Pure Blood Female Shifter โ˜†

By bclulu

12.8K 346 52

Werewolf Story Ideas More

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** โ™ก Joyful Meadowlark โ™ก **
*** Ramona Geneva ***
** ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค Kamila Elsie Lyndsay ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค **
** โญ๏ธโ™ก Zoey Jordan Lee โ™กโญ๏ธ **

* ๐Ÿ’ž Kenzie Rosario ๐Ÿ’ž *

2.1K 38 8
By bclulu

Kenzie Rosario

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Kenzie ripped the bandage off after seeing the pack doctor, as the needle mark was gone. She thanked the pack Dr Janice and grabbed her things before Dr Janice said three months Kenzie, I want you back in here for another birth control shot.

Kenzie said thanks Dr Janice, mom is busy making all sorts of food to stock your freeze up with. Dr Janice groaned and said you tell your mother she doesn't need to do that Kenzie.

Kenzie grinned and said better you than me, I might get fat with everything she is talking about next. She ran to the door laughing and said mom is making me test everything she makes first before she freezes it for you.

Dr Janice said fine as long as it's better than I can buy at the store. Kenzie grinned and said oh, it is. Then sighed and asked are the rogues situation getting worse Dr Janice, mom wants to know?

Dr Janice was just about to tell her when the door opened and Jaxon was seen struggling in the arms of two warriors who laid him out on the exam table and held him down. Kenzie was going to slip out the door when the warriors called her back over and told her to hold his legs down.

Kenzie sighed and closed the door, then walked over without saying a word and leaned her weight down, holding down Jaxon's legs. She looked away and mind linked her mother to say she'll be home soon and not to go outside.

Her mother said to hurry home as she had dinner cooking, her favorite. Kenzie groaned and shook her head as Dr Janice looked at her. Jaxon looked her over and said I don't know you.

Kenzie held his legs with no problem even when he thrashed to get away. Dr Janice asked what happened? She wiped the blood from Jaxon's chest and saw it was made by claw marks.

The warriors said Jaxon was pissed finding his girlfriend Amanda with another pack's male. Jaxon growled and said that son of a bitch's scent was all over her.

Kenzie looked at him and then away as Dr Janice said so it's just the one mark? Jaxon grunted and said yes. He is in worse condition than me.

Dr Janice asked is he coming in here Jaxon? He nodded and said yup. Alpha Praxton walked in and slammed the door making Kenzie blink. He grunted and looked over his son before saying oh hey Ken?

She asked how's it going Alpha Prax? He chuckled and said better now I know my son isn't as hurt as I was told. She said that's good. He asked how's your mom doing Ken? She sighed and said good days and bad days depending on the weather, today it's good, she made my favorite dinner.

He moved over to her and said let me take them Ken, you can head home while it's still light out. What did she make Ken? Kenzie let go and moved before she said roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, yorkshire pudding, veges. Her mouth dropped when the door opened and a smelly female came in.

Kenzie grunted and said nice seeing you Alpha Prax. Dr Janice, I recommend an air freshener. Thanks for the check up, see you. She walked out the door and hurried up the back stairs and started running.

Alpha Praxton said my god that girl took off fast. Amanda walked over to the bed and looked at Jaxon. Alpha Praxton coughed and said damn it Amanda go shower off that stench.

Jaxon growled get away you slut, I don't want anything to do with you. Amanda teared up and said no Jaxon. The door slammed opened and Kenzie said rogues Alpha Praxton, near the border.

He growled and mind linked his warriors guarding the border and told them rogues near the border, probably by the south quadrant as Kenzie came back to report them as she was heading home.

He said Kenzie, where? She said south border, half a mile just north of where I cross. I have to go protect mom. She ran off again, hearing his unhappy growl.

Kenzie quickly crossed the border, then creek and jumped the fallen trees just in time to meet the rogues heading for the house. She pounced and attacked in wolf form. She went for the throat of the first and tore it out and went after the second.

She circled him watching his steps and when it growled, she returned it even more angrier than his. When she scented the pack warriors, so did the rogue who stopped and looked. She took the opportunity and jumped, not making a sound and dug her back claws in and went for his neck.

When she heard a sound behind her, she ripped the fur and skin out then faced a third rogue. She growled and soon stepped back as the pack warriors took him down.

They killed the second one as well, making her run to the house and soon shifted and ran inside. She grabbed a blanket and called out and when she was silent, she heard a slow breath. She ran to the back bedroom sniffing the air, smelling a damn rogue and not her mother. It had come inside the rear door.

She growled loud and long at the female bitch. Then dropped the blanket and her claws and jumped. The warriors rushed inside hearing Kenzie's growl and soon joined the fight and pulled the rogue out from under Kenzie's wolf.

Kenzie nodded rushed over the rogue bitch, digging her claws in her face, aiming successfully for her eyes and ran from the room tracking her mother.

When she found her mom dead, she sniffed for who did it, then headed back for the rogue bitch, being pulled out of the house. She shifted back and shifted her hands to claws and said stand back.

They turned to her and Kenzie took two swipes, slashing the rogue bitch's throat. She screamed for the loss of her mother, then dropped to her knees and shifted as more warriors were coming.

She whimpered when Alpha Praxton ran to her. He said your mother? She shifted, teared up and said inside, I was too late. He picked her up and carried her back inside, grabbed the blanket and covered her.

They went back to her mother who hadn't moved as she was already dead, killed by a broken neck. Her filled dinner plate lay broken on the floor.

Kenzie said I missed her coming in here and heard a sound then sniffed out the rouge in the back room. I took her down and the warriors dragged her away, then I found my mother. I sniffed the rogue's scent on her and went back and killed her.

He stood and pulled her into his arms and said your moving into the pack house Kenzie. I can't leave you on no man's land, even so close to the border.

She took a deep breath and said okay. He said finally. She said mom didn't want to move, I tried to convince her but she was stubborn as a mule.

He grunted and said your mother was stubborn Kenzie, I tried every week to change her mind as I told her the rogues have been sighted. Kenzie teared up and said the last thing I told her was not to go outside, then Jaxon was brought in the same room I had being checked over by the Doctor in.

He sighed and she said yeah, I might have been able to stop her, but I might not have either. He kissed her head and they turned as they scented Jaxon.

Alpha Praxton asked how many rogues Kenzie? She said three outside and the rogue bitch. I tore the first one's throat out when I surprised them. Then went after the other and ripped out part of his neck when the third came up behind me. The warriors took that one out then went back to finish off the second. I don't know if there are any more as I was trying to stop them from getting to the house.

She sighed and he said the warriors are tracking their scents back. She said I don't think there are any more Alpha Prax. He grunted and called the warriors in and said check the house, there is a second floor that no one has checked yet.

Jaxon cleared his throat and said I am so sorry Kenzie, if it hadn't been for me you would have been home. She said stop Jaxon, just stop it. I might have been home and they could have waited and all came in together and took me down too.

He growled but I feel guilty. She took a deep breath and said well just stop, I felt guilty running back to the pack house to warn you all instead of coming straight here.

She teared up and said we can't go back and change it Jaxon, it happened and we have to deal with it. Alpha Praxton said you did right Kenzie, exactly what you were told to do if you see or scent a rogue. You don't take them on without others knowing.

She sobbed and said I know, but I...He shook her and said you can't change what happened no matter what. She sniffed and said damn. He let go and smelled the stove was still on.

She sniffled and wrapped the blanket around her better and said I can't eat. Jaxon grunted and said why not, it smells really good Kenzie. She pointed and said because my plate is the one on the floor.

He said we can take all the food back to the pack house. She walked over to the stove where Alpha Praxton stood frowning and she turned it off saying never been taught? Alpha Praxton grunted and said no more sass from you, it's been a long time.

She said well, I think the utilities need to be shut off, this is a gas stove. The gas is still on, maybe she... He said go outside. She ran to the utility board and shut the main breaker off.

She yelled out is the gas still on? He yelled yes damn it. She said you and Jaxon get out now. She yelled upstairs and said get out, the gas line has been tampered with and won't shut off.

The warriors raced downstairs, one tossed her over a shoulder and they ran outside. She said please tell me Alpha Praxton and Jaxon got out damn it. He grunted and said yes as he ran for cover.

When the house exploded, the two of them were caught, she was dropped and covered by both warriors as debris shot into the air and started to land. She said shift and run you asses.

They shifted as she did and they took off running as fast as they could. She followed the warriors and soon jumped the creek and over the border.

The warriors ran back over the creek as they needed to get rid of the bodies of the rogues. Alpha Praxton and Jaxon found her and took her back to the pack house telling her the fire department is being called now the rogues' bodies are gone.

She was taken straight down to the infirmary and shifted back for Dr Janice to check her over. When given the all clear, she dressed in a set of scrubs and sent upstairs. She hugged Dr Janice and left, not saying anything or she would cry.

She walked out the door and met Jaxon who took one look at her and said bunnies? She sighed and said shut up, I like bunnies. He said well, I like bunnies too, they taste good.

She said they make a good stew, I would catch them and bring them home for mom. She sighed and said damn, that made me miss her stew. He grunted and said well good luck because mom doesn't make rabbit stew, the rabbits never make it home.

She chuckled and said I see. So no pet bunnies around here huh? He grabbed her shirt and said nope, this is the closest. They scented Amanda and she said you need to get rid of her.

He grunted and said yeah we do. She grunted and said I said you, don't include me in that we. When the bitch ran after them, Kenzie stopped and turned to the bitch and faced her off.

Kenzie growled and said get lost, you reek like a slut and need to shower that stench off. Amanda huffed and said who the hell are you to....Kenzie dropped her claws and lifted them and yelled get lost slut.

Jaxon tossed Kenzie over his shoulder and said get lost Amanda, like she said you need to shower that stench off. I am done with you forever.

He carried Kenzie and slapped her ass and said I thought you didn't want to be included? Kenzie huffed and said her stench was reminding me I need a shower after killing those rogues.

He grunted and set her down in the office and said you smell better than her. She snorted and said I rolled on the floor naked with a rogue bitch and you say I still smell better than her?

He smiled and said naked? She shoved him away and said yes, watch it or I will take you on next. He grinned and they looked at his dad who grunted and said a fight already?

Kenzie sighed and said yes, my fault, I smelled Amanda the slut coming and could not take smelling her after taking on the rogues.

Alpha Praxton said no, your first fight with my son? She sighed and said that wasn't a fight, when I fight I hit. He grunted and asked then what was that? Jaxon was still grinning and said naked, two chicks, rolling on the floor together?

She looked at Alpha Praxton and said see, no fight. Alpha Praxton said bunnies? I didn't know Dr Janice had scrubs like that. She smiled and said she wears these in the hospital, not in the infirmary.

He nodded and said okay, I believe you. She said I saw them on her when I first met her in the hospital, mom was having tests done. Dr Janice stayed with me when the staff took mom away for them.

She shoved Jaxon off the chair as he was looking off with that stupid grin still on his face. He grunted at her and asked what?, the warriors are just telling me about finding you.

She said you look dazed and smell of lust. Go away and daydream where I can't see or smell you. He laid down and put his hand under his head and said no, here is good.

She snorted, stood and walked behind the desk. Alpha Praxton said I think we need to get you something to eat Kenzie, the pack mind link at the moment is not the best time for you join it. He got up and kicked his son and said stop it.

They walked out, he pulled the locked door closed and they headed downstairs. He grunted and said Amanda's scent is even worse? She said yes, guess she found a male that has no sense of smell.

He smirked and said no one that I have in the pack house has no sense of smell. She said then you have a real sex craved male in the pack house.

He said god, the house is full of those. She said better buy a lot of air fresheners if you don't get rid of her. He grunted and said I'll deal with her after we get you initiated into the pack.

She said well, sit me down at a table and deal with her before initiating me, you can't have her wandering around the pack house smelling like that. More females will take it as a hint that you allow such things.

He growled and said no way, I don't want that. She sat down at the kitchen table and said then go track her down by her stench and deal with her, please.

He kissed her head and said yes dear. She chuckled as he raced off growling. She pulled her feet up on the chair and put her chin on her knees, arms wrapped around them and just stared at the table in front of her.

When a man sat down beside her, she never even noticed until he growled. She lifted her chin and looked at him. He grunted and asked who are you and where is everyone?, I came to see Alpha Praxton. She sniffed and asked and who are you?

He grunted and said I'm Alpha Abbott. She asked and where are you from Alpha Abbott? He frowned and asked who are you? She set her chin back on her knees and said I'm Kenzie.

He said is that all, just Kenzie? She said I don't know you well enough to give you my last name. Alpha Praxton is hunting down a pack member, the warriors are dealing with an emergency situation.

He grunted and said can you mind link Alpha Praxton and tell him I'm here? She slid her feet off the chair and said stay here, I will be right back. He snorted and said you telling me to sit here, I'm an Alpha.

She grunted back and said fine, follow me. He stood and said fine. She sniffed the air and tracked Alpha Praxton up two flights of stairs and soon stood in the doorway and cleared her throat and said Alpha Prax, you have a visitor, an Alpha Abbott.

She moved out of the way as he walked out of the room. She dropped her claws and growled take a freaking shower now before I come in there and toss some bloody bleach on you myself.

Amanda got off the bed to slam the door in her face and Kenzie grunted and soon pounced. She dragged Amanda into the bathroom and turned the cold water on and tossed her inside.

She yelled we don't need to smell the stench coming off you. It's making me sick just smelling your stench Amanda.

She slammed the bathroom door and then walked out of the room, closing it behind her to only stop and blink as both Alphas were staring at her. She sighed and said sorry, her scent is really upsetting me.

She sniffled and said I'll leave you be. She turned and took off running. She slipped out the front door and started to close it and was stopped by two warriors.

She looked at them, smelled them and asked okay, what is your problem? They grunted and said rogue? She lifted her hands and said yeah, I guess I didn't get all their blood off me. She then took off running.

They chased her until she got to the border and stopped. She sat down and they growled are you a rogue? She took a deep sigh and said no. They sniffed the air and said there's a fire near. She sighed and said yeah, that's my home burning.

They sat down beside her and asked what happened? She sniffled and said rogues. I was having my shots given to me in the infirmary and left my mom at home. When I ran back I scented rogues on the wind and had to run back to the pack house to tell the Alpha.

By the time I ran back, they were too damned close to the house. I took them on and killed the first and was on the second when the pack warriors showed up. I ran inside and found a female rogue was inside rifling through the back room.

