College Life

By Xo_lee

145K 4.2K 469

Fantasy jones is most known for being a sweet, smart, beautiful, independent girl from a small country town... More

College Life
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 pt. 1
Chapter 13 pt 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 pt 1 [SHORT]
Chapter 15 pt 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Side note.
Chapter 21 (short)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (short)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
By the way
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Side Note
Chapter 33

Chapter 28

1.9K 61 5
By Xo_lee

Excuse my mistakes ! This chapter also uses strong language.

Jamie POV

As we went from aisle to aisle, Ryan picked up every healthy, diet, low calorie food he could find while I put it all back on the shelf. He turned around and looked at the basket finally to notice that it was completely empty. Smiling, he balled the list up and threw it in the basket.

Ryan: okay just this time baby, you know I can gain weight pretty fast.

Me: i understand but that's what the gym is for, besides what I look like eating some low fat cookies?

Ryan: that reminds me, I told the boys you live with me now and they insist on coming over tonight for dinner.

Me: fine by me.

As in the boys, Ryan meant all of his brothers coming over once again. I enjoyed their company so I didn't have a problem with that. As for the cooking, the chef had been on vacation all week so I didn't know who was about to be in the kitchen making all that food.

Ryan: you know alcohol makes you gain weight?

He said looking over at the aisle with all the alocoholic drinks.

Me: why do you think my ass so fat?

I said laughing. Ryan could try all he wanted to make me eat better but it was not going to work. He came up behind me and hugged me, grabbing my waist gently as he whispered in my ear.

Ryan: I think it's something else keeping that ass so big.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, he was such a tease.

Me: baby go get me some  chips on the next aisle.

He nodded and walked away from me and the cart. I decided to check my phone and I had 5 missed calls from Sarah already. I swear I couldn't leave her at work by herself for 5 minutes without her almost burning the place down. I was about to call her back until I heard someone talking behind me.

?: damn girl.

I turned around and looked at a boy who looked about my age. The ugly ones always the bold ones.

Me: excuse me? You are?

?: I wasn't gone say nothing but damn I had to tell you that you beautiful

Me: thank you my nigga tells me that everyday.

I said continuing to text Sarah on my phone, this fool didn't even have a chance with me.

?:damn boo, He must be a lucky guy. Cause if I was your-

Me: okay but you're not. He is literally on the next aisle and he'll break your skinny ass in half. Matter of fact I'm about to do it myself if you don't go back to where you came from.

By now I was so irritated that I wanted to pull out my pepper spray and end this nigga since Ryan wanted to take away my gun. He claimed that I never used it for the right reasons. Ryan finally came back to where I was and looked at the boy like he was lost.

Ryan: you lost buddy?

The boy eventually got the message and walked off the aisle leaving us alone. Ryan watched him walk away while I looked at the bag of chips I told him to go get.

Me: baby these not lays...

He gave me a grin instead of trying to explain.

Ryan: who was that though?

Me: don't worry about it he was just a lame. I was about to pepper spray his ass.

Ryan: I took that away too Jamie.

After hearing that, I looked into my purse trying to see where my pepper spray was and it was definitely gone. Before I could even say anything he started to speak again.

Ryan: baby you a little bit too crazy to be carrying these around. I know you like the back of my hand now.

He said laughing as he proceeded to push the cart, I could never have any type of fun with Ryan trying to ruin it. I walked behind him now ready to leave the store. My headaches were starting to come back and so was the cramps I had in my stomach. I had no idea what this feeling was but I assumed I just needed to rest more.

Shaun POV

I sat in my car looking at the various Instagram post of Thomas on my phone. At first it was only one person who posted him, next thing you know he was all I seen on my timeline. I felt devestated and bitter that I didn't know who killed him, but I also felt bad for not speaking to him for a long time. Coming into college, Thomas, Rich , and I were very close. All 3 of us would eat at the nearby cafe every night and try to hit on girls we liked. Thomas never joined because he was always in love with Angie. It wasn't until I met Ross that we ended up not speaking to each other anymore. I found a way for some fast money if the NBA wasn't guaranteed and Thomas wasn't down for it.

