London Fever

By ThisIsUnderland

5.7K 283 17

Alex Cross has just left America, moving to London to go to a University that she's been wishing to go to for... More

London Fever
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Three

249 14 1
By ThisIsUnderland

I must've been in limbo throughout the whole day. I feel like a zombie and all of my notes in my binder are sloppily written and scattered. I lift my head off I my desk and stand, then realize that I'm the last one still in the classroom besides Baker.

I grab my spilled papers, clip them into my binder and adjust my beanie. Slowly, I shuffle out of the classroom and into the hallway. Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"You look like a zombie," Harry stated.

I shrugged. "I can't even remember writing down all of the notes."

"Well, would you like a go for some coffee?" He asked quietly. I looked around quickly to see if it was a prank.

"As... friends right? I mean, I'll pay for myself." I replied. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"Of course as friends, we've only just met. But I want to pay, it's the least thing I can do to repay you for letting me borrow your notebook." He was serious. I can't remember the last time someone actually offered to take me out to coffee. Or any place, for that matter.

I wasn't exactly the 'social' sort. I had a few friends. Amy, Jim, Samara, Madison, Celeste, those were the main ones. But boys just never really looked at me like I was desirable. If I went anywhere with a boy, it was because I was one of the guys I guess. Airsoft arenas, basketball games, rugby. That's where they asked me to go. Never once was I asked to coffee.

"Okay, fine. I'll go. Do you want me to wear something special, because I don't own nice clothes. I worked at Hottopic in America so.... all of my clothes look like this."

"No, what you have is fine. I like it," Harry pulled the left side of my beanie down a bit. "Sorry, my friends think I have OCD. Sometimes, I'm afraid that they're right." Harry chuckles.

"Well, what time, and where, do we meet?"

"I'll come get you, around half five?"

"Sure. I should get going before Mackenzie starts to worry." I begin to walk off, but he stops me.

"Let me walk with you, it's December. It's snowy, icy, and London isn't exactly the safest place for women. Day or night, on or off campus. Trust me, I know."

"Okay? Fine, you can walk with me. But no way you are going in my dorm." I giggle girlishly, and we walk out of the school. I shiver for a second, I forgot that I didn't have my coat.

"Here, I drug you out too early..." Harry sheds his hoodie off and places it around my shoulder. I smile happily as I put it on. I even go out of my limits as to hug him for his generosity.

He laughs. "So it's safe to say we're friends now?"

"Of course, but I don't know much about you."

"We'll play twenty questions at the cafe, okay?"

"Okay," I laugh again. We keep walking, and when we near the girl's dorms, my converses are soaked. We step inside, and go up the two flights of stairs to my dorm room 221 B. I hand him his jacket and squish around in my wet shoes.

"I'll come to get you at half five, remember. Do you have any boots?" Harry asks.

"No... I left them at my dad's house in America..."

"Oh... well, I'll see you."

"Bye," I say. I go into the dorm and shut the door. Mackenzie eyeballs me from the tiny kitchen.




"Not a liar."

"Whatever, Liar."

She's laughing so I know she's joking. Mack glides her fingers through her perfect caramel hair. I'm jealous. I wish my hair was caramel, but I wouldn't look right. My hair is dull black-brown and curly. Thick, tiny ringlets. The best I can describe it as is EXACTLY LIKE LORDE FROM ROYALS. I hate that song but she's so pretty. I have hair exactly like hers, but a different color.

I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to dye my hair something pretty. Maybe a vibrant red like Ariel's. Or a nice noir black. Both would look good with my bright blue-green eyes.

I don't know... but I do know that I need boots. I'll order some later. Right now, it's five because I've been in my bed half asleep for an hour. But not exactly sleeping.

I roll off the bed and get up. I wipe off all of the smeared eyeliner and apply it thinly, just barely there. Then mascara. I switch out my wet white converses for black, dry ones. Tadah. I'm done, just in time for Harry to knock on my door.

"Coming!" I yelled. Mack was eyeballing me again, and I gave her the finger. She laughed and threw a shoe at my head just as I opened the door. It hit Harry in the chest.

"Sorry! That was Mack's fault. She threw the shoe."

"DATE!" She yelled. I slammed the door shut.

This isn't a date, Jesus.

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