I took her down and the pack warriors took her off my hands, then I went looking for my mom. I found her in the kitchen, dead. The gas line was tampered with and the house blew up. Good thing we got out when we did or we would have had a lot more bodies.

They nudged her and said then be glad, you warned the pack first, there could be a lot more people dead other than them. She said I don't know if there was more. There was three males and one female.

They came from the north and were working their way down the border. She pointed and said that way was where the smell of them was coming from, the wind in my face.

They grunted and said that is the direction of our pack, we came to warn the pack. She smelled Jaxon and stood to say how many? They stood too and said a half dozen. She turned to a shifted Jaxon and said you heard that? He nodded and she said good. Your dad sent warriors out to look if there were more rogues, maybe you should find out if they are okay. He nodded and grabbed her pants with his teeth.

She grunted and said you could have taken my hand, you just have a bunny fetish Jaxon. He growled and tugged her back. She sniffed the air and said I can't smell anything, is there rogues?

He tugged and pulled her down on her ass. She said well thank you. She shifted and ran for the house, then when they all followed, she turned tail and rushed over the border and soon jumped the trees and started heading north.

She followed the sounds of fighting and soon jumped on a rogue and tore it's throat out and headed for the next. She was silent, no growls as she struck another in the ribs and went for its throat too.

The pack warrior growled a warning and she dropped. She grabbed the one that missed her by the throat and crushed her jaws down and yanked and twisted. The pack warriors shifted and took his carcass off her.

They pointed and said Alpha Praxton is pissed you took off on Jaxon. Now go to the pack house Kenzie. She raced the way she came, jumped over the logs then leaped over the creek and over the border. She headed to the pack house and stood at the back door, gave a howl then laid down and closed her eyes.

Alpha Praxton and Abbott rushed out the door to see her. They sniffed her and said bloody rogues, she went after them. Alpha Praxton dropped to his knees and poked her head and said I am here, come with me Kenzie.

She got to her feet and followed. He led her back to the infirmary. She grunted and shook her head. He pointed and said you need to get checked over, now go that's an order.

She sighed and went as Dr Janice opened a door and said bloody hell Kenzie, you're a mess. Kenzie walked in and headed to the bathroom, shifted and showered. Dr Janice came in and looked her over and said at least you don't need medical attention Kenzie. I was scared to death to hear you went after them.

She shifted back and her fur was washed too, making her grin. She shifted and said thanks doctor, my mom used to make me do that. She was tossed a towel and dried herself off, then used another and wrapped her hair. She walked out in only a towel to be tossed a set of kitten scrubs. Kenzie thanked Dr Janice and apologized for ruining the bunny set, she really liked them. Then quickly put the kitten scrubs on and dried her hair.

After combing her hair, she kissed Dr Janice's cheek and said they were a danger to the pack. It was a good thing as the pack warriors were blindsided. Dr Janice nodded and said the warriors aren't hurt because of you, they told us.

Kenzie said good, I'm heading to the kitchen and sit in my chair again. Dr Janice grunted and said you need to head up to the office, Alpha Praxton is ready to kick your ass now.

Kenzie said okay, I'm going. She opened the door and was walking out then suddenly she ducked and swore as Amanda was on her. Kenzie pulled her fist back and punched the bitch in the stomach, then in the face.

Dr Janice growled and soon grabbed Amanda and said go, I will deal with this little bitch. Kenzie said thanks, then ran as she smelled Jaxon. She ran up two flights of stairs then down the hall and ran down one flight, turned to the office and knocked on the door and opened it quickly.

She stepped inside and closed the door. She grinned as Jaxon growled where did you go Kenzie? Alpha Praxton growled and said come here Kenzie, right now.

She let go of the knob and went to him. He took her hand and said it's bloody, what happened? She winced as she noticed and said well, I was in the infirmary and opened the door, Dr Janice told me I needed to come up here and as soon as I stepped out, I was hit by Amanda.

So I protected myself and hit her back, once in the stomach and the other in the face before Dr Janice grabbed her and took her off my hands.

Jaxon opened the door and said give me that. He took her hand and said you need antiseptic, having touched Amanda. She said I took on two more rogues and didn't get a scratch, then came to blows with your smelly pack female and now I need antiseptic?

Jaxton tossed her over his shoulder and said yup, you don't know where that mouth has been. She grunted and said well, on you for one. He slapped her ass and said don't go there. He rushed her out of the door and down to the infirmary.

Dr Janice gave her another scolding and after wiping her hand she gave her another injection and told her to head to the office. Jaxon grinned and tossed her over his shoulder again, making her grunt. He ran her up the stairs and back to the office.

He set her down and they watched as Amanda was being ousted from the pack. Amanda turned to look her and growled. Kenzie said want another punch to the face, keep it up.

Amanda glared and walked towards her and Kenzie smiled, and dropped her claws and said I already used these today on you to scare you. Amanda backed up and said you wouldn't dare.

Kenzie said try me you stupid bitch, then she walked towards Amanda and pulled her claws back in and said you're a slut, the stench on you today made me very very angry after dealing with rogues. Piss me off and I will go at you like I did the rogues.

She stepped right up to Amanda and growled now get the hell out of this office, pack your stuff and leave like ordered. Amanda moved around her quickly without another word and closed the door.

Kenzie closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her wolf down. She was wrapped in Alpha Praxton's arms and he asked are you okay Kenzie? She said yeah, she just upset me today. I am sorry for taking her on like that. Taking her on just took my mind off mom for a little while.

He said well, no man's land is now off limits for you Kenzie. I want no arguing, I don't want you crossing border as that is very dangerous, okay?

She said yes, I hear and will obey. He chuckled and turned her around and said look me the eyes when you say that Kenzie. She grinned and said I hear and will obey.

He said kittens, really? She said well, Jaxon had a fetish for those bunnies. Jaxon growled did not, but I like the kittens on you. She said well you can wear them after I am done with them.

He growled they won't fit me. She said your just saying that and don't know for sure. He grinned and said then take them off and I will try them on now. She said nice try Jaxon. He grinned and said I thought so.

Alpha Abbott said stop the flirting. She said no flirting, that wasn't flirting! He said no, but the slap to your ass was when he was taking you out of here was.

She said good to know, thanks. He huffed back and said not the response I was thinking you'd have. She shrugged said I guess I'm just strange.

Alpha Praxton said now before things get out of hand, Kenzie I'm going to initiate you into the pack. She moved to the end of his desk and sat on the edge as he took out his silver ceremonial dagger.

She shivered as the door opened again. Then she followed his instructions to the letter as he initiated her into the Turbulent River Wolf Pack.

Kenzie was ready, her inner animal was sparked with energy to be included in a pack, even if it was a wolf pack. As soon as the connection to the mind link sparkled in their mind, Kenzie's inner animal snatched it. She hummed a few words in her mind, making Alpha Praxton chuckle and said that's a first, most people just talk, you hum.

She smiled and said okay, I hear and obey. What about my mother, did her body make it out? He sighed and said no. She sighed deeply and asked what now? He asked where is your father Kenzie?, your mother would never tell me. She said oh, I never ever met my father. I don't know who he was either. My mother always said she would tell me when I got older.

He grunted and said we need all your personal information Kenzie. She said the doctor has that when she started a file on me. Mom filled in all the blank spots with Dr Janice. He said good, I'll talk to Dr Janice and now you need to eat Kenzie, I can hear your stomach growling.

She took a deep breath and said I'll try to eat. He said good, it's that or I'll have to get you looked at by Dr Janice. She said I'm fine physically, it's just that emotionally I feel all mixed up and confused.

He stood and wrapped his arms around her and said I understand but you have to eat. He kissed her head and broke the link to say Jaxon can you take Kenzie down to get her something to eat.

Jaxon said sure dad, you calling a meeting to introduce her to the pack? Alpha Praxton said yes, but not tonight, she's needs a night of calm before meeting the pack as a whole.

Kenzie took a deep breath as she and Jaxon walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She took her seat as her stomach growled and rolled, feeling strange. She took another deep breath and smelled a few females enter the room.

She looked at the females after hearing a snicker, looked them over as they walked up to her with sneers on their face. She sniffed the air more and knew they were unmated, and trolling for males as they covered their bodies with many different scents from their soap and shampoo to perfume as well to cover up the fact they weren't virgins.

Beta Mannas walked up behind the girls, seeing Kenzie made him mind link Alpha Praxton to find out why? Kenzie looked over at Jaxon who was standing in the kitchen before looking at the girls and asked what? They growled leave Jaxon alone, he doesn't want anything to do with you.

Kenzie stood and walked up to face them head on and said for your information, Alpha Praxton asked Jaxon to bring me down here to eat. As for what you're talking about, he has his own mind and you are not his mouth piece. He speaks and talks all by himself well enough. Warning me off means you both have an interest in him yourselves. That's not my business and quit telling me what to do.

They growled, making her cross her arms and say you don't scare me. But so far you have pissed off me, pissed off the pack Beta and I'm sure Alpha Praxton as well. They could hear the Alpha's growl coming nearer.

The pack females backed up into Beta Mannas who growled out oh they have pissed me off Kenzie. They are trying to look and act like they are in charge which they are not. He said welcome to the pack Kenzie. He mind linked her and said sorry for your loss honey.

She blinked her tears away and said thank you. As far as these two bit hookers go, they don't scare me. She stepped forward and growled out, now it's time for my warning. You ever get in my face again and you won't walk away looking the same. My name is Kenzie, remember that and I'm a new member of the pack. I do like your perfume, just not with all the different smells together as your body soap and shampoo aren't a good selection of smells to put together.

They froze, then frowned and asked why? Kenzie said I don't know, just that you don't normally put those smells together. I would suggest you think about the smells you mixed up wearing. Try vanilla as a base and add orange or lemon. They nodded and said thanks Kenzie, sorry about the comment about Jaxon.

She said no problem, but I do like your perfumes, they smell nice but not together. They smelled her and said infirmary soap and shampoo, yuk. Kenzie sighed and said yeah, I'm at a loss seeing as I'll have to see if anything can be salvaged from the fire. She snorted and said clothes wise I can't wear scrubs for the rest of my life.

Beta Mannas sighed and said I don't think anything will be salvageable Kenzie, what didn't get damaged in the explosion and fire, was most likely ruined by the water damage afterwards.

She sat back down and said I see, thanks Beta Mannas. Alpha Praxton walked in and asked is there a problem here?, I heard growls. Kenzie said nope, everything is fine Alpha. He grunted and said good you eat Kenzie, your stomach is still growling. She said yes Alpha, I don't know what's taking Jaxon.

He looked into the kitchen and sighed he is being mind linked. She stood and said okay, I'll shove him out the door and make my own. Alpha Praxton and Beta Mannas snorted and said fine, we have to go.

The girls waved and said see you later Kenzie, we are going to be late as they headed out. So she pushed Jaxton to the door and opened it before pushing him outside and shutting the door. She looked in the fridge and pulled out some leftovers.

She hunted for a fork and took the cold container to the table and started to eat slowly. When she finished it, she handwashed everything and hunted down a warrior and asked if he could show her to a room.

He took her arm and said Alpha Praxton said top floor. He took her up and soon opened a door for her. She thanked him and after he left, she used the bathroom then slid under the covers and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

She woke up many times in the night, the strange sounds and smells, the noise as people came back in the pack house talking and waking her.

She woke up in the mid-morning and smelled the room before heading to the shower. After washing with the generic soap, shampoo and conditioner, she rinsed off and dried herself, wrapped the towel back around her and used the comb to untangle her hair.

She brushed her teeth and went back into the bedroom and found some clothes. She looked them over before dropping her towel and putting them on. She sighed as she looked at the shirt and ended up in the kitten scrub shirt seeing as the other brought to her was too snug for her liking. She would have taken off the sports bra but she needed the support.

She remade the bed and cleaned up the room, then headed downstairs to the smell of food. She sat at the kitchen table, helping herself to the leftovers saved for her and ate her fill.

When Jaxon came in, she set her fork down and let him take it and eat the rest. When Alpha Praxton came in, he took a look at her and asked you sleep okay Kenzie? She shrugged and said off and on, new place takes getting used to.

After eating, Beta Mannas's mate Darla found her shoes and took her shopping for clothes and her personal hygiene products. After getting measured and proper bras and underwear picked, she chose a few shirts in Victoria Secret and changed out of the kitten scrub shirt and relaxed.

They shopped wisely, Kenzie making the choices. She stopped to get a few pairs of footwear and stopped at a bed and bath, Darla staying outside as the place bothered her senses. Lastly they stopped at the pharmacy and picked out things she needed and then headed back to the pack house after eating in the food court.


Later after showering with her new soaps and hair products, Kenzie dressed and got ready for meeting the whole pack. She wasn't nervous because she already knew a lot of the members.

She took a deep breath and opened her bedroom door to see Jaxon talking on his phone in the hallway. She closed the door and headed downstairs to the office.

She knocked and waited and when she was growled at and told to come in, she opened the door to find Alpha Praxton wasn't alone. She closed the door saying good evening Alphas Praxton, Abbott.

He and the others with him stood. She cocked an eyebrow as Alpha Abbott grinned at her. She looked down to look at herself as they were all staring and asked what?

Alpha Abbott said oh, nothing's wrong, it's just this is the first time I've seen you dressed. She shook her head and said that sounded wrong but thanks. He chuckled and said no bunny or kitten scrubs in sight I mean.

She spun at the door that opened behind her and seeing Jaxon, she moved out of the way. Alpha Abbott took her hand and when he did, he felt how strong she was and said I want to introduce my son Milo and my Beta Crandon. She shook the Beta's hand and said hello, I'm Kenzie Richards, good to meet you both.

Alpha Abbott held his breath when Milo refused to shake her hand. Kenzie let her hand drop and said so Alpha Abbott, was there anymore rogues sighted? He took her hand again and said as far as my border patrol says, there were only the ones you all found.

She sighed with relief and said good. He sighed now and said but we heard from a pack further north that more were seen. She said oh, do you have any idea what's drawing them to the area or are they passing through causing pain and turmoil as they do?

Alpha Abbott huffed and said we don't know but they are very dangerous, so stay off the no man's land between the borders. She said I understand and will stay away on my own, how is that?

He grunted and said for now. She smiled and said for now? I will be very alert if I have to be on no man's land from now on. I need to check the condition of the house and see if I can find anything salvageable, see if the car survived. Things were mounting up on what needed to be done in her mind.

He grunted watching her face and said but that can wait until the fire and police departments are done. She sighed and said my purse and ID, if they can't be found then I need to have it all replaced and that takes time. I need to prove who I am before anything, understand? I feel nameless without proof of ID.

