Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.8K 272 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sister Sister
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation

Friday the 13th (special chapter)

594 15 2
By TherealestVC

"Chloe! I'm serious if you find a penny you are supposed to pick it up and you'll have good luck all day" Max quips from the front seat reading off the list of superstitions.

Chloe, Max, Rachel, and Victoria were going to a camp ground for the weekend...Ironically the day they were going was Friday the 13th, Max had been spending the last hour reading Chloe superstitions from a list she found on google.

The list read as:

1. See a penny, pick it up then you will have good luck all day

2. Don't walk under a ladder

3. A rabbit's foot will bring you good luck

4. Don't cross the path of a black cat

5. Don't you dare break a mirror

6. Step on a crack, break your mother's back

7. No opening umbrellas inside

Chloe started making fun out of it and mocking Max for her superstitions.

"Oh my gosh! Maxie pad, I think I just saw a black cat...we are soooooo screwed" Chloe mocked laughing her ass off.

"Where?!" Max looks around scared out of her mind.

Victoria took notice of this and reached in the backseat without taking her eyes off the road and smacked Chloe upside the head. "Leave her alone! You know she gets like this on Friday the 13th", Victoria yells at Chloe who is rubbing her head. Rachel was laughing her ass off at the whole exchange, she was enjoying every moment of this.

"Chloe, leave Max alone...Come on, let's play a game on my phone. Vicky, how long til we get there?" Rachel says as Chloe picks the game before turning her attention at Victoria who is checking the GPS.

Victoria looks at the GPS "Hmm...about 15 minutes, Cleo I still can't believe your parents let you go after that all little stunt you pulled at the mall".

" name is Chloe and yeah well I didn't tell them. They think I'm staying at Rachel's dorm for the weekend" Chloe says before looking back at the game on Rachel's phone.

The car was quiet after her comment, they all knew Chloe wasn't a good liar. Max looked out the window, she noticed a sign that read "now entering campground".

The campsite looked like out of that movie Friday the 13th 'Hmm...weird' she thought as Victoria pulled into the eerie sight. Victoria parked the car at a small area by the lake that had enough space for two tents. The four girls got out of Victoria's car and went to get their supplies from the blonde's trunk. It had been decided before the trip that Rachel and Chloe were going to share a tent. Victoria and Max were going to share one.

The girls sent by their tents without any trouble and put their items into their respected tent.

"Guys! We should go swimming!" Rachel excitedly said getting her swimsuit out of her luggage.

The rest of them agreed and went to get their swimming suits. Once they were all dressed in swimming attire, they went to the lake. The lake looked really pretty, it overlooked the horizon with a small island not far by them.

"COWLABUNGA!" Rachel shouted cannonballs into the lake making a big splash. The other three laughed at Rachel's antics.

The rest of them jumped into the lake.

"This is so nice" Max declares swimming around.

"Yeah, I wish we could do this every weekend...Classes are so stressful" Victoria agrees floating in the water.

They swam and played in the water for about an hour.

"I'm getting cold...Let's go back to the tent Maxine" Victoria gets out drying off.

Max silently agrees with the girl and gets out the water and dried off then followed Victoria back to the tent. Chloe and Rachel splashed around more after the two left.

"I dare you to swim over to that little island" Chloe says while pointing at a small island about 20 feet away from them.

"Pshh, that's easy" Rachel says then starts swimming towards the island.

Rachel reaches the island touching the land then starts swimming back to Chloe...She decides to play a little trick on Chloe and pretends she's being pulled under.

"CHLOE HELP!" Rachel acted terrified and held her breath and went under the water.

Chloe immediately freaks out and starts swimming where she saw Rachel being pulled from under. "Rach? Rach? Rachel!? Where are you?!" "Max! Vicky! Come quick!" She shouts to the other two who come from their tent rubbing their eyes and stretching.

"What is it? Cleo can't you see we were sleeping?" Victoria grumpily asks.

Chloe rolls her eyes at Victoria messing up her name. "Guys! Rachel disappeared!" She yells.

"Okay, Chloe slow down what happened?" Max asks her.

"Well...I dared her to swim over to that island over there and when she was coming back...she was pulled underwater." Chloe explains to the pair.

They decide to take Chloe's word seriously and search around the area. Suddenly the water bubbles near Chloe and Rachel appears laughing. "Oh my gosh! Chloe you are too gullible! Ahahaha!"

"That's not funny Rach, I thought something happened to you" Chloe says pouting.

