My Baby's Daddy

By SimplyAmber96

632K 10K 919

Hayden Barnes is a 17-year-old girl who made a mistake when she was 16. She had a baby boy named Brandon with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

25.3K 465 26
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 3

First Date

Hayden's P.O.V*

I heard Brandon whining and reluctantly got up to get him. I walked into the nursery and picked him up. I immediately knew he needed his diaper changed. I changed his diaper and put him back to bed. I heard the front door open then shut.

I went downstairs to see my mom and some guy. They were making out and making their way to her bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked. They jumped and looked at me.

"I thought you'd be sleep." My mom said.

"Brandon was whining. Who are you?" I asked the guy.

"Andrew Collins." He answered. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hayden, her daughter."

"You have a daughter? Gross! I'm out of here."

The man gave my mom a disgusted look before leaving. I guess he doesn't like women who've had children.

"Thanks a lot. Why can't you just say you're my sister? They'd believe it."

"Because I could care less what they think? Brandon is in the house. I don't trust a stranger in the house."

"Good-night. I'm exhausted."

The next morning, I ate breakfast then got Brandon up for the day. I brought him downstairs and let him play with the toys. Today I'm doing school shopping with Kristie . School starts back up in a month and I don't know what I'm going to do with Brandon . I need a daycare or ask Drake to take him.

My cell rand and I looked to see it was Drake calling. I sighed and reluctantly answered.

"What Drake?"

"Actually, it's Darren." Darren's voice rang through the phone.

"Why are you calling from Drake's phone?"

"Because I don't have your number."

"So what do you want?" This is so strange. Why would he be calling me?

"I'm sorry about last night. I think you're a really nice person who cares for people. That's what I like about you. I need someone like you in my life."
"You're such a liar. What's the real reason you want to go out with me?"
"That is the real reason."

"Goof-bye Darren."

I hung up on him. I'm pretty sure he just wants to sleep with me and get it over with. I absolutely hate guys like him. Is it like some kind of contest between guys or something? Why can't they actually care about the person?

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door and saw Kristie with a smile on her face.

"Hey, ready to go do some shopping?" She asked.

"Yeah, just let me get Brandon and his bag."

We went to the mall and began shopping around. We started off in H&M and moved along to our favorite stores.

"So what do you plan on doing with Brandon?" Kristie asked me as she looked through a rack of shirts.

"I don't know yet. I guess I could take him to the daycare I was taking him to before, but he didn't seem to like that one all that much."

"What about Drake? Can he take him?"

"I don't know. He has to work, but I don't know what his hours are."

"Well you have a month to figure it out. That's plenty of time."

Drake's P.O.V*

I took the order of a middle-aged woman. She looks like she weighs 400 pounds. She definitely doesn't need McDonalds. I didn't say anything though. I simply smiled and gave the woman her change.

"Your number is 34." I said, handing her the receipt.

Kellan, one of my co-workers, took over the register while I took my break. This job is a bummer, but as long as I'm getting paid, it works. I fixed myself a burger and got some fries. I sat outside on the curb and ate my food. I hope that I can get a better job than this soon. If I keep eating fast food like this, I'll turn out like that lady.

My phone rang and I groaned in frustration. Why on my lunch break? I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked to see it was Hayden calling. I reluctantly answered, not wanting to put up with her right now.

"What do want?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. No need to be so mean."

"I'm always mean. What is it?"

"When school starts back up, could you watch Brandon? I know you work, but I don't know your hours. So, can you?"

"No, I can't. I work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm."

I heard her sigh. What did she do when I wasn't here? She had to have taken him to a daycare, right?

"You don't have a daycare he can go to?" I asked.

"I could take him to the one I used last year, but he didn't seem to like it."

"He's one, how could he not like the daycare? Don't they have toys and a TV?"

"Yeah, but..."

"That's all he needs. That stuff should keep him entertained."

"Fine. Thanks for the suggestion."
"The suggestion? You're planning on using a different daycare?"

"If I can find a better one, yeah. If you saw this place, you'd understand why I don't like it."
"I'll go and see with you today after work, okay?"

