After Everything-Rory & Logan

By LilyGilmore

157K 2.2K 198

I do not own these characters, this is just my version of how things should go after those final four words... More

So Much Has Changed
Making the Call
After The Call
The Next Day
Work, Work, and an Unexpected Visitor
Later That Day
The Dinner PLan
Life & Death Brigade
Before Dinner...
A Night Full of Surprises
The Big Reveal
Time to Go...
Ready for Anything
Back to London
Another Surprise
The Doctor's Appointment
After the Appointment
Spreading the News
Time Together
The Proposal
End of the Day
Few Weeks Later
Wedding Day
The Vows
House Viewing
Buying a House
Moving Day
The Big Appointment
The Gender Reveal
Picking Names...
Halfway Done
Baby Shower
Six Weeks Left
The Closer we Get....
Labor and Delivery
A Month Old
Packing for Vacation
Time to Go
Let the Fun Begin!
Finished and Planning
The Meeting
First Birthday
How Fast it Goes
Triplet Reveal
Epilogue~19 Years Later

Doctor's Appointment

2.1K 39 13
By LilyGilmore

Rory had called her doctor's office and managed to get an appointment for the same day. Logan was leaving the office early and meeting her at home before they headed to the appointment. He had just walked through the door.

"Hey Ace. Ready to go?"

"Yea. Let's find out how far along we are," Rory says hopefully.

They get the twins into the car and leave for the doctor's office, arriving twenty minutes later. Rory checks in with the receptionist. Receptionist has her leave a urine sample, than Rory joins Logan sitting with the twins. They wait for another fifteen minutes before the nurse calls out, "Rory Huntzberger."

Rory and Logan head to the back with the twins where the nurse checks her vitals than takes her to a room to wait for the doctor. Ten minutes later, there's a knock on the door and the doctor comes in.

"Hello Rory. So are we ready to find out what's going on?"

"Yes Doctor. Definitely ready to know for sure."

"Well the urine test came back positive for a pregnancy. So I wanna do an ultrasound and see exactly how far along you are. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," Rory replies with a shaky voice.

The doctor gets the ultrasound machine while Rory gets ready for the exam. When she comes back to the room and starts the exam, she's quiet while she takes measurements.

"So doctor, is everything ok?"

"Everything is great Rory. Looks like you're about 8-9 weeks along, making you due in April. Does that match up?"

"Yea. It matches up perfectly with what we were thinking as the possibility of conception." Rory replies.

"How many babies are there also doctor?" Logan asks.

"Looks like there's just the one from what I'm seeing, so I'd say it will be a singleton birth," she replies.

Rory breathes a sigh of relief and smiles, "So we'll only have three under two for a few months, Logan."

"Were you worried that it was twins again?" the doctor asks.

"Honestly, yes. We're nervous all around right now. But I'm sure we'll be ok." Logan replies.

They finish going over the details and the doctor prints out their ultrasound copies, then walks out of the exam room so Rory can get situated and they can leave. On their way out, Rory sets up her next appointment and they head home in silence. They get home, both still unable to speak.

Logan finally breaks the silence, "So Ace, when did you wanna spill the beans to everyone else?"

"I don't know. Whenever you're ready to is fine."

"Well I was thinking about inviting the gang over for a barbeque and telling them all together. What do you think?"

"Sounds great to me, babe. I can hang out with the girls and you can drink with the guys to celebrate."

"Alright. I'll make the calls and invite everyone over."

Logan calls the guys and everything is set for everyone to come over in a few hours. He goes to find Rory, who ends being asleep with the twins on their bed. He smiles and covers them up with a blanket then quietly sneaks back out of the room. He'll wake her up in an hour, but she needs the nap right now.


"Hey Ace. Wake up. The gang will be here in about an hour," Logan says as he touches her shoulder.

Rory yawns and smiles, "I forgot how tired I was during the first trimester, babe. Thanks for letting me sleep."

"You're welcome Ace. Now come on. Everyone will be here and I figure you wanna use the twins to announce right?"

