Saving Kamden | Cell 118 Sequ...

By ShardaeWrites

79.3K 4.1K 519

It seemed like a normal day. It had been smooth sailing the past few years and everything seemed perfect. Unt... More

Valentine's Day


4.3K 235 10
By ShardaeWrites


The car ride home was silent. The radio wasn't playing, no one said a word. Chris pulled into the driveway of our home. He helped me walk into the house and I carefully sat on the living room couch.

"You need anything?" Chris studied my face

"No." I shook my head. "I'm fine."

My phone lit up and Morgan's name came across the screen. I didn't feel like talking so I just let it ring.

I laid there and thought about the possibility of me never being able to carry a child again. All over a jealous, money hungry, ugly ass bitch.

"You ok?" Chris wiped my face.

I didn't even realize that I was crying. I slightly shook my head. Chris moved my hair out my face and kissed my forehead.

"Talk to me."

"What if we never have another child?" Tears fell

"Don't talk like that."

"No. She told me!" I sat up

"Who?" Chris studied my face.

"The nurse. She told me that it would be harder for us. I don't even have Kam right now and now this?"

Chris pulled me into a hug. "Everything will be ok."


I sighed loudly. "Can somebody please get that whining ass little boy!" I yelled

"He wants his mother." 1 of my workers commented

I slowly turned around. "And I want my money."

He shook his head. "I can't keep doing this. It's wrong. It's obvious that the child is scared. You've basically traumatized him. I hope you get what you're after, but I'm done."

I watched as he walked out the door. He was the only one that I had left. Now I have to do all this shit by myself.

"Calm down." I spoke to myself as I took deep breaths.

I should have just did it by myself to start with.



"You gotta get up out the bed at some point." Chris sat beside me

"I get up, use the bathroom, and lay back down. Thats good enough."

"But you won't even eat anything. I understand that you're stressed but this isn't the route to take. Look at you!" He stood up.

"I don't give a fuck! I don't have either one of my kids! So at this point, I could die. What I got to live for? Please tell me, Chris. What the fuck do I have to live for?!"

"So this is it? You're just going to give up? That easily? I don't know about you but I have a son out there that I'm not going to stop fighting for."

I watched as Chris left the room. A few moments later, the front door slammed.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling.

"God, please bring my son back to me."

I eventually cried myself to sleep.

I walked down the hall. Kamden was playing in his room. The sound of a baby crying filled my ears. I smiled as I walked across the hall.

"What's the matter mama?" I cooed

I picked her up and rocked her back to sleep. I carefully laid her back in her crib.

I moved her curls to the side as I admired her little face. She was beautiful.

As I ran my hand gently down her smooth face, everything around me began to disappear.

I panicked as the baby faded away. I slowly backed out of the room. And ran down the hall, which seemed to go on forever.

Before I could reach Kam, he faded away. Everything around me began to disintegrate until I was surrounded by complete darkness.

I gasped as I sat up. Tears streamed down my face. I noticed that the bathroom light was on and the shower was running.

"Chris!" I screamed

"What happened? What's wrong?" He rushed out of the bathroom.

"I saw her."

"Saw who?"

"The baby. Our baby girl." I sobbed "Her and Kam disappeared right in front of me."

"We are going to get him back. I have people on it. I promise. I'm not going back to work until he's here with us. I know this isn't easy baby but he's coming back."

"Nothing in my life has ever gone right. I can't even be a good mother."

"Don't talk like that. This is not your fault."


I rolled over and Chris wasn't in bed. I walked downstairs and he was on the phone. He looked like it was something serious so I didn't bother him.

I fixed myself a bowl of cereal and sat across from him. After about 15 minutes. The call was over. He tossed his phone beside him and ran his hands across his face.

"Everything ok?"

"Yea. I got some people looking for Nicole for me. They found a spot where she was at. You could tell Kam had been there too but the place was empty."

He got up and paced the floor.

"Shit!" He yelled as he knocked a vase off the shelf before walking into the garage.

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