The Risk To Love

By KeziahFerguson

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⚫ A Wattpad Featured Story ⚫ Ever since the stranger in school A.K.A - notorious bad boy from the city arrive... More

CH 1: Unhappy & Undecided
CH 2: New beginnings & Hot Strangers
CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering
CH 4: News & Nudity
CH 5: All Nighters & Acquaintances
CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions
CH 7: Surfs & Silent Bonding
CH 8: Slaps & Soberness
CH 9: Realizations & Reality
CH 10: Healings & Hideouts
CH 11: Carelessness & Confessions
CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna
CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness
CH:14 Paranormal & Paranoia
CH 16: Fast & Furious
CH 17: Raiders & Resolution
CH 18: Promises & Probability
CH 19: Stalkers & Sentiment
CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets
CH 21: Almost Firsts & Awakenings
CH 22: Spooky Mansion & Speculation
CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement
CH 24: Broken Boundaries & Party Poopers
CH 25: Misdeeds & Hostages
CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings
CH 27: Impetuous Behavior & Confrontations
CH 28: Spilling The Beans & Trust Issues
CH 29: Forgive & Forget
CH 30: Night Owls & Not So Chaste Kisses
CH 31: Unwanted Feminism & Buried Secrets
CH 32: Maze Runners & Walking Corpses
CH 33: White Lies & Wild Thoughts
CH 34: Pettiness & Meditation Gone Wrong
CH 35: Glitter Mermaids & Revenge Plans
CH 36: The Boys & Pathetic Comebacks
CH 37: Sneaking Around & Party Plans
CH 38: Threats & Medication
CH 39: Orange Vodka & Spin The Bottle
CH 40: Tears by the Lake & Watchers in the Woods
CH 41: Knights in Shining Armor & Mending Relationships
CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles
CH 43: Suicidal Prisoners & Calling Truce
CH 44: Left Raw & Reeling
CH 45: The Love Triangle & Queen Bee Collison
CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues
CH 47: Pageant Pony & The Missing Pendant

CH 15: Reunions & Rapists

85 12 1
By KeziahFerguson

Listen to Keep On by Kehlani


Chapter 15

Its been two days of school and a Jay getaway was the perfect remedy from my social life. That was crumbling all because of Abbie and her tactful revenge plans. Take for instance, this morning I had barely escaped a bucket of pig's blood being pelleted on top of me in the girls locker room. A scene straight out of our all-time favorite horror movie that we'd watched together. Carrie.

How original.

Jay and I were currently divulging into the last packet of skittles even though half of them were being thrown at the TV screen just for our amusement.

Apparently watching reality shows brought out our inner savage.

Jay would say something like: "her forehead looks brighter than my future!" Or "Look her pimples are forming constellations," and then we'd laugh till our eyes were teary when we created a solid insult just pointing fingers at each other saying 'nice one.'

I swear, the both of our judgemental commentary combined was harsher than Simon Cowell and that says a lot.

Morgan and I established an agreement whereby we'd never speak of our arguments after 24 hours which resulted in us giving each other the silent treatment between that time period since it was simpler than trying to solve our conflict. Afterwards we would just move on from it and not dwell in the past. As far as I could recall,that method always worked but tonight was a little different.

It was a Wednesday night and my hotline was blinging every five seconds with my brothers number.


"MORGAN EZRA TAYLOR CALL ME ONE MORE TIME-" I threatened trying to hear what one of the supermodels was giving a petty complaint about.

"Relax! I can see your veins popping on your huge forehead from here. I was just worried that... you hadn't recovered well but clearly you're back to your old self," he rolled out sarcastically.

I just scoffed in reply.

"Stay outta trouble and tell Jay that I need-" The line got caught off when I heard him yelling for the boys not to touch his control.

Ah yes. It was the infamous Wednesday team bonding night. And boy,was I glad I wasn't there to have to babysit that whole rowdy,immature bunch and have them treat me like a cheap servant girl.

Comfortably leaning back into my bean bag I opened another bag of gummy bears. I was so sure I'd die of diabetes because of this day.

"What did he want this time?" Jay asked looking at her phone uninterested at the current episode that was going on.

"Just being his usual annoying self...and I think he wanted to tell you something," I added fishing through the bag for the green flavored ones.

"Really?" She perked her attention back into the conversation. Slurping my soda loudly I just nodded my head.

Okay. Now my brother and Jay they were a whole different story. This is why I hated the beginning of my teenage years because I couldn't keep my handsy player of a brother off of my precious best friend.

Although it was inevitable.

So when we were all in 8th grade I had a slumber party thrown for my birthday. It was the talk of the town. Well, if you were a 12 year girl in Langston Town you'd understand the hype. It was being organised by my two best friends. So the obvious venue was my house. To skip right to the scandalous part of the night.

In the middle of an innocent game of truth or dare,Abbie dared Jemimah to kiss Morgan right on the lips. Now try and imagine 15 preteen girls gasping and jumping up and down excitedly waiting to witness Jay's first smooch. Then try and picture me, thinking we were gonna continue with our innocent pillow fight's and horror stories but instead my birthday had succumbed to this mess of hormonal terror.