Rory smiles, and confused, adds, "Of course but we don't have anything to do that with Logan."

"Don't be so sure Ace. You really doubt your husband that much?" he asks, pretending to be wounded by her doubt as he picks up the bag on the floor and hands it to her.

Rory opens the bag and finds shirts for the twins inside, each with a different saying. Victoria's says "Mommy and Daddy have news..." while Richard's says "New baby coming April 2019!"

Rory starts laughing, "I love these Logan!"

Logan laughs with her, "I'm glad Ace. Now should we get the twins changed and get set for everyone?"

"Yea sounds good babe," Rory says as she stands up and they pick up the twins.

Logan takes Richard and his shirt to Richard's room so he can get him changed while Rory takes Victoria. Fifteen minutes later, the twins are ready and Rory takes a quick shower so she can get ready as well.


Everyone arrives at the house and Logan leads him out back. It's such a nice night, they decide to eat outside and let the twins play in the backyard. No one has noticed the twins shirts yet, so Logan waits for Rory before they tell the whole group.

Rory walks outside with the salad while Logan is working on the steaks for dinner. The guys are talking by the grill and the girls start chatting. Rory walks over to Logan, kisses him on the cheek and whispers, "Ready?"

"Yea let's tell them." Logan replies with a grin, loud enough for the guys to hear him.

"Tell us what??" the girls all say together.

Rory calls the twins, "Richard, Victoria, come here. Gotta show your aunties and uncles your new shirts."

Victoria walks towards them first and Rosemary reads her shirt out loud, "Mommy and daddy have news..."

Juliet sees Richard's shirt first and starts to read it, "New baby coming April 2019!"

"Oh my god! You fink! You could've told us at the party!!" Steph exclaims, pointing at Rory.

"I'm sorry. We wanted to be sure before we said anything," Rory replies with a smile as she's pulled into a massive hug by all of the girls.

"Mate this means our kids are all going to be in college together!" Finn says as he hugs Logan with Robert and Colin.

Everyone laughs and Logan says, "Don't remind me. We'll have three in college at the same time!"

Everyone enjoys dinner and chatting about the kids, thinking about how much trouble they'll all get into when they grow up. Richard and Victoria fall asleep on their parents by the time the gang leaves and everyone makes plans to get together again.

Rory heads inside with the twins and puts them together in Victoria's crib so she doesn't disturb them too much. She still can't believe that in just a few months, they'll have another baby around the house. She decides to call Lorelai and give her the good news.

Lorelai answers on the second ring, "Hello loin fruit! Call to tell me that I have another grandbaby on the way?"

Rory laughs at her mother, "Yup. I'm due in April, mom."

"Oh that's great hon! Now I have some news for you too by the way."

"Um ok. What's going on mom??"

"Well I would've told you on Saturday at the party, but I wanted to wait."

"Mom, are you trying to tell me that you're pregnant???"

"Well kid since you guessed it, yup. Luke and I are 18 weeks along with a little boy!!!" Lorelai exclaims.

"But you're not showing. This is crazy!"

"I know hon. I said the same thing. But you're gonna have a little brother and this baby will at least be older than that little bean you're pregnant with now," Lorelai replies.

"Oh mom. Who would've thought that we'd be pregnant together?"

"Not me, kid. That's for sure," Lorelai laughs.

Rory talks to her mom for awhile longer then hangs up just as Logan comes into the office, "Everything ok Ace?"

"Yea babe. Everything's great. Mom's pregnant with a boy," Rory replies with a huge smile.

"That's great Ace. You're gonna have a little brother. You excited?"

"Yea I am actually. We didn't think this one would happen, so I think it's awesome."

Logan kisses Rory and then leads her to their room from the office, "Let's go to bed Ace."

"I'm always ready for that," Rory replies as she helps him undress.

They quickly undress each other and climb into bed. Before Rory knows it, she can't remember where she ends and Logan begins. They get tangled in blankets, losing themselves in each other before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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