"Aww I'm about I make it up to you? When we get into the tent I'll-" Rachel finishes off whispering into Chloe's ear leaving Chloe flustered.

"Uh-umm-I-umm-okay let's go! See y'all later!" Chloe rushes out the water pulling Rachel with her to the tent and quickly zips it up.

"Ugh...I do not want hear them" Victoria retorts gagging.

"Do you want to take a walk and explore the campground?" Max suggests.

"Sure. why not?" Victoria shrugs, she offers Max her hand since the other pair were in their tent they began their walk.

About after 30 minutes of time spent in the tent, the two get dressed in some clean clothes. Rachel announces that she is going to grab their stuff from the lake since they left in a hurry. Chloe being dramatic says to Rachel to be careful. Rachel laughs at this.

"She is soo silly sometimes" She says picking up their things. As she is walking back to their tent, she hears a branch crack in the distance she drops their towels. She looks around scared "Whose there? Chloe is that you? Stop playing around. Just because I tricked you, doesn't mean you have to trick me back". She shakes her head because it's just the woods and continuing walking back to their campground.

Once she reaches their campground, she goes inside their tent and dumps their other clothes in a pile and sees Chloe looking at a magazine.

Chloe looks up from her reading taking notice of Rachel's scared look. "What's wrong?" She sits up alarm.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard something" Rachel reassures the other girl.

"Hey, it's okay...we are near the woods, come lay out and read with me" Chloe says, gesturing to their sleeping bags.

"Alright, I forgot our towels at the lake...I'll be back real quick" She says already stepping out the tent.

Rachel walks back to the lake, she sees the towels she dropped and picks it up. When she start to walk back to their camping sight when she hears a bubbling noise coming from the water.

She hesitantly turns around and sees a man in a ski mask, wielding a machete in his hand coming out of the water and walking towards her.

Rachel's eyes grew wide and she is too scared to move, all she can do is let out a blood curdling scream.

Chloe is laying in her and Rachel's tent, reading a different magazine...wondering what is taking Rachel so long. She goes back to reading when she hears Rachel scream "AHHH!" She shoots up and grabs whatever she can find that can be used as a weapon, it's sadly a hairbrush. She slowly walks out the tent...surveying the area and sees Rachel being carried up by the mysterious man who is walking further into the woods, Chloe immediately runs after them but stops she gets too far to see their campsite. She goes back to their campsite, Max and Victoria arriving back from their walk.

"What's wrong Chloe? and where's Rachel? and why are you holding a hairbrush as a weapon?" Max asks looking confused at Chloe.

"Sh-she uh umm guy...and she-and screams" Chloe manages to get out.

"Chloe, slow down let's start from the beginning what happened?" Max says, leading Chloe to a seat with Victoria in tow.

"Th-the-there was this guy in a jumpsuit with a ski mask on his face carrying machete and he took Rachel" Chloe finally says.

Max and Victoria look at each other shocked and silently agree to tell her what they heard.

"Chloe, I need to tell you something" Max says nervously.

"What is it?" Chloe questions.

"Well, when we were walking...We ran into this old guy who said something about a camp legend. Apparently this campground was a summer camp for kids and there was this boy named Jason who drowned in the very lake that we were swimming earlier. None of the counselors or kids helped him or anything. Legend has it, he gets resurrected every Friday the 13th and come to kill campers." Max explains to the blue haired girl.

Chloe looks at her like 'You're kidding, right?' Then starts laughing her ass off. "Maxiepad, you've got to be kidding me that's've obviously been reading too much of this superstitions and myths. Stop playing, we need to find Rachel..Quick go find a weapon!" Chloe says determinedly.

"Hey! She's not playing! She's serious, we looked at old news articles over the area...Besides this Jason guy is really dangerous. A hairbrush won't save Rachel, think rationally Cleo" Victoria finishes off rolling her eyes.

"OMG! My name is CHLOE CHHLOOEEEEEEE! and I am!" Chloe shots up, getting into Victoria's face.

"Oh puh-leaseee, a hairbrush won't stop a machete wielding murderer, Rachel's probably dead already! We need to go to the police!" Victoria shouts.

"Take that back! ICE QUEEN!" Chloe shouts back.

The two start arguing back and forth.

"Guys-umm-guys-GUYS!" "What is it Max!" "What is it Maxine!" They say at the same time looking at her. But she isn't looking at them "Look!", she points to an area...they follow where she is pointing. Standing there at their campground and holding what looked like Rachel's bracelet was Jason.

"RUN!" They all shout.

