The Wonders of Hogwarts --DIS...

By anonymous12234688

296K 4.2K 7.3K

Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts. (After BoO) The Golden Trio are in their 7th year. This is... More

Chapter 2- The Letter
Chapter 3- Hogwarts Express Pt 1
Chapter 4- Hogwarts Express Pt 2
Chapter 5- Sorting
Chapter 6- Rooms
Chapter 7- Breakfast
Chapter 8- Prof. McGonagall
Chapter 9- Divination
Chapter 10- Potions
Authors Note
Chapter 11- Nico's surprise
Author's Note
Chapter 12- Here He Comes
Chapter 13- Five more minutes
Chapter 14- Yeah right
I'm so sorry
Chapter 15-Infirmary
Chapter 16-Did she say 'Gods'?

Chapter 1- The New Quest

30.6K 399 1.4K
By anonymous12234688

A/N: This is my first time writing a story so please ignore my spelling.


Percy p.o.v

It has been a couple months after the battle with Gaea. Percy's birthday was last month, so he's 17. Percy thought about how he should propose to Annabeth. Yeah, yeah he knew he was only 17, but they'd been through hell and couldn't live without her. Percy decided on doing it underwater, just like their first kiss. He fingered the ring in his pocket. Percy looked at his Wisegirl. Suddenly, he picked her up and ran to the sea.


"Nope," Percy said popping the 'p'.

He created an air bubble around them. Then, Percy got down on one knee.

"Annabeth Chase, I love you to the end of the world. It was once said that human being had 4 arms and 4 legs but Zeus thought that they were too powerful so he cut them in half. I believe with all my heart that you are my other part. I can't live without you. Would you do me the honor marrying me?" Percy asked

"YES!!!" She yelled.

Percy broke into a huge grin and kissed her passionately. "Well hello, my fiance..." He said with a smirk.

"Back at you seaweed brain"

"Let's go tell everyone"

They got to the surface and saw Thalia waiting.

"I thought you'd be here," She said whilst smirking "Chiron needs you guys at the big house."

Then she saw Annabeth's hand and said: "You finally asked her, I was wondering how long you were going to wait."

"Why do we have to go to the Big House?" Percy asked

"You'll see," She said.

I took Annabeth's hand and we went to the big house. On the porch was Chiron, in centaur form. He motioned for us to come inside.

We went to the ping-pong table. Nico was the only one there other than Thalia. (She went ahead.) We all sat down, then Chiron began;

"I have another quest for you guys."

My vision got blurry and the pumping of my blood got really loud. I must have looked really mad because Chiron backed away from me. I was going to go into a rage but then I felt a hand on my arm. I began to calm down. Annabeth was the only person who could calm me down when instead I started yelling."


"Percy, just listen to me. You four are going to a school of witchcraft and wizardry. I-

Annabeth p.o.v

Percy finally a proposed!!! Inside Annabeth was jumping up and down. But when Chiron said witchcraft and wizardry, she freaked out!!!

"Chiron, what do you mean witchcraft and wizardry?" Annabeth asked, the gears in her brain turning.

"Annabeth, a long time ago Hecate blessed four of her children with magic. Their names are Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salzar Slytherin. That magic was passed down and soon an entire wizarding community was spread across the globe. You will go to the school called Hogwarts-"

"Pig Pimples? Who would name a school like that???" Percy interrupted Chiron, laughing so hard that tears started running down his cheeks. Unlike the ones at night, these were tears of laughter.

"Seaweed brain, how about we let Chiron finish."

"Anyways, as I was saying you guys are going to protect a boy named Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. You might find some demigods there, so please don't make a scene. Hecate already got your books and will bless you guys with magic when she comes to pick you four up tomorrow. Also, you don't have to wear robes, you guys can wear your own clothes."

"Chiron, what are we protecting Harry and his friends from? It can't be worse than Gaea, can it?" Nico asked.

"You guys are protecting from doing something irrational. He just defeated a guy named Voldemort, who was going to take down the wizardry world, in England. He might have a bigger ego and that always leads to problems."

"Seriously 'laugh' who 'laugh' names 'laugh' their 'laugh' kid 'laugh' Voldemort 'laugh' ?"Thalia questioned between laughs.

"His real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, he made the name up so he could be feared by everyone," Chiron said slowly, so they'd understand.

"That guy, ugh, he gave my dad so much paperwork," Nico said, surprising everyone.

"Chiron, where is this school, do we leave tomorrow, and how are we getting there?"

"It's in England. You guys leave at 10 in the morning, so after breakfast come to the big house. And the answer to your final question is Hecate is teleporting you. You guys will be staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a week before school starts. Most of the teachers know that your demigods. Now go get packed. Oh, by the way, you must NOT tell a single person about who you are until I give you permission. Bye now."

They walked out of the big house thinking about what happened. Annabeth's train of thought was interrupted when she heard the horn signaling that it was time for dinner. They ran to the dining pavilion and sat together so they can discuss their trip to Pig Pimples.

-----Time Skip-----

Percy p.o.v

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

The alarm clock just went off, but all Percy wanted to keep on sleeping. I got up and showered. When he finished getting dressed, Percy realized that he hadn't packed!!!

He ran to the Athena cabin to find his fiance (He loved saying that). He found her sitting on her bed reading with her suitcase next to her. Annabeth looked up from her book, saw me and smirks before saying "Did you not pack?"

"No, and I need your help. Please, please, please with a blueberry on top?" Percy begged

"Fine, come one." She started walking to my cabin.

Within 15 minutes Percy had everything packed.

-----Time Skip-----

Thalia p.o.v

She waited at the top of Half-Blood hill with Annabeth. They are waiting for the boys to show up. Kelp head and Death Breath came up the hill with their suitcases behind them.

They waited untilvLady Hecate showed up. When she blessed the demigods with magic and they were shrouded in a purple glow for 5 minutes. Then she looked at them all and took out some wands.

These are their wands:

Percy: Driftwood, a strand of hippocampus hair, a 10,000-year-old pearl. 14 inches long.

Annabeth: Olive branch, a feather from an Owl, a strand of Athena's hair. 14nches long.

Nico: Blackwood, the skin of a Thestral, a piece of pure darkness. 12 inches long.

Thalia: Pinewood, a piece of lighting, a silver arrow. 13 inches long.

After they got their wands, Lady Hecate transported them to the Leaky Cauldron. Thalia opened her eyes and saw that they were inside a very gloomy place.

"Hey Death Breath, this is your kind of place" Thalia joked.

"Shut up Pinecone Face." Nico retorted.

"Anyways, Hi we are the students from America," Annabeth said to the bartender

"Hullo, I'm Tom pleased to meet you. I'm a son of Hermes." He replied.

"Your room numbers are 125, 124, and 128. Here are your keys. Also, congratulations you two." Tom said looking at Annabeth's hand when he said the last sentence.

"Thank you" Annabeth replied.

They went to their rooms. Thalia's room had a twin bed, a drawer, bathroom, and a small mirror. Nico's was the same as Thalia's. Nico and Thalia go over to Percabeth's room. They have one king sized bed, but otherwise, everything else is the same. The demigods talked for a bit, but then it got really late so they went to bed, excited for tomorrow.

So this is my first chapter so I hope you liked it. It has 1369 words!!! My update schedule is a bit weird, it is just when every I have time.

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