36 1 0
By Wingerz17

Honey - Moby (Song for Chapter) (If you recognise it, it's from the film Holes)

I am sorry that I am a day or two, late uploading. I came home for the weekend/long weekend from Thursday. Have a few spare minutes so I thought I'd upload!

This is a Birthday dedication to: Tom Reseigh. Happy Birthday, I love you and miss you. Raise a glass in heaven! xx


Chapter 36: Days Like This

Keane's POV

My eyes slowly opened, blinking furiously as light met them, I groaned, someone then moved beside me,

"Morning" Tayte said,

"What the hell happened last night? Where...this isn't our room"

"No, it's mine" Talina said appearing with a tray of breakfast,

"We didn't come banging on your door causing trouble did we?" I asked,

"No, Tayte brought you to me, because you were in a state. Don't forget you have medusa to catch" She said with a wink,

"I don't..." I trailed off and fell back on the bed, groaning, Tayte and Talina burst into laughter, "The guy who I thought was turned into a statue...I'm not living this one down" I mumbled.

"Since I know you probably won't want to eat anything, there is some orange juice an apple and some tablets for your pounding headache" Talina said, and then,"How are you feeling Tayte?"

"Surprisingly okay, I'm going to take some paracetamol to be safe and a croissant if you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't, I bought this for you, I've already eaten and seen your parents and poor Noah"

"How is he?"

"He is suffering a lot. You're lucky Keane"

"I don't feel lucky, I feel like death"

"Well Noah looks like death" I smiled,

"What time is it?"


"Too early"

"Take your tablets and eat that apple Mr. Magic Mike" Tayte said, I grinned,

"Mr. Magic Mike?" Talina asked, "Do I even want to know?"

"No you don't, shut up Tayte" He grinned and took a bite of the croissant, "Urgh"I then said, as he handed me some orange juice and tablets,

"Boys, I'm going down to the pool, I will see you down there when you feel up to it. Oh, your clothes are on the side in the bathroom," Talina said leaving her room.

Tayte got up and I laid in the bed watching him,

"We're not staying here in Talina's bed. So get your ass up, I don't care if your hanging, we're having a shower, getting dressed and joining everyone downstairs,"

"I do love when you take charge" I smiled, he winked at me as I got out of bed. "I'm glad you came to Talina"

"Your Dad isn't exactly in my good books" He said as we stripped off,


"Just something petty" He said turning on the shower,

"Well, it's obviously bothering you"

"He just made a big deal about me being able to drink because he would look after us all and then next minute he's ringing me saying he's gone with Noah and if I could get us two back safely,"

"Why are you even surprised?" I told him, pulling him in, "Don't be angry, it's not worth it," I kissed him.


"So you survived then" Dad said,

"No thanks to you" I told him, Tayte smiled at me, shaking his head, just because I told him not to be angry, doesn't mean I can't.

"That's a tad harsh son"

"Whatever, I'm not here to fight. It's our last full day here right? No fighting" Noah then appeared before anything else could be said, he saw us and ran over, bowling into us,

"How are you bud? We hear a little worse for wear" I said,

"Never again am I drinking that much,"

"Famous last words" Tayte told him,

"No, I mean it and I told Angelo that and he laughed at me," we both smiled and sat down by the edge of the pool, I looked at the water,

"Are you afraid to get in?" Tayte whispered, making me shudder,

"No" I answered, "I'm not" and it was the truth, the only thing I was scared of is what I've already voiced. I'm afraid of being taken away from the ones I love.

"Where's Tammara?" Noah asked,

"Seeing Dara again I think" Talina answered, we all smiled.

"So are there any plans for today?" Mum asked,

"No, I'm not leaving the hotel, I'm going to lie here all day"

"Boring, can we have a last explore?" Noah said,

"Yeah babe, let's go see if we can find Medusa" Tayte told me with a smile, Talina laughed and Noah, Mum and Dad looked confused,

"Medusa?" Mum asked,

"Is this some kind of inside joke?" Noah then said,

"Keane thought the man had been turned to stone by medusa, but it was a statue, he was diving around the place early hours of this morning running away from her," I grinned,

"Oh I'm gutted I missed that" Noah said,

"You were too busy chucking your guts up" Dad told him, he shivered,

"Don't remind me,"

"Have you eaten anything Keane?" Talina asked,

"I had a croissant,"

