Broken Wings -Volume One: You...

Від edieduard12

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Everyone believes in something, Gods, aliens, demons, ghosts... but there are some of us that believes in AN... Більше

-Chapter I: Stormy Night-
-Chapter II: Make a Wish-
-Chapter III:The Flight of the Unpaired Wings-
-Chapter IV: In The Light of The Cold Sun-
-Chapter V: Crashing Waves-
-Chapter VII: The Sharp Claws of a Forgotten Past-
-Chapter VIII: Stray Soul-
-Chapter IX: The Blood of The Destiny-
-Chapter X: The Beginning Is Where We End-

-Chapter VI: The Angel Within-

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Від edieduard12

"Come on guys, move faster!" said a guy with a black mask on his face.

"We hurry up as much as we can!", said another masked guy caring a box, "We need to be careful, there's so much blood here and we can't afford the risk of losing it!"

"If you do not hurry up, someone will come inside and will destroy our big plan!", said the first guy very angry, "Do you know how much money we can get from all this donated blood? Just think about all the money we could get!"

"Yeah dude, this was your smartest idea ever!" said a third thief.

"And what are you going to do with some bloody money?" said a misters voice in the room, coming out of nowhere.

"Well, we could buy beers and cars and...", said one of the guys interrupted by another one, "You idiot! You were not supposed to answer!"

"Why do you stop from talking? Let him speak!" said Kieron, coming out from a shadow on the wall of the Blood Conservatory chambers in the Los Angeles' Transfusion Clinic.

"And who are you?" asked one of the guys, taking his gun out and pointing it to Kieron.

"I am at the moment who nicely asks you to return back the blood, there are lots of people who need that blood in order to live!" said Kieron, looking very serious, even with a mask on his face.

"Yes kid, and we need the money. And some people will receive their blood, but the hospitals will have to pay for it." said another guy with his gun pointing to Kieron.

"Put them down now, or then..." said Kieron with his hands up, having a serious voice.

"Then what?" shouted one of the guys, looking very terrifying at Kieron.

"Then you are going to see my 'not that nice' personality!" said Kieron, having his necklace glowing.

"I do not know boss, I think me should do as he says!" said on of the guys very scared and panicked.

"Don't be such a coward!", said the big guy, "Get him, now!"

"You shouldn't have said that!" said Kieron, while he was taking his wings out. The guys didn't know what was happening to Kieron, but they had to get him.

Two armed guys were coming from both sides of Kieron. Kieron got back in the shadow and he disappeared.

"How did he do that?!", said the big guy very shocked, and even if he didn't want to show, he was frightened, "He couldn't get too far away!".

"That's when you are wrong!" said Kieron from that dimension, in the room, laughing, like it was a game.

The guys were staying back to back with the arms ready to fire. They were rotating around. They split and were looking in every corner of the room.

"Were you looking for me guys?", said Kieron, appearing from the back of a closet, "To be honest, there is a while since I've been in the closet..."

"Shoot him!" said the boss. The guys did as they were ordered. Kieron got on the ground and rolled to the left while bullets were flying close to his skin. When he stopped from rolling, he got a piece of the shadow of a table and formed himself a shield and a lash. The guys were right next to each other, and Kieron knew that he had to so something. He rolled over a table and ran to one of the two guys. He got through him like a angry ram. The guys was still on his feet, and the other one was ready to shoot Kieron, but Kieron was expecting that, so he kicked that guy's face with his right boot while he was holding onto the other one. The guy fell down on the ground, but he tried to get up. The guy who was behind the shield tried to push Kieron on his back. Kieron took his shield and he made a back flip, and before he landed, he had kicked that guy in the chest hard enough to make him barf. Kieron landed into a Twine and Kicked that guy in his stomach. The masked man went back four steps from the hit and Kieron went back too. The other guy got up finally on his feet. Kieron threw his shield in the air, and before it touched the ground, he had hit it with his leg like it was a football balloon. The shield was like a rocket going forward, and it crashed into the first guy's feet and it bounced into the other guy's chest. The guy who was hit in the stomach fell down, coughing blood, and the other got down on his knees. Kieron punched him and the guy slipped in the beautiful world of dreams, orin his case, nightmares. Both guys looked terrible, both of them were bluish, fainted and with their noses and tweet bleeding down on the ground. Kieron saw the gun of one the thieves down on the floor, he took it up and studied it.