He said but the pack can do that for you Kenzie. She smiled and said I wish that was so, but I wasn't born in this area, we moved here about four years ago. All Alpha Praxton knows is what he was told, now I have to prove it, getting my identification is the first step. After that Alpha Praxton can prove everything properly and legally.

Alpha Praxton nodded and said so we search for your purse and all paperwork? She said yes, mom's purse too so it can be provided as identification of who she was.

Alpha Abbott asked so Kenzie, why haven't I seen you before now? I am a frequent visitor here. She grinned and said I don't come here often, not being a pack member. I used the infirmary and would leave and go back home. He asked and school? You would have gone to the same school as everyone from both packs.

Kenzie said I did my schooling online, graduated high school at 16 and took my exams at the same school the packs went to. I was only in the school for one whole day for my exams. I arrived after everyone was in their classes and left before they were done for the day so no one saw me.

I went back the next day, after classes started to get my results and haven't needed to go back. He grunted and said graduated at 16, that makes you very smart. She chuckled and said I could have finished sooner but mom put her foot down and said not to.

He frowned and asked so you could go on to university? She smirked and said I did two years through online classes, went to the University and like high school, and I did my exams.

He grunted and asked then how old are you now Kenzie, you only look about 16? Alpha Praxton chuckled and said she's older than that. Kenzie said I'll be 19 next month.

Milo snorted and said no way are you that old. She shrugged and said I can't prove it right now can I, with no purse and ID. Jaxon snorted and said your 18, been here for 4 years and I haven't met you before yesterday?

She looked at Alpha Praxton who said I told you she was quick when we were in the infirmary Jaxon. She normally snuck in and took off right after if I didn't see her. Dr Janice can tell you how long she has known Kenzie. The warriors asked her to help holding you down because they know who she is.

Kenzie chuckled and said I knew who you were Jaxon, and also have been in this office before when you were out. As for you not seeing me Alpha Abbott, same goes, I haven't seen you before as you haven't seen me. I didn't stay long in the pack house, just used the infirmary to have my shots and left.

I didn't drive here so we wouldn't have met out front. I didn't use the kitchen before yesterday and didn't come into this office unless dragged here by Alpha Praxton.

Alpha Praxton grinned and said she'd slip away before I could catch her. So I had Dr Janice tell me when she was here and snagged her before she could leave. Like yesterday except Jaxon was hurt and then the rogues were sighted by Kenzie when she was going home.

Alpha Abbott grunted and asked if she turned 18, she should have been introduced to both packs so she could find her mate. Kenzie said but I wasn't a member of the pack, therefore I wasn't required to be introduced. That and my mother's health was declining, I was her care giver when she wasn't feeling well.

He grunted and said I feel slighted that I wasn't aware you and your mother were living in the area for so long. Kenzie sighed and said my apologies Alpha Abbott, my mother took sick and in the hospital and that was where we met Dr Janice. My mother was very leery of packs, but once she met Dr Janice, we settled near the pack lands for her medical care and for me to have my shots.

If you must know, my mother was freaking out when meeting Alpha Praxton as it was, meeting another would have had her grabbing me and running.

Alpha Abbott grunted and said freaking out, so you were running from something? Where is your father? What pack were you born in? Kenzie said calm down Alpha Abbott. As far as my father goes, I have no idea, my mother wouldn't tell me. She always said when the time was right she would tell me but hadn't before she was killed. As for a pack, I have never lived in a pack before and was born in a human hospital.

She smiled thinking and said at least I have that if Dr Janice can find it; a copy of my birth certificate she took for her files, same with mom's. Alpha Praxton linked Dr Janice for a copy of Kenzie and Sadie's birth certificates. Dr Janice said I thought of that this morning. I already hunted them down and copied them and I will be right there.

After Dr Janice left, Alphas Praxton and Abbott breathed easier. The birth certificates had been verified previously by Dr Janice and now she put in a request for duplicates to be sent to the pack house legally.

The night was anticlimactic after that, Jaxon tossed her over his shoulder and grunted as he carried her downstairs and outside to the waiting pack. She was introduced and they went their separate ways.

Milo and Jaxon took a bunch of the pack members and they headed out drinking, both Alphas and Betas holed up in the office talking about the rogues and she headed to her room, changed clothes and headed to the pack gym.

Some of the off duty warriors showed up after she was sighted by one in the gym and more joined and worked out with her. She hadn't expected the company, not when it was Friday night. She worked out, sweating it up as she needed to forget about going back to the house.

Kenzie was dressed the next morning to go out with Alpha Praxton when Jaxon came down. He looked hung over and still smelled like he had fun. She covered her mouth in shock when Milo came down with a pack female, both smelling like they hadn't showered and both reeking.

She got up and cleared her breakfast dishes and left the room to head to the office without a word. After she had gotten up, both males watched her closely, especially when she left without a word.

She met Alpha Praxton outside as she needed to clear her nose, the scents from the others had irritated her inner animal. They got in his vehicle and had to stop as Alpha Abbott showed up needing to talk to Alpha Praxton.

She ended up grabbing a pack Warrior who drove her instead. They headed to the Motor Vehicle office where she was going to order a duplicate of her driver's licence. As soon as the clerk saw Warrior Fredrick, there was no need for her birth certificate seeing as he was mated to a pack member.

After it was ordered, they stopped to get something to eat and then they headed home. She thanked Fredrick and disappeared to her room, changed clothes and headed to the gym. After using the gym, she quickly showered off and slipped into the pool room and was in the middle of her 15th lap when Alpha Praxton mind linked her asking where she was.

She grunted and said I'm doing laps in the pool, why? He said we are coming to you then Kenzie. She said fine, I'll just finish my lap. She finished her lap and was wrapping herself up in a towel when both Alphas and their sons walked in.

She sighed as both son's watched her like hawks and she being the prey. She looked at Alpha Praxton and asked what was wrong? He said I heard you've been working out, is that usual Kenzie? She said I usually go for runs when I'm bothered but with the rogue situation, me promising to stay off of no man's land and not going to the house, I've been using the gym and now pool to occupy myself.

He huffed and asked why not just run on the pack lands? She chuckled and said I'd be too tempted to cross the border and I'm resisting that urge because I promised you.

He said good, the warriors were telling me that you wore them out keeping up with you last night. She chuckled and said I wore them out, those buggers. I was minding my own business and working out on my own when I was spotted. They all showed up and were egging me on. If I wore them out, it's their own fault.

He grinned and asked how many laps were you doing? Kenzie said I worked out in the gym then came in here and was on my 15th lap when you mind linked me. I wasn't aiming for a number, just seeing how many I could do.

He nodded and said Alpha Abbott wants to take you to his pack lands to introduce you to his pack. She said alright, when? Alpha Abbott said as soon as you can be ready. She said okay, I can get ready now.

She walked out, grabbing her clothes on the way and rushed upstairs. In her room she dropped the towel and quickly showered and dressed. She cleaned up her room and headed to the office.

Alpha Abbott took her arm and escorted her out to his car and they left. Milo and Jaxon hadn't been around so they left on their own, talking on the way.

She met his pack, was introduced before dinner and at the table when they talked about going out with the pack females. Then she was taken up to their rooms and redressed in different clothes before they headed out.

They headed to a club and had fun until another group from a different group of another pack's members showed up. The girls explained who they were and when the Alpha and his son from the other pack walked in, Kenzie was noticed.

Kenzie looked uninterested in them, looking around and not at them. She sipped her single drink, turned her head and joined the conversation every once in a while, asking a question here and there.

When the Alpha's son Terrance walked over, he stood behind Kenzie. She moved, not liking him behind her. When she moved, his father, Alpha Antoine moved to behind her.

She stiffened as he leaned over her and growled in her ear. She looked at the others who were shocked too. She ignored the growls, her back was up when she borrowed a cell phone.

When Alpha Praxton answered, Kenzie said it's me, I wondered what my response should be to an Alpha Antoine standing behind me and growling in my ear? Alpha Praxton asked where are you Kenzie? She named the club and said as soon as he and his son walked in, they targeted me. I moved after the son stood behind me and now his father moved in behind me and is threatening me.

He growled and asked did he ask your name at least? Kenzie said nope, not a word spoken out of either of them. A group came in first, then the father and son, no one has come over to our table except the Alphas.

She added oh, I was spritzed with a scent blocker before we left but that doesn't explain the rudeness and threat I feel from the two of them. She twisted the hand that reached across her shoulder and said no touching Alpha Antoine.

Alpha Praxton asked you okay? She said yes, he decided to try and grab for the phone over my shoulder. As you know I don't have a phone so I borrowed one of Alpha Abbott's pack female's. He said hand Alpha Antoine the phone honey, I'll talk to him.

She turned and passed the phone back and said take it but don't break it as it's not mine. He snatched it growling and walked away. Kenzie snorted and said rude.

The son growled hearing her words, making her snort as she sipped her drink until it was finished. She was on edge as the others whispered we need to leave. She nodded.

When Alpha Antoine returned the phone, it was in poor shape. She turned to him and said you will be required to replace what you broke Alpha Antoine.

They all stood and left the club as Alpha Abbott was being informed of what happened through a mind link. She took two elbows with hers and they headed out.

Outside they were confronted by Alpha Antoine's pack warriors. She moved in front of the pack females who were freaked. She said mind link Alpha Abbott and explain please. To the Warriors, she crossed her arms and said this is not your pack lands as far as I was told. You stopping us from leaving is sure to cause problems with the pack.

They both grunted and one said we've been ordered to stop you from leaving, not them. She frowned and asked why? She was visiting here on the pack lands on the request of Alpha Abbott himself.

They shrugged and the other warrior said we only do as asked. She held out her hand and asked may I borrow your phone? He handed it over and she called Alpha Praxton, when he answered it was to a growl. She said it's Kenzie, can you tell me why I am being stopped on Alpha Abbott's pack lands by Alpha Antoine's warriors?

He growled I'm on my way, and there is no reason. He shouldn't even be there without informing Alpha Abbott first. She sighed and said this is not what I thought would ever happen going out with the pack females Alpha Prax. He grunted and said me neither Ken. Don't go with them if they should try to take you, understand? She said oh yeah, they aren't taking me without a fight.

He chuckled and said we both know you can handle them honey. She said what I don't understand is that they didn't say a word, no introduction, just threatening growls. He grunted and said I haven't a clue Ken, Alpha Abbott and I were taken completely surprised by your first call. The pack females are mind linked to Alpha Abbott now and he with the pack warriors.

She said so you're on the pack lands? He said yup, I came calling to see how things were going with you and found you'd gone out, it surprised me. She chuckled and said they dragged me kicking and screaming from the dining room and .... She heard growls from the girls, chuckled and said just kidding. We talked and they redressed me to come out. We were having fun until the others showed up.

The warriors stiffened when other pack warriors showed up. She looked around and seeing them said I'll see you soon then, the pack warriors arrived and it's becoming stressful. He said soon Ken, hold on. She said yup, bye.

She smiled and thanked the warrior as Alpha Antoine came outside with his growling son. Kenzie moved back from their pack warriors and went over to the pack females. She hugged them as they were all afraid.

She said keep the mind link open and explain what's happening. Alpha Antoine stalked over and grabbed her arm. She twisted away and shoved him back saying that is manhandling or assault as far as I'm concerned. I'm not a member of your pack and you have no reason to even touch me.

He growled your coming with me. She said not happening Alpha Antoine. I don't know you and have no wish to go with you. He said you're not a member of this pack therefore you don't belong here.

She crossed her arms and said it doesn't matter that I'm not a member of this pack, I was brought to be introduced to the pack by Alpha Abbott himself. You have no rights to even be here since you didn't inform Alpha Abbott of you or your son for crossing his border.

He growled how would you know, you're not a member? She said because I called and was told. He said introduced but not initiated therefore your coming with me now. She huffed and said not initiated into this pack but I was introduced. I am at this moment under the protection of Alpha Abbott as this is his pack lands and not yours.

When the son turned on his heels and came at her, she said stop Terrance, any closer and I will be forced to protect myself. He growled your what near to 16 yrs old and probably haven't even shifted before.

She snorted and said looks can be deceiving Terrance. A vehicle screeched to a halt and Terrance tied to snatch her. Both Alphas ran for them as Kenzie was forced to knock Terrance out as she tossed him over her shoulder at Alpha Antoine.

Alpha Praxton grabbed her and moved them to the vehicle, he mind linked her and asked if she was okay? She said yeah, they were determined to take me, no matter what I said. I didn't tell them I was a member of yours nor did I confirm my age. Terrance said I was under 16 and probably hadn't shifted yet.

She said tell me, are they snatching underaged females or am I the first? He snarled and said not that I know of which makes me wonder.

They heard Alpha Antoine yell no, she's coming with me. Alpha Praxton said she's my pack member Antoine and no, she's not going with you. He set her in the vehicle and said stay here, he handed her his cell phone and said call Jaxon, inform him we have a problem.

She nodded and used the cell, when Jaxon answered, it sounded like he was with a female in a club. She said Jaxon, I'm calling to report a problem. He said call me later Kenzie. She growled no, this is deadly serious, leave the female and get somewhere you can hear me better. Your dad is facing off against an Alpha Antoine with Alpha Abbott.

Milo snatched the phone and asked what's going on? She said Alpha Antoine and his son crossed your border without informing your father. I was in a club with some of your pack females and Alpha Antoine and Terrance walked in. They ended up trying to take me, had two warriors outside who wouldn't let me leave.

Right now they are facing Alpha Antoine and his two warriors are taking Terrance to their vehicle since I knocked him out cold. Alpha Antoine kept insisting I was going with him. Terrance tried to snatch and grab me after your father and Alpha Praxton arrived.

He growled and asked what club would accept a 16 yr old looking girl into their place? She named the club and said we are outside, four pack warriors are here. The girls I'm sending home now.

She watched and said Alpha Antoine just got in their vehicle and he's not happy he's leaving empty handed. There are still more of his pack members in the club as that is what your pack females said when the group walked in first before Alpha Antoine and Terrance.

He grunted which pack females took you out clubbing? She told him their names and rolled down the window to say, go on back home, I'm probably heading straight back with Alpha Praxton.

They grunted and said damn it, we wanted to hang out Kenzie. She said next time, I'm still rattled from Terrance trying to take me. They waved as they drove away and she said I hope they get home safe, I don't trust either Antoine or Terrance.