"Don't even lie, no he hasn't eaten anything," Tayte said, I glared at him,

"I don't want anything, the smell will make me sick,"

"Food will help the hangover,"

"No it won't"

"Keane it will, I still feel so rough, but I ate food and it helped a lot"

"Make me" I said sticking my tongue out and running off, I heard Noah giggle and footsteps chase after me, I ran around the pool a few times and then ducked away and down a path that led to the main part of the hotel. I hid behind a tree, catching my breath and rubbing my leg,

"Which way did he go?" I heard Noah say,

"Probably the main reception in search for Medusa" I couldn't help but laugh, "I heard that" Tayte then said, I dashed out,

"After him" Noah screamed.

"I call a truce" I shouted as we ran inside the hotel,

"Truces not allowed" Noah said,

"I can't run anymore, my leg won't allow it," they soon changed their tune,

"Sit down" Tayte told me,

"Are you okay?" Noah asked, his brow creasing in worry,

"I will be, can't run on my leg like I used too," I said, "Sorry to dampen the mood"

"Not at all, can't believe you ran off like a little kid" Noah laughed,

"Forever a kid at heart kiddo"

"Is that the man you thought was turned to stone by medusa?" Noah then asked,

"Yes" I smiled, "I mean, look around, there are a lot of statues, I think it was an easy mistake to make,"

"Pity medusa hasn't been around for a very long time," Noah said,

"Pity Medusa was a mythical creature that may or may not even be real," Tayte said with a smile,

"She was real right?" Noah said,

"I guess that's something we'll just have to research our self"

"Right now?"

"Right now if you want to" Noah pulled out his phone,

"Was medusa real?" he said typing it into Google, "So from this it seems she was a real person, beheaded by that Percy dude, or is that just from Percy Jackson and the lighting thief? Another one says she was an African Goddess with dread locks and she carried around a pouch full of snakes, that she was the snake Goddess. Did you know that most of Greek mythological creatures originated from African civilisations?"

"I feel like I'm sat in a history lesson,"

"A cool history lesson" Noah said raising his eyebrows.

"What are you three doing?" Tammara said coming into our view,

"Having a history lesson," She smiled,

"How was Dara?" She blushed,

"We just had breakfast, it was lovely,"

"Does he know your leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, I knew nothing was going to come of it..."

"Never say never T, stranger things have happened" I told her, she smiled,


We headed back to the pool, Talina, Mum and Dad were led on sun lounger with drinks in hand talking,

"So if suddenly a crazy gang of gunman tour through this hotel and started shooting at us, would we all die because you are all so chilled out and relaxing?" Noah asked, "If one took me captive, knocked Keane out into the pool, knocked Tayte out and dragged Tammara off would we all live?"

"We never fully turn off. And no one would get as far as laying a finger on any of you,"

"Oh really" I said,

"Yes really,"

"Cool, I'm going for food at the poolside terrace," I told everyone,

"Keane said he was going for food on his own account. Write that down, it's going to snow later, first time ever in Cambodia,"

"You are hilarious," I smirked, he stuck his tongue out,

"I know" He teased.

We all, well, all minus the adults,

"Hey we're adults too" Noah said, I looked at him,

"I didn't say that out loud,"

"I knew you were probably saying it in your head, plus we have brother connection"

"Don't do that again,"

"No promises" he winked.

I had a warm avocado and chicken salad with a woo woo cocktail,

"When you said you were getting food, I thought that meant more than a salad" Noah said,

"I'm just glad he's eating" Tayte said,

"The salad's here are good though" Tammara said mid mouthful of a whaldorf salad,

"I'll stick with my chicken burger, thank you very much"

"I can't believe we're moving on tomorrow" Tayte said, changing the subject,

"Me neither, I've enjoyed Siem Reap," Noah replied,

"It doesn't feel like we're being hunted to our death either" I said,

"Only you would come out and say that,"

"Well it's the truth anyway"

"Maybe nothing else is going to happen, I have a good feeling" Noah said. Pity my feeling wasn't as good as my little brothers.

"Shall I get another round of cocktails?" Tammara asked, snapping me back to reality,

"YES" Noah shouted,

"I thought you were never drinking again,"

"That is in an uncontrolled situation. This situation is controlled, therefore I am unlikely to get drunk, also we are having drinks in a civil manner."