"Wow, that was you tentative of getting me? I must say...", said Kieron loading the gun, "I am a them, and by you!", said him turning his head over the head of the operation. The guy fired his gun and aimed to Kieron. Kieron ducked and he avoided the bullet.

"Wow, when I thought you couldn't be more stupid...", said Kieron, starting to laugh, "There you are! Now you are really going to regret! You know," said Kieron heading over him, swirling his lash on with his left hand horizontally and shooting one of the lights up from the ceiling, "I am not usually this type of guy...", said Kieron, ducking from another bullet shot from the last guy standing, and shooting another light bulb, "But I can be this way when guys like you want to destroy the balance of this world! And now...", said Kieron while he was very close to the guy and he shot one of two light bulbs left, "I'm gonna make you pay!", said Kieron, being so close to that guy that he could smell his awful breath, and after he moved away. Kieron left that guy under the last bulb in the shadow and that guy was ready to fire any direction. His heart was beating faster, stronger. His hands were sweating on the gun and the sweat was going down on his wrinkles of his big forehead. He was breathing faster and deeper, rotating around in the little piece of light he had left. He couldn't hear a thing, it was just the calm before the storm, and then, a lash of shadow was thrown to his right hand. The las folded around the wrist very tight and it was pulled, and his body along with it just a little. Another lash was thrown to his left hand, and tight up against his wrist and pulled up. He was immobilized under the last piece of light and out from the shadow came back Kieron.

"Well, well, well...", said Kieron looking in the ground and then going up with his eyes, "Are you still trying to shoot me? Or to steal all this innocent blood?"

"Once, I will get out of here, I will make you pay!" said the tight up guy.

"If you are gonna make it through though!" said Kieron going back a bit in the darkness.

"You are a monster!" shouted that guy, making Kieron turn back to him.

"Well...", said Kieron looking in the left side, down and then coming back with the look at him, "You've seen nothing yet!", said him, pointing the gun to the boss.

"Wait, no, don't do it! Wooo!" screamed the guy. Kieron showed an evil smirk and a little sigh, then, pulled the trigger. He pointed it to the last build, destroying it and leaving the room in complete darkness. The guy was screaming for help, and then he couldn't be heard anymore. An alarm started immediately after the guy had been put to sleep. Inside some doctors came in along with some police officers.

"Stop! Everybody put your hands up and don't move!" shouted a police officer. After, all the nurses, doctors and officers were in deep shock. All of the bodies were down on the ground, two of them were injured, having fry blood on their faces, clothes and on the ground, but there was not enough to cause a hemorrhage, and the big guy was deeply fainted, with the box with the donated blood on top of him. One of the officers went slowly closer to the box, and with a lot of caution, he took a message from the top. On the piece of paper was written:" Take care of these guys and guard the donated blood, it need to be delivered to the ones in need. Signed, Black." The officers read it, and they were looking around the room. They couldn't see a thing, just the fainted bodies, starting to move. The fallen boss started to move his head, and to touch it from his back, feeling like he had just got a reboot.

"What have happened here?" said him, barely opening his eyes, looking like he had just come back from the dead. When he opened them up, and rose his head a little bit, he saw a gun pointed to his head.

"Hey man, did you sleep well?", said one officer, slowly turning his gun to a side, "If not, you are going to sleep a long time in prison! Let's get these guys out of here, shall we? And get a bag of blood with us, try a 0(I) positive, I think those two guys might need it!".

