
By sammimajoros

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In an alternate version of 1800s London, the government is corrupt and the poor are pushed down. Taxes, kidna... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

7 1 0
By sammimajoros

"The bartender said that a lot of sightings have occurred in this area" Said Tash, gazing out over the street. She stood on the roof of the building, the night sky stretching out above her.

"That one merchant said there was a lot of sightings by the docks as well and the tailor said he saw it near the western edge of the underground" Micah said, struggling to keep his footing on the slippery roof.

"That tailor was very drunk though" Tash replied "So I doubt we can trust what we said"

"Regardless, there seems to be sightings everywhere in the underground" Micah said with a sigh

"I know" Tash said, turning to look at him "But how many of those sightings are real? Let's just roam the streets and hope we can catch a glimpse of something interesting."

Tash and Micah continued to silently creep along the roofs, moving from one building to another. All the while they watched the shadows for any sign of movement and listened for any kind of beastly howls in the air.

"So, what do we do when we find it?" Micah asked quietly.

Tash paused for a moment. "I don't know" she sighed "That depends. If we can kill it, we kill it. If not... we just take notes. I just want to see it up close. I want to know what we're dealing with"

Tash took a deep breath and let the cold night air fill her lungs. It was all quiet, even the revelers at the pubs appeared to be rather subdued tonight. It was an uneventful evening. While that was good, it didn't help Tash find her monster.


"So, we just wait?" Micah asked, a little impatient.

A few hours had passed and there was little sign of anything. The moon was high in the sky now.

"Yes" Tash snapped "Have patience."

Micah sighed and walked beside Tash as they continued along the rooftops.

"You come up here a lot?" Micah asked, placing each step carefully.

Tash nodded her head and smiled slightly.

"All the time" she glanced out over the city "I find it peaceful. It helps me think"

"Walking on slippery roofs helps you think?" Micah asked, raising an eyebrow and stumbling.

Tash laughed quietly "Its not unusual to see people prowling the upper levels in the underground" Tash explained "Regular rules don't apply. But it's not the roof themselves that attracts me" She looked straight up at the large black expanse that was the sky "It's this. The sky and the moon and the stars and the breeze and the silence. It's the freedom and peace of it all."

Tash watched as Micah looked around and nodded his head in fake understanding.

"Come on" Tash laughed "Don't you think it's beautiful?"

Micah chuckled "Alright. It is beautiful."

Tash looked at him skeptically

"I mean it!" he repeated "It's nice out here. I'm just not used to moonlit rooftop walks. Though, I could get used to them, with the right company." He winked.

Tash smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'd chose this over any fancy party or political dinner any day. You can keep your pretty houses, I'd rather be out here"

Micah laughed "To be honest so would I"

"Then, why don't you?" Tash asked, turning to face him.

"You mean beside the fact that you need me there for scheming purposes." Micah replied "I don't know. I guess I never thought there was a choice. I have to stay for my family and for Izzy and to be honest, before I met you this way of life didn't look the least bit appealing."

"To be honest when I first met you I didn't think you could handle it" Tash replied "Stay in your way of life Micah, but feel free to visit mine. It has its charms."

"So, you really love it, this life? Like not just the night and the underground, but being a thief? This way of life?" Micah asked.

Tash nodded her head. "Is that so hard to believe?" She sighed "There's no rules here, besides those of honour. I'm free from any corrupt leader or head of some cooperation. I live my life to survive. I work with people who see things the same way, not strangers who I'm forced to play nice with. I have adventure. I can do what I please" Tash looked at Micah and smiled "Come on, look at me. Could you really see me as working in some tailor shop or something, or worse, a common housewife, just taking care of my kids and serving my husband? Walking through life with my head down? No. I'm not made for that. I'm made for this, taking charge and living. I'm not going to pretend I'm virtuous or a hero, cause I'm not. I hurt the underground just as much as I hurt you. But I take care of my own and I fight for my family." Tash stared once again out over the city "I can decide to save my city if I choose. I live this life because I can live and be unafraid and do what I want and say what I want. I'm alive like this. I was meant for it."

"So even when this all is over? Even if you could move up in the world, you'd choose this?" Micah asked. He sounded genuinely curious.

"I would" Tash said with a smile "It suits me."

"It does" Micah replied.

Tash turned to face him. All of his fair features were illuminated by the light, the blond of his hair and the blue of his eyes. It was a sharp contrast to the dark thieves armour he was wearing. He looked like a thief, anyone would believe he was, but it was the little things that made him different. He wasn't comfortable in the leather, his feet were not sure of their placement on the tiles, his eyes not searching as keenly as they could. This life, though he could pretend to live it, was not meant for him.

"I don't think it suits me" Micah said, echoing Tash's thoughts.