He was always a wild guy but whenever I tried to get him to sell he always declined. So I decided to go on without him and show off the money I was making in his face, the beef started to be so bad we were almost about to fight one day. However, Rich and him still had remained close. He would always say I changed and that he didn't know who I was anymore. I never took him serious until the day his child was born and I wasn't allowed in the room to be apart of it, but Rich was. After that, I accepted what it was but now that he was gone, I felt bad for everything I had did to him.

I guess you could say before I started working for Ross I was less cruel, more controllable. I never wanted that to come in between my friendship. But shit started to happen where I needed the money and then I met Brittany, next thing you know everything was going down hill. I looked at a picture of all three of us on our first day at campus. Where did everything go wrong?

I never meant to end up putting my hands on Fantasy and my intentions were to never hurt her. I ended up wanting her so bad I lost my friendship with someone who had never betrayed me. Rich was always a person I could count on but once I found out he wanted the girl I was supposed to have, I just couldn't take it. I'm tired of always coming in second place with him. I became so mad with him I had to hide Trinity's body in his trunk, it was my revenge. From time to time I felt like turning myself in but I always decided to put it in the back of my mind. He wanted to take the girl of my dreams, steal my shine on the court, and mess up my money with Ross. It was no way in hell I was going to let him get away with all this.

I told my parents Brittany was pregnant with another niggas baby so now it was no way I could marry her, but I didn't tell them the baby was gone. I had got word on the street where Dalvin lived so killing this nigga before he killed me wasn't a problem. Then Ross would see I don't need Rich's help with none of this shit.

My phone started to ring, picking it up it said unknown caller but I decided to answer anyway.

Me: who this?

?: Tammy

Me: look Tammy, I don't got time for you right now I got shit to take care of.

Tammy: this is important, Dalvin just shot up the house, Ross got hurt but he's okay, things aren't too pretty right now. Get down here, now.

After trying to understand what she was saying, I slammed on the gas pedal and started to head to the drug house to see what was going on. I was furious that Dalvin managed to try to come for us again without getting caught. I knew I was in big trouble with Ross because I was supposed to be killing this nigga a long time ago, so I was nervous to see what he had to say.

Once I finally reached the spot, I pulled up into the back like I always did to make sure no one would see me. I could see how the house had been damaged and broken into. I quickly got out the car and busted open the door since security wasn't around. Ross was laid out on the couch bleeding severely with everyone else trying to help him. It looked as if he had been shot in the leg twice and beaten up badly. Once he realized I was in the room, he motioned for me to come to him.

Me: Ross man, I'm-

Ross: I could have been dead because you can't do your fucking job. Look at the place, just look at it !

I looked around and saw that everything had been stolen and damaged. This had to have been pretty bad and knowing Dalvin he had some help doing all of this shit. Ross managed to speak again after groaning in pain.

Ross: As of now, you don't work for me anymore. You don't do a damn thing for me. I have told you more than once to kill him and he somehow gets to me. If they didn't take all my guns, I'd kill you right here and now.

Me: where imma make my money then? Ross I been out here hustling on my own I don't have Rich no more. If anything I should get paid more.

Ross: ever since he got locked up, you haven't did shit for me or this business. Face it, you can't make it without him. Just leave son.

Me: You think I haven't been looking for Dalvin? This nigga got my ex girl pregnant and I thought it was mine! This shit making me look like a fool Ross, I want him dead just as bad as you do!

I said as I remembered what Brittany told me. Dalvin was on the top of my list to kill since he was sneaking around with Brittany. I didn't know who to trust anymore now that I found out that they're a team.

Ross: cry me a river and get the hell out of here. I don't want to see your face around here no more.