Milo said get home Kenzie, I'll make sure the pack females get home alright. She ended the call and handed the phone to Alpha Praxton and said Jaxon was too busy with a female so Milo grabbed the phone and I told him. Alpha Abbott said good.

She told them on the way back exactly what happened, they stopped at the pack house and she rushed in, changed her clothes and rushed back out.

Her and Alpha Praxton headed straight back home, he telling her to stay indoors as he didn't trust Alpha Antoine. She nodded and said I guess not, that was freaky.


A little more than a month later, Kenzie celebrated her birthday with her animal spirit. She locked her bedroom door and shifted. She stayed in her animal form from the midnight hour until she was mind linked to come down for breakfast.

She shifted back and showered then dressed, not needing to make her bed seeing as she slept in her wolf form. She walked into the dining room and said good morning all, like always. She kissed Alpha Praxton's cheek, then Luna Sasha's waiting cheek and headed to the kitchen to collect her plate.

Alpha Praxton sighed seeing her eat so much and said just to remind you Kenzie, Sasha and I are heading to Council after breakfast and we will be gone overnight. You are not to go outside, Antoine is still on the prowl. She nodded and said no worry, I'll stay indoors no matter what.

He added and said Beta Mannas is in charge and any problems go to him. She said yes Alpha Praxton. He said Jaxon won't be home until tomorrow so you don't have to worry about him. She nodded and said I remember, I'll stay out of trouble and mind Beta Mannas.

As soon as they left, Kenzie headed back to her bedroom, closed and locked her door, stripped and shifted into her wolf. She spent the rest of the day and night in her animal form, missing meals.

In the morning, she shifted back, showered, changed and headed downstairs. Once she ate, she changed and headed to the gym. She worked out her anger at having to be locked inside before she rinsed off and headed to the pool.

More than a month of working out had changed her body, she had muscles and abs more defined now. While the other pack females went out drinking and partying, she was stuck inside.

She headed to her room, purposely using a different way than the others were using and locked herself in her room. She showered and changed, then headed down for lunch, then ate before locking herself in her room again.

Beta Mannas sighed not seeing Kenzie all day, so when he got a call from Alpha Praxton saying they were held up and wouldn't be back that night as planned, he went up to see Kenzie.

He knocked on her door and woke her, saying Alpha Praxton and Luna Sasha are held up and won't be returning until tomorrow, now come down for dinner. I haven't seen you all day.

She ate dinner with the pack, and after eating headed back to her room and locked her door. In the morning, she got changed early and headed to the gym and worked out for over two hours, then rinsed off and hit the pool to do her laps.

She was showered and changed and was down at the table for breakfast. Then after eating, she headed back to her room, locked the door and went back to reading the books on their kind, learning more than ever as she and her wolf were busy doing what they were learning.

She learned how to shift without removing her clothes, how to block her scent which made her happy as no one could scent her now, then she and her wolf had erected a shield in her mind to block anyone from learning she was a shifter.

She had been practicing how to shift faster; she used the treadmill and turned it up higher these days to run as fast as possible. All to protect herself seeing as Alpha Antoine had been denied access to the pack lands when he came sniffing the border.

When Alpha Praxton and Luna Sasha arrived back home, they weren't alone. With them was Jaxon and a female he brought back home with him.

They arrived after dinner, Kenzie had eaten at the table, then headed to the gym and locked the door as soon as she smelled the scent coming from the female with Jaxon. She stripped and used the treadmill in her wolf form, running.

She dressed and used the back stairway to get to her room and locked the door, glad that her room was soundproof like the others on the top floor.

Kenzie went down to the gym before breakfast, did her work out and used the pool, then went back to her room and showered and changed. She locked her door now seeing as there was a stranger on the top floor with Jaxon.

She headed down for breakfast, kissed Alpha Praxton and Luna Sasha's cheeks and grabbed her breakfast before sitting down. Beta Mannas sat there watching her when Jaxon dragged in the female.

They both stunk like sex, not showering like any decent person would. Kenzie blinked as soon as she smelled them, then tilted her head and told her wolf to ease off her sense of smell.

She went back to eating without saying a word, but soon she did move seats and headed down to the other end of the table, as Jaxon's female elbowed her hard in the ribs and told her to move.

Alpha Praxton growled and said really Ann, you're a visitor and just because you are having sex, that we can all smell with Jaxon, doesn't mean you order others in my pack house around.

Ann mumbled sorry, but they could all smell she lied and didn't mean it. Luna Sasha growled you little bitch. Kenzie mind linked them and said if I were you I would have Dr Janice give this Ann a full check up, she smells wrong. Don't forget to have a morning after pill and a large shot of birth control given to her as well. ASAP.

Kenzie finished her breakfast without the usual banter and walked her dishes to the kitchen and left the room. The pack all glared at Ann and then at Jaxon.

Dr Janice was mind linked to bring up the meds and she quickly shoved the pill down Ann's throat and injected her with a birth control and a shot to stop a heat as she smelled that the bitch was going into her heat.

When Milo showed up, he was with his father. He took one sniff of the pack house and immediately smelled Ann's scent. Kenzie showed up, she grunted and grabbed Milo and dragged him down to the gym and screamed into his face until he snapped out of his haze.

He growled who is she Kenzie? Kenzie said her name is Ann, she was brought here by Jaxon and she is sleeping in his room. He paced the floor frowning and asked where did he find her? She said no idea.

He growled why don't you know? She said because I haven't been told. They arrived after dinner and they headed straight to his room. The first I saw her it was at breakfast, she elbowed me in the ribs and ordered me to move at the table.

I didn't even know her name until Alpha Praxton got angry at her and called her Ann. Kenzie then dragged him up to the office and sat him in a chair, locked the door and stayed there.

Milo growled and she just huffed and said you have a meeting, so talk. You aren't going to get to her. He growled and said you can't stop me. She blinked at him and said I can.

Alpha Abbott asked what did I miss? Kenzie said Jaxon brought a female home with him. Dr Janice said she is going into heat. Milo here smelled her and nearly shifted to hunt her down.

Alpha Praxton grunted and said that bitch isn't on any birth control and thank god isn't pregnant. She is a real bitch and I can't see what Jaxon sees in her.

Kenzie snorted and said it's just sex. He probably scented her going into heat and she snatched him up without a problem. But that's not what has been bugging me about her, it's her smell. There is something off about it other than her heat.

She looked out the window and mind linked Dr Janice and asked if she had taken Ann's blood and tested it because to her it smells off. Dr Janice groaned and said I only tested her for pregnancy Kenzie. What scent?

Kenzie slid down to the floor and thought about it, not realizing the Alphas were watching her. She then took a deep breath and mind linked Dr Janice and said I think she smells like the rogue bitch that killed my mother. There is something similar to her smell.

Dr Janice growled and asked are you in the office? She said yes. Dr Janice said I will be right there and you can explain it to me. Kenzie said okay.

She blinked again and held the door closed as Jaxon banged on it and said let us in. Alpha Praxton said not Ann, she is not welcome in my office without a freaking shower, you too Jaxon.

Jaxon grunted and said fine. When Kenzie heard them walk upstairs, she stood, opened the door and sniffed the air. Milo was held down by his father who caught his son sniffing the air and nearly going wolf.

Alpha Praxton stood and asked what's wrong Kenzie? She took a deep breath and said Ann's scent Alpha Prax. It smells like the rogue bitch that killed my mother. He growled and asked which warriors smelled her scent Kenzie?

She named the two warriors who once called they ran from the border patrol. They sniffed the air and growled at Kenzie and asked you think she is related? She asked don't you smell it?, I do. The one that murdered my mom, the one you pulled away from me and the one that you let go of so I could punish her for breaking my mom's neck. The same bitch that booby trapped my home.

She grabbed their hands and opened her mind to them and brought them back to that moment in time. It opened their minds to their own experienced memories and their noses sniffed the air and they both growled yes, I see what you mean Kenzie.

They turned to Alpha Praxton and said Kenzie is right, that is the same sort of smell to this slut Jaxon has in his room now to the rogue bitch we caught at Kenzie's house.

Dr Janice growled and said that is all I needed. She raced up the stairs to Jaxon's room and quickly pulled the naked bitch down to the infirmary while the others held Milo back. Alpha Praxton and Abbott headed down to the infirmary to see Ann.

Milo growled let me go. Kenzie sat on his back and said no Milo. Don't you understand, if we are right you do not want to touch that. She said get rid of that stench guys, please.

Milo growled I hate you for doing this to me. She sighed deeply and said I know, I knew the first time you looked at me Milo.

He grunted and asked why can't I smell your scent Kenzie, what have you done? He growled and rolled them over and soon his face was against her neck growling out where is your scent, why can't I even sense you anymore? What did you do to yourself Kenzie?

She went silent and very still, not wanting to risk him being so close to her neck. He was pulled off by his father saying what the hell Milo, snap out of it.

Kenzie scrambled backwards until her back hit the wall and covered her face as that brought up a bad memory for her. Alpha Praxton grabbed her shoulders and entered her mind and growled out someone tried to rape you, who, when and where?

She blinked and showed him, and said it was a long time ago, not here. It was why we moved the last time. Milo just triggered the memory when he had his face too close to my neck and was growling.

He verbally said unblock your scent and drop your shields Kenzie. She shook the memory off and did what he asked then pulled it all back in again quickly and put up the block and shield.

Dr Janice walked in and headed to the desk. As everyone stared at her, Dr Janice pulled up a web page and said Kenzie, come look at this picture, tell me if you recognize her.

Alpha Praxton pulled her to her feet and she walked around the desk, she flinched and said that's the rogue, the one that killed my mother Dr Janice. The two warriors came around the desk and looked and growled rogue bitch.

Dr Janice said that is Ann's sister Melinda. Jaxon walked in and looked at the web page and groaned and said that's Ann, what the hell? Dr Janice said I took her blood Jaxon, Ann's blood isn't normal, it holds the marker of a rogue.

Kenzie silently sat down in the chair, focused on the web page pictures and scrolled through them. The warriors moved Jaxon back and looked as well and growled as they came up on a picture of a group.

They pointed and said those were the rogues, damn it to hell. Alpha Praxton looked as well and asked are you sure? They nodded and Jay said their bodies shifted back when we went back and retrieved them, there is no doubt.

Kenzie scrolled to their names as the facebook page had their names. She flinched again as the warriors growled and said they are all Ann's family.

Kenzie then opened a new search page and typed in a name, then went to one of the links and clicked on it and reached for the phone. She blinked and once he answered she said Kevin Stanton, this is a voice from the past.

He grunted and asked who are you? She said Kenzie Richards here. He stopped breathing and said Kenzie, wow it must be going on six or seven years? How are you?

She said I am fine sir, thank for asking and you? He said always with the manners. She said yes sir, my mother made sure I was taught to use them. He asked so what brings you calling me Kenzie?

She said I called because I wanted to know who he was? He sighed and said it was so long ago Kenzie, can't you get over it? She said yes sir but a situation came up and I need his name.

He sighed deeply and said the name I rightly remember was Gilbert Sully. The others held their breath and she asked did he have any family? He grunted and said oh yeah, there were four brothers and two sisters family wise. He named them off, including Melinda and Ann.

She said thank you, I really appreciate the information. He asked so how is your mother Kenzie?, I worried about her after the two of you up and disappeared. She said well sir, she was recently murdered by Melinda Sully.

He growled and said no damn way, why? She said all I can think of is revenge. He said not good Kenzie you get yourself protected, you hear me Kenzie? She said yes sir, thank you and you take care.

She dropped the phone and swore. She said you heard him, Ann is the sister to the rogues that murdered my mother. She closed the one screen and pointed to one face in the group.

The warriors growled and said he tried to rape you? Kenzie said yes. He was stopped by a lone wolf, Kevin Stanton. She stood and said if Ann stays then I am out of here.

She bit her lip and moved around them and headed for the door. She wrapped her arms around herself and headed to her room. She was head blind, not hearing anything as the memories were going back through her head, not only from the attempted rape but her mother's murder as well.

She cleared her head and heard yelling down in the office as Jaxon said no, Ann is staying. She sighed as the decision was made, closed her door and quickly packed. She found a piece of paper and wrote her goodbye note, saying she was sorry but she can't stay, hearing Jaxon wanting the rogue Ann to stay.

She tossed the bag over her shoulder, blocked her scent, shielded herself and soon slipped out of the pack house and started running, headed straight for the remains of her home.

She crossed the border and jumped the logs and sighed as she took in her first sight of their home. She lowered her head and said a prayer for her mother and before long, she drove away wiping her tears away.


It was well over a year later when Kenzie was dressed to meet some friends, walking on the sidewalk when a car pulled to a stop at the lights beside her and she heard whistles and a cat call.

She looked over and cleared her thoughts, bent down to look at Jaxon driving and Milo smirking. She said the driver get lost chasing bunnies? She walked away crossing at the green light.

Jaxon pulled over as soon as they went through the lights and Milo got out and chased after her as she headed up the street instead of straight.

Kenzie groaned and said put me down Milo, remember you hate me. He growled and said no, you're coming with us. He got to the car and opened the back door, set her on her feet and made her get in.

She scrambled to get out the other door, not caring she was crawling over a man's lap. Jaxon growled and said don't let her get away Nelson. A hand held her butt, before groaning and she growled don't go there or I will bite you.

He held her down and said then don't squirm, oh too late. Kenzie said let me go. He said nope, you feel too good at the moment.

Jaxon and Milo growled stop groping her damn it. Kenzie dropped her claw and grabbed the ankle and dug in as he was hard against her, enjoying her squirm across his lap.

He growled and said keep it up, it feels like foreplay. She said when I get off you, I am going to kick your freaking ass Nelson, whoever you are.

He grunted and said I am an Alpha, and you can't kick my anything. She laughed and said you have no idea Nelson, I am going to knock you on your ass and kick you where your freaking swelling, damn you. He laughed and said your squirming, it's very arousing.

Jaxon growled and said keep your hands still Nelson or I swear you will eat dirt. That female is a pack member of mine, she never severed the ties to the pack.

When Jaxon parked and they got out of the front seat, Kenzie grunted as she was pulled back off by the hips. She grabbed her bag and soon as she could, grabbed Nelson by the balls and squeezed hard before he screamed like a freaking girl. She let go and said that's for groping me asshole.

She was pulled back against Milo, who was aroused and hard as well. She stomped on his foot and turned to swing at him, punching him in the face. He fell and rubbed his face saying damn it Kenzie. She stomped her heel against his groin and said well Milo, you shouldn't rub yourself against protesting females.