"Sure. I'll meet you at McDonalds."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I hung up and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. Kristie stared at me with an expectant look.

"What?" I asked her.

"So what did he say?"

"I'm showing him the daycare after he gets off from work."

"Well at least he's taking the time to look at the place? It shows he cares a little."

Kristie and I got some lunch since we were both getting hungry. Also it was time for Brandon to eat. I ordered from Subway while Kristie got chicken from Popeye's.

"What time does Drake get off from work?" Kristie asked me.

"4:00, why?"

"Because I was thinking you could meet this guy tonight. He has no problem with women with children. He's a friend of Joey's. I met him first to make sure he's alright, and he's perfect for you. And we sort of set a date for the two of you. Tonight at 6:00 at McFarland's Pub."

"Why would you do that? I don't even know this guy and you set us a date? Does he even want to meet me?"

"Yes he wants to meet you. He's single and looking, and so are you. The two of you are perfect for each other."

"I can't believe you. I'll meet the guy, just so I won't be rude and stand him up."

"Thank you! You're the best."

After Kristie and I shopped at the mall, I headed over to McDonalds to pick up Drake. He really needs his own car. It's be a lot easier. I pulled into the small parking lot and saw Drake leaning against the building. He looked up at me and came over.

"I thought you'd never get here." He complained once in the car.

"I'm only 5 minutes late. I've never met someone so impatient."

"Let's just go see this place."

I drove the daycare that I'm so skeptical about. The place is weird and whenever I brought Brandon home from the place, he seemed to be upset. I pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off.

"This is it." I said.

"You're joking." Drake said, staring at the place.

The daycare was a small house with peeling paint. It sat on cement blocks and was a little lopsided. The roof was ragged, looking thin and fragile. There was barely grass around the house, mostly mud. Toys laid around, looking like they hadn't been touched in months.

"Why on earth would even bring him to this place? It's a f**king dump! Can this even be considered a daycare? This person could kidnap children for all I know."

"It was all I could find at the time. There was nowhere else for him to go. I didn't have enough money to take him to the other daycares."

"Did you ever think about getting a job? No, because all you do is sit around on your ass all day."

"I'm sorry that I'm busy taking care of our son and going to school. Two things you don't do."

"I take care of our son! I see him when I can and I'm trying to be involved, but being around you isn't easy. You're what's making my life miserable."

I wanted to cry, seeing him yell in my face. I don't like it when people yell at me, especially if it's Drake.

"No, what made your life miserable was getting involved with drugs." I said in a small voice.

"Yeah, if you say so. Just take me home. Do Brandon and me a favor and find him a nice, real daycare to go to."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. I can't believe I ever had feelings for this guy. I used to love him, but how? He's so mean and heartless. No one should be as cold as he is. Sometimes when I'm around him, I just want to punch something because he makes me so frustrated. Or sometimes I want to curl up and cry because he says such hurtful things.

I pulled in front of Drake's apartment and he got out without saying a word. He walked inside without even looking back. He didn't have to say anything to me, but he could've at least said good-bye to Brandon.

"I don't know what to do about him." I said to Brandon. "What about you? Do you have any ideas?" I looked at Brandon through the rearview mirror and he simply stared back at me. "Yeah, me either."

Once home, I put Brandon down for a nap. When he finally went to sleep, I went to look for something to wear for tonight. I don't know what type of guy he is, so what should I wear? I don't want to wear something he wouldn't like. Why didn't Kristie give me more information on him?

I decided on dark blue jeans and a crop top. I slipped on black heels and grabbed my purse. I went to get Brandon. He was still asleep, so I moved him slowly, trying not to wake him. I got him in the car then I headed down the road to McFarland's Pub.

Once to the restaurant, I got Brandon from the back and headed inside. I don't even know what he looks like. I walked up to one of the waitresses and asked him there was a man named Ashton Berkley. She pointed me over to a booth in the corner. I saw a guy with shaggy, blondish hair. He was lounging in the chair and doing something on his phone.