The three of them all take off in different directions, Victoria runs towards straight ahead...however, she wasn't looking in front of her and ends up snagging her leggings on a fallen tree branch and gets stuck. "Help! Someone please!" She yells. She tries to gets her leggings free but it was too late. She tries again when she hears big footsteps and heavy breathing coming towards her. She stops and looks up in fear. It's him Jason she lets out a loud scream.

"AHHHH!" Is heard far in the woods, Chloe and Max manage to bump into each other. "Tori!" Max cries out. Victoria didn't answer, he had gotten her. "Come on! we have to keep moving, He has her now just like Rachel...we can't be next" Chloe urges Max to continue running. They look back once again and run for it.

They run for what seems like forever before stopping at an old camp cabin in the clearing that is covered with dust and cobwebs.

They go inside and start to barricade the door and windows with whatever they can find.

During their barricading, Chloe decides to speak up,"I guess you weren't fucking around Maxie...".

"Yeah, but we can't stop he could be nearby...We need to formulate a plan or something" Max says looking around for a weapon and finds a wooden bat and an old hunting knife.

"Here you take the bat...I'll go scoop out the area with the hunting knife" Max hands Chloe the bat and removes some items from their barrier and heads outside without a final word.

"Maximus don't go!", Chloe yells out.

Chloe walks around the cabin with the bat in hand, waiting for something or someone...Max hasn't come back in the cabin, 10 minutes goes by when suddenly Chloe hears a loud scream outside. She springs into action at the sound of the scream, she breaks their barrier and goes outside where Max isn't anywhere but all that is left is the knife and a trail of blood.

"NOOOOO!" Chloe drops on the ground screaming up to the sky.

She gets up and grab the knife, she decides to follow the trail. 'He won't get away with this' She thinks and begin to follow the trail.

"Jason! I'm going to kill you! No one messes with Chloe Price!" Chloe shouts out into the wooded area.

She reaches the end of the trail of blood and sees a lair...She hesitantly decides to enter it.

The lair was full of newspaper clipping of killings at the campsite and of Jason's death. And a collection of items probably his victims.

When she turns around, Jason is standing there with Max's hoodie in his hand waving it around mocking her. She runs towards him and hits him with the bat...the bat breaks, next she goes to stab him in the leg but all he does is stare at the knife in his leg then shrugs and pulls it out then starts walking towards her.

She breaks out into a run, looking behind her to see him catching up to her. 'Well fuck' she thinks then trips and falls over a large object, she looks and sees a body.

She starts screaming then backs up and sees another body. She looks up and sees he's even closer to her, she gets up and starts running again. She is stopped at a dead end by a cliff. 'Wellup this is the end' she thinks awaiting her death she turns around seeing him. He puts his machete above his head about to stab her, she is scooting away from it when she hears "Gotcha!" She looks up and sees Victoria, Max, and Rachel standing there well and alive.

'What the actual fuck?' Chloe looks at them in confusion.

"I thought he got you guys" Chloe says confused.

"This is my dad's supervisor Greg" Victoria introduces the 'Jason' to Chloe.

"But how?" Chloe still confused asks.

*Flashback a day before the trip*

"Guys, Chloe keeps teasing me about my superstitions" Max tells Victoria in her room.

"Aww I'm sorry Maxine...let's go get Rachel, we can play a prank on Cleo" Victoria already heading for the door.

They head towards Rachel's room and knocked on her door, when she opened the door they told her of what Chloe was doing...She had a soft spot for the small brunette and agreed right away.

They started planning their prank for the blue haired girl...she was going to learn a lesson.

*End of Flashback*

"Don't mess with me again" Max says.

"Yeah hehe I'm sorry Maxiepad, I promise I won't tease you again about your superstitions" Chloe apologizes to her.

"Ugh enough of the dramatics! Let's enjoy the rest of the weekend!" Rachel shouts out.

The others laugh then head back to their campground, they decide to have a barbecue. They all sit by the campfire and enjoy s'mores after eating their dinner.

"Damn, you guys hella sure freaked me out with those special effects" Chloe quirks to them.

Max, Rachel, and Victoria all look at each other confused.

Max asks "What special effects?"

Chloe laughs then says "you know the two dead bodies that I tripped over by the cliff".

All three of the girls looked at her in fear.

"We didn't have any dead bodies as props" Victoria says.

All four of them look around in fear, suddenly a groan is heard they turn around and look it is the real Jason. Greg had left a while ago...who is this?

They all scream then head to Victoria's car with whatever they could bring.

It was quite a trip...never again on Friday the 13th.

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