Milo groaned as Jaxon pulled her away, who then tossed her over his shoulder and slapped her ass and said calm the hell down Kenzie. Following them were the two next Alphas growling as they walked in the building.

She groaned and asked where the hell did you take me? He said it's an all Alphas meeting, don't worry you'll be safe here. She grunted and said yeah right Jaxon, if they are anything like Nelson, I will be kicking more Alpha sons asses.

Nelson said not if I get you first Kenzie. She snorted and said take a freaking number Nelson, there are a few ahead of you waiting. He grunted and said nope, I get first crack at you.

As she was being set down, she said I guess you liked that squeeze huh? He snarled in reply. Alpha Praxton growled leave her be Nelson. Kenzie turned and teared up seeing Alpha Praxton and soon was wrapped in his arms.

She was turned, so seeing Nelson, she raised her middle finger at him. Then mind linked Alpha Praxton and asked are you okay? He said yes, now unblock your scent and drop your shields honey?

She groaned and asked in a room full of Alphas? He growled yes. She sighed and did what he asked then quickly pulled her scent and essence all back in, battened down her block and shield. Soon as he was happy, he stepped back and kissed her forehead as the others around them said good lord.

She stepped back and heard a growl and watched as Terrance ran for her. She spun as soon as he got close enough, he flew back through the air as her foot struck him hard.

She was headed for Alpha Antoine next and was pulled back by Alpha Praxton who said no Ken. She said fine, but I will deal with him, no one touches me like he did.

Alpha Antoine snorted and said so she shifted. She said and you're a stupid fool, you and your son trying to grab me and take me back to your pack lands.

A growl was heard and everyone looked except Kenzie as she was watching Alpha Antoine who started to shake. She dropped her claws and said I dare you. We aren't in the company of humans now.

Alphas close moved in front of her seeing Antoine threatening to shift and attack. She pulled back her claws and turned to Alpha Praxton. She hugged him and said through the mind link what happened? She cupped his face and he sighed and he said the pack was attacked by rogues.

She winced and asked who attacked, anyone I know and hated? He sighed and said yeah, Ann. She snorted and said stupid bitch, did you kill her? He sighed and nodded. She hugged him and said that bitch deserved to die, not stay in your pack house.

He grunted and said it happened after you left, she set us up. She rubbed his back and asked how many were hurt, or are they fine? He said a few warriors were hurt, but no one was killed.

She sighed with relief and asked so everyone is okay? He kissed her head and said yes. She said so the rogue situation is even worse? He nodded and said yeah, a lot worse.

She said well, I didn't see any and I was looking, very alert to where I was. He said thank god, I was worried as hell. He said you are coming home Kenzie, I can't take it with you out there on your own.

She said okay, that means my things will have to be packed. He kissed her head and said no problem. She was pulled out of Alpha Praxton's arms and Alpha Abbott hugged her next and asked where the hell have you been Kenzie?, we searched and couldn't find any sign of you.

She grinned and said I roamed around a while until I ended up with a group of she-wolf with no packs. The room exploded in growls and asking more lone she-wolves?

She grunted and said what can I say, I have a winning personality. They found me and we have been living together for the last 9 months.

She looked at Alpha Praxton and asked if there is room, there are seven of us. He grunted and said if you trust them then so will I, so yes. She grinned and said good. Alpha Abbott grunted and said they can choose, I will agree to take on any that won't like your pack.

The room exploded with offers to take any as well. Kenzie said we can ask them Alpha Abbott, maybe they can find their mates. They all have said they wanted to find them and aren't sluts by the way.

A man yelled silence to the room and he said meeting postponed, let's get the she-wolves before anything happens to them. She soon grabbed Alpha Praxton's hand and he led her to his car.

Jaxon and Milo got in and she sighed and gave him the address they lived. It took another 45 minutes as they stopped at the restaurant she was supposed to meet them all at first.

She got out alone and headed inside, she walked up to their table with her scent blocked and shielded up and sat down. They looked at her and she asked want to be rescued?

She waved Alpha Praxton over and said this is the man I told you about, seems there are some serious issues and we need to find another place to live. The girls soon stood and they headed to pay. Walking out there were more vehicles found waiting.


Once their house was emptied, they all headed back to the Alpha's meeting. Kenzie walked behind the girls as Alpha Praxton led with a smirk on his face.

Jaxon and Milo were behind her muttering as she wouldn't let them near the girls. She said shut up guys, as far as I am concerned, you are both man whores.

Jaxon growled and she turned on him and punched him in the face, knocking him down and then turned and walked fast to catch up. Jaxon walked into the conference room rubbing his jaw.

Kenzie was introduced to Head Councilman Isaiah. She shook his hand after bowing her head, but after freaking out at Alpha Praxton who chuckled and told her what to do.

She introduced each girl, who told him what pack they had belonged to but renounced their ties for various reasons. The girls bowed their heads before shaking his hand.

Head Councilman Isaiah read their thoughts, all except Kenzie who he couldn't read. He learned they were all searching for their mates, and all except one was innocent but pure enough.

Kenzie excused herself when the girls stood in a line to shake the Alphas hands. Her stomach growling as she missed eating, Alpha Praxton went with her. They sat in the restaurant, both eating as Alpha Praxton hadn't had much of an appetite for the last year.

He groaned and rubbed his stomach once they finished, and Kenzie laughed. They headed back and walked in to see Milo and Jaxon sitting on their own with Alpha Abbott, sulking.

The girls walked over to her and whispered who found mates. She grinned and said good for them. She hugged each of them and said yours will be found too, don't give up hope.

The two that found mates ran to her and soon hugged her hard and whispered thank you Kenzie we owe you for saving us. She hugged them back and said I am so glad you both found your one and only's, be good and remember what I taught you.

They all laughed making Alpha Praxton grunt and ask what Kenzie taught them? She mind linked him and said how to be faster, how to cook and how to never forget the ones they love. I had them call their families as soon as I moved them in with me.

He blinked and asked you did? She nodded and said their families didn't like them living so far from home. But the girls wanted to find their mates and living at home they couldn't.

He asked out loud you can cook? She said of course, I was taught by my mother. The girls groaned and said can she ever. She grinned as they said especially her rabbit stew.

Jaxon groaned rabbit stew, damn you Kenzie, you caught them didn't you? She grinned and said of course Jaxon, I was always good at catching bunny rabbits. I even taught the girls how to hunt and chase them down because I wouldn't make the stew without fresh rabbits.

All the girls and her headed up to a suite and crashed as the meeting was going on. Council warriors soon showed up with their bags and were all caught singing back to the TV. She let them in and after they left, the girls took turns showering.

When Jaxon mind linked her and asked what they were doing, she mind linked him back and said giving me back rubs.

He groaned and asked what? She said we are watching scary movies. The others like to scare the hell out of me choosing the worst. They rub my back when I get scared. I tell you, I am not sleeping tonight, that is for sure.

He asked what movie? She said Arachnophobia, followed by Jaws I think. He asked you haven't watched those? She said no, we didn't have a TV when we moved near the pack.

She cut the mind link and got up to answer the door. She peeked out first and opened the door a little to look out and say yes? When a cart was displayed, she mind linked Alpha Praxton and said someone knocked on the door, a server with a cart.

He said just a minute. A few seconds later he said Head Councilman had it delivered, desserts. She said thank him please. She pulled the cart in thanking the hotel employee and closed, then locked the door.

She said turn the channel now or I am eating every last dessert on this cart without any one of you having any. The channel was turned and she said good have at it girls.

She hummed to the music, as she nibbled on the fruit. The girls were hyper the rest of the night, a long night for Kenzie who watched out for them.

When the meeting was over, Alpha Praxton asked if she was still up? She linked him back and said chocolate and the girls are not good, like kids and sweets, they are still up.

He said get dressed we can go out and have coffee and talk. She said I am dressed. He said the Council warriors will be outside the door keeping the girls safe, come on down. She said slipping my shoes on now, be there in a minute.

She said girls, I am going to go meet Alpha Praxton, there are Council Warriors outside the door keeping you all safe, don't open the door. She waved at the TV and said you watch your stupid scary movies now.

They laughed as she left, locking the door. She told the warriors to keep them safe, then she headed to the stairs, slipped off her shoes and ran down them instead of taking the elevator.

She walked out of the stairway and slipped on her shoes and joined Alpha Praxton who was waiting at the elevator and asked okay? He looked at her and grunted gee I thought you would take the elevator. She took his arm and said no, I like to see how fast I can take the stairs.

Alpha Praxton took her to the restaurant across the street. They sat and drank coffee, he asking her about the last year and what she had been up to.

Jaxon mind linked her and asked where she and his dad was? She said restaurant across from the hotel. He said okay, be right there.

Just as Jaxon, Milo, Nelson and Alpha Abbott walked in the door, her phone rang. She sighed and pulled out her phone and shook her head and made the call to reply instead of texting.

She lowered her voice and said stay out of the liquor, you get so freaking loud when you're all drinking. Flora laughed and said too late, we saved you some Kenzie. Kenzie groaned and asked little bottles right? Flora said no, we had the two mates order some from room service, then she chuckled.

She looked at Alpha Praxton who was chuckling. She shook her head and said alright, I bet any of you that I can drink you under the table. But you have to wait for me to come back before we start or it won't be fair.

Flora said hell no Kenzie you start drinking where you are, we are only on our second. She asked what are you all drinking then, so I can catch up? They all yelled your favorite of course.

She raised her hand for the waitress and asked you serve alcohol? The waitress nodded but said your too young to drink young lady. Kenzie pulled out her wallet and said guess again, I'll have two shots of tequila on the double, thanks.

Flora laughed and said alright Kenzie, it's going to be a good night. Kenzie said I doubt it, find the aspirin I will need it by morning, you bitches are going down tonight, flat on your faces is my guess.

The girls laughed and soon hung up. As soon as Kenzie got her tequila, she tossed them both down and said two more, damn bitches aren't going to beat me.

Alpha Praxton shook his head and said your drinking, on heels? She grinned and said yeah, I kick ass in them. The guys just stared, when she got the next order, she tossed a $50 on the tray and said keep them coming, come hell or high water at least I can be carried away safely.

She tossed her third and fourth down. When the guys ordered food, she snatched a taste and soon ordered food. Alpha Praxton ordered for them both.

The guys started with one drink, tried to drink the tequila shots, but had to take deep breaths to do it. By her fifth and sixth, she pulled out her phone and called Flora back.

They screamed at her and laughed we are on our fourth, what about you Kenzie? Kenzie said sixth, you're all slowing down and soon will be face first on the floor.

Once they finished eating again, they left the restaurant and headed back to the hotel bar. She ordered two more, tossed them back before she was laughing so hard at Jaxon and Milo as they were already face first on the table groaning.

She got up, kissed Alpha Praxton's head and headed off to the bathroom. Alpha Abbott waited outside the door for her and took her hand and said Antoine and Terrance walked in.

She took his arm and said I am okay, they can't touch me or I will beat their faces in. When Terrance saw her, he growled and came right for her. She let him get close and when he breathed on her, she grabbed him by the balls and squeezed hard until he passed out, and she let him fall.

She switched to coffee with Alpha Praxton. She leaned her head against his shoulder and mind linked him to say she was fine, but for her safety she wasn't drinking anymore.

She pointed at Jaxon and Milo and now Nelson who were face first on the table and said such bores. They sure can't hold their liquor.

She stood when she saw some council warriors come in and as soon as they saw her they pointed to her and the lobby. She slipped under the table, tied the guys shoes together and slid under the table, making both Alphas frown. She said council warriors calling me, guess it might be the girls getting out of hand.

She walked to the warriors who said you have to stop them Kenzie they are so freaking loud the manager has been up already. She mind linked Alpha Praxton and sadly I have to leave, the girls are out of hand. I'll say goodnight and you can mind link me in the morning to have breakfast.

He said sure Kenzie have a good night, see you in the morning. Abbott and I will be heading up soon. She said good, see you in the morning. She was escorted up to her room and used her key to open the door and grunted.

She said goodnight to the warriors and said I will calm them down and have a dog pile and sit on them. See you and thanks. She closed and locked the door.

She tossed her shoes at them and said shush, or we will be tossed out of the hotel. Now get ready for bed and we can tell embarrassing stories.

They covered their mouths and she said I got to my eighth drink by the way. Then I had to stop as Antoine and his son Terrance showed up. She had told them about the two, so hearing their names they all growled.

She said now change. She changed too and soon they were laying on the floor in an outward circle, with heads on pillows, looking up at the ceiling and one at a time they told they only had six drinks. Then they started telling each other stories that were embarrassing at the time.

They all laughed with the one who told the story, sharing their feelings on each story and what they would do. By the time it was her turn, the other girls were sleeping, seeing as there were only five of them, it shocked her. The two with true mates went with their other halves.

They all slept on the floor seeing as there wasn't enough beds for them all. In the morning, Alpha Praxton mind linked her and said that was hilarious Kenzie, you should have seen them try and get out of the booth.

She said give me twenty and I will meet you in the lobby, I'm taking the stairs, see you soon. She leapt up and grabbed clothes and took her shower. She dried and dressed, then slipped on her shoes after hunting them down.

With the girls snoring away, she took the key and headed out, telling the warriors where she was heading and that the girls were all sleeping and would take a while as they would be hung over.

She ran to the stairway and slipped her shoes off and took off down the stairs two at a time. She put her shoes back on and peeked out the door before leaving the stairwell, just in case.

She soon took Alphas Praxton and Abbott's elbows as the guys were still sleeping. They headed across the street and the same waitress who served her drinks the night before looked in her eyes and said holy smokes are you kidding me?

Kenzie grinned and said don't worry, the others didn't drink as much as I did, they stopped at six. They were unruly and were nearly kicked out of the hotel.

Kenzie added, I ate enough for it not to affect me, so thanks I won. They gave each other high fives and were seated and soon ordered breakfast.

Jaxon mind linked his dad and was told where they were, and soon three barely sober guys walked in grunting as they sat down.

They looked at her and grunted, she smiled and said good morning, how are you doing, have a headache or a rolling stomach? They all said shut up and quit talking.

She raised her voice and said you guys sure weren't very much help last night, Terrance came at me again. You were all face down on the table, geez you guys, what's wrong with you all?

She sipped her coffee as they groaned out do you have to talk so loud. She whispered and said they just walked in. They sat up and looked and sure enough but they asked what did you do Kenzie?

