Born Lucky

By Shayde1

691 22 16

Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 11

18 1 3
By Shayde1

The next morning Dylan woke up with Devon laying on her shoulder and a long slender leg in between hers. Taking a deep breath, Dylan inhaled her soft beautiful perfume along with the musky scent of their perspiration mixed together after a long and passionate night of love making. She was excited to be spending the whole day with Devon doing something they had never done together. Sure they had both been down to the waterfront and to the Market before, but never together, so to Dylan this seemed like the next step in their relationship...The market was always bustling on Saturday, and for some reason she could barely wait to have Devon out there beside her...with her. It wasn't that she wanted to show her off, it was more than that...she felt her chest swell at thought of all the possibilities! Running a hand through her hair, she sighed as she broke down her own thoughts, just admit it Dylan, she thought to herself... you are head over heels in love with this woman!

"Mm, I love waking up next to you." Devon said lightly breaking into her thoughts.

Leaning down, Dylan kissed her forehead and nodded, "I was just thinking the same thing."

Rubbing her chest softly, Devon leaned up to kiss her lips and then with a raised eyebrow, that Dylan found sexy, she added, "Thank you for being so patient with me last night, you were...amazing."

"I should be thanking you," Dylan returned, putting her arms around her.

"I can't wait to spend a whole day with you." Devon smiled making her emerald eyes sparkle.

"Me either, so let's get started..." Dylan returned sitting up a little and bringing Devon with her, "You can have the shower first while I make some coffee and check with Mark about last night."

"Okay, but no business after that." She stated touching a fingertip to Dylan's nose.

"You got it."

The day started out with breakfast down at one of the café's near the Market, then they moved on into the Market itself where they walked the shops upstairs and then went down to the lower levels. After a few hours of shopping and a lot of browsing they decided on Pike's Ale brewery for a cold one and maybe a quick bite before heading down to the waterfront for more shopping and browsing.

Dylan was thoroughly enjoying Devon's company as they talked, laughed and held hands like they'd been doing it for years. Everything seemed so natural as they joked and poked fun of each other at different times, but then agreed on such things as street artwork, or even knick was almost as if they were made for each other. Devon never balked or even looked around when Dylan leaned in to kiss her standing on a corner as they waited to cross the street!

Feeling as though she were on top of the world, Dylan knew right then and there as they stood on the pier eating ice cream cones and watching a ferry come in, that she was indeed, in love with Devon...and she also knew that she would have to tell her sooner or later.

"So what would m'lady like to do now"? Dylan asked as she opened the car door for Devon once they got back down to where she had parked earlier this morning.

Turning to slide her arms around Dylan's neck, she smiled and wrinkled her nose cutely, "You're really leaving it up to me"? She asked surprisedly.

"Of course, this is your day." Dylan returned seriously.

"Well, then how about dancing"? She stated with a big smile.

Feeling an immediate panic set in, Dylan raised her eyebrows, it wasn't that she didn't know how to dance but damn, this was Devon...the woman she... loved! What if she didn't think she could dance?

"Well, I uh..." Dylan sputtered nervously looking down at the ground as if there was some magic answer hidden in the ground.

Devon laughed lightly, "Are you telling me, you can't dance"? She asked curiously.

"Well, no...I'm just better at the slow and up close stuff." Dylan responded.

Kissing her softly, Devon played with the hair at the back of her Dylan's neck, "Yes you are..." she purred softly, "but just for the record, anyone who can do what you can do in bed, must be good on the dance floor too."

This time Dylan laughed a little, "Isn't that supposed to be the other way around"?

"It's true either way then right"? She asked pressing her body into Dylan's.

Swallowing, Dylan looked up toward the sky as her hands automatically encircled her slender waist, "Woman, you're killing me."

Using her tongue to trace Dylan's jawline, she whispered, "Am I"?

Groaning as she felt her pulse speed up and her body flush, "Yes, you are...are you sure you wouldn't rather just go back to my place"?

