Black Velvet

By LaLaaLeanne

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When 20 year old stylist June Talford loses her job, no jobs seem to be available. June's biggest fear is bei... More

Black Velvet
Chapter 1 - "But this is the end of the road for us."
Chapter 2 - "Yup, definitely screwed that up!"
Chapter 3 - "I'm not self-fulfilling, but I'll take more money."
Chapter 4 - "My office is the size of my apartment..."
Chapter 5 - "Sorry, I don't give my number to fans."
Chapter 6 - "I'm working not going on a slag tour!"
Chapter 7 - "I got fired because I tried to kill a client."
Chapter 8 - "You Had Me At Pizza"
Chapter 9 - "No tonsil tennis back there!"
Chapter 10 - "You guys are better than any anti-depressant"
Chapter 11 - "He face-planted Niall's crotch."
Chapter 12 - "Let's kill some people and have sex in a car with the top down."
Chapter 13 - "I thought you were just going to bath in the chicken."
Chapter 14 - "I feel violated by the worlds best song writer."
Chapter 15 - "She was telling me sob stories about her cat."
Chapter 16 - "I cut him into tiny pieces and put him in the freezer for later,"
Chapter 17- "Lou Teasdale was like my fashion fairy godmother."
Chapter 18 - "Mind you don't have heart failure old man."
Chapter 19 - "Are you sure you don't want to lick it or something before we go?"
Chapter 20 - "No one takes pictures of me when I look like a peasant!"
Chapter 21 - "Did anyone ever tell you that you're infuriating?"
Chapter 22 - "Was the ice queen melting?"
Chapter 23 - "Harmless! Ha! I didn't think that was in a doctor's vocabulary."
Chapter 24 - "Firstly the word conoodling? Who the hell uses that!?"
Chapter 25 - "And you're not like strangling either of us?"
Chapter 26 - "Ugh return of the chins!"
Chapter 27 - "She had a bit of dodgy hospital food."
Chapter 28 - "But it would look so much better on the bedroom floor"
Chapter 29 - "How's banging Louis going?"
Chapter 30 - "Whoa you look like a cat that just realised it ate its own shit"
Chapter 31 - "Hey it's not okay you calling my fetishes weird!"
Chapter 32 - "You've had car sex?"
Chapter 33 - "I think Liam wet himself."
Chapter 34 - "This is just fuelling that fire that is building."
Chapter 35 - "Are all these people here going to try and break me down?"
Chapter 36 - "Sir you have two legs."
Chapter 37 - "Niall was a big pussy on the subway."
Chapter 38 - "We need these boys looking flawless and downright bangable!"
Chapter 39 - "One minute you're all like; 'girl I wanna fuck you so bad,'"
Chapter 40 - "I ain't kissing no vomit breath!"
Chapter 41 - "Did I ever tell you that you're bad for my health?"
Chapter 42 - "Y'all mother fuckers need Jesus."
Chapter 43 - "To Arthur!"
Chapter 44 - "Unrequited... that's quite a big word for a drunk guy."
Chapter 45 - "Have you ever had such a shitty year?"
Chapter 47 - "But I suppose I didn't have Louis, did I?"
Chapter 48 - " She was your egg barer."
Chapter 49 - "You'd swear I was naked or something!"
Chapter 50 - "Now that's a story to tell the grand children!"
Chapter 51 - "Niall and Liam spent a full ten minutes laughing at a tampon"
Chapter 52 - "Yeah, kinda wanna lick it off you."
Chapter 53 - "We'll get you back to destroying your liver."
Chapter 54 - "There's no classes on child birth on an plane!"
Chapter 55 - "And sometimes it's the disgusting habits that get us through life"
Chapter 56 - Niall was lying like a stripper on top of the piano.
Chapter 57 - "You're a very cute car."
Chapter 58 - "Jesus Christ June, you're a mess!"
Chapter 59 - "I need to see something good right now."
Chapter 60 - "Why wait another week?"
Chapter 61 - It's totally not weird that you did tequila shots with my boss
Chapter 62 - "Back then Louis was only at the groping your ass stage."
Chapter 63 - "And I do realise I can be a bit of a tyrant."
Chapter 64 - "June here drove like a maniac down the motorway!"
Chapter 65 - "My sister thinks all babies look like lumpy marshmallows."
Chapter 66 - "You must be worth nearly as much money as we are!"
Chapter 67 - "The whole teenager population of this small town is going insane."
Chapter 68 - "Hey, maybe you'll start liking One Direction."
Chapter 69 - "He was like my own personal drug."

Chapter 46 - "Happy Birthday... Louis."