She looked back and chuckled and said Terrance will not be looking for sex for quite some time by the way he's walking. They all laughed.

They finished breakfast and all headed back across the street, she not having seen Head Councilman Isaiah watch them then Antoine and Terrance growl as she walked away.

With what Head Councilman Isaiah heard, he waited until they left and followed them with his warriors. As soon as they walked into the conference room, both Antoine and Terrance were bound and sat down in chairs.

He called Kenzie to come up now that they were bound. She walked up and stood in front of the Head Councilman and he took her face between his hands and said unblock your scent and lower your shields please.

He tried to read her memories and failed. He paced and said damn it, I can't see, who are your parents Kenzie? She said my mom was Sadie Richards, I don't know who my father is as my mom said she would tell me when I was older but was murdered by a female rogue and I wasn't told.

He paced and said I can't get into your mind. She said I lowered my shields so I don't know why you can't. She walked over to Antoine and looked around first, making him nervous as he looked around too, then she pulled her fist back.

Alpha Praxton said don't do it. She shook her hand and her claws came out, making the roomful of Alphas groan. Alpha Praxton said no Kenzie, please don't.

She sighed and said your right Alpha Praxton, they aren't worth it. I mean I spent more than a month locked in the pack house without being able to go outside in fear that they would snatch me.

Head Councilman Isaiah took her hand and sighed before biting into her wrist and tasted her blood before holding back his groan. He bit his tongue and sealed the bite mark, getting his blood in her.

She grabbed hold of the connection through the bite, temporarily allowing Head Councilman Isaiah to read her memories who thanked her before he started reading her.

Kenzie sighed deeply more than once as Head Councilman Isaiah hit memories that bothered her. When he hit the memories of her being able to shift with her clothes on, he pulled back and said show me your wolf.

She pulled away and shifted into her wolf, making the Alphas stiffen seeing it. Alpha Praxton stood and swore saying she can't shift back naked in a room of Alphas, what were you thinking Head Councilman?

Kenzie walked over to Alpha Praxton, grabbed his hand and said calm down, I was doing lots of reading at the pack house over that last month. She shifted back still dressed and hugged him saying calm down now Alpha Prax. She kissed his cheek and walked back to Head Councilman Isaiah and reconnected to him.

Isaiah finished reading memories of the last year, searching for any signs of rogues. Kenzie said I never saw any, I was well aware of the threat and always kept on guard. Once I started finding the she-wolves, I moved us into the house and we all patrolled to protect us.

He grunted and said that was dangerous Kenzie, so very dangerous. She said I couldn't stay, not with Jaxon wanting that rogue bitch to stay instead of me. With Antoine and Terrance being a threat of taking me, I couldn't live locked up in the pack house that way. Antoine and Terrance need to be punished and warned to stay the hell away from me. I don't know what's wrong with them, but the threat I was told about them and felt was horrible.

Isaiah growled and said I'm about to read them as well Kenzie. Don't worry, they are going to be reprimanded and dealt with severely. She said good, I would like to be able to shift and run, not be held inside the pack house while everyone else gets to live their lives.

He said we need to do a dna test and put the results through our database, hopefully we will find your father. She said well, I have a feeling whoever he was, that he isn't alive anymore.

He pulled out of her mind and said you did well protecting yourself Kenzie and for finding the other she-wolves. We will find their mates, but what about yours? I didn't see any memories on you smelling his scent or finding him?

She huffed, then shrugged and whispered to say maybe that part of me hadn't woken yet. I mean after everything I have been through, traumatized and one threat after another has affected me.

She looked down and said even the she-wolves noticed. They would make a comment about a guy walking by and I would just shrug, and not be interested. Maybe I'm gay?

The room filled with snorts with the Alphas in disbelief. She snickered and said fine, females don't fill me with lust either. Isaiah said we will look into it Kenzie. I think it has something to do with your mind being so locked down and shielded. You hadn't been around the pack for long before you left. I would say give it time and relax more. And to tell you the truth, when that block on you lifts, every male in the surrounding area better watch out because you're going to be one sexual stirring she-wolf.

She snickered and said very dominant, kneel before me.....Isaiah groaned and said like I said, every male better watch out when confronting you. She hummed and said that gets me thinking of doing some more intensive research.

Isaiah groaned and asked what type Kenzie? She grinned which made him wipe his face and ask what? She looked up at him and said the human body and what stirs it. He grunted and said god, I hope I didn't create a she-wolf siren.

She said through books not actual hands on.... the room went silent. Alpha Praxton cleared his throat and said oh god, only books Kenzie. I'd be too afraid if you started experimenting on the pack unmated males. That reminds me, your way past due for your birth control shot Kenzie, that has to be done immediately.

She said yes Alpha Praxton, she headed for the door as her phone buzzed and said I'll leave you all in peace for your meeting. The girls are awake and starving.

They all watched her leave very curious, especially the unmated Alphas. Jaxon, Milo and Nelson were frustrated as they and Terrance were the only unmated next Alphas in the room that had personally touched Kenzie's skin but had not felt the shock if she had been their mate.

Kenzie used the stairs to head upstairs, she slid her shoes back on, looked out the door and stepped out of the stairwell. She stopped at the Council Warriors and asked if they would join her and the girls for breakfast?

She crossed her arms and said the girls I believe only shook the next Alphas hands, is that correct? The two looked at each other and nodded. She said well, they need to shake any unmated male's hands, warriors are who I mean.

They grinned and nodded. She chuckled and said I'll go in and see how close they are to be actual ready to leave the room. You both stay out here and I will tell them to shake your hands before we head to the restaurant in the hotel. You all can arrange for the other unmated warriors to come out of hiding.

They looked at her and asked how can you tell we are unmated, we are wearing a scent blocker? She walked into the room saying good question. They ended up mind linking Head Councilman Isaiah with that same question after Kenzie walked into the hotel room and closed the door without saying how.

It only took the girls another 10 minutes before they walked out. Kenzie opened the door and had the girls shake the warriors hands. She locked the door and stopped as Flora was up in a warrior's arms who groaned as he wrapped her into his arms, face at her neck as Flora's scent was now unblocked. Kenzie grinned and said four to go, come on girls, let's get you all fed.

By the end of the day, there were only two left besides Kenzie. Two Alphas' mates and two different Council Warriors' mates located, Kenzie grinned as all the girls still spent time together as the mates were busy with the meeting.

At breaks, they went back to the conference room so the mates could spend time with each other. At dinner time, she took the two girls, Tatiana and Clary with her to have dinner across the street with Alphas Praxton and Abbott, as the others took off with their mates somewhere.

After the meeting was over for the night, she and the girls met up with Alphas Abbott and Praxton, heading to the bar. The girls were getting to know the Alphas, learning about the packs.

When the guys showed up, they brought some human females in with them and sat elsewhere. Alpha Abbott looked too smug, so Kenzie shook her head at him and asked what was going through his mind? He chuckled and said I ordered my unmated warriors to come meet the girls.

She laughed and said sneaky. Alpha Praxton shrugged and said so that's why, you smug bastard. They all laughed in good cheer, Kenzie already knew that it made sense.

The next morning, Kenzie sighed as she noticed both Tatiana and Clary, as soon as they walked into the lobby, both lifted their heads. They had caught the scent of their mates and looked very excited.

She took Alpha Praxton's elbow and linked him. Soon they joined Alpha Abbott and walked into the hotel's dining room as the girls were already headed in that direction.

Kenzie huffed, seeing the guys still with their human females. Alpha Praxton and her took seats as they watch Alpha Abbott join his unmated warriors as the two girls found their mates, both with his warriors.

She and Alpha Praxton ate on their own seeing as Alpha Abbott stayed with his warriors, the two couples took seats off on their own. She sighed deeply and said well, my job is done Alpha Prax, all the girls found their true mates.

He kissed her head and said well done Ken, I'm proud of you. She smiled and put her chin on her hands and said I'm sad, I had been with them for so long. What a learning experience though, living in one house with them and me learning about all six packs and their lives.

She shivered and said now to get them to call home to let their families know. She spotted the human girls get up together and soon left giggling. She blinked and turned her face away and grabbed her phone. She sent out a text to all the girls to call home asap to tell their families the news. One by one, the girls texted her back and said they had now and thanks for the mothering.

When the meeting started, she left the girls in the suite and slipped out of the hotel. With the meeting ending that day, she had to head back to the house and settle a few things while she could.

After lunch, she parked her car back at the hotel and headed inside with a couple of large bags. She hummed as she took the elevator up to the suite. The Warriors stiffened seeing her and said Head Councilman Isaiah wants to see you Kenzie.

She said okay, let me drop these off to the girls and I'll head down. She unlocked the door and soon handed out bags, hugged each girl and left them sobbing. The warriors grunted hearing the sobs. Kenzie said don't mind them, they are just emotional as she walked away.

She ran down the four flights of stairs and headed to the conference room. At the door, it was opened for her and she walked in sighing. Alpha Praxton grunted and asked where the hell did you take off to Ken?

She said I had to talk to the owner of the house we were renting to let him know we were out. Cut the utilities off, double checking the house, did a little shopping, picked up my car at the mechanics and quit my job.

She said that's what I spent my day doing so we can leave as soon as the meeting is done. He grunted out car? She said yup, the mechanic finished repairing it and called me. She grunted and said I was given an estimate on his work and told him to get it done a week ago. I was going to just sell it to him because it was a huge bill, but the work costs less than he estimated, so I paid it when I picked it up.

He said again what car? She clued in and said my mother's, we had it parked at home. The last time I had used it, I parked it beside the house. But I guess she used it after me and moved it in the garage, away from the house, I used it when I left.

He said what utilities? She said Electric, water, cable and internet, the usual. I had to clean out the fridge and met the owner who will be sending me my damage deposit less the costs for repainting and fully cleaning it for the next tenant.

He asked you didn't share expenses? She said yes, but the Utility companies needed one name on the accounts, so the girls paid me their share once I got the bills. I gave them all my new address and they will be sending me the final bills.

He sighed and he finally asked what job? She said the one I got to support myself of course. Head Councilman Isaiah said well Kenzie what shopping? I'm told you left the girls crying.

She shook her head and said emotional, I bought them a goodbye gift each. They were upset because they can't return the favor and leave the hotel to go shopping. I left them in the hotel room because they are newly mated and need to be close to their mates. The things needed doing so I slipped out of the hotel.

He asked what did you buy them to make them so emotional as you call them? She grinned, then chuckled and said I went to Victoria Secret and picked them all out a little something. She shook her head and asked so what did you want to see me about Head Councilman Isaiah?

He said so all the females now found their mates and I learned you got them to inform their families? She nodded and said yes, I promised their parents they would be informed as soon as their daughter had, so, my job is done.

She said by the way, when I was in the mall, I smelled a rogue. I didn't track it down or anything, so just be warned. It was my last stop before leaving and I left right after.

She headed out the conference room door and sighed as she headed to grab something to eat instead of going upstairs. She didn't head upstairs seeing as the girls would only start crying again, so she stayed in the restaurant across the street seeing as the meeting was near to ending once she finished eating.

When Alpha Praxton mind linked her and said the meeting was done, she linked back she was across the street. He said come on, it's time to check out. She said be right there.

She finished her coffee and paid her bill then headed across the road. Seeing he wasn't there, she headed up to her room and found it empty. She grabbed her lonely bags and finished packing, then left the room.

She loaded her car up and took a deep breath before going back inside. Alpha Praxton took her arm and led her into the restaurant. While the others packed and left, the two of them sat and while he ate, she had a coffee.

Even Jaxon, Milo and Nelson had left. But she heard they didn't head home, they headed to meet their dates for the night, the human females.

Once Alpha Praxton finished eating, they headed to their separate cars, seeing as Milo and Jaxon drove in one car, the three males would travel home together. The two of them kept mind linked, unless Alpha Praxton mind linked Jaxon.


When Jaxon ended up returning, it was the same situation like with Ann. He brought a female home with him but this one used a scent blocker masking her scent.

Kenzie was in the pack infirmary, she had a complete physical, had her blood taken and dna samples done and had her birth control shot given. That was where they were both mind linked to get upstairs.

As soon as Kenzie saw Jaxon nuzzling the female's neck, she mind linked Dr Janice and said rogue bitch. Dr Janice growled as she took control of the female, shoving Jaxon away and snarled in his face before she said come with me Kenzie. They took the bitch downstairs and Luna Sasha showed up as they stripped the unconscious bitch.

Dr Janice took blood and Luna Sasha grunted as they noticed the bitch's scarred body, meaning she was a nasty fighting rogue for sure. Kenzie grabbed the bitch's face and used her strong wolf to bore past the bitch's weak shields and read her.

She mind linked Alpha Praxton and told him to call Head Councilman Isaiah seeing as this female that Jaxon brought home was another Ann, one that was sent to get inside the pack lands.

She showed him the memories she had seen from the rogue and said he can read her better, get him here as she knows where a rogue nest is nearby. He growled the pack house down, making everyone wince.

Luna Sasha ran upstairs to calm her mate, leaving her to lock the door so Jaxon didn't get in. Dr Janice paced the floor growling as she said she has the rogue marker, even stronger than Ann's. That means she's killed more than Ann, Kenzie, damn it she's dangerous and I want to kill her already.

Kenzie said start by getting her scent to come out so everyone call smell her true scent Dr J. Wait until Head Councilman Isaiah reads her and gets all the information she has about the rogue nest nearby. Keep her sedated until then and bind her, keeping her here in the infirmary.

Dr Janice stopped pacing and asked why here, she should be in a cell? Kenzie said if she's locked up, she could be visited by Jaxon, here you have the full control over who comes in. That and you could make it so she is paralyzed from the neck down, can't you Dr J?

Dr Janice grinned and said I bloody well can at that, good idea. She moved fast to gather supplies to inject into the female they didn't even have a name for yet.

When the rogue bitch's scent started coming out, Kenzie mind linked Alpha Praxton to come down to the infirmary without Jaxon. When he knocked, Kenzie unlocked the door and let him and Beta Mannas inside. They took one step inside and growled rogue.

They both vibrated in anger. She said now call Head Councilman Isaiah, get him here to read her memories. He pulled out his phone as she held his hand. He growled Jaxon brought another rogue bitch on the pack lands. This one covered her scent but with drugs given, her scent is out now.

Head Councilman Isaiah said give me 6 hours and I will be there. Kenzie said she knows about a rogue nest nearby, bring Council Warriors as I read her briefly and saw about a dozen rogues standing around a table planning assaults on packs in her memories.