I slowly approached, feeling nervous. What if I make a fool out of myself? This guy is super hot and if I screw up, I'll never forgive myself.

"H-hi." I stammered, once I was standing in front of the table. He looked up at me and smiled. "Are you Ashton?"

"Yeah. I'm guessing you're Hayden?" I nodded. "Have a seat."

I sat down and sat Brandon next to me. He was surprisingly still asleep. I got comfortable and placed my hands in my lap.

"Is this Brandon?" He asked.

"Yeah. He's really tired right now. Sorry you can't really meet him."

"Well I hope I have plenty time for that in the future." I smiled. "So tell me about yourself."
"What do you want to know?"
"Anything. Your home life, school life, hobbies, anything."

He sat back and folded his hands on the table, giving me a lovable smile. I already like this guy and I don't know anything about him.

"I live with my mom. She's in and out of the house all day so we don't really have a relationship."
"Why not?"

"Because she's an "exotic dancer" and brings work home with her sometimes."
"An "exotic dancer"? How old is she?"

"33. She had me young just like I had Brandon young. In some ways I'm just like my mother."

"Well I don't think so. You seem like a much better person. But continue. Sorry for interrupting."

I continued to tell Ashton about my mother and how I never met my father. My life is complicated, but I seem to manage it well.

"School hasn't started yet so I can't tell you about anything there. Hobbies? I have none. I'm way too busy to do anything. I'm always taking care of Brandon or trying to tolerate Drake."

"Who's Drake?"

"He's my ex-boyfriend and the father of my baby. He's been through some stuff, but I don't want to get into that."

"Is he nice? I'd like to meet him one day. Maybe sometime in the future?"

"Sure, if our relationship goes on past this date."

"Oh, I think it will."

Our food came and Brandon woke up. He was about to start crying since he didn't want to be in his car seat. I took him out and sat him on my lap.

"Ashton, this is Brandon." I turned Brandon to face Ashton. A smile formed on Ashton's face.

"He's cute. Just like you."

I couldn't help blushing. Why couldn't I have fallen in love with him and have his baby? He'd never leave me and he's such a good guy.

"So tell me about you." I said. "I've been rambling on about me, not it's your turn."

"Alright. I'm an only child and I live with my dad. My mom died of Cancer last year in April. I'm going to be a senior in high school this year at Riverdell High. I play baseball in my free time, and I hope to get a scholarship at UCLA for it."

"Wow. You're reaching high. I don't even think I'll be going to college. I have too much on my plate right now. I don't have the time."

"Well that could change. Don't shut out college just yet."
We finished our food and were still talking. He told me some funny stories of things that's happened to him in the past. Turns out he was a really goofy kid. But soon it was time for us to go. It was getting late and the pub was closing. I had such a great time, I didn't want to leave. Ashton just seems too good to be true. I owe Joey and Kristie for finding him for me.

Ashton was nice and walked me to my car. It gave us more time to talk and I just didn't want to leave without him.

"I had a really great time tonight." I said, once to my car.

"I did too. You're really great Hayden. You're easy to talk to and get along with. Can we do this again, maybe Thursday night?"

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to. Call me and I'll meet you wherever."
We exchanged numbers then said good-bye. This is the best date I've had in months. Actually, this is the best date I've ever had. I don't think there's a man in the world who's better than Ashton. This is the first time we've met and he's already brightened my life. I'm going to work to keep him, if it's the last think I do

My cell rang and I looked to see it was Drake calling. What could he possibly want?

"What is it Drake?" I answered.

"What is this I'm hearing about you being out on a date with some guy?" Why is he so upset? It's not like he cares about me... or does he?"


There's the chapter! What did you think of Ashton? So far I think this story is going well. You all seem to like it so I'll continue to write it. Who's your favorite character so far? For me it'd have to be Kristie because she's so energetic and happy all of the time. Can I ask one thing of you? Can I get at least one comment on this story? On any chapter. I'd really appreciate it, and it'd give me more motivation. Thanks.

Picture is of Drake, Hayden, and Ashton ->

Please comment, vote, and/or fan. Thanks!! ;-D

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