A Month Old

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Victoria and Richard are now a month old. Rory and Logan have gotten into the swing of things with the twins, Rory feeds them and Logan helps with diapers. Logan has been working from home unless he has to go into the office for a meeting, and even then he's only gone long enough for the meeting before he's back home. Everything has been going great. Lorelai and Luke even spent the first two weeks with them after the twins came home just to help them where needed. Plus Lorelai couldn't bear to leave for those two weeks after they were born and home and of course, Luke didn't want to be away from her either so they stayed in the guest room to be close to everyone. Now that everyone is gone, Rory and Logan are finally getting some alone time in their office since the twins are sleeping.

"So Ace, when is your six week check up?" Logan asks with a mischievous look.

"Two weeks my love," Rory replies with a grin.

"Ok. Good. Can't believe the twins are already a month old."

"I know. It's gone so fast."

"Yes it has. Now the next two weeks can go a little bit faster," Logan says with a wink before he pulls Rory into a kiss that sets every inch of her on fire.

Rory moans against his lips, "Not fair."

Logan laughs, "Never said I play fair Ace."

"I know. Course I've never that either," Rory adds as she starts to undo his belt and Logan stops breathing for a second.

"Now this really isn't fair Ace. We can't do anything really and you teasing me isn't going to help that situation."

"Just because we can't have sex, doesn't mean we can't do other things Logan," Rory says with a wink before she shows him exactly what she means.


"Ace that was amazing," Logan says for the tenth time with a smile.

"Glad you enjoyed that one, Master and Commander."

"Oh more than enjoyed Ace."

Rory smiles at Logan and kisses him, "I love you."

"As I love you Ace."

The twins woke up from their nap and started crying just than. Rory and Logan both get up and walk towards the nurseries. Rory gets Victoria changed, while Logan changes Richard. Rory sits in the rocker and starts to feed Victoria, than Logan brings Richard to Rory so he can eat as well. Rory breastfeeds the twins, while Logan watches her with them and smiles. He has never been more in love with her than he is now, watching her with their children is the best part of his day. 

"So do you have to go into the office at all today?" Rory asks Logan, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Not today Ace. I get to spend the whole day with you and our kids." Logan replies with a smile.

"Oh good. I'm glad. I love when you spend the day with us."

"So do I. I'll be home pretty much full time unless there's a meeting until you're ready to go back to work. Now of course you don't have to go back to work if you don't want to, it's up to you though Ace."

"I know honey. I think I'll just finish the book for now and make a decision later about working on anything other than the book. Maybe go back after the twins start school or something."

"Whatever you choose Ace is fine."

"Thanks honey. I love you," Rory says as Victoria finishes eating and detaches from her breast. Logan comes over to take her so Rory can finish up with Richard.

"I love you too Ace," Logan says after he puts Victoria in her crib while Rory gets situated and Richard finishes eating.

Rory stands with Richard still in her hands and adjusts her top. Logan stares at her and can't help but wish they could finish up everything they started earlier.

"Hey Ace. I'll be right back. Gotta take this call and make a few others," Logan says as he walks out of the room and answers his phone.

"Hey Finn. What's up?" Logan asks once he's away from Victoria's nursery.

"Just figured I'd check in on my niece and nephew. Plus I wanted to see if those other plans we originally talked about were still in play," Finn asks, mentioning a surprise Logan had wanted to plan for Rory once the twins had been born.

"They're doing great, growing and eating nonstop. Yes. Same place as the first outing she ever went to with us."

"Perfect. I'll get the guys together and we can get it set up. When did you wanna plan this for?"

"Let's say in another month. Give her time to get used to leaving the twins. We haven't left them overnight yet, so gotta get her used to the idea."

"Sounds good. We'll take care of it."

"Thanks man. See you soon later," Logan tells him.

"See you soon." Finn says back and disconnects the call.

Logan goes to the office and gets some work emails done. Rory comes in with the twins when he's about halfway through with all of the replies.

"Hey honey. Twins wanted daddy around too," Rory says as she walks in.

"Oh good. I'll happily take them both and you can take a break," Logan replies as Rory goes to hand him just Victoria and he takes Richard from her as well.

Rory laughs, "You don't have to take them both unless you really want too. I know you have to get work emails done too babe."

"Nope. Work can wait. I wanna hold my babies."

"Ok than honey. They always seem so much happier to be held together by one of us."

"That's why I wanted both of them Ace."

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