"All I'm hearing is bullshit" I told him, he gasped,

"Keane Joey Linkoln, how dare you" he said, holding in a laugh, I just blew him a kiss.

We were joined by the parents and Auntie, 4 cocktails down,

"Well everyone seems merry here" Talina said,

"We are, we've been on the cocktails,"

"Your forgot about last night quickly" Dad said,

"This is in a controlled situation and we're drinking in a civil manner, we are not getting drunk" I teased looking at Noah who rolled his eyes at me.

"Would you like anymore?" Mum asked,

"No, we're good. I think we're stopping now, nibble won't go a miss though" Noah answered.

"Nibbles coming up"

"I think I'm going to go to the gym for a bit,"

"After eating and drinking 4 cocktails, no you are not" Tayte told me,

"You are not my minder,"

"I'm afraid I am,"

"Well then, I'm going for a swim"

"You'll get a stitch or get cramp and drown" Noah said,

"Well I already nearly did that" I retorted,

"Shit, sorry, I didn't mean..." I smiled,

"I know you didn't, it's fine. I'll just chill here for a bit and then maybe go take a nap,"

"You are such a grandpa. Though a nap does sound good to me,"

"Hypocrite" I winked.

"Don't you know it,"


4 hours later

"I cannot believe you are making me watch Once Upon A Time" I said.

It was 5pm and Tayte, Noah, Tammara and I were all in the bed, snuggled under the covers watching Netflix.

"It's so good, you'll get addicted. I forced Angelo to watch it and now he's so into it and we watch it all the time,"

"I love this, Charming is so charming" Tammara said,

"Oh No, Hook is my man, oh he is a yes from me," Tayte and I laughed,

"Where is this Hook?"

"He's not in this episode, unfortunately, he won't be in for a while since I'm starting from the beginning with you, otherwise you won't have a clue what's going on," Noah said,

"Oh are you just too kind," Tayte and I said together,

"Trust us, you'll love it,"

"Boys and Tammara, we are going for dinner at Café D'Angkor at 7.30pm," Mum said standing in the doorway,

"But that only leaves us 2 hours to watch Once Upon A Time" Noah moaned,

"You have after dinner, and tomorrow as well"

"When are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked,

"Our flight is 11.20pm we wanted to travel overnight for the first half, so we have all day. Tammara yours and Talina's flight is 3.35pm," I stuck my bottom lip out,

"I don't want them to go" I said like a child,

"We'll be meeting back up with them in a week in London"

"That's good, please leave Mum, we'll be ready for dinner later," Noah said, she laughed,

"Enjoy" and shut the door.

"Life doesn't always have a happy ending". - Snow

"I will find you Snow. I will always find you". - Charming

"Your life must be filled with such incredible loneliness that your only joy comes from destroying everyone else's happiness". - Snow

"The only way to overcome fear is to face it". - Regina

"Wouldn't you rather face this together than alone?" - Emma

"You know what, this show speaks truth," I said,

"Knew you'd like it,"

"I feel Tayte and I are Snow and Charming. I will find you babe, I will always find you" I told Tayte,


"I see we're going to be watching more of this" Noah grinned,

"Oh I want a happy ending"

"You'll get one, we'll all get one"

"What do you mean we'll all get one, you've already got one"

"Just because we all have each other, doesn't mean we have a fairytale life"


"This is the last supper we're going to have together" Noah said,

"Only for a week and then we'll all be reunited,"

"Well let's hope the week passes quickly,"

We put in our order, seared tuna nicoise, a pumpkin, potato and tofu curry, pan fried seabass, olive oiled poached salmon, a philly cheesesteak sandwich, a raffles beef burger and a parmesan crusted chicken burger. The drinks were all nonalcoholic, I think we'd had enough for a few days at least.

The evening wore on, at 10pm we left the restaurant and all crashed back to our villa, where Noah suggested we played charades,

"Please, pretty please" Noah said fluttering his eye lashes,

"Why not end our last day with laughter" Dad said,

"Result. I'll go first, no wait, Keane you go first. No, Mum you go first"

"Noah, shut up" I said, he grinned.

"Why don't we use a generator, then it's random and it's funnier that way" Tammara said, "I'll get one up on my phone"

"Yes, I like your thinking T," Noah said, she smiled and handed it over to Mum.

"Oh, okay" Mum said

"Mum, don't forget you can't talk remember"

"I know" She winked.