The pack leaders froze and immediately put the warriors on patrol on instant alert for rogues. She said alert Alpha Abbott as well, I don't have his cell number to do it.

Alpha Praxton recited the number and she moved aside and called. When he answered she said greeting, rogue attack alert. Did Milo bring a female home too? He growled yes, one without a scent. She said interesting because the bitch Jaxon brought home, I scented a weak trace of rogue. Dr Janice injected her which brought out her rogue stench of a scent. Dr J said this rogue's blood marker is stronger than Ann's, so she has killed more people than Ann.

He growled what else? She said I read some memories and saw a group of rogues standing around a table planning attacks. This rogue bitch also knows where a rogue nest is nearby. Head Councilman Isaiah is on the phone with Alpha Praxton as he is coming here to read her.

He said thanks Kenzie, I'll put our pack on rogue alert asap. I'll keep in touch. She said okay, good, stay safe. She ended the call and Head Councilman Isaiah asked how did you read from her Kenzie?

Kenzie said my wolf watched you do it, so I bored past her weak shield but since I was unfamiliar, I could only read a little before pulling away. I didn't want to scramble her brains, just peeked and left quick. I don't actually know how you can do that. It was horrible reading her mind. I feel like I need to shower for hours as I feel horribly tainted by the experience.

He laughed and said good job, there is hope for you Kenzie. I'll be there soon. She thanked him and Alpha Praxton took a deep breath and said he's right Ken, you did wonderful.

She left the room and was confronted by Jaxon, who's nostrils flared at the rogue scent on her. He growled and she pulled back her fist and punched him and asked what's wrong Jaxon? You don't like smelling the rogue bitch's scent you brought into our home? Because this, what you smell is from her. Dr Janice got her scent to come out. Guess you like rogue sluts, huh? Just like Milo.

She kicked him and grabbed his phone, found a number for Nelson and called. He growled what, I'm busy. She growled loud in his ear and said tell me Nelson, did you bring a female blocking her scent into your home?

He snorted and said that's none of your business Kenzie. She said listen to me Nelson, I smelled a scent of rogue on the one Jaxon brought in here. Dr Janice injected her and she brought out her rogue scent.

He said bullshit, she is no rogue, your jealous? She said Nelson, I am not kidding. We called Head Councilman Isaiah who is coming in to read her mind. I just called Alpha Abbott and reported exactly what I said to you seeing as Milo brought one home too. This is no joke, no jealousy, nothing but needing to keep everyone safe.

She walked back into the room where Alpha Praxton said god I want to kill this rogue bitch. Kenzie said Alpha Praxton can you please verify that this bitch is a rogue and the ones that Milo and Nelson picked up could also be rogues.

Alpha Praxton said inject that bitch Nelson, because this one is a dangerous scarred up rogue bitch. Kenzie saw some memories when she tried to read the bitch. She saw some scary things as there is a rogue nest nearby and they were planning around a table to attack the packs. No joke, no lie. Inject that bitch Nelson and put the pack warriors on a rogue alert immediately.

Jaxon came in the room and growled before he grabbed the phone and said no lie Nelson, that bitch's scent is out and she's definitely a rogue by her stench.

She pulled back her fist again and growled before she punched him again and said I am freaking tired of you bringing rogue sluts in this pack house and endangering everyone's lives in the process Jaxon.

You're all man whores and need your asses kicked. He chuckled and asked are you planning on doing that Kenzie? She walked towards him as he chuckled and she said you would deserve it Jaxon. You, Milo and Nelson need your asses kicked.

She grinned and whipped her foot around and knocked him out with a kick to the head. She grabbed the phone and growled you're next Nelson, protect your pack asshole and when I see you next prepare for an ass kicking. She ended the call and dropped the phone on Jaxon's chest.

She ran to her room, closed and locked the door and jumped in the shower after emptying her pockets. She dropped her soaking clothes back into her shower after washing, then she shifted into her wolf. She let the water rain down on her as her wolf needed to get her anger under control.

Once she calmed down, she shifted back and washed again, then got out and dried off. She dressed and headed to the gym, where she worked out for an hour, then headed outside to shift and run.

She headed out to join the patrol and was running the border in the second group patrolling. When Jaxon woke, he growled as he was in another room in the infirmary. He tried to mind link Kenzie but she was blocking him.

He mind linked others looking for Kenzie and it wasn't until he mind linked a warrior that he was told she was running the border with the warriors.

By the time he got out there, she had left. He did a duty on patrol and when he went inside, he heard Kenzie went to the other pack land with his father.

Kenzie took one look at Milo who was pacing and so angry. She snorted and mumbled asshole and walked inside. She was taken down to the infirmary and scented a similar rogue bitch.

She tried, grabbed the bitch by the face and bored through her shields and sat there reading. She pulled away and snorted before being confronted by Alpha Abbott who asked what did you see Kenzie?

She grunted and said sisters, three rogue sisters. They knew Jaxon, Milo and Nelson were at the Alphas meeting and planned well, knowing the three are man whores.

She looked at Alpha Praxton and said you wouldn't believe who I saw in her memories. A little birdie telling pack secrets, one Amanda, ex-girlfriend of Jaxon, the slut extraordinaire.

Guess you should find out who she is sleeping with in this and the other pack because Amanda is working with the rogues. He growled and said fine, we know where she is living.

Both Alphas took her to Nelson's pack where Alpha Don was waiting when they pulled up to the pack house. Kenzie shook the Alpha's hand which made her frown looking into his sad eyes.

She mind linked Alpha Praxton and asked why. Alpha Praxton replied his mate is in the infirmary. She asked for what? He said she was attacked by a rogue. Kenzie shivered and said sorry, I didn't know, makes me want to kick Nelson's ass even more.

She grinned and said good to meet you, where can I track down Nelson, I promised him an ass kicking. He said in the infirmary with that female. She smiled even more and said you mean the triplet of the two rogues in the other two packs, interesting.

He growled you're kidding me? She took his arm and said no, there is a picture we need to show you of an old pack member who has been giving out information from all three packs to the rogues.

He led them all to the infirmary, where Kenzie grunted and said yup, she smells like the others. They had started growling, looking at Nelson who was in the hallway pacing. Kenzie stopped them and quickly approached Nelson and quickly knocked him out cold, growling you stupid prick, I told you she was a dangerous bitch.

She walked into the room and seeing the doctor, she whispered Dr Janice injected the rogue in our pack to make her paralyzed from the neck down. That way she can't move. He looked at her and said I want to kill her so damn bad. Kenzie said everyone in this room feels the same way doctor.

But we have Head Councilman Isaiah coming to read their memories. I read both the others and learned a little from both to know that we need to hold back on killing them until their memories are read. I saw a meeting around a table and there were at least 12 rogues planning on attacking packs.

I saw a female that was ousted from a pack telling many packs' secrets. That female was a slut who I believe has been sleeping with a pack member here too and getting information. He growled I hate sluts.

Alpha Praxton moved the doctor aside and she moved closer to the rogue and grabbed her face. Kenzie bored through an again weak shield and started reading.

She pulled out and just stared at the face before saying I hope Alpha Don that you doubled the border patrol because the rogues are coming for their females.

She looked at him and he growled yes. She said good, do what you want with her, we have two sisters already who know as much as she does.

She stepped back as he looked confused until the doctor growled then I can finish her off. Kenzie said if that is your wish. She is a rogue, by her scent you can tell, if you have taken blood, she will have the marker in her blood. All three sisters are bloody murderers and sluts that the rogues use to infiltrate packs with.

This one is nasty, she saw the three Alphas' sons with the humans they had been with the night before and talked her sisters into killing them. So go on, we can learn everything from the others.

But I would suggest that you don't leave her on the border for them to find, have her taken elsewhere and killed. The rogues are watching, so be very, very careful.

She stepped back and moved out of the room and ended up in another room. She walked up to the bed and touched the face, she soothed the worry lines and said you must be the Luna.

She leaned down and kissed her forehead and said it's not time for you to go yet. Your mate needs you Luna, looks like you need to come back from wherever you are to help him through what's coming.

She eased the lines away until Nelson growled that is my mother, what are you doing Kenzie? Kenzie said not a thing Nelson. I don't know if you knew but my mother was not in perfect health before she was murdered by a rogue bitch.

She eased the lines away again on the Luna's face and said I was her only care giver at home. Some days she had days like this, just lying in bed, not wanting to get up.

I would crawl in bed with her and I had my good days and those days I would whisper in her ear that things would be better. My bad days I would cry and tell her she was being selfish.

But no matter which days I was having, I loved her with my whole being, she was my only family. When she was murdered, I was having a bad day. My last words to her were for her safety, telling her not to go outside. That was because she wanted me to ask about rogues and the doctor was interrupted before telling me.

I ran home, and before I got there I smelled rogues. I was torn, do I go to my mother to protect her or do I go back to the pack house and warn them about the rogues.

I went back to tell the pack about the rogues, and in that decision I believe my mother died because of it. I don't know if I could have saved her, I might have ended up killed too.

But in the end I killed the rogue bitch that took my mother's life from me. I killed a few more rogues that day too, I never once felt sorry for what I did. Then I see your mother and think I just want to kill every last one so they can't harm or kill another.

She kissed his mother's forehead again and said it's time to get up Luna, your mate and son need you. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and tried something she only read about in the books.

Her wolf was right there, wanting to help as they slipped into something like a trance and they shared their energy with the Luna as she cupped her face. She leaned down and kissed the forehead again and urged her to wake.

Nelson moved her away as he sucked in his breath and asked what did you do?, she opened her eyes Kenzie. Kenzie walked around the bed and took the Luna's hand and said when I was confined to the pack house due to Antoine and Terrance, I did a lot of reading.

I stayed in my room and read, then used what I read to do a few things only our kind can. One was about sharing energy. She kissed the hand and said I have never tried that before, but I do hope that it helps.

He said she just closed her eyes with a smile on her face. He mind linked his dad and when he rushed in, Nelson said mom opened her eyes and smiled. Kenzie moved and said try mind linking her Alpha Don.

Nelson came over to her and took her hand, led her back and said do it again Kenzie. Kenzie took the face in her hands, closed her eyes and with her wolf they concentrated and did the same, went into a trance and shared her energy with the Luna, then her wolf said let me lead, I can do the same with her wolf.

She closed her eyes again and went into the trance and let her wolf share energy with the Luna's wolf who sucked as much energy into her that she gave. Kenzie leaned down and kissed the Luna's forehead and said I hope that helps.

The Alpha let out a little laugh and said whatever you did it worked Kenzie, I can feel her wolf again. She linked with mine and they are sharing energy now.

She turned and grabbed Nelson by the shirt and growled go get them food, and do it now. She shoved him away but he didn't take offence, he smiled from ear to ear and ran.

When both Alphas walked in, she called them in and told them to share their energy. When they touched her, she took the Luna's face in her hands and let her wolf share the energy the Alphas were willing to give.

She was pulled away as Alpha Praxton said enough Kenzie, your draining yourself and we still have rogues to worry about. She wrapped her arms around him and said yeah your right.

They walked her out into the hall and then upstairs. She stood up on her own and said if the rogues are watching, then I don't want them to see me as weak.

She closed her eyes and spoke to her wolf and said if anger spurs us then anger they shall see. Her wolf growled we are not weak. Kenzie smiled and said alright as she opened her eyes and said lets head and stop for takeout, I'm starved.

Both Alphas laughed and said alright, let's go. They ran to the car and soon drove away. They stopped for takeout, lots of it and headed to Alpha Abbott's pack. She was eating, stuffing her face on the way. She groaned as she tried something new and said oh god that's good.

By the time they got back to Alpha Abbott's pack house, she was sitting back in her seat and said I think I just put on like 50 pounds. Both Alphas snorted and said highly unlikely. She groaned as she sat up then back again as she saw Milo out front again.

When they got out, Milo rushed to her and stopped. He growled and said why is Nelson calling me looking for you Kenzie? She lifted her hands to shove him away, but he grabbed them and sniffed and growled you touched him?

He stepped forward into her space, but she wouldn't back down and said you mean groped? He snarled and said your hands smell like him.

She sniffed then and grinned and said all I smell is good food, I don't know what you're talking about Milo. She shoved him away and said my hands you only smell Nelson on, well at that pack house I touched more than just Nelson.

He shifted in anger. She sighed and asked why are you so damned mad? I just read another rogue sister. Her, I touched her face, the pack Luna's too and all you smell on me is Nelson, interesting.

He growled and she said I am sorry, you and I don't speak the same language, go shift and dress. He growled and rushed away, she then grabbed his ringing phone out of his shredded clothes.

She answered and said hello? She stopped dead as she heard a female growl and say you leave them alone, they are mine? Kenzie asked who is them? She plugged her other ear and listened well and said again who is them, come on if you can threaten me, who is them and why do you think they are yours?

The she-wolf snarled and said they are mine Kenzie, leave them alone. Kenzie said again who the feck are you and why should I. You don't deserve them as your too damn weak to face me. You call on a phone and warn me off like a weak slut.

When the line went dead, she looked at the number and clued in. She turned the phone around and showed Alpha Praxton, she mind linked him and asked was she watching? He linked back and said could be, call her back.

She pressed call back and when it was picked up a male growled what the hell are you calling my bitch Milo? Kenzie said this isn't Milo, I answered a call just a minute ago from this phone.

He growled Amanda what the hell. Kenzie said so who are you, number 50 on her list of bed buddies? He snarled and said I am the last baby, who are you? She asked so, you are the rogue she is doing these days? Give me a name, I dare you?

He grunted and said no. She laughed and said chicken shit, just like Amanda. She's your weak bitch, that makes you weak. He growled I'm a rogue, who the hell is this? Kenzie said none of your fecking business rogue.

She ended the call and said well, that means Milo has been seeing the slut Amanda, interesting. The number was in his phone, why else would he have her number?

That also confirmed it, which means proof Amanda is working and sleeping with the rogues. Alpha Praxton said her place was empty when the pack warriors went to it. She turned off the phone and stuck it in her back pocket.

As soon as Milo came back, she walked towards him frowning. He stopped and asked what's wrong Kenzie? She bit her lip and tilted her head and said Milo, will you tell me something if I asked politely?

He crossed his arms and said depends, why? She took a deep breath and said well, it is really important. He grunted and said still depends. She nodded and said we went to the other pack, I saw Nelson in the hallway pacing the floor in front of the exam room where the rogue bitch was knocked out and being seen by the pack doctor.