The guys were taken out of the room, with tight cuffs attached to their wrists. Kieron saw that, but he was away, in the other dimension. When he stayed there, he saw that their blood could be felt even in that dimension. The blood started glowing in that dimension, and when the last one got out of the room, Kieron noticed something before the door was closed. Next to the big boss came a black angel, and that angel saw Kieron too. The blood started to slowly fade away while it was still glowing. It disappeared, it was not even the tiniest trace of blood in the angels' dimension. In that moment some investigators came in the room, looking to analyze the room for any evidence. Kieron watched the for a bit, he couldn't go in our dimension to watch if some blood had been still on the floor. He saw one of the detectives touching the floor with a glove where the blood was in the other dimension. One of the officers went to the place of the table, they saw something strange. In the shadow of the table, there a spot missing, there was just a circular shape of light. They hadn't seen something like that ever before. They took pictures of the shape, of the floor and of the room. Kieron needed to go home, and so he did. He flew to his room in the angels' dimension. He took of his clothes, and he put them in the closet in the angels' dimension, so no other human could see him in those clothes. He was just in his underwear and with his wings out of his back. He came back in our dimension, trying to understand the mystery of the glowing blood. Even though he was still thinking about what he saw, he was proud of himself that he saved the donated blood for the people. He still wished he hadn't needed to use the force, but it was necessary in order to really do something and really send a message to the other bad guys. Even though you shouldn't fight the fire with fire, he thought a shadow shield will protect him from the flame burns. He went to sleep, he knew he would have a tiring day ahead of him.

The sun was up. The sun rays penetrated the colorless glass, bringing light in the room. The soft touch of the day's star slowly woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes, and as he was opening them, the spark in his eyes begun to show. He took his blanket off him, and put his feet down on the floor. He stretched a little and he got up on his feet. He looked at him in the mirror, and in his dark reflection, you could see a smile. Even though he had the black wings, even if his soul was spotted with the darkness, he still found a way of being happy. He thought of all the people who could be saved now, and those thought, and the ones with his friend, Daniel, were the ones which made him walk outside the house without a bag on his head.

Getting ready for a new day, he was singing of joy and dancing around while he was putting his clothes on. Anyone who would see him would think:"He got moves like Jagger!". Done with the dancing, he got his books for the school in his backpack and he was ready for school. He went downstairs in the kitchen, ready to serve his tasteful breakfast.

"Good morning missing star!", said Frank with a sarcastic voice, "Where have you been? You've vanished last night, and I know you were at Claire's, but how did you disappear in the room after we all saw you entering the room?", said while he turned his head to Kieron and having a very serious look. Kieron was struck by a shiver on his spine, being frightened and looking for an explanation.

"Yeah, you couldn't see me because..." said Kieron having his voice lower and lower.

"Because?" asked Frank very interested in what Kieron was going to say.

"Because...I was on the rooftop, hiding from you and the girls." said Kieron looking very convincing and feeling so stupid inside for what he said.

"Where have you been?", said Frank having a parenting crisis, "Did you lose your mind?" 

"I am really sorry dad, but I wasn't ready to face the girls at that time. But after I did, I felt better." 

"Well, I am happy you fixed the friendship between you and your friends, but never go on the rooftop again!" demanded Frank. 

"Ok dad, it won't happen again!" said Kieron.

"Good." said Frank. 

In the background was the TV going on. The news were coming and going, but, then, a new one came and it got Frank's attention. Kieron was looking down into his cereal bowl. Frank turned the volume up. When Kieron raised his head to look on the TV, he spat out a mouth full of cereals and milk. The news of the moment:"Blood thieves put down by a masked vigilante". Kieron was looking with his eyes wide open, feeling on his skin the beginning of a sweat round.

"Breaking news. This morning a group of three thieves have been captured by the LAPD, trying to steal about 10 gallons of donated blood from the LA's transfusion clinic. The thieves were all fainted and two of them had bruises and dried blood on the nose area. The security alarms had started by 5 am and the guards were alarmed, and on the box filled with blood bags was a note:' Take care of these guys and guard the donated blood, it need to be delivered to the ones in need. Signed, Black.'. One of the criminals admitted his actions and also declared that 'A masked man with some black wings, possessed by some evil forces and some supra-naturals powers, beat the crap out of us'. All of them declared about this masked vigilante with black wings. They will be judged and are going to spend between four to seven years for qualified theft. And about this vigilante, what do you think? Is it the beginning of real super heroes? Will he become a threat for our society? Will he help us solve the problems that the authorities can not? Stay tuned for more!" said the TV host.