"Does your current life suit you?" Tash asked.

She watched his face as he paused in thought. His normally confident features wavered and appeared unsure.

"No, it doesn't" He replied solemnly "I guess I don't know what life would."

"You'll find it, Micah" Tash reassured "You will"

Micah looked up at her with honest eyes and Tash smiled. Micah opened his mouth to say something more but some movement down on the street drew Tash's attention away from him.

There, down on the cobblestone, a young woman was walking. She pulled her shawl close around her as she hurried along, seemingly unaware of the eyes watching her from above. It was not uncommon to see someone scurrying home from work at this hour and this is not what caught Tash's attention. Rather, it was the glowing red eyes lurking in the ally behind her.


Micah stopped talking and sighed. They were having a nice little moment but now Tash was completely ignoring him.

Micah opened his mouth to speak again but Tash raised her hand and shushed him. Micah turned around and followed her gaze. There was a girl running down the street and behind her, in an ally way, was a pair of bright red eyes.

As Micah watched the shadows in the alley way took shape, forming a monster. The fog swirled, creating the shape of four legs, broad shoulders, a long face and a long whip like tail. Each foot ended in a set of claws, each as long as Micah's arm. The tail also seemed to be covered in spikes of some kind. The jaws were bared, revealing several rows of dagger like teeth. The eyes were the red, the colour between that of a glowing fire and of freshly drawn blood. It was entirely made of smoke and the thick black fog poured out from it, hitting the stones and then swirling back up again to the beast. Micah felt his breath catch in the throat.

The rapier.

He and Tash crouched low on the roof and Micah pulled his hood up over his head, casting his face in shadow. As they watched the rapier slid out of the ally way. Micah glanced at Tash and tried not to let his nervousness show. She stared intently at the beast, her features unreadable.

The rapier followed the girl, each footstep making no sound. Its tail swished over it's back, touching the tiles of the roofs. Though the rapier was silent, the girl must have its eyes upon her for at that moment she turned around and let out a scream of pure terror. She turned to run but the rapier was faster. It lunged forward and knocked her to the ground with one swipe and grabbed onto her dress. It began pulling her back toward the ally and all the while all she could do was scream.

Micah watched in awe and horror, transfixed by the scene. He didn't notice Tash pulled out her gun until she fired it into the rapier's head.

The bullet appeared to go right through without effect, or maybe it missed, but either way the beast dropped the girl, it's eyes turning toward them.

"Run!" Micah shouted to the girl, who got to her feet, looking around wide eyed. She took off down the road and vanished into the shadows.

Tash and Micah jumped to their feet as the rapier crouched and snarled at them. From it's mouth emitted a cry that sound like a roar, but mixed with screams and the grinding of gears. It leapt up and onto the roof beside them, sending a few loose tiles falling into the street below. Micah stumbled slightly as Tash pulled him back. They looked up at the rapier, which loomed over them, it's jaws opening. Tash seemed to be looking around, probably trying to think of a plan, but Micah was too entranced by the horrifyingly long teeth.

The rapier lunged forward and Micah dove to the side. He rolled over the tiles before getting to his feet and steadying himself. Tash did the same in the other direction. Now the hulking beast stood between them. The rapier turned to Micah, letting out another scream. He fired his gun but there was no effect. He was far too close to have missed. The bullet had simply passed right through, having no effect on the smoke. The only thing that had accomplished, was to make it angry.

It lunged forward and Micah once again dove out of the way, however he was not quick enough and the edge of one it's nails tore across his shoulder. As he scrambled to his feet and placed his hand on his shoulder. It came away red. Micah cursed under his breath. For something that could not be hit, it sure could leave a mark.

Micah watched as Tash pulled out a dagger and threw it at the rapier. Hopefully that would work better then bullets. There was no such luck as the dagger flew right through, landing at Micah's feet. Tash groaned in frustration as the beast turned to her. it lunged quickly, knocking Tash to the ground before she had a chance to do anything. Micah looked around frantically, unsure of how to help as the beast lowered its gaping jaws toward Tash. As the beast prepared to bite, Micah noticed its foggy form become slightly more solid. Acting on a hunch, he raised his gun and fired again.

This time it hit.

The bullet tore through the Rapier's eye, leaving a seeping black hole where it once was. Tash caught on quickly and as the beast screamed in pain, Tash plunged her dagger into the roof of it's mouth. She rolled away as the Rapier stumbled back, crying and screaming, the dagger still implanted in it's mouth. It shook its head and thick black blood dripped onto the roof and splattered onto Micah. Micah tried not to gag as a sharp chemical smell filled his nose.

He ran over to Tash. She was covered in the "blood" but other than that she seemed no worse for wear. She shot him a reassuring smile and Micah smirked. Maybe they could beat this thing after all.

