Living next door to One Direc...

By OneDirection20125

21.3K 168 113

Adriannas parents died when she was very young. Her and her little brothers Christopher and James were sent t... More

Chocolate syrup, whip cream, flour, and Pink goo?
The Carrot King?
A date, death contraption and greasy food.
Everyone has a secret.
More suprises?
To much to handle.
Story contest!!
Thats what you get for waking up in Vegas.
A familiar face?
Going Home
Coming clean
Well that explains it!
Liam knows
I'm sorry

Living next door to One Direction..

4K 21 7
By OneDirection20125

  Just to make things clear, I hate having to walk up every night to hear the same song over and over again on full blast. The song "Riverside" by Sidney Samson plays every single night at 1:00 am, you would think my neighbors would get tired of hearing the same song all the time. But, they don't, and I'm the only one who has to deal with them. Considering all of my other neighbors decided to move out, only I can't afford to move out of my wonderful and hard earned apartment. I left my foster home the day I turned 16, never looking back. Why would I? I hated that place! The only people that I regret leaving behind are my little brothers, Christopher and James. I did what I had to, I did what was best for them, for us.  Christopher, the youngest is turning 6 next week on May 12th, my other brother James just turned 15 two weeks ago. When I was little and my brothers were still young, our parents died. They had gone to a funeral for one of my fathers co workers, on their way to pick us up from my grandmothers, they were hit by a drunk driver. They both died instantly, leaving my brothers and I with NOTHING and KNOW ONE. After the funeral, they told us we could'nt stay with our grandmother. They said she was incapable, considering her age, they didn't think she could handle us. So, they kept us together ( Thank God!) but sent us to foster care. I promised my brothers that when I turned 18, I would leave, get a job, and find us a home. I kept that promise, I ALWAYS keep my promises. So, tomorrow I will be going down to the foster center and getting my brothers back. I've been gone for about 1 year and a half now, but I kept in touch with them. Making sure that they were okay and ensuring them I would be back for them. I will finally be reunited with the only family I have left. I'm supposed to be getting as much sleep as possible before I become the gaurdian to two growing boys. If they act the way they did when I was with them in foster care, then I know I won't be getting much sleep. But it seems impossible with my neighbors, I have never seen them before because I'm usually gone when they are there and come in at late nights due to my working hours at the diner. Even though I've never seen them, I know there are at least 5 of them and they all live in the apartments surrounding mine. But, they like throwing these huge dance parties every night/morning to the same song for hours at a time in the apartment right across from my apartment. They've never bothered to talk to me, even though every night I go and bang on their door, screaming for them to turn the music down.

My names Adrianna by the way, I have long cherry red hair and intense green eyes. I personally think my skin is to pale, but what ever. I'm 17 and a half and have never had a boyfriend before. Don't judge. I mean who needs a boyfriend? I like being the independant girl I am. I'm stronger this way and theres nobody holding me back from being who I am. Lifes better like this.



I get in my red 1969 Ford Mustang, my baby. I practically spent every penny I had on this car, maybe the boys will be impressed? I'm on my way to pick them up from their foster parents home. I can't wait to see them! I'm so excited for them to see how well I've done in finding the perfect car and home. Even though my neighbors are freakishly annoying, and like to throw those parties every night, I still think my brothers will like it! No, LOVE it. They will each be able to have there own room AND bathroom! Nothing better then privacy, eh? I hope my boys realize all that I've done for them. It took me forever to find the most perfect and affordable apartment. I pull in to the driveway to the my brothers foster parents home. I sit there for a while, thinking, wondering. What if things are awkward? What if they don't want to come with me? UGHH!! Get a hold of yourself Adrianna! Of course they want to go with you!! You've talked to them almost every single day!! Plus, you've worked so hard to get custody of them! I take a deep breath and get out of my car, taking baby steps to the front door. Once I reach the door I knock three times and wait for someone to answer. It seemed like forever, only, I know it was only a few seconds before someone finally answered the door. In front of me was a short woman with short light brown hair and blue eyes. She looked exhausted, but still greeted me with a warm smile. I smiled back, even though I was quite dissapointed that one of my brothers hadn't answered the door first. This woman couldn't be more than 40 maybe even late 30's? It doesnt matter because she was beautiful. I then realize that she had started to talking while i was observing her. (sounds creepy, I kknow!) I blush and reach shake her reached out hand. " Hello there, you must be Adrianna, am I correct? " I nod whiole she continues talking. " Oh good! The boys have been talking non stop about your arrival, Im Caroline by the way, I've been the boys foster mother for a year now! And I have to admit, I'm going to miss them.." A flash of sadness came across her eyes and I instantly felt guilty. I was taking my brothers away from her and she really looked like she was going to miss them, alot. "I really appreciate you taking such good care of them, I can tell your going to miss them and please stop by and visit whenever you feel like it, yeah?" Her face lit up instantly when she realized what I had told her. " I would really like that, I honestly love them like they are my own, I'm truly going to miss them." Just then we hear footsteps running down the stairs and a loud thud soon after. Caroline just shakes her head, a small smile forming on her lips. She walks me over to the stair case where there are 4 boys on the floor, all toppled on top of each other. We both laugh as the boys groan and try to get up.

 I instantly lock eyes with my brother James. Boy has he changed! He now had snake bites, was about a head taller then me and still had his pitch black hair. I knew it was him instantly, he had piercing blue eyes. We stared at each other for a while before breaking out into huge grins. He runs to me and gives me a bone crushing hug.