Her scent was fully out so he knew she was a rogue. I was angry and knocked Nelson out cold. I went to the rogue and touched her face, then walked out and ended up finding Nelson's mother, and I touched her face, she was frowning in her sleep.

I got angry at him again and grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shoved him away. That is all, the only way I touched Nelson. She said now please tell me, are you sleeping with Amanda, Jaxon's ex-girlfriend?

He snorted and said I am not telling you that Kenzie, it's none of your business. She stepped back and said alright, she spun around and said I asked nicely, your turn Alpha Abbott.

He growled at his son and said I order you to tell us if you have been sleeping with Amanda, Jaxon's ex-girlfriend. Milo sighed and said yes. Kenzie shook her head as Alpha Abbott exploded in anger and said that dirty slut has been sleeping with rogues.

Kenzie quickly took Milo down to the ground and growled in his ear and said she just called your phone Milo. I answered it and she threatened me, used my name and told me to leave them alone, saying that you were all hers. So tell me Milo, is she doing the three of you?

He grunted and said none of your business. Kenzie said fine Milo, don't tell me. It is none of my business. I only asked because from the memories of the three sister rogues, Amanda was seen in each of their memories. She is spying on the packs and telling the rogues secrets.

How I know that is because I saw her in those memories. I saw her Milo, in the arms of a rogue. After Amanda hung up, I called her back seeing who it was. And you know what Milo? A rogue answered it and growled asking why you Milo, was calling his bitch.

He stiffened and she said honest Milo, he picked up her phone and called her his bitch, even told me he was a rogue. He wouldn't give me his name though. So Milo, you happy with the rogue bitch you brought home that endangered your whole pack. Are you happy your sleeping with Amanda, the rogue spy?

She got off him and said I want to go home Alpha Praxton, I have this sudden craving to do some more reading. He nodded and took her hand. She kissed Alpha Abbott's cheek and said you get the answers, I am tired of asking nicely.

He said eat the rest of that food Kenzie, I see bags under your eyes forming. She said yeah, I am not fully up to my usual. He grunted and said you're not usual day is better than others best days Kenzie.

She said keep in touch and stay safe Alpha Abbott, I am going home and going to pig out on the rest of the food that I refuse to share with anyone else. She grinned and said awesome food, thanks for buying it. I'll catch the next meal we have.

He said that would be nice Kenzie talk to you later. Milo got up and asked what's wrong dad? Alpha Abbott said I'm just a little worried about Kenzie. She used up a lot of energy tonight. We had to carry her out of the infirmary, up the stairs until we got to the front door.

Yeah, that girl is special. He looked at his son and said everything that Kenzie told you was the absolute truth, every single word. We heard Amanda call your phone and threaten Kenzie by using her name. Then Praxton told her to call back and when she did a rogue answered, just like she said.

He took a deep breath and said Amanda is working with the rogues son. He grunted and said by the way, those three humans the rest of you picked up, you remember?

Milo snorted and asked what about them dad? Abbott shook his head and said Kenzie didn't tell you the worst of what she read tonight, from the girl that Nelson took home. She learned that that rogues saw the three humans with you guys and she planned and the three rogue sisters executed their murders.

He walked towards the front door and said it's time you were more aware of who your bringing into the pack house Milo. It has to stop, if they are using a scent blocker I don't want them crossing the border with you.

Milo said Amanda as far as I know is only sleeping with me. Abbott snorted and said Amanda is a slut son, a dirty slut who is confirmed as sleeping with rogues.

In the car ride home, Kenzie pulled out Milo's phone and turned it on and called Nelson. When Nelson answered, she said hey Nelson, tell me, are you sleeping with Amanda, that is Jaxon's ex-girlfriend?

He grunted and said yes, so? Kenzie said the reason why I asked is because I saw her in the memories I read from the three rogue sisters, the three of you brought onto your pack lands. Amanda is telling the rogues pack secrets Nelson. She is basically a rogue herself seeing as she was once a member of a pack and turned on them. She is also sleeping with a rogue and Milo.

Nelson said thanks so much, another of my partners not to your liking Kenzie. She sighed and said I never complained about the humans Nelson. But just so you know, the rogue in your infirmary saw those humans with you three and planned with her sisters to murder them.

He growled and yelled what? She said those three humans are dead. The three rogue sisters killed them so they could get you three to pick them up instead as the humans never showed up at the meeting spot, but the rogues were there.

He gasped and asked they are dead? Kenzie said yes, sorry. He grunted and said that can be verified. She said Nelson, I am telling the truth, you go ahead and verify it but make sure the police don't track you down seeing as the humans were supposed to meet you all.

She ended the call and called Jaxon. When he answered she said hey Jaxon, this is Kenzie, can you tell me if you've gone back and sleeping with Amanda? He snorted and said no, I refuse to talk to who I am sleeping with you.

She said okay, I am too tired to argue. Let me tell you that Milo and Nelson just confessed and are both sleeping with her too. Amanda called Milo's phone and I answered. She threatened me by name Jaxon. She told me to leave them alone. She meant the three of you.

After she hung up, I called back as your dad and Alpha Abbott were standing beside me and heard the call. When I called back on your dad's urging, a man answered. I was using this phone and he asked why was Milo calling his bitch. The man confessed he was a rogue Jaxon, a freaking rogue.

Also when I read the rogue sister that Nelson brought home, I saw Amanda giving pack information to the rogues. I saw Amanda in the arms of a rogue through those memories.

I also learned that the rogue bitch with Nelson saw the three humans that the three of you slept with. Then she planned to kill them and with the help of her sisters, they murdered them.

After tonight, I am not going to ask any more questions of any one of you on who you're sleeping with. But as of tonight that same goes for me. If I take a lover, then I don't want one question from any one of you on who he is.

She ended the call and turned off the phone, stuck it in her pocket and grinned. Through the mind link Jaxon growled what the hell, what lover, who? She cut the link and blocked him.

Alpha Praxton pulled off the road and said unblock your scent Kenzie. She immediately unblocked it and he grunted and said Jaxon just said that you took a lover, yesterday.

She pulled back on her scent and blocked it and said that's not true, my scent is right there for you to smell. He grunted and said god is he angry. She said that's okay, he will get over it.

The phone rang and she answered. She heard Milo growl out you took my phone Kenzie. She said I did Milo, my apologies, I made two calls, one to Nelson and the other to Jaxon. I needed to ask them if they were sleeping with Amanda.

He growled she isn't. Kenzie said I don't care Milo, do whoever the hell you want. I was interested seeing as she told me to leave them alone. I called Nelson and he said he was sleeping with Amanda, and when I called Jaxon, he told me that he wouldn't tell me who he is sleeping with.

So as far as I am concerned, go do the first girl you meet. But know that it works both ways. She ended the call and put her phone away. When they pulled up to the pack house, she grabbed the rest of the take out and carried it inside.

As soon as she walked in, she pulled out Milo's phone and said to Jaxon, can you please return that for me. I used it to call you and Nelson with. If you look at his contacts you will find Amanda's number in there.

She walked away, but pulled out her own phone and said hello? Milo growled what did you mean? She said same goes Milo, I told you, I won't ask any more questions on who you, Jaxon or Nelson are with. But none of you can ask me either, just saying I won't answer either. Goodnight.

She ended the call and turned off her phone and headed up the stairs. Jaxon yelled who is he Kenzie? She waved and said goodnight Jaxon, I am too tired to argue.

He growled your too tired, from what? She headed up and at her door she opened it and locked it behind her. She took a shower and changed for bed. Then she ate the rest of the take out and washed her hands before she cracked open the books again.

She fell asleep over the books and when she woke, she climbed into her bed and covered her head and fell back to sleep. She woke up to the pounding on her door.

She answered it, and was shoved aside by a growling Jaxon, who tore apart her bed and growled where is he? She said close the door on your way out, I'm tired I had a long night.

He stood there shaking and growled where is he Kenzie? She blinked at him and looked at him and asked who? He growled and said Nelson. She focused on him and said Nelson is missing?

He grunted and said yes, his father is looking for him. She moved him and forced him out of her room and mind linked Alpha Praxton once the door was locked on Jaxon as he growled and shook.

Alpha Praxton said Alpha Don is here looking for Nelson, come down. She quickly changed clothes and rushed out of her room and jumped over Jaxon.

She rushed down the stairs and headed to the office and slammed the door and locked it. All three Alphas jumped and asked what? Jaxon pounded on the door and said let me in.

She asked Nelson is missing? Alpha Don said yes, is he here with you Kenzie? She said no, I was up all night reading, fell asleep reading and then crawled into bed around 4. I just woke up as Jaxon pounded on my door.

She asked did you call? He said yes, but he isn't answering. She said okay, calm down. She took out her phone and asked what's his cell number?

When he gave it to her, she used her phone and called. When he answered and said Kenzie, you have a phone? She said yes, I had to have one when the girls irritated me so much to get one so they could call me.

So where are you Nelson, everyone here is worried about you? He said I am headed back there to see if the human females are dead, like you said Kenzie. She sighed and said okay Nelson. Why did you not just look it up on the internet? He grunted and said because no one told me I should damn it.

She went to the door and unlocked it to find both Jaxon and Milo glaring at her. She said Nelson, I don't know their names and I am not going to ask you either. So you tell these two where you are, I did tell them the same but you're the only one that seems to care that those girls are dead.

Nelson growled and said assholes, do you not care that Tasha, Iris and Jane could be dead? Jaxon growled and asked where are you Nelson? Nelson mentioned the town he just passed and said he was going to verify if the girls were dead or not.

Kenzie said well Nelson, I did not expect you to drive the long hours to get there on your own. Please drive safe and watch out for rogues because I did smell one in the mall there.

He said I am not alone Kenzie, stop worrying. She said okay sorry, forget my concern, here talk to your dad. She passed her phone over and walked out of the room, shoving the two out of her way but not with her hands.

She headed to the kitchen and quickly dug through the fridge for some leftovers. She then grabbed a fork and ate it standing at the kitchen sink and looking out the window.

Kenzie finished her food, then washed up after herself and walked back to the office when she was called. She walked in and took her phone back and slipped it in her pocket.

Both Milo and Jaxon growled you have a phone? She said so Nelson is okay, ignoring the two sons. Alpha Don nodded and said he took a pack warrior I didn't know was missing.

She said good, I did get worried by the way, I am so stupid. He took her hand and said I wanted to personally thank you Kenzie for sharing your energy with my mate. Her wolf is now able to heal her.

She grinned and said you're so welcome, both Alphas here shared their energy as well and I am so happy your mate is going to get better. I told her that you and Nelson needed her.

Alpha Praxton said he put a call into Head Councilman Isaiah as well, and told him that the rogue was put to death and transported him here to us. She nodded and said okay. I told you to make it seem like she left the pack lands so they won't try to invade your pack lands to get her back from you. It just means that we here will do double duty on patrol.

Alpha Praxton said the council is sending warriors, we also called other packs for help protecting our borders. She said I hope not Antoine or Terrance's, I don't trust them at all. They make my skin crawl.

He sighed and said they are in danger too Kenzie so they were called and told about the rogue threat. She shrugged and said fine, I just don't want them anywhere near me.

He said they are coming for a meeting in about 15 minutes. She stood and said if that is all then I am going to be nowhere near for them to even see me. He nodded and said that is all.

She said thanks and her goodbyes before moving past Milo and Jaxon and ran to her room. She cleaned up and grabbed her keys. She slipped out of the pack house and headed to her car, got in and drove away.

She drove for over an hour and stopped at a mall. She browsed and bought some things, then sat down in a hair salon and asked for the works.

Once she was done, she paid and quickly headed to the washroom where she changed her clothes. She walked out and headed to her car.

She texted Nelson and asked if things were okay? He texted back yeah, they are confirmed dead. She texted back sorry Nelson, it was the three rogue bitches.

She got back in her car and headed out to eat next. After eating she headed back to the pack house, parked her car and walked past by pack members looking at her in shock.

She turned when another car parked and saw Nelson and his warrior get out. She headed up the stairs and opened the door to see the meeting was just over. She walked between them, kissed Alpha Praxton's cheek and said hey Alpha Prax. She walked to the stairs and headed upstairs.

Alpha Praxton mind linked her and asked what did you do Kenzie? She looked back at him and said I went shopping, nothing more than shopping. She walked up to the top floor and closed her door in the three guys shocked faces.

She locked the door and dropped her bags and started to take off her boots when Alpha Praxton said come down, seems that Head Councilman Isaiah just arrived.

She sighed and unlocked her door then walked back down as the guys sniffed the air and followed. Milo hit Nelson and said you met up with her didn't you? Nelson snorted and said do you really think so? Do I smell like her? Do I look like I got laid?

Kenzie yelled back and said I wasn't anywhere near Nelson. Jaxon grunted and said we can't tell if you're lying Kenzie. She said fine, don't take my word for it then Jaxon.

She got to the main floor and was walking to the front door when she was told they were in the office now. She headed back up the stairs, moving past the guys who stopped and asked where are you going Kenzie?

She said office, Head Councilman Isaiah is here. She knocked on the door and opened it and walked in, she closed the door and was soon jumping out of the way as the three guys stormed in too.

She bowed her head at the Head Councilman who said so Kenzie? She said yes Head Councilman Isaiah? He walked to her and grabbed her face. He said drop your shields. She dropped her shields and he slipped into her mind and started to read her memories.

He went back to when the rogue was seen in the infirmary and worked forward, he grunted a lot and when he was done, he grinned as he looked behind her and said seems you have these three wondering what you've been doing today Kenzie.

She shrugged and said oh well, I told Alpha Praxton I went shopping. Just didn't say where and what else I did. So I had my hair cut, so I went out and got a meal and came home.

He grinned and said they don't believe you. She said nope, but I won't drop my block on my scent for them either. They growled who were you with Kenzie? She smiled at Head Councilman Isaiah and he said alright, I know the truth.

She said about Amanda, she is dangerous because of the company she is keeping. She is weak though so if she could be caught it would be best. Read the rogues as you saw I didn't see much.

He nodded and took her hand and he headed them to the infirmary. The Council Warriors moved between the three Alpha sons who tried to follow and stopped them. They ran the other way, following Jaxon's lead.

As soon as the door was closed, Kenzie said with Amanda's cell number being learned maybe it can be used to track where she is, as in the location of the rogue den.

Head Councilman Isaiah said brilliant idea. He then linked a Warrior with the number saying it was a rogue's slut's number who is a traitor and giving the rogues pack informtion of all three packs. Track it's gps location ASAP, she is confirmed living with the rogues.

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