After Everything-Rory & Logan

By LilyGilmore

157K 2.2K 198

I do not own these characters, this is just my version of how things should go after those final four words... More

So Much Has Changed
Making the Call
After The Call
The Next Day
Work, Work, and an Unexpected Visitor
Later That Day
The Dinner PLan
Life & Death Brigade
Before Dinner...
A Night Full of Surprises
The Big Reveal
Time to Go...
Ready for Anything
Back to London
Another Surprise
The Doctor's Appointment
After the Appointment
Spreading the News
Time Together
The Proposal
End of the Day
Few Weeks Later
Wedding Day
The Vows
House Viewing
Buying a House
Moving Day
The Big Appointment
The Gender Reveal
Picking Names...
Halfway Done
Baby Shower
Six Weeks Left
The Closer we Get....
Labor and Delivery
A Month Old
Packing for Vacation
Time to Go
Let the Fun Begin!
Finished and Planning
The Meeting
Doctor's Appointment
How Fast it Goes
Triplet Reveal
Epilogue~19 Years Later

First Birthday

1.8K 35 9
By LilyGilmore

Richard and Victoria are officially a year old. How has time gone so fast? The twins are all over the place and everyone is coming over today for their party. Logan took a three day weekend so they could spend some time as just their family of four and play with the twins. Rory has been feeling out of sorts for the last couple of days though and decided to say something to Logan while they were playing with the twins.

"Hey babe. I feel weird," she said.

"What do you mean Ace? Like you did when you were pregnant with the twins or what?"

"I don't know how to describe it exactly. Not really how I felt with the twins, but not all that different either, if that makes sense."

"Well you never went back on birth control after them, so maybe it's time to take a test?"

"Yea maybe. Probably no time like the present since everyone will be here today anyways, right?"

"True. Take a test and we can talk about it more once we know."

"Ok. I'll take a test. But I just had my period, so I really don't think I'm pregnant. Guess no harm in checking though." Rory replies as she to their bathroom to get a test. They had decided to keep tests at home for the time being since she wasn't on birth control even though they weren't trying to get pregnant.

Ten minutes pass before Logan decides to check on Rory since she hasn't come back to Richard's room, "Everything ok Ace?"

Rory looks at him from the floor and holds up the test, "What do you think?"

Logan takes a hard look at the test than realizes that it's a big fat POSITIVE! He helps Rory up from the floor and hugs her, "We'll be ok Ace. Always possible that it's a false positive, right?"

"I guess. I mean, I know we said it would be at least another year before we decided to start trying for another baby, but still. Can we really handle 3 or 4 kids under two years old? Cause if this is a for sure positive, we're looking at a due date of around the time the twins turn 18 months," Rory says without a breath.

"Ace, it'll be fine. We will set up a doctor's appointment for next week and find out for sure, ok?"

"I know babe. I'm just nervous. Guess we can keep it under wraps until after the appointment though."

"Exactly. We don't say anything today and we just wait," Logan says as he kisses her.

Rory smiles when he ends the kiss. He's always known how to calm her down. Time to just enjoy the twins' first birthday and she'll call the doctor Monday morning to schedule the appointment. No use in worrying over what could possibly be nothing, right?


Everyone has arrived at the house for the birthday party, including people together that Logan and Rory had no idea were in relationships.

"Steph, what's going on with this one?" Rory asks Stephanie as she walks in holding Finn's hand with a small almost unnoticeable baby bump.

"Oh we've been together for awhile but it was just random booty calls until this happened," Steph said gesturing towards her belly.

"Yes love, so we decided to give us a shot. Owe it all to you and Logan here," Finn added with a smile.

"Congrats man. How far?" Logan says hugging his best friend.

"Fifteen weeks." Steph and Finn reply together with grins.

"And we're just now hearing about this??" Rory asks excitedly.

"Yea. We wanted to get out of first trimester just in case anything happened before we said anything," Steph says.

"Well this is still great. Congrats you two!" Rory says as she hugs two of her closest friends.

Robert and Juliet walk in, holding hands as well and everyone is even more surprised! "Whoa whoa. Wait a minute. We just talked Juliet, why didn't you tell me??" Steph asks.

Juliet laughs and points at Steph's belly, "You mean like you told me about you, Finn, and little one in here?"

Everyone starts laughing and Juliet than adds, "Oh and by the way, we're twelve weeks."

"Oh my god! Is everyone pregnant at this point?" Rory asks.

"Well it would seem that way," Rosemary says as she walks in holding Colin's hand, "That is if you're including us as well. We're ten weeks, but couldn't hold it in any longer. Now what about you two? Are you guys gracing us with more nieces and nephews anytime soon?" she adds turning on Rory and Logan.

"That's the plan. But no news as of yet," Rory smoothly lies to their friends.

"Than when? I need more to spoil!" Finn says mischievously.

Logan laughs, "You'll get more to spoil. But as of right now, we wanna wait to even start trying again."

"Alright, fine mate. Just as long as I get more nieces and nephews, I'm happy." Finn says with a grin.

Everyone enjoys the party and Lorelai stays to help clean up after everyone leaves several hours later.

"Well sweets, the twins made out like bandits for their first party," Lorelai says to Rory.

"I know. They are so spoiled," Rory replies.

"Yup, just like that little one you decided to not say anything about yet."

"What? How?" Rory asks her mother bewildered.

"Come on kid. Did you really think you could hide it from me? Everyone else, yes. But not me," Lorelai laughs.

"We're not even sure that I am. Could be a false positive," Rory says.

"Kid, you have the glow. It's not a false positive. Trust me."

Rory just shakes her head at Lorelai and goes silent. They finish cleaning up the mess from the party and Lorelai says bye to head back to Stars Hollow. Rory is exhausted and the twins have already been put to bed for the night, so she heads up to the room for the night. Logan comes in shortly after her, while she's changing into her pajamas.

"Everything ok, Ace?"

"Yea babe. Mom says I've got the pregnancy glow, so she knows. She swears that there is no way it was a false positive though."

"I know Ace. I really don't think it is either. But I needed you calm for the party, so I went along with that idea," Logan says quietly.

"I know Logan. I really don't believe that either, but thank you for trying to keep me calm." Rory replies as she climbs into bed with him.

Logan wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer than kisses her, "Good night Ace. We'll find out for sure next week and than we can announce it officially. Sound good?"

"Yea sounds good hon. Night," Rory says after a minute and kisses him back.

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