277 7 1
By LaLaaLeanne


“June Talford,” the man called my name, I looked up, he was standing wearing a neat suit and his fair was firmly jelled into place. I stood up and smiled at him. He waited at the double doors for me. “We just got your order, but there’s been a bit of a change,” he said and walked further into the warehouse. I was currently trying out something I would have never done before; the black market.

“That is?” I asked my voice cool. I walked close to the guy in the navy suit. Let me comment on it though, no one should ever wear a navy suit, like ever. He stopped walking, “Our suppliers got wind of who you are,” he told me looking me in the eye for a moment and then continued to walk. “And…” I encouraged. “Well you can see for yourself.”

The black market in fashion and make-up was a very dodgy business; you’d want pretty good connections to get the right stuff. You didn’t want to be £500 down with nothing. So it was ridiculously important to know your facts. So I spent about two months getting into the black market. And so here I was.

We came to a T in the corridor, we took the left and continued on, “Here it is. Um… as I was saying there’s been a bit of a change,” he said and indicated to the room in front of us. “Eh…” I stammered and looked at the room in front of me it was stock full of racks upon racks of clothes, table full of make-up and hair products. Everything was branded. “I only ordered like… I don’t know… like a fraction of this amount of stuff,” I explained to the guy who was looking as shocked as I was.

“Well as I said our suppliers figured out who you were and well they sent all of this, for your pick and choose,” he told him indicating to the mass of products laid out in front of me. I looked at it and took a deep breath. “You can take as much as you want,” he told me. “What’s the catch?” I asked looking at him. “No catch,” he said with a shrug. “Well this could take a while,” I muttered.

“Take as long as you need Ms Talford, also I will bring boxes and clothes wardrobes for you to take what you want home with you,” he explained. I nodded but couldn’t take my eyes of all of the stuff in front of me. This was my paradise.

I walked forward and began to scour through everything. All this stuff was amazing! I couldn’t believe it. I had ordered all men’s clothes for the lads, so I was surprised to see a few racks of woman’s clothes, all in my size surprisingly. I said I’d have a look at the end of them. I had to sort out what the lads were going to wear for the New Year shows. I really couldn’t have them in the same clothes for the whole tour, it just wasn’t happening.

It must have been a good couple of hours later, because I had ten boxes full of clothes and make-up ready to take away, before my phone rang. I was standing with a pencil in my mouth, a sketch pad in one hand and a jacket in the other. I put down the sketch pad and fished out my pocket from my back pocket. “Hello?” I mumbled forgetting to take the pencil out of my mouth.

“Sorry, hello, June Talford speaking,” I corrected. “June, this is Alexander is this an okay time to talk?” Alexander’s voice rang through my phone. “Oh hello there Alexander, haven’t heard from you in a whole week, has something happened?” I asked with a laugh, Alexander was weird like that, for ages he’d been calling me everyday, for small little things; like how was the weather, was Niall taking his meds, that kind of thing.

But Alexander joined in on my laughter. “Has it really been a week since you lot got back to England?” he asked as if in shock of what I was telling him.

“It is indeed,” I told him and casted my mind back, a lot had happened since we got back, Alex went for her second scan, without Liam may I add! That girl was insane for not telling him! Anyway she found out that she was due on April 1st! meaning she was like 4 months gone, which also means that overnight her bump was going to show, meaning she had to start telling people. I shook my head and returned to the phone call. “What can I do you for?” I asked holding the jacket at arms’ length.

“No it’s not what you can do for me, it’s what I can do for you,” he said. “Alexander, that’s the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard,”

“Oh June, you keep me young,” he laughed. “But seriously, I have some pretty good news,” he told me. “Go on,” I told him. “Security is going to be put back to normal effective immediately.”

“What?” I asked, hoping with all that I had that my hearing hadn’t deceived me.

“I said security is going back to normal, no armed guards at the hotel in LA, you will not escorted anywhere either, although, I did hear about all of your lot’s antics with that fire escape,” Alexander said. “Well what do you expect from us now Alexander?” I asked with a laugh. “I know, I know, and I’m so sorry for that inconvenience,” he told me.

“Why is it being slackened?” I asked, “Not that I’m not absolutely ecstatic about it like,” I told him with a laugh. “Well our Modest security team has been monitoring everything since we upped security. And since there hasn’t been any threats, we see that there is no longer any reason for there to be any extra security,” Alexander explained. The whole time whilst he was talking a grin was growing on my face.

“You know what Alexander, that was possibly the best piece of news I’ve gotten all of this month,” I told him. “Well I’m glad to be the bearer of good news for a change,” he told me. I smiled, “Actually how’s the trial going for Niall’s Doctor?” I asked. “It’s out of our hands.”

