By nutjob

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Ava Finn her life is normal and perfect loved by all her friends with her obnoxious brother her life is compl... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter 2 (Picture of Aiden)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Picture of Stephanie)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Picture of Terry)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 [Prom]
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

18 0 0
By nutjob

Hey guys sorry for such a delay in uploading chapter: 10 ….just wasn’t in the state of writing but now I’m back with the very new chapter hope you’ll like it :D

“Trust me Ava you won’t regret it and maybe you might become the prom queen and I, Stephanie cooper the one and only b.f.f of Ms.Prom queen” Stephanie said rising her head high up in pride

“Hey don’t forget me “Stefan protested

“No, she loves me more you Douche”

“Yea right in your dreams”

“I met her first”

“Well I’m there when she’s in some kind of trouble”

“Don’t you start with the word “Trouble” we all know who’s there and who’s not”

“No---y-ouuuu” Stefan started to say something

“Aaaaaaaa Cut if off both of you I love both of you equally” I said honestly

“See, why she’s MY bff, she knows how to make peace unlike you” Stephanie replied with anger

“No, unlike you” Stefan protested again

“Ok, seriously you if both don’t stop I’ll not run for the Prom queen and this time I’ll not make peace between us” I ordered in order to make them stop.

“Noooooooooo” Both of them replied at once

“Cool then Steph I want you to tell me what to do about the shit you threw me in and Stefan I want you not to fight with her” I replied and we were going toward the cafeteria

“Yea mam” Both replied with their hands up in their hands to give a salute or rather I would say trying to cheer me up

“See you started the fight even Ava says so” Stephanie whispered behind me to Stefan but not quite enough for me not to listen I just wanted to see where they were going with this fight.

“No, you did”

“Can you just cut it out now, it’s getting annoying” I replied

“Sorry Aves, but I just can’t tolerate him you now”

“Who asked you to?’” Stefan replied with anger again

“Well, nobody did so, leave me and Ava alone” Stephanie replied

“No, Ava is coming with me” Stefan cried

“’no, she’s coming with me cause I’ll help her with Prom you are good only for putting up the fliers for her…so do that only”

“SHUT UP!!! I’m going with none of you, you guys can’t give your arguments a break for a day can you? I’m going for class I dunno what will you people do” I replied with anger and I stormed out of the cafeteria door.

“But Aves wait up” Stefan shouted but with no result

“Don’t try she’ll not stop” Stephanie suggested


“Well that didn’t make her happy” Stephanie started the conversation sitting in the cafeteria upset

“See, told you the crappy idea of yours won’t work instead it got her more pissed” Stefan replied

“I can see that …I’m not the one with glasses here”

“So got any other master plan? Stefan asked

“Nope, doesn’t ring a bell in my brains”

“I guess then we should stick to the Prom Queen plan maybe that’ll keep her distracted for some time and you can keep her busy with all the work and etc. etc.”

“Aye Aye Captain Smarty Pants…but do you think it’ll work” Stephanie asked in a confused tone

“I’m not sure, not at all…But we have to give it a try “


Life sucks big time for me now, First Aiden second the stupid Prom and third my best friends fighting like cats. I don’t understand why did my life had to take such a quick twist and turn that I didn’t get enough time to cope up with it …I mean it’s like it’s raining cat and digs in my life but not rain this time but problems. And now this prom queen I mean I never ran for anything like that before and I’m not even sure what the Prom queen does to win Holy Crap I hope I can pass through this trouble soon…..As, I was taking my books from the locker…..

“So, any decisions made yet? “ George asked leaning beside the locker next to mine

“Umm about what?”

“Well...About our future life my love how many kids we’ll have etc. etc.” George joked

“That did make me laugh George …but I guess that’s up to you how many kids you want”

“Well I’m guessing around 5 “

“What am I a baby producing machine?”

“No….the beautiful I madly love”

‘Ok…enough of this future talk for now what decision were you talking about?”

“Well about the Prom queen are you running for it?”