Kieron was in deep shock from the news report.

"How desperate can someone be to steal blood for money?", said Frank very disgusted, "I would have given them about ten years in prison. At least they got beaten up by that guy, that's the only way it could compensate their love for money!"

"Yeah dad, you are right!", said Kieron standing up, "I think I need to go now, see you tonight dad!"

"Ok, see you!" said Frank. Kieron went outside where the girls had waited for him to go together to the school.

"Hey, hey, hey! Good morning black!" said Claire with her arms on her whips.

"How did you call me?" asked Kieron.

"Weren't you the one who wrote the note on the blood box?" asked Claire a bit mad at Kieron.

"No! I did not!" said Kieron looking right in her eyes.

"Oh, really?", said Claire taking up her phone and reading a news report, "A masked guy with black wings, possessed by some evil forces and having some super-powers!"

"It could be anyone!" said Kieron.

"Really? Then how come you disappeared last night?" asked Claire.

"I...I flew home, I did not want him to be worried about me!" said Kieron with a deep low voice, shaking his hand.

"How strange, I called him this morning and he told me he didn't know where you have been the entire night and I told me you were with us!" said Claire looking very pissed off by Kieron's lies.

"Ok, ok, you got me!", said Kieron, "I've been there last night and I stopped those bad guys. I couldn't let them take all that blood for them and get rich from someone's good deed. I just couldn't...", said Kieron starting crying.

"What has happened Kieron?" asked Roxy.

"My mom died stabbed in the heart, and she lost a lot of blood. She needed a lot of blood, but she had a rare group. So she died on the surgery table, and that's why I was so brutal with them, because I don't want anyone to die from the same cause!" said Kieron holding his hands on his face and crying his heart out. His face became red from the pain of losing her mom.

"I feel so sorry Kieron!", said Claire putting her hand on her heart and holding with her left hand Kieron's shoulder, "I was mad because you risked your life there and because you lied to me, that's all!"

"It's ok..." said Kieron sobbing.

"Hey Kieron, take this, I cooked it especially for you this morning!" said Amanda, handing Kieron a chocolate cupcake.

"Thank you Amanda!", said Kieron.

"You're welcome Kieron!" said Amanda smiling because she saw him starting to smile.

"Roxy, I am counting on you for something!" said Kieron.

"Tell me Kieron!" said Roxy.

"Do you still have that picture with me puking in the school's restroom?"

"I do." said Roxy.

"I need you to use it as an alibi, I need to skip the first two classes, I don't feel good at all, you all know I wouldn't normally do this, but I simply can not!" said him looking sick.

"No problem, we'll sure do!" said Roxy.

"Thank you!", said Kieron with gratitude, "I'm going to fly to the other dimension now, see you later, bye!"

"Bye Kieron, take care and stay away from troubles!" said Mary.

"This is a thing I can't promise!" said Kieron laughing before he entered the other dimension. The girls went to the school, seeming sad for the poor Kieron. The sunny day outside almost took a piece of their pain felt for their friend. The soft and warm light was the bandage for a hurt soul. Roxy was admiring everything, having a good time with the rest of the squad. She started feeling some itch on her back.

"Claire, can you help me with something?" asked Roxy, very annoyed by the itchiness.

"Sure, wth's the matter?" asked Claire.

"Can you scratch my back, please?" asked Roxy, trying to make it not to sound strange.

"Sure!" said Claire, staring to scratch her back. Roxy felt better, the itch faded.

"Hey Roxy, happy that soon you are going have sweet 16th anniversary?" asked Mary.

"Hell yeah, can't wait to party with you guys! Yu hue!" said Roxy, very enthusiastic for that day. The squad kept walking to the school and kept talking on their way.