“Meaning?” I asked. “Well we won’t get any feedback until the trial is over,” he told. “Ah… do you think he’ll get prosecuted?” I asked. “He’s definitely going to lose his doctor’s degree, but imprisonment… I’m not sure,” he told me truthfully.

I sighed, “It’s been one hell of a year, hasn’t it,” I said with a laugh. “That is very true,” he told me with a laugh. “Okay June, I’ll speak to you soon. Goodbye,” he said and the line went dead. I rolled my eyes, this was such typical Alexander behaviour, I never get to say goodbye. I slid my phone back in my pocket and added the jacket to the box. I looked around… I think I was pretty good.



“Ugh, June, tell your cat stop tickling my neck!” Louis told me, his eyes were still closed, “That’s not Lysander,” I whispered trying not to burst out laughing. “June, stop tickling me,” he told me still half asleep. This time I did laugh we were both lying in my back, back in my own apartment, and luckily Lysander was nowhere to be found.

“Happy Birthday… to you…” I whispered and ran my hand down his chest. “Happy… Birthday, to yoouuu,” I whispered, Louis hand found its way to the top of my thigh. “Happy Birthday… Louis,” I whispered and lifted my leg and placed it on the other side of Louis’ waist, so that I was now straddling him.

“Happy Birthday to….” But I couldn’t finish, Louis put his hand on the back on my neck and pulled my face closer to his so that my lips were now on his. The kiss heated up, his lips became more frantic and his hands became more explorative. I began to grind my hips against his. “June,” he moaned against my lips. “Mmmh?” I asked and pulled away to look at him. But I didn’t get to look at him; his lips were on my neck.

He pulled away and looked at me. I smiled; “Happy Birthday Boo,” I told him, “Thanks,” he smiled, his eyes darting between my eyes and lips. “Oh come here birthday boy,” I said and kissed him passionately. My hand went from the back of his neck and down his chest. “Keep going,” Louis mumbled encouragement; I didn’t need to be told twice. My hand continued down until it reached the top of his boxers.

He rubbed his hips up against me, encouraging me further. I moved my hand up and down over his growing bulge, “Juuuunneee,” he moaned. I grinned; I loved the power I had over him. I stopped and crushed my lips against his. He groaned in frustration. I smiled against his lips, “Two can play at that game,” he told me as he pulled away from the kiss.

His hands which were rested on my lower back moved down to cup my back side, just as his lips went to my neck. I moved my head to the side to give him more skin and moaned as he bit down. One of his hands then moved to the side of my thigh and ever so gently moved his hand up and down, barely toughing me. But this movement cause a shiver to run the whole way up my spine.

Without any warning his hand was resting in between my legs just under my underwear, I gasped. I could feel Louis smile against my neck. I was ever so still, I realised I was holding my breath. I almost wanted to shout at him to cop the fuck on, but his hand began moving slowly –ever so slowly- upwards towards my underwear.

After what seemed like an eternity I could feel his fingers just resting against the fabric of my underwear. After another eternity his fingers began moving, even though there was thin fabric between skin and skin, I could still feel my building. My breathing became heavy and all but stopped when he moved my underwear to the side so that skin was touching skin.

His fingers began stroking again and as they began to build up speed I crushed my lips against his. I moaned as his fingers slipped inside. My breathing became further ragged and I could no longer keep kissing him. I buried my head beside Louis’ head in the pillow and moaned.

I could hear Louis laugh and then he pulled out, just as I was about to hit what seemed like Nirvana. “What?” I asked raising myself up to look at him, he was smirking at me. “You’re a bastard… I was so close,” I told him through gritted teeth. “Yeah, I know,” he grinned. “You think this is a game?” I asked widening my eyes at him. “Well it is my birthday so I can make this a game,” he said smiling cheekily.

“Well if it’s a game you want to play for your birthday a game is what we’ll play,” I told him and kissed the corner of his mouth, then I kissed the end of his chin, his jawline, neck, collar bone, all the way down to the waist band of his boxers. I put both of my hands on either side and pulled them down. I took him in my hand and moved myself so I was looking at him, he had his eyes closed and was biting his bottom lip.

“Loouuiisss,” I whispered, he opened his eyes slowly, “Happy Birthday,” I smiled and then I started moving my hand up and down, he gasped and I could feel him begin to jerk his hips. I grinned and began kissing him again. “C’mon June,” he grunted running his hands up my back and unclasping my bra. It slid down my upper arms, “Oh wow,” he said appreciatively looking at me. I bit my lip and threw my bra on the floor. His hands began exploring again.

All the while my hand was building up speed. “June, take me out of my misery please,” he Alost begged, his hands left my chest and went to my hips and lifted me slightly, he didn’t need to say any more. I rolled us so that he was above me looking down at me. I let him take over and gave him the best birthday present I could. 

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