Twins (5sos Fanfic) *Disconti...

By Jess_Amberger

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Emma, is a 17 year old girl, a tomboy-ish, punk rocker. Not your typical girly-girl, considering she lives wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

171 4 0
By Jess_Amberger

Emma's P.O.V:

I was woken up by my annoying alarm the next morning. I turned my alarm off, jumped out of bed and started to get ready for school.

Once I was finish I head downstairs to the kitchen to grab something quick before heading out. "Oh, Emma. I need you to do me a favor" My dad said, stopping me.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked.

"Can you drive and pick up your brother today? I have a meetings today and can't do it"

"Sure, dad. I can do that" I told him.

"Thanks, sweetie" He said and kissed my head. "I'll you guys later, have fun at school" He said, as he left.

When do you ever have fun at school, I thought.

I grabbed Brandon and we got in the car, and I making my way to his school.

After dropping Brandon off, I made my way to school, and parked my car in an empty spot. I started making my way over to my locker where I found the four of the boys.

"There she is, what took you so long?" Michael asked.

"Had to drop off my brother today, remember" I told him, opening my locker and getting all the book I need for my morning classes. "Alright, let's go"

We made it to our Math class and took our seat, which were all the way in the back. I had my morning classes with Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. They're the only reason, I like mornings. Then, after lunch I had my classes with rest of them. Fun!

"You look beautiful today" Luke whispered.

I turned to look at him. "What do I look ugly every other day" I joked.

"N-no, y-you just look different. I mean of course you lo-" He stuttered out, but I cut him off.

"I'm joking, Luke" I giggled. He seemed relieved after I said that. "But thanks"

"I only bought it cause it has Pokémon on it, this is the only skirt I actually own" I said.

"Of course" He said, then look to the front of the class as our teacher walked in.


After four long periods, it was finally lunch only four more to go. I was at my locker get my books for my last few class, and then started heading for the cafeteria. Went over to my table and sat down. I put my books on the table, sat down to see the boys staring at me weirdly. "What?"

"Are you Emma or her long lost twin" Gordon said.

"Haha, very funny. Stare has long as you want cause this is the last time you see me wearing something like this"

"So were not going see you wear a dress to our wedding?" Robert said.

"On what planet, did I say I was going to marry you" I glared at him.

"It's not like you have guys lining up to ask you out" He chuckled. I gasped, grabbed his drink, and throw it in his face.

"Ms. Daniels, we do not tolerate throwing food in this school. I will see you after school" Of course the teacher that hates everyone in this school had to see that.

"You got to be kidding me" I mumbled look at the slip he gave me. "But I didn't do anything wrong"

"You insulted another student!"

"Serious, this aśśhole has done more terrible things and she has" Thomas said.

"You just got yourself a detention too, Hood!" Then he walked away.

"I'm going to wash this stuff off" Robert said, leaving.

I put my head down the table, annoyed at what just happened. "Don't be sad, Em. If anything Robert deserved that anyway" Luke said, putting his hand on my back.

"Whatever and you're right" I smiled to myself. Then, I realized something.

Luke's P.O.V:

"Hey Luke, can you do me a huge favor?" Emma asked.

What?! She wants me to do something for her "Yea-yeah anything!" I stuttered out. God, stop being so nervous. She's your best friend, she's going to think you're weird.

"Great, my brothers and dad won't be home later today. And I have to pick up Brandon from school. Could you pick him and babysit him for me?"

Oh she wants me to babysit. "Yeah, I can do that"

"Thanks, I'll see later" She said, getting up and grabbing her stuff. "You're the best"

"Hey, why didn't you ask any of us to do it?" Ashton said.

"Cause I don't trust any of you guys" and watched her walk away.

She trusts me? "Wipe that smile off your face" I looked over to see that Thomas and I are the only ones still here.


"Your brother may make his stupid little crush obvious. But you, it's just pathetic. We all know she doesn't see any of us more than just a friend. So you can do anything she ask you do, but it's not going make her like you more"

"What are you trying to say?"

"That's get to spend 2 more hour with her and you don't cause you're too nice to get in trouble. Later, loser" Thomas smirked, before getting and up and leaving.

I'm confused, what is that all supposed to mean.


Emma's P.O.V:

I sat in an empty classroom, besides a few other kids that were in here. Since I'm gonna be stuck in a classroom for the next two hours, might as well just do my homework because I'm probably not gonna do it tonight.

"You're doing homework?" I looked over to see that seat next was taken by Thomas.

"Yes, cause unlike you I'll have a future"

"What are you talking about of course I'm gonna have a future"

"You're failing like all of your classes, I mean who fails gym. All you have to do is show up!"

"Hey, I was the only one who stood up for you today. Why are you being mean to me?" Thomas asked, leaning forward in his chair to be a little closer, frowning at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you. You want me to praise you with flowers or jump into the backseat of your car and ride you senseless"

His frowned turned into a smirk in seconds. "Well since you're offering.."

I looked back at him in disgusted. "You're disgusting!"

"You're the one that said it!"

"I was being sarcastic" I got up from my seat and moved to a desk further away from him.

*After Detention*

It was finally over and I started to pack up my things. I walked out of the classroom, out of the school doors, and to my car.

"Emma! Wait up!" I turn around to see Thomas running towards me. "You know I can drive you home right?"

"Thanks, but I have my car here" I said, turning back around and walking to it. Unlocked the passenger side, placing my backpack on the seat and closing the door to see Thomas leaning against my car. "What do you wan-" I was cut off went on lips going on mine. "Thomas!" I yelled, pushing him away. I looked at him in shook, I had no idea what to do. So I just ran into my car and drove away.


As soon as I got home I ran upstairs to my room. Change my clothes, jumped into my bed, and stared at the ceiling.

Why did he do that?, Is all I could think about. Then, there was a knock at my door and my dad came in.

"Hey, sweetie" He said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey" I said back, leaning up on my elbows.

"Hey, you okay?" He came in and sat down on the edge of my bed. I sat all the way up so I was in a more comfortable position.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"No reason, just want to make sure my little girl okay" I chuckled slightly. "So, I have a question for you" He said, boopping my nose, making me giggle.

"And that would beeee?"

"Why did Luke drop off Brandon this afternoon and where were you?"

"That's two question, not one"


"I got detention for throw Robert's drink in his face"

"You got detention for that?"

"That teacher that hates everyone saw it. Think every kid is trouble in the school"

"Well, I'm going to have to punish you somehow. But since you didn't do anything that can't got out tonight and you have to spend time with your family tonight" I raise my eyebrows and started laughing at him. "Hey, I am not good at making up punishment!"

"Yeah, I know. Like that time when Alex pushed Ryan off the top of the playground and Ryan broke his arm. You punished Alex with ice cream so he would stop crying" We started laughing.

"Your mom got so mad at me for doing that" and he stared off into space. "Anyway, I'll see you downstairs for dinner in 5" He got up and left the room. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked to see that I have a message from Luke.

From Luke🐧:

Hey, where are you? You were supposed to be at my house 5 minutes ago 🙁

To Luke🐧:

Can't tonight 😕. Dad wants me to stay home as punishment for getting detention

From Luke🐧:

😂😂😂 okay see tomorrow, I guess

I decided not to answer him back and throw my phone into my bed and head downstairs.


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