His Abused Mate

By N_Multani

140K 2.1K 176

I watch her pick the knife up again and she prowls towards me like a predator hunting its prey. She raises th... More

New Start
Devil's Diner
Knock Knock
New Home


1.8K 79 3
By N_Multani

Kathryn's POV

"Get your bloody ass down here this instant!!!" My body jolts awake, fear coursing through my veins. Scrambling out of bed I dash downstairs trying not to trip over my own feet, my body disapproving painfully of the amount of movement it's doing. Finally reaching the living room, I stare at the ground mutely. Her hand strikes down on my face, making me aware of its fury. "LOOK AT ME!!" She screams, my eyes slowly lift up to meet hers. She smiles calmly, malignantly at me. Fear crawls up my spine, my body screaming at me to run for the hills. Because this is the calm before the storm. "I see, you have been making some friends at school," Her voice sickly sweet and almost caring. She almost has me believing that she actually cares about me. Almost. "Have you been talking to anybody at school? About home?" Shaking my head, I resist the urge to shiver as I feel another malignant presence in the room.

"I don't believe you!" She screeches, rage evident on her face. That's all she seems to feel, anger. It's saddening really, I almost pity her and her life. She smiles malevolently at me, "Which is why, Axel here will basically be with you when you're at school. He will make sure that you don't tell anyone about anything." My eyes switch to who I presume to be Axel. "If I find out that you've been ratting me out. That little twerp is gonna get it. Got it?!?" A paroxysm of rage engulfs me, I can't help but let it out. "HOW DARE YOU BRING HIM INTO THIS???? HE IS YOUR SON!! YET I AM THE ONE TAKING CARE OF HIM!! I GET IT, YOU HATE ME BECAUSE IT WAS MY FAULT THAT HE IS DEAD BUT THAT LITTLE BOY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING. BUT YOU STILL TREAT HIM LIKE CRAP!" I scream at the top of my lungs, not caring that she now knows I can talk. "Don't talk about him! You're a murderer. YOU MURDERED MY MATE!" She nods at Axel who grabs my arms from behind.

However, I stare her dead in the eyes defiantly. "You're no better than me, you are a sad excuse for a parent and a SLUT," I shout not giving a crap about what could happen to me. "Tie her down in the basement," She demands the guy who is named Axel, I struggle against his hold. My body thrashing against his grip, trying desperately to get free. I feel something sharp pierce my shoulder, my body becoming limp and eyes drooping to a close.

I groggily lift my head up and open my eyes slowly, I blink a few times before taking in my surroundings. I can't feel my wolf or my angel. What the hell was in that injection? My hands are shackled to the wall keeping my body in an upright position, my feet just inches off the ground. I yank my arms down trying to break the chains but to no avail, their made of some thick metal that is near impossible to break. The sound of the door closing in the distant permeates throughout my ears, my head hanging low sore from supporting itself. The sound of heels clacking on the floor reverberates throughout the room, my breathing quickens by just a smidge. The footsteps come to a stop, silence filling the room. I force myself to look up.

Jace's POV

"Jace, wake up. You have school today honey," My mother reminds me. "I don't want to go to school today mom," I shout, loud enough for her to hear me. The door creaks open and footsteps make their way to my bed, she sits down on the side. "Why not honey?" Her hand softly reaches out to touch my shoulder, I flip around onto my back to face her. "It's nothing mom," I smile reassuringly, she watches me unconvinced. "What's going on? You can tell me anything sweetheart," I close my eyes sighing. "I met my mate the other day, her name's Kathryn. She's so beautiful mom, she's gorgeous. Her chocolate brown eyes twinkle under the light whenever she smile but they are almost always filled with sorrow and pain that I desperately want to eliminate. Her wavy dark brown hair has this shine to it whenever the sun's rays hits it. You know, when I touched her sparks erupted all over my arm but she flinched when I touched her. She ran away from me worried and in a rush and then yesterday she told me that she can't be involved in a relationship with me. Like what does that even mean mom? Help me please," I plead, she watches me surprised at the way my voice is laced with despair and plea.

It's rare for Alphas to plead and beg no matter how hard times are. "Honey, I don't know what to say just that perhaps you should go talk to her. Try to get her to explain to you why she can't be with her mate. Perhaps she's in some sort of trouble and doesn't want you to get involved," Mother suggest, I nod getting out of bed. "Thank you mom," I kiss her cheek and give her a brief hug before heading to the bathroom.

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