Kissing each lip separately, Devon smiled mischievously, "Well, we do need to go there to at least change clothes."

Knowing she couldn't hold on much longer, Dylan stepped back and used her hands to hold Devon at bay, "That'll work for now."

Laughing a little as she shook her dark mane, Devon turned and slid gracefully into the car, watching Dylan knowingly.

Devon could see the struggle going on inside of Dylan, and she couldn't help but enjoy it. She knew she was an attractive woman and she had used it on her behalf before, but Dylan always seemed so in control most of the time that when she wasn't, it gave Devon a feeling of power.

Unfortunately, even now as she watched her profile as she drove, Devon could feel her own want growing as, had been an incredibly wonderful day, just holding hands while they strolled down some of Seattle's most public and crowded places made her feel exuberant and full of dreams and possibilities. They had even shared a few kisses and even though Dylan had not yet said the words, Devon knew Dylan was falling in love with her too.

Devon could not have asked for a more perfect day, except now she had suggested they go out dancing and could clearly see that Dylan was not overly eager to do so, maybe she had pushed the envelope a little too far in one day? Perhaps, she should just let Dylan take control of the evening as well, after all, she had planned the day and look how well it had turned out.

Pulling into her stall, Dylan got out and walked around to open the passenger's door for Devon to slide out.

Grabbing the fresh flowers she had bought at the Marker earlier that day, Devon then reached out and took hold of Dylan's outstretched hand.

"So, I was thinking," She started, "maybe we could just go to your club since we're right here."

"Nope, not going to happen." Dylan stated immediately as she shook her head.

Surprised, Devon looked at her curiously, "Why"? She asked watching her with narrowed eyes.

Taking her elbow, Dylan led her through the parking garage toward the kitchen entry and then down the short hallway to the elevator,

"You've seen it, that's not really your style is it"? Dylan asked seriously just as the doors opened.

Smiling sexily as Dylan pulled her in, she replied, "It could's just dancing."

Thankful that no one had been coming down and that the elevator was empty, Dylan shook her head, "No, it's not, it's way more than's a sexual dance orgy."

"Yes, and that's why I want to go." She replied pushing her against the elevator wall as she raised a perfectly tweezed eyebrow seductively.

"You want to have an orgy"? Dylan asked confused and more than a little distressed at the thought of someone else even trying to dance with her, much less touching her in any way shape or form.

"Only with you my love." She replied brushing her fingers across Dylan's cheek.

"I just don't think it would look very professional Devon, I mean for me to be dancing in there." Dylan told her desperately trying to get out of this.

"You mean to tell me, you've never danced in your own club before"? She asked incredulously.

"I have, but it's been late or actually early in the morning after the restaurant has closed." Dylan admitted thinking of Faith and how she didn't want them to meet.

When the elevator doors opened into Dylan's apartment, Devon stepped out and headed towards kitchen looking over her shoulder, "Are you embarrassed of me"?

"Of course not." Dylan returned sending the elevator back down before following her into the kitchen.

"Do you have a vase"? She asked setting down the flowers to look around.

Walking over to a cabinet, Dylan pulled out a black one and handed it to her as she leaned against the counter to watch her with a half-smile.


Opening the drawer beside her, Dylan pulled out a pair and then set them down on the counter beside the vase and flowers.

"Babe, I'll take you dancing just not at my club..." Dylan told her, praying she'd changed her mind, "anywhere you want."

Cutting the bottom of the stems down, Devon glanced over at her as she arranged the flowers neatly, "Anywhere, huh"? She asked as if in thought.

"Yes, if that's what you want to do." Dylan replied walking over to grab two wine glasses before pouring them both a nice pinot noir.

Stepping up behind her, Devon slid her arms around Dylan's waist and set her chin on her shoulder, "You don't really want to go, do you"?

Turning around carefully with the wine glasses in hand, Dylan smiled, "I want to do whatever makes you happy."