But you know my Jay, she was never one to turn down a dare especially given by Abbie. So she did,just to prove herself and from that day onwards I knew it would never be normal again for the three of us. As our friendship grew so did theirs. I'd even have nightmares of me third wheeling or holding hands with the two of them on a beach.

Trust me, it was creepy.

Although we'd never openly discussed their fling in our friendship. Sure, I'd make jokes but this time was different. My player of a brother, had found an actual girlfriend and I knew deep down Jay was hurt because all these years it seemed like he was gonna wait for her to decide what she really truly wanted. These two, were always destined for each other despite the numerous relationships they had including him being with Abbie. But I didn't know why none of them attempted to make a move on the other. Maybe it's cause either of them didn't wanna have to make a choice between me or the other.

Call me selfish, but I also didn't wanna lose my best friend to my brother or vice versa so I never encouraged them or gave them my approval or whatever to finally be in a stable relationship. Which is why she isolated herself from him during the summer, and hallelujah! All awkwardness that had pent up between us three had vanished.

"Girls! I'm heading out!" A blur of blue strode past. "Have you seen my watch?" Her mother flipped the cushion covers where she recovered it under a pile of empty chips and popcorn bags.

Stuffing it in her back pocket she pulled her blonde hair into a tight ponytail.

"Did someone go through a bad breakup?" She plucked the bowls of ice cream out of our hands that we were enjoyably devouring and then placing two mugs of hot black tea instead making us both groan in sync.

"I'd advise you both to down that,to clear all that junk out of your system and please get out of the house for a drive or something, because this whole situation," she motioned to our unkempt hair and piles of sweets surrounding us, "is very unhealthy."

Clipping on her medical I.D she kissed both our foreheads. "I'm on a 15 hour shift at the hospital, so don't stay up too late!" She blew kisses and was out the door in a blink.

Aunty Marie was the strongest woman I've ever known and met. Not only was she able to raise and take care of Jay but she was a full time general practitioner at the local hospital. She'd always been the one to treat our wounds and was literally the best doctor this town had which is why they were always paging her every 5 seconds.

Jay's father had left when she was young so she didn't have much memories of him. Unlike other kids who would've been curious to know who their biological dad was, Jay didn't want anything to do with him because all she knew was that her mom was her father figure as well and took care of her as a struggling single parent. That was enough for her and all that truly mattered.


You know that moment when you and your best friend have reached the peak of boredom and you look back and forth between each other waiting for one of you to suggest something else. That was our exact feeling when aunty Marie left making us seem like couch potatoes.

Sipping our tea we slurped it loudly. "Refill?" I suggested. "Yes please." Jay switched off the Netflix channel.

Standing up we made our way to the kitchen to do what we always did before bed that had become tradition. Eat fattening cookies and gossip about whomever.

I swear, it was a tradition that was meant for grandma's dying of old age. While the kettle was on again, Jay rummaged through the pantry for melting moment cookies while we laughed about how the new cheer leading routine was gonna be the worst one yet at this weeks football game. It was the starting championship which meant a decade dance would've been accompanied before it.

Yay. Sarcasm intended.

In the background, I heard a tapping noise outside the window but chose to ignore it. Don't be a typical teenage girl and check the bait that the murderer has set out for you my subconscious informed me.

I continued sipping my black tea slowly trying to talk above the noise. The rapping against the window became louder and soon it changed to a rapid knock.

"What in the world is-" Opening the curtains I saw an asian girl scantily clad with an expectant look.

Uh oh. Here comes troublesome company.

"Tingting, you could've just used the side door, Jay let the girl in with her huge suitcase that she pulled in casually.

Ah. Yes. The famous Tingting. How could I forget about her introductions. Tingting Yee was our senior last year but she'd sometimes show up unexpectedly when she wasn't at college preps. Not only was she a brain genius she had other talents and hobbies. Like a disc jockey. Most formally known as DJ Ting. Last year she spun at all the places to be. Most were illegal and usually ended, where there were cops crawling all over the place. Jay would tell me all the crazy stories which is why I successfully managed to dodge her Asian persuasion with a bunch of excuses when she tried to get me to go with her. She lived down the road from Jay but was a real buzz of energy and her mixes were so good that we all expected her to be the next DJ Snake or Calvin Harris.

Jay eyed me with that look, like she'd already given in.

"I thought I'd interrupt your tea party instead," she snorted while grabbing a bottle of vodka out of her bag and pouring us each a shot.

Did I mention that this girl could never go a day without being fully sober.

"Bottoms up! To reunions and friendship," she toasted while we reluctantly picked up a glass and clinked them together. She took mine out of my hand and downed it in seconds.

"So? What brings DJ Ting back into town? Jay asked.

Pouring another glass she plopped herself on a stool next to me. "Well, I thought I'd visit my two favorite youngsters and take them out."