I looked at Ross for a while as he groaned out in pain. There were 3 people trying to cover the blood to stop it from flowing but it was only getting worse. He couldn't go to a hospital but he wanted to keep his identity secret. Police had been looking for Ross for years and he had been locked up in this house ever since. No matter how bad the situation, Ross wasn't going to go to the hospital. Rich might have been good to keep on my side for when I'm doing a sell, but he could never touch as much money as I did. I was tired of being compared to him and now I loose my job.

I cursed under my breath and instead of leaving, I walked towards the back upstairs to find Tammy. My plan was to find her anyway since she wants to tell all my buisness to Brittany. I searched room to room until I finally found her in the last one. She was doing her hair in the mirror half naked as always, smoking a blunt. She turned around and looked at me for a minute, then proceeded to what she was doing.

Tammy: you're a little late if you want to save the day.

Me: I been caught up in a lot of shit Tammy. Plus that ain't none of your business. Ross can kiss my ass

Tammy:I'm guessing he went ahead and fired you.

She said laughing to herself as she kept her eyes on the mirror.

Me: I'm not fired for long because you going to tell me where Dalvin is.

I said walking up behind her. She put the flat iron down and looked up at me like I was crazy. Tammy knew everything about everybody so she had to know where Dalvin was at.

Tammy: No can do, why don't you ask your girlfriend?

Getting frustrated, I pulled out my gun from my pants and aimed it right at her face. This wasn't the time to play and Tammy was always trying to play some type of game. I wasn't stupid, the only reason she was acting like this is because she couldn't let go of the past.

Me: now look when I met you, I seen something in you. I thought you was my girl until I found out you for every nigga that come in this house. I don't want you Tammy, you only good for a quick-

Tammy: Shawn look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me. Just admit that we got something special.

She said looking past the gun directly in my eyes.

Me: I don't love you and I never have. Get that shit out your head. Look, it's hard for me to make money now that Rich is gone. So I need you to tell me Dalvin's address.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at me disappointingly. I don't know why she still thinks there could ever be something with me and her. I was tired of her nagging me about this shit. Here I was trying to save my reputation and my money while she was only worried about a relationship between me and her.

Tammy: you ain't shit Shaun! I wish I never would have met you.

She shouted as she started crying harder. She started to speak Spanish while pacing back and forth.

Me: Tammy give me the address. I know you know where he is. I'm not scared to kill you.

Tammy: tell me you love me.

I put the gun down and looked at her. Her makeup was now smeared all over her face due to crying so hard.

Me: You're the whole reason I was locked in some warehouse. All because you can't keep your mouth shut.

She looked at me with the same angry expression on her face. I pointed the gun to her face again and attempted to ask her for the last time or else I was going to kill this girl.

Me: tell me where the fuck he is. Now.

Fantasy POV

I sat on the bleachers of the gym and talked to coach Coleman while watching the girls practice their routine. We were trying something new this time and it was hard for the girls to catch on. I had been in the gym or either locked up in my dorm ever since Thomas passed. I couldn't get it out of my head, it was all I thought about. The other thing that was bothering me was that I still hadn't told Rich. I just can't get the words out to tell him because I know how disappointed he would be. I knew he would find out eventually, and I know he won't be pleased.

Coach Coleman: Fantasy, you know you can always talk to me. I know things are a little rough for you.

I snapped out of thought and looked over at her concerned face. Coach and I had grown close after I told her about the situation. She always told she was there for me.

Me: I'm okay, just wondering how everything is going to play out in court tomorrow.

Coach Coleman: well if you want me to take over here I can. I know you need time to yourself.

Me: I just keep expecting the worst.

She placed her arm around me as I dropped a single tear.

Coach Coleman: everything is going to be okay. I know Rich, I believe he wouldn't do anything like that. The whole campus is waiting on him to come home.