Taking a glass from her, Devon searched her eyes for a moment before saying, "Maybe we should just stay in."

Leaning forward, Dylan kissed her lips softly, "If that's what you want to do." She told her raising her eyebrow with a slight smile.

Taking Dylan's hand in her soft one, she led her to the sofa, "What should we do to entertain ourselves"?

"Mm, I'm sure we'll think of something." Dylan stated relieved to know that they weren't going out after all.

Sitting down on the sofa, Devon took a sip of her wine and said, "I had a wonderful time with you today."

Putting her arm along the back of the sofa as she sat down next to Devon, "So did I, it's almost like we've always been together, everything just feels so natural." Dylan said honestly.

"How do you always say just what I'm feeling"? She asked seriously, as she turned to look in Dylan's eyes.

With a soft smile, Dylan reached up and touched her hair gently before replying, "That's easy...when two people are in love with each other, sometimes they think and feel the same things."

Taking a deep breath, Devon wondered if she'd heard Dylan correctly. Had she just said the three most beautiful words in the her? Or had she just thought she'd heard them because she had wanted Dylan to say them for a while now? Could her mind be playing tricks on her?

"What"? Devon asked quietly, searching her eyes.

Even though Dylan's heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt a little light headed, she knew she had spoken the truth. "I said...I was in love with you."

Leaning forward, Devon set both of their wine glasses down on the coffee table before straddling Dylan's lap and taking her face in both of her hands to look even deeper into her eyes,

"I have never heard more beautiful words than those spoken from your lips right now." Devon said lightly as her green eyes clouded with tears, "Thank you Dylan."

Putting her hands on her slender hips, Dylan leaned forward to kiss her tenderly, "I don't know why it took me so long to say them, but they're true and every moment I spend with you proves it to me more and more."

Shutting her eyes, Devon took another deep breath, "Are you trying to make me cry"?

Smiling she shook her head, "No baby, I just wanted you to know that I'm not afraid to say it anymore."

Opening her eyes to look at Dylan once again, she whispered, "You've made me so incredibly happy Dylan, I love you so much."

Kissing her once more, Dylan leaned back and smiled a little, "Well, now that we've established that, what should we do about dinner"?

Seeing her eyes turn a shade darker, Devon licked her lips and slid one of Dylan's hands up to her firm breast, "I don't know, how hungry are you"? She asked devilishly.

Feeling her pulse quicken, "Suddenly, I'm ravenous." Dylan stated as she leaned in to kiss Devon's exposed neckline.

Laying in bed and hour later with Devon beside her, Dylan rubbed her shoulder gently and wondered how wonderful it would be if they lived together....Whoa! Wait a minute! Slow down partner, she told herself, it had only been an hour since she had admitted to being in love. You're putting the cart before the horse girl, calm the fuck down! Besides that, she had her own home and you have yours, right above your restaurant. Moving out, even to Devon's neighborhood put her a good thirty to forty minutes away and that was if the traffic was decent!

Feeling her pulse speed up, Dylan knew she was starting to panic a little, so taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down, she gave Devon a soft kiss on her forehead before trying to extricate herself to go get a drink.

"Mm, don't go." Devon murmured against Dylan's neck.

"I was just going to go get our wine and order some food for us." Dylan told her soothingly.

With a soft smile, Devon rolled over on her back exposing her perfect breasts which of course, Dylan's eyes automatically went to.

"I did seem to work up a bit of an appetite." She purred watching Dylan with a knowing smile.

"Well, I can definitely remedy that." Dylan returned forcing her eyes away from Devon's breast, still feeling that anxiousness of where her thoughts had gone earlier.

Sitting up a little, Devon ran a nail down Dylan's shoulder all the way to her nipple, "I remember the last time you said you'd remedy something, I believe we ended up in the elevator." She smiled mischievously.

Thinking back to last night and the way the tip of Devon's nail was circling her nipple, her body flushed with warmth as she cleared her throat trying to regain control of her hormones.

