Black Bottled Revenge

By Rumbuss

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-Set After the Events of POTC4-...Paring (Jack/Angelica)... The Black Pearl, trapped in a bottle by the doing... More

Black Bottled Revenge
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

284 13 8
By Rumbuss

-Chapter 3-


Angelica grabbed Jack harshly by the arm and dragged him to the back of the room, to the storage rum door. She used her free arm and opened the door, flung Jack inside and slammed the door behind them. The room was poorly lit with dirty lanterns and shelves of different alcohol lined the walls. The room smelt like someone had drenched the room with rum.

"Was it really needed to violently stuff me in er luv?" Jack picked himself up off the floor and rubbed his arm. Without warning, he was met by Angelica and a dagger to his neck. She pushed him back to the wall and let the cool blade meet his neck.

"One wrong move Sparrow.." She smirked and steadied her feet firmly on the ground. "And you will be having a late night meet with the devil..." She spoke her words like silk, and leaned one arm by his head. Mirroring exactly how jack threatened her back on the Revenge. Jack just smiled in return to her action.

"You know a late night meeting with you, would be just like old times aye luv?" Jack winked as Angelica dropped her jaw in complete disgust. Think your witty jack? She pushed the blade a little harder to his neck, causing his Adam's apple to bob as he swallowed uncomfortable. She glared into his eyes and gritted her teeth. "Usted repugnante derroche de un ser humano..". (You disgusting waste of a human being..)

Jack frowned. "Angelica you know I can't understand your native tongue". Jack tried to smile, "I see your small womanly brain can't remember two languages unlike my superior male one" jack looked up and closed his eyes trying to look poshly.

Insults, treats, and mocking each other was what they did best. Even after a passion filled night, one of them had to come out on 'top'. It was like an on going competition to see who was better, and secretly, who would cave in and admit it first. They would do anything to get a stab at each other's egos. They did more bickering than actually talk to each other. It was a surprise to anyone, that they knew another about one another, as the only words that you would normally here spoken between them were insults. But it hadn't always been like that. No no. Before the hate, before it was hard to get them in that same room as each other, with out Angelica trying to take a swing at jack, before all of that. There was love. Or as jack would claim it 'stirrings'. As much as they both tried to deny any sort of nice feeling towards each other, everyone seemed to know their past, thanks to jack. Everyone knew what jack actually thought of Angelica, he liked to randomly blurt it out when he was drunk. It was as clear as day, he would sneak looks and glances at her whenever no one was looking. And besides, who couldn't fall for an exotic, fiery, tanned beauty? Defiantly not Jack, that was clear.

Angelica fumed, and bit down hard. "I would watch your tongue around me now Jack... After what you did". She started to press down hard down upon his neck, causing a small amount of blood to appear. Jack raised his hand alarmingly and opened his mouth.

"Luv, luv, luv, luv, luv!" He cringed at the feeling of a liquid dribbling down his neck. "Calm down luv it 'twas just a joke!" Angelica softened the blade against his skin. Everything's a joke to you, isn't it sparrow?

"I want my revenge" she stated simply. She looked him up and down, waiting for a reply.

Jack smiled. "Well en my luv, unfortunately you better get in line, as your not the first to want that on me". Jack smiled childishly showing his teeth. Angelica rolled her eyes. "The SHIP Jack!" She let the hand and blade pressed to his neck, fall down and dangle by her side as she groaned at his stupidity. Jack raised his eyebrows and put a hand carefully to his neck and looked at Angelica blankly.

"Hahahahahahhahahah!" Jack laughed deeply thinking she was joking. She raised her eyebrow and put the hand holding the blade to her hip. "Haha!....ha.....ha....har-your not joking are ya?"

Angelica leaned her weight to her leg. "No". She let her other hand fall to her side implying that Jack was aloud move away from the wall. A deep throaty sign escaped jack lips as Angelica faced her back to him. "You ow me jack... You have ruined my life more than once, and in more ways than one..." She wiped her blade on her shirt as it was dirty and stained already. Jack frowned and noticed for the first time tonight her clothes. They were ripped, stained and falling to bits. He stepped carefully up to her back and leaned slightly up against her. Jack softly let his hands touch her waist, and put his chin on her bare shoulder. Angelica froze and her breath hitched in surprise.

"As I do recall my darling...." Jack turned his head so his nose brushed her check.