Kieron opened his wings in the Angels' space, and he already could see the hate on the white angels' faces. He did not do a thing to them, and they still were staring at him with a lot of despite. He saw next to a trash a news paper with the headline:"Mysterious hero saved the donated blood from the hands of some criminals!" and he took it. Kieron flew to the library. Everyone around was looking as he flew away, you could almost read the relief in their minds, almost saying:"The monster flew away!". Kieron was happy, he did not care about what the others angels thought about him. He entered the library, and the black color started slowly fading away like it was washed from from the sins of the past, leaving just the gray. He saw Daniel flying and putting back some books on their shelves.

"Daniel, here!" shouted Kieron, hanging and shaking his hand from left to right to get Daniel's attention.

"Kieron! There you are!" said Daniel putting a book back and then flying away to him. Kieron was very happy to see Daniel again, he was the only one who made him realize his full potential, the one of helping his society.

"Daniel, I have something great to tell you!' said Kieron very enthusiastic.

"What?" asked Daniel. Kieron handed him the news paper. Daniel saw the headline and started reading the information inside. He was shaken by the information.

"Kieron, was that you?" asked Daniel a bit scared by his answer.

"Yeah! I followed your advice, you know, 'the past doesn't matter, that I can be whoever I want even if my past is still there', do you remember?"

"Kieron, what you've done it's very brave and selfless", said Daniel showing a bit of happiness and pride for Kieron, "But you don't know how dangerous it was and it still is!", said Daniel very serious.

"What do you mean?" asked Kieron very concerned about Daniel's words. Kieron's necklace started glowing with a intense light. Daniel's eyes started opening wider and wider.

"Kieron, I have something to show to you, but you really need to trust me! Do you trust me?" asked Daniel with his maximum honesty. Kieron was thinking for a second for his answer, but he knew it.

"I do!" said Kieron.

"Good, you need to follow me!" said Daniel, taking off the ground. He flew between the book shelves looking for a book. He took each one as he flew next to all those ancient books, then, he stopped searching, he saw a book with no title on. It was the book Kieron first found when he was there for the first time.

"Follow me again, we do not want to be followed by anyone!" said Daniel, being in a rush.

Daniel flew close to the ground, so did Kieron. They flew like that for 14 minutes, and in the 15th, the stopped in the front of a smaller shelf. The books on that shelf had all green covers and each one had a gold letter on the edge, except one. In the bottom of the case, there was place for only 6 books. Daniel looked around him to be sure no one was watching them. He took from under his shirt a gold necklace in the shape of a lantern. The lantern started glowing stronger and stronger, and the light made them disappear in thin air. They could see each other, but no one from outside the invisibility shield could not.

"Kieron, the next place I am going to show you it's very hidden, and only you will know how to enter inside." said Daniel, having a deep look that got through Kieron's soul.

"Why would you show it to me?" asked Kieron, a bit scared no to disappoint Daniel.

"Because you are the only one I feel I could trust right now! You are different from the rest of the people around here!", said Daniel, "So, do you want to follow me next?". Kieron was feeling a bit frightened, the blood rush was flowing faster, his heart started beating stronger and stronger, but he knew.

"Yes, I'll follow you!" said Kieron, feeling the adrenaline in huge quantities in his veins.

"Ok, now, look at me!" said Daniel. Daniel was softly touching all the books. It took out the book with letter "G", and it put it bottom of the the shelf. Then he took the book with the letter "R", and did the same. He took the letters "A" and "Y", he put them down again. Kieron observed the first word:"GRAY". Daniel got the book with no marks and put it down, and at that point there was just one book left to be put there.

"Now, it's time for the last book, are you ready?" asked Daniel.

"Yes..." said Kieron with a low voice.

"Ok, then take take the letter 'A', and put it in the last empty spot." said Daniel. So did Kieron. He put it there, and then he backed up a bit. The code was "GRAY A", and once formed, the letters started glowing. After the brightness reached the apogee, the bookshelf opened like a door to a tunnel.

"What?!" said Kieron, surprised by the hidden tunnel.

"Yeah, my secret place. Let's go, shall we?" said Daniel shaking his head into the tunnel's direction.

"Sure!" said Kieron, starting to walk into the tunnel.