"Yes, we did..." Dylan began a little unevenly, "but, I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up that pace if I don't get some food in my stomach."

Raising her eyebrows, Devon pouted a little then nodded, "Okay, your right..." She started and then dropped her hand from Dylan's nipple, "I'm sorry darling, we should get some food in you."

Leaning forward, Dylan felt a pang of disappointment as her hand broke contact with her nipple, "What would you like"? She asked giving her a quick kiss and getting up, lest she distract her again.

"Whatever you decide will be fine," She replied with a smile, "I'm going to freshen up a bit."

Pulling on her robe, Dylan said "Okay," and then headed into the kitchen.

Dylan knew she needed to calm herself down after all; it wasn't Devon that had mentioned living together. Why had she jumped into the living arrangements already? Wasn't just being in love with the most beautiful woman she'd ever laid eyes on enough? Suddenly, Dylan knew that this was exactly what she had been waiting for her whole life, this domestic thing...the feeling of home life...

Dylan had always thought of herself as the independent type, and she was, just not the single type. Deep down she had always dreamed of having the kind of life where she and her partner shared a home, one that wasn't always in the shadow of fear. One that she could come home to and find her wonderful, loving partner waiting for her with open arms and not tears because someone had been killed violently during a raid, or had gone to prison.

Pouring two fresh glasses of wine, Dylan took a sip and sat down on one of the bar stools at the island in her kitchen. Could this really happen? Could she give Devon the kind of life she had only dreamed of thus far?

"What am I doing"? She asked herself as she looked out the French doors into the skyline of Seattle.

As Devon freshened up in the bathroom, she got the distinct feeling that something was bothering Dylan, and she hoped and even prayed silently that it wasn't because she regretted saying that she loved her. It hadn't felt that way while they were making love, but afterwards it seemed like Dylan had been trying to almost get away from her. The confusing part was that at one point during their lovemaking, Dylan had actually stopped to look into her eyes and tell her that she loved her! Maybe she was just imagining it, she thought as she headed back into the kitchen only to hear Dylan talking to herself...What am I doing? Is that what Dylan had just said? Feeling her heart drop, she stood there in silence for a minute before Dylan even noticed she was there.

"I ordered us chicken fettuccini with a salad and some bread, is that okay"? Dylan asked as she turned to see Devon standing there with a look so sad it almost broke her heart, "Baby, what's wrong"? She added getting up to go to her.

"Nothing," Devon said forcing a smile as she took a step toward her.

"That look says more than nothing." Dylan told her, taking her hands in hers.

"I was just thinking..." Devon replied stiffly, as she took the needed steps to get to the other stool and sit down, "that maybe, we're moving a little fast."

For a minute, Dylan just looked at her, stunned, and then it dawned on her that she must have heard her ask herself what she was doing?

"Oh," Dylan smiled understandingly, "You heard me say, what am I doing and now you think, I think I've made a mistake."

Reaching for her glass, Devon looked at her and asked, "Well, do you"?

Shaking her head, Dylan leaned forward and whispered in her, "I love you more now than I did an hour ago."

"Then why did you say that"? She asked, her eyes questioning hers sorrowfully.

"I was imagining you and I in the future and I scared myself." Devon sighed resignedly as she sat down next to Devon.

"How"? She wanted to know.

Reaching out, Dylan stroked her face softly, "I haven't had a whole lot of stability in my life and I was wondering how I could give that to you if I don't have it to give." She stated honestly.

"Just because you said you loved me doesn't mean I expect anything more from you Dylan." Devon responded softly as she looked into Dylan's eyes seriously.

"That's just it, I want to give you everything, I just don't know how." Dylan said softly.

"Just love me darling, that's all I'll ever ask of you." Devon replied sincerely as she leaned forward to kiss Dylan softly.

"How did I get so damned lucky?" Dylan asked with half-smile.

"Your Irish darling, you were born lucky." She smiled and Dylan felt like her heart would burst.

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