"Hey little sis" he mumbles into my hair. "Little?! Who are you calling little? I'm older then you!" I tell him trying to be serious and looking mad, but I failed miserably with the huge smile on my face. "I've really missed you Ari" I smile and look up at my big little brother. "I've really missed you too" I tell him almost on the brink of tears. He notices and tells me not to cry because then he would cry to and it's "bad" for his reputation. I laugh at that and ruffle his hair while he glares at me. Man, I've missed him! Right as James was about tell yell at me for messing up his hair, he's interupted, by Christopher.  I look him over and pull him into a hug. He giggles as I tell him how much he's grown and how much I've missed him. He hasn't really changed, he still had his little baby face and kiddy voice. I noticed his hair had become blonder if thats even possible and his eyes are still a striking grayish, silvery blue. I love his and James eyes. If you hadn't noticed, we are all very different and don't seem to look related. But we are. I was the out cast of the family with my red hair and green eyes. Christopher looked just like our father, while James had our mothers hair and eyes. James soon joins into our hug and I couldn't have been happier. I had my boys back in my life and they were all I needed. They are probably the only boys who could break my heart and the only boys I will probably ever love who will love me back. After another long bone crushing hug, we pull apart and say our good byes. I noticed the other two boys that were there earlier on the stairs had gone. Caroline cried a little and so did the boys. It broke my heart, literally. I gave them some space and put their things into my car. When they finished, I thanked Caroline or everything. She told me it was an honor to be blessed with taking care of such amzing boys. That made me smile and very proud on the inside. "WOAH! This is your car?!" I looked at James and smirked at his expression. " Yup" Is all I say. The boys get in and soon we were on our way to my apartment. Our apartment. And I couldn't wait to see what their faces were when they saw my place. I mean OUR place. They looked really excited, but I couldn't help but feel nervous. Only, I didnt know why, I couldn't quite place it. When pulled up to the apartment complex, the boys looked impressed. These were very nice apartments. We got out of the car and started to grab all of their belongings, carrying them into the building. The apartment complex looked as if it were a very expensive hotel, only it wasnt. We went to the elevator trying to stuff as much of their things in there at once, not wanting to make so many trips back to the car. I press the button for the top floor and wait for the elevator doors to close. Only instead of closing, it opens. Its then that I realize someones hand had kept it from closing. It was a boy around my age and let me tell you, he is hot! He had a friend with him who also looked our age, he to is very hot! They stepped in, obviously not caring that it was jam packed in here already. The elevator door then closes as it starts to rise. The boys turn around and smile breath taking smiles. I practically just died! One of them reaches out his hand for me to shake, I shake his hand as he tells me his name. " Hey I'm Zayn, whats your name beautiful?" I blush and tell him my name. "Thats a beautiful name you've got there" The other boy told me. What was his name? He was extremely handsome! "I'm Liam by the way" He puts his hand out for me to shake just like Zayne. The second our hands touch it felt like bolts of electricity shooting throughout my whole body! I can tell he felt them to by his facial expression. He smiled at me and I smiled, never breaking eye contact with him. It was then, when James cleared his throat and I realized it was our stop. I looked away from him, I could feel my cheeks burning, oh my, how embarrasing! I grabbed my brothers bags and walked out of the elevator. As we were walking out I mumbled a "nice to meet you" while looking down at the ground.I heard him mumble a "you too" but I never looked back at him. My brothers follow me down the hallway and stop once we reach my door. It's when I'm looking for my key that i realize Zayn and Liam are both walking into the apartment next to mine. Before they closed the door, they both poked there heads out (get yo minds out of the gutter people!) and told me somethig i should've seen coming. " Nice to finally meet you neighbor!See you around, ey?" Liam winked at me before Zayn closed the door. How had I not seen that coming?! I mean nobody else lives on this floor but me and them. Why else would they have gotten off when we did? I open the door frustrated after finally finding my keys and unlocking the door. My brother walk in to the apartment both not saying a single word. Awkward turtle! I show the James his room and then Christopher, I could tell they were both happy but it seemed no one wanted to talk after the whole elevator and hallway incident. The boys went to set up there own rooms while I started lunch. It was already 1:00pm, wow time went by fast! James walked into the kitchen, we both smile at each other. I see that he was on his laptop. "What are you looking at?" I ask him. He stares at me in disbelief before saying "You really don't know who they were, do you?" I looked at him like he was crazy. " What are you talking about?" I mean sure they looked familiar but I couldn't remember where i had seen them. James just shakes his head and turns his laptop around, so its facing me. On the computer screen I see 5 incredibly hot boys. I notice Zayn and Liam immediatly! This is crazy! It took me a while to wrap this around my head. One Direction lived next door. To me. And I had just met Liam and Zayne. 2/5 of 1D. At first I was shocked, happy, then very angry! These are the guys keeping me from getting my much needed sleep for the past year and a half! I hadnt even noticed that James had left. I stared down at the picture and read the caption. " One Direction the popular new boy band have girls all over the world falling in love with them and their amazing voices.." I shut the laptop and sat down on the couch. These guys owe me for keeping me up all those nights. I don't care if they are famous and insanely hot. They are going to pay for this. One Direstion just messed with the wrong girl. Looks like I'm going to be paying a cetain 5 boys a little visit! This should be fun.


******I know that was long but thats how i wanted the first chapter to be! I hope all of you like it! Please comment and vote! I know this one is pretty boring but it gets way much better and more fun!! Shall I get 10 votes and 3 comments before i upload another chapter? I think, Yes!!***** This is my first story so please, please, please give me some feed back and tell me what you think!<3 love Ana(:


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