"Wait, wait, wait!", said Daniel stopping Kieron from walking inside, "Inside there you will not have grey wings anymore, you'll have your normal wings, so will I. Don't be scared."

"Scared? By what?" asked Kieron.

"You'll see, now, let's go." said Daniel entering the tunnel.

The tunnel was covered in darkness. On the walls there were torches and their flame bursted when Daniel put his leg inside the tunnel. The tunnel was made out of stone, and inside there there was a very wet atmosphere, like an underground river would have walked down there. They walked in. Kieron stepped in and his wings started becoming black again. Daniel was behind Kieron, and after Kieron got his black wings, he stepped in. Kieron was very excited to find out what color his wings were. Daniel had his entire body in the tunnel, but his wings didn't change colors. Kieron was looking at Daniel's wings and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You are a gray angel?!", said Kieron stupefied, "How?"

"Yes, I am..." said Daniel with a low voice, exhaling and looking down in the ground.

"How did you become one?" asked Kieron, coming closer to him.

"Do you remember the five gray angels in the book you first read when we met?"

"No, it's not possible! Those angels are millenniums old!" said Kieron, feeling very strange from what Daniel told him.

"Angels don't age, Kieron!", said Daniel holding his hand on Kieron's shoulder, "And neither will you! I've been watching humans evolving from the beginning of time, but I've never met someone like you, you are unique, and I wish I could have met you in your past lives."

"Why do you tell me all these? And why now?" asked Kieron very willing to know the truth.

"Well, first thing's first, I care about you a lot and you were in danger last night, you did not know what you've got yourself into and second thing's second, I really like you!" said Daniel as they were walking down the tunnel. They almost reached the end of the passage, and Kieron almost could see a place like a "cave". They entered this giant room, and there Kieron saw something he has never seen before. He was walking around that enormous room and saw a big lecture room, a training room for fighting, a room with very rare and unseen materials before, a big collection of body suits, a chemistry laboratory, a botanic garden, a collection of necklaces kept under a secured glass, and a huge table in the middle of all those rooms, displayed in a circle around the center table, where, above it, in the celling, there was a dormer window, reflecting the sky light onto the table.

"What is this place?" asked Kieron, rotating his head everywhere, amazed by that place.

"My place." said Daniel

"It is amazing!" said Kieron with such a wide open mouth.

"Haha, thank you!", said Daniel smiling, and heading to the table in the middle of the room, "But I need to show you this, is very important."

"What is this book, I've seen it before, but I didn't open it yet." said Kieron, coming closer to the table.

"And you won't see much out of it!" said Daniel, while he opened the book and it showed it to Kieron. Kieron was staring at it and he could not believe it.

"It's empty! Is this a joke?" asked Kieron, very disappointed by the blank book.

"That's what you'd normally think, isn't it?" said Daniel slowly walking to Kieron, taking one step at the time.

"It depends...they usually say 'you shouldn't judge a book by its cover', but in this case they should say 'you shouldn't judge a book by its empty pages'." said Kieron.

"Haha, you are really right!", said Daniel laughing, "And we are not going to do it today, because this book is not empty."

"How so?" asked Kieron very curious.

"What would you do to a locked door?" asked Daniel.

"I would open it with the key." answered Kieron.

"Exactly!", said Daniel getting back to the table, putting question marks inside Kieron's head, "This book is the locked door, and now we need the key!"

"Huh?!" said Kieron, looking like he was completely lost.

"I need your necklace to open it, can you give it to me?" asked Daniel nicely.

"Why?" asked Kieron while he was holding his necklace in his hands.

"It is an ancient mystic object, one of the legendaries created it, one of my friends more precisely... And it is the only key to open the book."

"Are you sure?" asked Kieron.

"More than sure, and for me to prove you, I need it please!' said Daniel with a slow voice. Kieron was thinking whether to give it or not.

"Ok, here, take it!" said Kieron handing his precious necklace, the first time since his last birthday when he didn't wear it. Daniel got the necklace and it started glowing brighter and brighter as it was closer to the book. Kieron saw it and he started to think it was the key. Daniel put on the front cover the necklace and the light started spreading to the book, covering it into a gold light. The light started fading away and the gray angel took the necklace off the book. He opened the book and all the information was there.