“Not yet, I’m not sure I should run for something like this, I mean it’ll be great if I win but I have never done something like this before you know”

“But there’s always a first time Ava”

“Yeah I know I guess I should at least give it a try…”

“Hell yea you should…You’ll great with that crown of Prom queen in your head”

“If I win that is”

“You will …you surely will”

I nodded and smiled

“Hey  Ava?” George asked in a serious tone

“Yeah, something wrong?”

“No... Not yet, depends I wanted to ask you something”

“Yea please go ahead”

“Ummm… I dunno how to put this but Are you sure you are in love with me?”

I wasn’t shocked by this remark of his …I was expecting it sooner or later from him ….           

“What made you think that George?”

“Well …..” I didn’t much of reply it was as if he had nothing left to say

“Yes, yes of course I love you” I lied trying not to look in his eyes

“Are you….well never mind forget I ever asked that” He replied with a forced smile in face

“Ok, then I have to rush somewhere I’ll catch up with you later ok?” I told him trying to change the topic

“Yea sure bye then” He replied

I smiled, forcefully somehow until I was no longer in his sight and I was trying to act normal as if nothing had happened how can I be so unfair to him? And now even there’s no chance for me about Aiden why am I still using him? I could clearly see the confusion and pain in George’s eyes they were not normal to me, he wanted to say a lot more but he couldn’t I just can’t use or betray him anymore he is such a sweet down-to-earth guy he deserved a lot better than someone like me. I needed advise and help from someone I could talk to anytime I want so I called my mom.

“Hey mom…when are you coming back from your trip I miss you”

“I miss you more darling I’ll be back in a few more days how’s school going?”

“Not too well mom I needed your advice”

“Yea sure honey what’s wrong?”

“Mom …do you think somebody should use another person for their own good”

“Well sweetie …we should use another person for our own good that’ll just hurt us and the person we are using…why did you do something like that?”

“I guess I did mom …but I didn’t mean to what should I do now?”

“Look honey I know you’ll never do something bad intentionally and if you have done a mistake I say you should fix it “

“How mom…I’m so confused nothing’s going right”

“You should tell the truth….you know sweetie you’ll realize later that though truth hurts us sometimes it also helps…so I think you should tell the truth”

“You think so?”

“Of course I do honey”

“Then I’m going to do no matter what the consequences are thanks mom you always know how to help me”

“I’m glad I could sweetheart…but I have to rush for a conference now so I’ll talk to you later then”

Yea sure mom bye love you”

“Love you too sweetie take care of you and your brother”

‘I will mom bye”


After talking to mom I felt such a relief ….mom has been my bestest friend since a long time not I wasn’t the mommy’s daughter type but I always could confide in her she never would judge me about what I did how I did or why I did …but now I know what am I gonna do and no matter what I won’t do something wrong anymore ….only problem left now was The Prom queen for which I needed Stephanie so forgetting my anger on her so I texted her.

“Steph need to talk to you ASAP meet me in the cafeteria in 10 minutes”

“I’ll be right there Aves”

Exactly after 10 minutes …Stephanie showed up which was rather unusual for her …I thought I should definitely take Stephanie’s help for the Prom as she already had won it twice and I never ran for it so she was perfect for me at the moment.

“At your service mam…you still mad at me”

“No I’m not but you gotta promise me you that you guys won’t fight like that anymore the last thing I want right now is my best friends to fall apart too”

“Sorry Ava I promise even if Stefan is killing me with his boring talks I won’t fight with him”

“That’s great then …actually I called you for my prom queen lessons you wanted give me “

“Oh yea right Prom sure there’s not much to learn you’re perfect yourself but just first thing we need to do is get you the perfect Prom queen dress”

“So we can go to shopping after school then “

‘Sounds great to me”

“Perfect…hey Steph do you think you I can do it?”

“Think I don’t think I Know you can do it”

“Thanks Steph you’re the perfect best friend” I said hugging her

I know…by the way can you say that to Stefan”


“Sorry…I’m always here for you “

“I know you are…let’s have a sleepover in my place today?”I asked Stephanie

“Umm…I dunno Ava I kinda have plans for today tomorrow maybe?”