He turned to face it and watched in horror as some of the blood on the roof began to move. It slid over the tiles until it rose and re-entered the Rapiers form. The hole where it's eye used to be began to refill and soon a new red orb was glaring down at them. It shook its head, knocking the dagger free. It fell onto the roof and slid off the edge down to the street below. Micah glanced at Tash and saw his own horror reflected in her face.

"Run" Tash hissed.

Micah nodded and followed Tash as she turned sharply and sprinted across the roof. As their roof ended they jumped to a new one. Micah was amazed that he was able to keep his footing. I guess being chased by an invulnerable monster was enough inspiration to improve one's agility.

They raced along but the rapier was faster and before long it was breathing down their neck. It lunged forward, claws outstretched and horrible scream emitting from it's throat. Micah grabbed Tash's arm and pulled her out of it's path. They both slipped to the side and tumbled off the roof, luckily landing on a soft pile of garbage and old rags below. It squished underneath them, adding unidentifiable sludge to the blood already covering them. Micah scrambled to his feet, dusty off the grime. Tash was already up beside him. She glanced at Micah quickly before taking off down the street. Micah followed blindly. He was utterly lost in this maze of roads. He looked behind him to see the rapier leap down into the street.

They ran for what felt like forever, going in a zigzagging pattern and taking corner after corner, trying to lose the beast. Every time they thought it was gone they see a glimpse of it in the street behind them or the roof above. It seemed to be taking advantage of its ethereal form and moved in complete silence. It would have been helpful to hear it coming.

Micah sides burned and he knew he couldn't keep it up forever. Tash seemed to be doing fine physically but she was looking around frantically, getting more uneasy with every turn. They were running out of places to run to.

"We can't keep running" Micah said as they stopped at a corner, his breath coming out in ragged gasps.

"I know" Tash snapped. She seemed to think for a moment before racing down another ally.

Micah followed her through a few more sharp turns and over a metal fence before Tash suddenly stopped. She bent down and quickly pulled open what appeared to be the entrance to a cellar. She grabbed Micah and threw him roughly inside before jumping in herself. She pulled the doors shut behind them and pushed a nearby broom through the latches. Micah wasn't sure it would do much but it was comforting none the less.

Micah picked himself up form where he'd fallen and looked around. They were a dark and dirty cellar. Hanging from the ceiling was meat of various origins and barrels emitting questionable smells lined the walls. Everything smelled like meat, blood, fish and chemicals. What a unique and unpleasant combination of odours this night had turned out to be.

Tash crouched low, leaning against the wall and Micah crawled over beside her. They both sat in uneasy silence, barely daring to breathe. Micah watched through the cracks in the cellar door as what looked like black mist seemed to drift by. It hovered there for a moment and then was gone. They sat in silence for a long while after but nothing came and Micah finally let out the deep breath he'd been holding.

They leaned against the wall, panting, neither saying much. Micah wasn't sure what you could say. How could you possibly describe what just happened? They were lucky to be alive. Micah closed his eyes for a moment and leaned his head back against the wall. He focused on the cool air of the cellar and the warmth of Tash's shoulder against his and waited for his heart to stop pounding.

Suddenly he felt Tash move and opened his eyes to see her looking around frantically for something. She checked all her pockets and looked around the floor before leaning back with a frustrated sigh.

"What?" Micah asked "What are you looking for?"

"My dagger" Tash growled.

She looked genuinely upset and Micah raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have more?" Micah asked in confusion. To be honest a missing dagger didn't seem to be the most important issue at the moment.

"That one was lucky" Tash stared straight ahead, looking defeated.

Micah couldn't help but think it was a little comical. The brave, strong Tash sitting in a cellar, a pout sneaking onto her lips. Not a care about the monster she's just been fighting but every concern about a lucky knife. She looked like a sad, little puppy.

Micah let a small laugh escape him.

"What?" Tash asked turning on him with a glare.

It wasn't funny but Micah kept laughing. Maybe the stress was getting to him.

"Micah! Knock it off!" Tash insisted, punching him on the shoulder. She tried to be serious but a laughed escaped her too. They both sat there chuckling like idiots for a moment.

"This is all too crazy" Tash said, shaking her head. She fell back against the wall and leaned into Micah's shoulder.

Micah nodded his head. "Lucky knife, huh?" He said.

"Yes" Tash replied, looking up at him "Is that so hard to believe?"

"You just never struck me as someone who relied on luck."

"I don't rely on it." Tash explained "But in this business, it never hurts to have it on your side."

"Well, it didn't bring us much luck tonight" Micah said simply.

"We're alive, aren't we?"