"On a school night?" My eyes widening.

Paying attention to me she pinched my cheeks as if just noticing my presence. "Yes little Morgan. And you aren't getting out of this one."

"Where are you spinning tonight? A rave? Cause the last time you took me to one of those I woke up on my lawn." Jay stated flatly.

"You had fun though,don't try to deny it. And no actually this is even better! The old race tracks on the north side of town. There's gonna be a huge meet, so everyone one in, say I," Tingting raised her glass.

"No way in hell! That place could be filled with greasy old bikers with food stuck in their beards and-"

"First of all, little Morgan you watch way to many movies. Just think of it as a scene straight out of fast and furious with a bunch of college kids and a few harmless gangs and grinding music provided by yours truly. If you children are feeling uncomfortable,my apprentice will take over and I will bring you back home,I'll even tuck you in bed." She concluded with a pair of puppy dog eyes and a pout.

"Well, I've always wanted to see what an actual race comp looked like at night," Jay said with her thoughtful face.

"It looks ILLEGAL. And illegal means cops. And cops mean arrested. So good night everyone and don't call me to bail you out," I face palmed myself.

Tingting started making chicken noises accompanied by Jay. "You two are so immature, I can't even deal-" standing up I left to go back to my solace of the living room.

"Wait! The only reason why I'm really because this might be my last night to spend with you guys."

Now, this caught both of our attention making us sit across the stool bar staring intently for her to continue.

"I was waiting to tell you the good news later but I finally landed a major contract." We screamed and jumped up and down together knowing she'd achieved what she'd been dreaming of since I first met her.

"That's great! Where? New York? California?" Shay guessed.

Her face kinda twisted. "Not exactly. Its in London."

"London, England? Like a different country?" We looked back and forth shocked while she just nodded her head slowly in reply.

These news made Jay pour us all another round. "I wouldn't even consider it because most of my family's here but this is my shot at the big leagues and I've always wanted to travel and gain exp-"

Risk #9: Loosen up for once.

"You should totally go for it," I stopped her guilt talk making her look up and smile sincerely at the both of us embracing us in a bear hug.

"It's settled then. The three amigos are making epic memories tonight!" She hollered in a deep voice as we all clinked our glasses together.

Jay and I started rolling her suitcase out the door grabbing the keys. Tingting coughed loudly making distasteful looks at our outfits.

"I'm sure I'm not even gonna get out of the car,so what's wrong with my favorite onesie?" I asked holding up my arms still in my favorite pajamas.

"Everything is wrong with that hideous thing. But don't worry unicorns and rainbows are fine," she emphasised each word laced with sarcasm.

Trudging back upstairs with my head hanging,knowing Jay was in tow when I heard her high five Tingting.

Well. Of course. She was only glad because she rarely got a chance to experiment on my appearance.


"Are you sure you won't be mistaken for a prostitute?" I snapped at Jay while pulling her top up concealing her cleavage.

Exiting the car we were parked behind the deserted stadium but heard the screeching of tires and a huge crowd cheering. The large floodlights from the tracks illuminated the whole place. There were a few other vehicles around with some groups who were clearly wasted helping their friends throw up on the side.

It was a tragic sight indeed.

"Stop being so modest Shay," Jay tried to tug my jacket off that hid my whole outfit making me slap her hand away. I even brought a pair of jeans that I put on in the car changing out of the mini skirt they forcefully put on me. I left the heels though. At least they were comfy.

"Just tryna decrease my chances of getting raped," I stated factually pushing her face away that was trying to tie my top up.

"Woah! Wait a minute. Firstly, what we wear doesn't matter if we get hit on or not, its their choice and not our fault if they see something they like," she dragged out motioning to her outfit.

Oh please.

"But we influence their choices through different things. One of them being our clothing. So I win. Now shut up," I zipped up my jacket knowing those two sentences always annoyed her.

"You shut up! And I won! And that didn't even make any-" we were interrupted by Tingting's shrill whistle.

"If you two feminists are done with your debate, I HAVE A SHOW TO START," She continued walking while we caught up to her distant figure.

It all happened in a sudden blur but before we rounded the corner, we didn't see Ting anymore. Frantically looking around I spotted her in front of a large man as if she were trying to get out of his hold.

"Jemimah! I see her!" Before she could reply I was already running up to the man. Letting my instincts kick in I jumped on his large back and whacked his bald head with my fist constantly yelling 'rape' in case anyone else was around.Jay joined in kicking his shin and knees while Ting just burst out laughing.

Wait what?

"TING?" I yelled out confused as ever. Suddenly one of the flood lights were diverted into our direction making us seize our actions while Ting got out of his hold and hugged him tight letting out guffaws in sync at our facial expressions.

What the hell did we just walk into?


I know what you're thinking. Who is this mysterious bald dude? Read the next chapter to find out my loves. Also hope January is your month BECAUSE I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. And you have got to check out Kehlani's SweetSexySavage album. It is lit! Like the next chapter. So yeah vote and comment ya poops.

Emma x

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