"Here Kieron, that's what I wanted to show you!", said Daniel, turning pages, "The Guide of the Mystic Objects!"

Kieron was amazed, on every page there was a picture necklace or a pin, its name, his creator and its powers. He turned and turned and turned pages, looking at everything and at their beauty. Manually designed and crafted from unique materials and with all kind of different power, something you would not normally find in a photo book.

"This book is wonderful! Every jewel from here is real and has those powers?" asked Kieron.

"Of course, we wrote it. Everyone of us had the book to write his objects inside. We need a way to know what does each and every one of the object in case one of us passes away, and we agreed that the key to unlock should be representative to us, and we let my best friend create them, and so she created these wings necklaces, for us to have the way to access this sacred information." said Daniel sitting next to Kieron.

"'And where's yours then?' it was stolen from someone I thought I could trust! I haven't seen him ever since, and God, I loved that guy!" said Daniel.

"I am sorry to hear that!", said Kieron looking very happy on the outside, but being very happy on the inside because Daniel was into boys, "I've put my trust into the wrong guy too, and I started to love him until I found out he was lying from the beginning. But let's get over it!"

"Sure, let's get past the subject with dating the wrong guys, haha!", said Daniel laughing.

"Maybe we should..." said Kieron with a low voice.

"Should what?" said Daniel very curios and shaking his shoulders and deeply looking into Kieron's eyes.

"Date...?" said Kieron with even a lower voice, being very shy.

"Yeah, we should!", said Daniel very happy, "Let's say tomorrow at 6 at SkyTower's?"

"Hell yeah! I love eating there, especially at the sunset!" said Kieron.

"Me too!" said Daniel looking again into Kieron's eyes and smiling. He moved his head towards Kieron and he was slowly closing his eyes, waiting for a kiss. Kieron did the same, and their full lips touched together and their souls felt like one. They opened their eyes and ended the kiss. The started smiling so much and both their eyes were even brighter than before.

"I think you should tell me now why I was in such a big danger, now that I now you care about me because you like me so much!" said Kieron, making his cheeks bigger in an cute and ironic way.

"Stop it!" said Daniel slowly and firmly pushing him a bit away, laughing in the same time, "But one seriously, you were in big danger!", said very serious looking a bit sad knowing the danger Kieron was exposed to.

"What was the danger?" asked Kieron, feeling the worry inside Daniel's mind.

"It is linked to these objects. You see, we created these object for us to fight with the problems in the world's balance, and we made them in a way that only someone withy grey blood could use them. And someday, one of our group was killed, my best friend, and her necklaces were stollen by the dark angels. They tried to use them, but the couldn't, because the didn't have gray angel blood. The blood was pouring out of my friend's body on the ground and one of the murderers saw that those mystical objects started glowing close to the blood. He put some blood on top of that jewel piece and he could use its powers! They started draining blood from the dead body, but we arrived next to her body before they could take much. We had killed one of them, but the other ones escaped with the objects and the blood. With the blood, they started creating disasters all around the globe, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and so on, but that blood supply ended when we were fighting with them for the necklaces. We got the most dangerous ones, but not all of them and for some time they could not use them. We decided we can not create mystic objects, knowing the power it could be used, and so we hid them all around the globe. The white angels have some, the dark ones have others, but no one know how they could create a way use them, until..." said Daniel, ending his speech with a low voice.

"Until what?" asked Kieron, very curios about the story.

"Until a fight between two groups of white and dark angels. On the battle field, one white angel and one dark angel killed each other before we could enter their fight and stop it. The bodies were so close, fallen on top of each other, and the blood pouring out of their wounds, created by some knives, and it mixed into one. A dark angel was next to his fallen friend, and unfortunately, that dark angel had a mystic object that started glowing next to the mixture of the two guys' blood. He put a bit on his pin and he found out that he could use its powers. We stopped him before the other saw him, but he flew away to his fortress. Now, the black angels know the secret to use the jewels and no one is safe anymore." said Daniel looking in the ground, remembering of those hard memories.