Micah couldn't argue with that.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"What was that, Tash?" Micah asked, awe and confusion in his voice "What are we suppose to tell the others?"

"I don't know" Tash replied solemnly "I don't know."


Tash closed the book she was flipping through and tossed it onto the ever-growing pile beside her desk. This is how she'd spent her time since she and Micah found the Rapier a few days ago. She sighed in frustration and walked over to the bookshelf. She'd sifted through everything she could find and still had nothing. Zatch had brought her all the best books on invention, she'd asked Josh a thousand questions but there was still nothing that made sense. There was no mention of any invention that was anything like the Rapier.

Tash pulled out another book Zatch had found for her. It was about demons and the underworld monsters of legend. He had given her a handful of books on the supernatural. As much as it pained her even entertain the thought, she was running out of options. She had read every page of all the these but again she got nothing. There was no monster in any legend or any demon in any myth that was like the rapier.

Tash tried to resist the urge to throw the book across the room. How were they meant to fight something when they didn't even know what is was?

Tash tried to focus on the progress they'd been making, even it was small. Josh's inventions were going well and at least they'd seen the rapier. Isabelle had provided some information, although the names Mortdecai and Cane meant nothing to her. Tash wanted to scream in frustration. They needed more information and they needed it soon. Tash was tired of waiting. Luckily, she had an idea that could possibly help with that. But she'd work out the details for that later.

Tash took a long look at the books before turning her back on them. There had to be some sense to all this, she just had to think on it. She tried to busy herself with organizing her office, trying to fix the mess it had become these last few weeks. Apparently trying to hunt a monster and out smart the government didn't leave a lot of time for housekeeping. Micah should be arriving soon, maybe she could force him to read.

Tash walked over to a chair and picked up Micah's coat which had been thrown onto it the other day. She sighed and went to hang it up when a small bracelet fell out of the pocket and clattered onto the floor. Tash put the coat down and grabbed the bracelet. It was rather cheaply made, though pretty in design, if you like that kind of gaudy thing. It was rather large and flashy. The name Emma was inscribed on it and it smelled strongly of lavender.

As Tash was looking at the bracelet she heard the door of her office open and Micah walked in. Tash turned to face him and held up the bracelet.

"This fell out of your coat" Tash said, her voice a little ruff. She cleared her throat. "I'm sure Emma will be missing it."

"Um, probably" Micah shrugged and put his hands in his pocket.

Tash tossed him the bracelet and smirked as he failed to catch it.

"Is that why you were late last time?" Tash asked, walking over to her desk and taking her seat behind it "With a prostitute?"

Micah opened his mouth to argue but Tash cut him off. "I don't care. Jewelry and scents like that aren't going to be found many other places.

"I'm not denying it" Micah grumbled "What does it matter? Why do you care?"

"I don't, Micah" Tash snapped.

"Forgive me, I thought this was all just fun" he said, without a care.

"It is, Micah. I'm not bothered. This is nothing." Tash replied, rolling her eyes "I just want you to make sure your head is in the right place. We have important things to do. I don't want you losing your focus."


Micah shook his head "I'm not, Tash." He let frustration slip into his voice "And I know you don't care. You've haven't exactly been just focusing on your plans either."

"Excuse me?" Tash snarled, glancing up from her desk.

"Where's your bracelet?" Micah asked "The one I gave you"

"I told you I don't wear it because it's get in the way when I work" Tash replied.

Micah laughed "So you sold it" He pulled out the bracelet from his pocket and watched with satisfaction as Tash's eye momentarily widened. Her face quickly began cold again.

"They surely made more then one, Micah" Tash said condescendingly.

"They didn't actually" Micah corrected "It was custom and it's not very often you find pricey pieces like this being sold on underground street corners."

"What does it matter?" Tash asked, laughing slightly and rolling her eyes again "You probably give one to all your "friends.""

"It doesn't matter" Micah snapped "It was just a silly, meaningless gift. Do what you want with it."

"You can have the money I got for it?" Tash offered in a voice that was just a little too sweet.

"I don't want your money, Tash" Micah snarled "You need it more then I do" He threw the bracelet down and it slid across Tash's desk.

Tash looked at him and Micah did not flinch at the fire in her gaze.

"I have more important things to than fight with you." Tash growled "Not sure why we are. We have no reason to, right?"

"Right" Micah snapped, running his hand through his hair "What do you want me to do? What do you want from me?"

"Nothing" Tash grumbled "I don't care what you do. Sleep with whoever you want."

"And you can sell whatever you want and do whatever suits you, Miss Tash." Micah said coldly.

He turned and walked out of the room. Just before the door slammed shut behind him he got a glimpse of Tash leaning on her desk with her face in her hands. But Micah was too angry to notice and to hurt to care.

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