“Plan?? What kind of plans are you going on a date?” I asked her getting excited

“Yea something like that actually”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything who’s the lucky one tell me everything from the beginning”

“Oh I didn’t say anything because you are already going through so much I thought saying something like this would make you sadder”

“Sad??No way my best friend’s dating some awesome guy and I’ll be sad no way so who’s the guy?”

“Umm…you’ll know soon I promise”

“Ok …if you say so”

As the bell rang both me and Steph had gone for our classes…but I just couldn’t concentrate in the class it’s been such a long day and I haven’t seen Aiden for a bit since he had dropped me to school…besides why am I thinking about him? Right now I should concentrate on how am I going to tell George the truth and the prom queen…I have a big competition this time Stacey she is even running for Prom queen this time so I have to work harder….

After school was over…We drove to Prada its one of the best shop with gown there were so many dresses I just couldn’t get the right one and I don’t care I win or not but I wanted to wear just the perfect Dress to prom I wanted my night to be Special but unfortunately due to extremely high price we decided to go to another shop but I did have hard time to control Stephanie as she is a big shopaholic…. Next we drove to Burberry another awesome shop…they had such fine collection I liked one of the gowns it was a Turquoise color long gown it was great …but I couldn’t buy at as my teacher Stephanie thought it didn’t have the magic of the prom queen dress…then lastly we drove to D&G .

“So Aves I guess we’ll find the perfect dress in this shop”

“But Steph the gown I liked in Burberry I guess we should have brought that one “

“Yea but we need the best one for you…c’mon I’m sure we’ll find something in this shop for you”

As we entered the shop it was like heaven to both of us …we were handled by a very kind employee of the shop she would be three years elder than us…

‘Hello ladies how may I help you?”

“Umm we are looking for Prom dresses for my friend here”

“Yea we have the perfect dresses for you mam please come this way”

“See Ava I told you we’ll find the perfect dress for you here”

“Yea I hope so “

“Here these five dresses are our best prom collections you can pick some from here the Trial room is that way” The lady pointed toward the room

“Ava these Dresses are perfect “

The dresses were actually great I got more confused each of them was better than the other…so I decided to try all of them firstly I tried out this purple strapless Gown…

“So how do I look Steph?”

“Umm good try out the other ones it’s too short for you” Stephanie replied texting someone on her cell and smiling quietly

Next I tried out a White long gown with a black flower sticked at the waist it was really gorgeous with great fold at the downer end…

“Is this good enough Steph?”

“Umm this is too wedding type you look a bride nope this one is out” She replied still texting

Next I tried out a very beautiful gown it was a one-piece strapless, Slim A line gown with corset Closure adorned with sparkling sequins and bedding it was beautiful….

“Steph you have to like thus one c’mon seriously it’s beautiful”

“No no…its not that good” this time she didn’t even look at the dress properly

‘Steph you have come with ME to shop so stop texting and help me pick the right dress please”

“Yea sorry …ok umm wear this dress this will look perfect one you”

She handed over a purple long strapless gown my Priscilla , a famous designer with fine work it was thin and slim gown….and after I wore it Steph was right I did look perfect in this dress….

“Steph I look perfect now” I said fixing my dress

“Yes you look beautiful in this dress” an unexpected voice replied

“Steph what’s wrong with your voice?...Aiden !!! What are you doing here?”

“Well Stephanie called and she needed help to pick out her dress too so I thought to help her”

“Stephanie called you?” I asked in a surprised tone

‘Yea she texted me a few minutes ago”

‘Where is Stephanie now?” Aiden asked

“I dunno I was in the trial room”

“I’m here people…’ Stephanie showed up with a gown in her hand too

“Oh hey Aiden thanks for coming”

“Yea anytime”

“Just wait up letmme try out this dress first and you tell me how I look and Ava you look just wow perfect dress buy this one”

“Thanks Steph”

“Yea I’m sure you’ll look great Stephanie” Aiden reassured

“I’m confused here since when are you the best pals” I asked Aiden

“Well didn’t Stephanie tell you I’m going to the prom with her”

That’s it guys end of chapter 10 …but don’t come to any kinds of conclusion without reading any further trust me it’s not what you think it is …there’s still a lot of surprises to come yet … VOTE FAN AND COMMENT ….enjoy :D

<3 rae

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