"But what does it have to do with the donated blood from the clinic?" asked Kieron.

"The blood from that laboratory was not human! It was angelic!" said Daniel furious.

"What do you mean angelic?" asked Kieron.

"The white angels' blood is benefice for the sick ones or for the ones who need it for surgeries!", said Daniel handing Kieron a book he took out from his library about the angel blood, "And those bad guys were hired by the dark angels to steal it for them, to use it mixed with theirs to activate our objects! You've been put to a great risk now that you stood in front of them and their plan. Didn't you see dark angels possessing those thieves?"

"I did see some after I beat them up and I went in this dimension." said Kieron having a low voice.

"God, you are lucky that those angels did not come in the battle too, I think they were too scared to destroy their plan!" said Daniel walking around the room worried.

"Wait, why didn't they steal it by themselves?" asked Kieron.

"That room is protected by an accord, and any angel who steals from there, will be punished by death!", said Daniel, looking away from Kieron, "And that's why the persuaded those thieves."

"To do the dirty stuff for them!" said Kieron, slapping himself with the hand.

"Exactly, and to stop a bad guy from doing something, you can't put him into an hospital, you need tie him up, to not hurt himself, and then go in the other dimension and fight his dark angel, the angel within!" said Daniel.

"So that is what I have to do, take care of the dark angel inside." said Kieron looking into a single point in the distance.

"And you will need to use your necklace too.", said Daniel looking for Kieron's necklace in The Book of Mystic Objects, and when he found him, he showed it to him, "Look, when you made the black angel go away, you need to concentrate on the necklace and think about the moon. The necklace will have the moon's light and will purify the body, ready to have the new angel challenge, and this way there is a possibility he will have a white angel to protect him." said Daniel, trying to explain to Kieron a way to accomplish his new purpose, even though he feels inside it's too dangerous for him.

"Thank you because you show me everything and because you trust me! It matters a lot for me!" said Kieron showing a little smirk while he was holding Daniel's hand.

"No problem!", said Daniel holding Kieron's hand and Kissing him on his cheek, "I understand that you now feel you can make a change, and who am I to stop it? You know, when I've been transformed into a grey angel, I was just like you, I felt like I had a greater purpose than me, but there was no one to help me, and I want to be that person for you!"

"Wow, that means a lot for me!" said Kieron very grateful.

"Yeah, that's why tomorrow we will have a training in the morning." said Daniel, looking very serious.

"Can't wait for it!" said Kieron with a sunny face.

"Yeah, me too, and in the evening we have our date." said Daniel sating against to wall with his shoulder, just looking very loving at Kieron. Kieron saw the clock and started panicking.

"God, it's so late! I need to go to school!", said Kieron starting to run to the door, "I'll be here by 8 o'clock tomorrow, see you, bye!"

"Ok, bye..." said Daniel laughing inside seeing how fast Kieron can fly when his free time it's gone.

Kieron flew very fast in the library, he was trying to get some time and not to be late to the 4th class. While he was flying everyone was going away from his way, he almost hit ten different angels on his way. While he was passing each one, if you had heard a voice saying:"Sorry, pardon me, I am in a hurry", you'd better get out of the way! He got out of the library like he was shot out of a cannon and flew outside. All the angels were asking themselves "what has happened to that guy?", and no one knew his struggle not to miss another class. He flew faster than birds and more dangerous than a hungry eagle. Above the clouds, the sun was reflecting in his black wings, transforming them into a thin shadow, taken away by the wind of speed. It was the time he needed to fly closer to the ground and enter the school. He entered it and the angels inside were again staying away from him, but with all his pardons, he hit someone and they both hit the ground. Kieron didn't see him and he was trying to get up on his feet. The other white angel was up again on his feet, and he gave a hand to Kieron. Kieron accepted it without seeing his face and stood up. When he was up, he wished he wouldn't have accepted the hand, seeing who he was.

"Mike?!" said Kieron very surprised , shocked and angry, feeling like his world had crashed down.

"Hello Kieron!" said Mike looking at Kieron.

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