"TV show"

"One word,"

"I already know what this is" I said,

"Then say it,"




"Lost" Dad said,

"Yes" Mum answered,

"Oh," Noah said and I laughed,

"Next time just say it Keane,"

"Nah, because then it'll be over quickly,"

"We're not only having one round" Noah said,

"Who decided that" Talina asked with a smile,

"" he said with his tongue out.

"I'll go next" Dad said, pressing the button on the phone, he smiled, "Right"


"4 words"

"Oh here we go" Noah teased,

"First word,"

"The" he nodded,

"Fourth word,"

"Child" I said as he pointed at Noah,

"Oi," Dad shook his head,

"Boy" Tayte said, drawing out the O'

"It's man, we know Dad, we're just teasing" I said,

"Oh were we?" Mum said, we laughed,

"The something, something, Man"

"Third word"

"Hand going crazy" Noah said with a smile,


"8, what's 8 got to do with it?"

"Got it, spider" Talina said, he nodded,

"8 legs, I feel you" Noah said,

"The something spider man"

"The Amazing spider man" Noah announced,


"I'll go next" Talina said as it was handed over to her, "You'll get this one so easy"

"Auntie, no spoilers" I said, she laughed,


"Two words"

"First word"


"Rain man" Dad said,

"I told you it was easy,"

"Is that the film with Dustin Hoffman?" I asked,

"Keane, I'm impressed" I just smiled.

"I'm going to go now" Noah declared as the phone was handed to him, "Oh seriously...I get the hard one"

"No spoilers" Talina teased.


"One word"

"First word"

"Why are we saying first word when there's only one word anyway" Tammara asked,

"Because" Tayte said,

"That is an arm" I said, he nodded, "What the film is called arm?" Noah laughed, then shook his head, waving his hands to say 'go on, there is more'. He then went about trying to act out a full on scene from whatever film he had.

"Are you being blown up?" Talina asked, he nodded. It then clicked,

"Armageddon" I said,

"Yes, knew you'd get it,"

"Your acting skills are a little rusty"

"That is a hard one though"

"I thought someone would get it from arm," I chuckled,

"Arm" I shook my head, and picked up the phone, I laughed at what I had,


"One word"

"I swear most of them are one words"

"First word" I looked at Tammara and she laughed, I then did the superman pose,

"Superman" Tayte said,

"That was so fixed" Noah complained,

"I am Superman, I keep telling you" I handed Tayte the phone,



"Both" Noah gasped, "We're in for a good one here" I smiled,

"Two words"

"First word"


"Wow...that was exciting"

"Second word" Tayte dropped to the floor and began to dig, or borrow, got it, the borrowers,


"Mole, what hell?"

"Digging for gold?" we all laughed, Tayte looked at me, and he knew I had it,

"Keane do you know again?" Talina asked,


"That means yes,"

"The borrowers" I said,

"Oh yeah, well, Moles borrow"

"But they don't dig for gold"

"The greedy ones might" I rolled my eyes. Tammara took her phone and pressed the button,

"Oh wow" She said, "Sorry" She chuckled,

"TV show"

"4 words"

"We've gone up in the world" Noah said,

"Third word"

"A" she nodded,

"Too easy"

"Fourth word" she pointed to her wrist,

"Watch?" Dad said, she made the close face,

"Half past mole" Noah said,

"You're an idiot" she moved her hands to say, go on,

"Time" Mum said, she nodded,

"Something, something a time" Tayte said, I looked at Noah, the eureka moment hit him,

"ONCE UPON A TIME" He shouted,



"I want to watch more of that" Tammara said,

"Same here, was really getting into it" Tayte and I agreed, Noah's eyes lit up,

"Thank you for playing charades, we're off to watch more of one of the best shows ever" Mum, Dad and Talina chuckled.

"Okay then, we'll see you in the morning"

"Love you Auntie" We all chorused,

"And I love you all too," I saw Mum look,

"Love you" Mum then said,

"Yeah" I said, the look on her face, "Joking, love you too Mum" she smiled.

"Sleep well" Dad said,

"You too" We answered as we departed the room.

"Hook better come in it soon" I said, "I want to know what all the fuss is about" I said,

"Marathon" Noah grinned.


Cute. Fun filled. Perfect.

Sorry for any mistakes, this is unedited!

Next update: Next week at some point!

Love every single one of you reading this.

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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