"You said that the times we spent together were the best of ye life..." Time to play a little game...His voice was deep and sensual and made her shiver. His hot breath could be felt right down to her hand. Jack tightened his grip around her waist, pulling Angelica in closer. He swiftly moved his hand up, and brushed her hair out of the way, giving him direct access to the soft skin on her neck. He pushed his lips to her neck, causing Angelica to close her eyes. A deep sigh escaped from her throat, as she turned her head away. Jack smiled against her skin and moved his lips up to her chin and closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy the contact that he missed to much. Angelica slipped a hand onto jacks, down at her waist, and intertwined their fingers. Jack lovingly pushed his head softly into her neck and let out a deep chuckle. As an attempt to make Angelica break, turned into an unplanned 'cuddle'. Both lost in each other embrace, they let their guards down.

Time seemed to stop as they felt each other's bodies against their own. One thing was for sure, that jack was gone, lost. Completely lost. Over the years, over time and over many encounters that they went through, Jack had become weaker to Angelica's body. Angelica's touch, smell, feel and charm, her everything. She had unknowingly become his weakness. One of his only weaknesses, apart form spiders of corse. Unluckily for jack, she knew exactly how to manipulate him, using herself.

But Angelica was not completely immune herself. She wasn't at the pint of no return like jack, she was stronger than that, but she was close. His charm could do a number on her, but she was strong willed and minded and could push him out. Sometimes.

Jacks hands pushed her even tighter against his chest and his lips caressed her neck and jaw line.

Angelica opened her eyes to try and regain herself. But it was more difficult than she had hoped. Gather your self Angelica... Think of all the bad things that he has done...all of them. She moved her free hand and arched her elbow and got him right in the ribs. Jack snapped out from his trance, and flew back bent over holding his chest gasping for air. A warm spot around her waist and shoulder slowly chilled, as she turned around to face jack. He looked up at her squinting "ow?" His voice was high. She walked closer as jack started to stand straight. She cleared her throat, trying to forget what had happened earlier. "I want the Queens Ana's Revenge back under my control, and you are going to get it for me". She placed her hand on her perfect hip and the other behind her back looking directly at him. He raised his eyebrows and scanned her clearing his throat. "What makes you think I will help you after you just caused me great pain twice tonight!" Jack tilted his head slightly to the side. "Because you ow me.. And besides..." She held up her hand that was behind her back and waved the Pearl teasingly in front of him. "You don't seem to know how to get the Black Pearl out of this...easily breakable bottle..." She held it by the cork and swung it form side to side. Jack eyes nearly popped out of his head as he felt his satchel by his side. He looked wide eyed at Angelica, then the pearl, then Angelica again and lunged for the bottle. Being one step ahead, she stepped back, making jack seem like a slow fool. "". jack straightened back up and stared nervously at the Pearl.

Angelica smiled sweetly and grabbed the neck of the bottle, and threw it back to jack. A soft giggle tickled her throat as he caught it and hugged it to his chest like a baby.

"I know how to get it out jack...but you will be needing my help of corse" She turned to her side and paced up and down In front of him. Jack looked up and frowned. "HOW". Jack answered harshly, no longer playing games. "The sword that controls the Revenge, now possessed by Barbossa must strike the neck of the bottle, only on the Revenge and only by Blackbeard..." Her voice trailed of as she said her farther name. Jack changed his expression to confusion. "But Blackbeard Is dea-" her soft smile turned into a glare straight at Jack. "You didn't let me finish..." Jack nodded allowing her to finish. "....only by Blackbeard.. OR one that shares his blood...then thrown far out so sea immediately". She stopped and faced jack once again. "I will make you a deal". Jack stepped closer listening. "Help me get my Ship, and I'll help you reclaim yours". Her accent became thinker and she held out her hand.

"Do we have an according jack?" Jack looked down to her hand presented before him. He carefully placed his Pearl back into its bag and grabbed her hand tightly, winking. "Deal"

Angelica let go and put her hands to her hips. Jack returned his hands to their usually girly fashion and look down at Angelica. He grabbed out his compass and handed it to Angelica. She looked up confused. "Shouldn't we get a ship first.. Unless you have one?" Jack signed. "I have been having trouble with that". Angelica opened and look down at the compass curiously, as it spun uncontrollably, then returned her eyes to Jacks.

"You have trouble with everything". And snapped the compass closed again.


DONE. Good bad? Please give a vote if you liked it and add it to your reading list! A comment would be greatly appreciated as I spend a lot of time on these chapters.....


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