The gym doors swung open and in walked ms.James. She was walking rather fast with a few papers in her hand and a big smile on her face. The first time I had seen her smile in a while. I excused myself from coach and walked up to her halfway to see what she had to tell me.

Mrs.James: Ms.Jones! I have been looking for you everywhere. I checked the art room, cafe, weight room, all over campus!

I laughed a bit as she tried to catch her breath.

Me: this has to be good news.

I said feeling hopeful.

Mrs.James: this is more than good news! I just got a call from the detective saying that the fingerprints of Rich doesn't match the fingerprints that were on Trinity's body nor the car!

I knew my face had lit up in excitement once mrs.James started smiling just as hard as I was.

Mrs.James: it even gets better, the detective is saying that everything can be dropped and we won't even have to go to court tomorrow to prove Rich's innocence, they can just release him when they're ready.

My arms flew around mrs.James as I gave her a tight hug. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt so much stress lift off of my shoulders. And for once, I was actually happy.

Mrs.james: but the detectives say we have to work with him. They have a list of the suspected people they want to ask questions and Shaun's name was on that list. I told them to talk to him first since we know who did it.

Me: so what's going to happen after that?

Mrs.james: so after they contact Shaun they'll ask him questions, do fingerprints, set a court date and he will be away in prison!

Me: I'm so glad they know it's not him.

I said wiping away tears of happiness and relief.

Mrs.james: but Fantasy, don't think I haven't forgot. When we pick up Rich tomorrow, you know what needs to happen.

Me: yeah, I know... he needs to know.

She nodded and patted my back. My smile had went away a little bit just thinking of the reaction on his face once I told him.

Mrs.James: Anyways, I will call you early in the morning so we can take a trip to the county jail together. Alright?

I nodded before thanking her and giving her a big hug. . She waved goodbye and walked out the gym doors.

Shaun POV

I pulled up into the apartment building and couldn't find a parking spot, so I made one myself. Tammy and I were in the car as soon as she told me the address and I forced her to come with me so she wouldn't try anything sneaky. She had been cursing at me in Spanish the whole ride but I ignored it. All I could think about was how I needed my job and I was going to do anything to get it. If Ross wanted Dalvin dead so bad, it was a done deal. Looking around, I seen that the apartments were torn down and not in good shape. I thought to myself why would anyone want to live here.

Tammy had her arms crossed staring straight out the window, she hadn't spoke in English the whole ride so I knew she was mad. I grabbed my gun out the backseat and secured it in my pants.

Me: stay in here, if you leave this car I'll find you and kill you.

She rolled her eyes.

Me: you sure this is his spot?

Tammy: we're parked right next to his car. Of course it is.

I looked over at the small silver Honda that was parked badly next to mines. Without saying anything back, I got out the car and made my way up the steps.

Dalvin POV

I looked at Leo's high ass sitting on the couch watching tv. That's all he been doing was smoking and eating ever since he got here this morning. His mom kicked him out so I told him my place was always welcome for him. He was over here everyday anyway so I didn't see the difference of him staying here for a couple of days. Right now, I was in the kitchen smoking a blunt, thinking about everything that just went down. Earlier, Leo and I finally made the hit on Ross's place. I was tired of playing these games I was being set up to. I was ready for some action and I was definitely ready to put my gun to use on the right person.

I was hoping to see Shaun there but it was only other people that worked for Ross and his security. I looked at everything valuable we had stolen that sat on the kitchen table. Jewelry, duffle bags of money, guns, and some other stuff Ross kept close to him.

Leo: you think we killed him? I got him in the leg two good times.

Leo finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Me: all that fat on that nigga, 20 bullets wouldn't even kill him. Plus you only got his leg.

Leo: I was aiming for his chest but I guess I tensed up. You counted the money yet?

Me: I haven't touched it since I sat it down. I'm not satisfied Leo..

He looked over at me with a questioning face. His big puffer jacket that he loved to wear covered his whole body and hid most of his face.

Me: getting in the trap wasn't enough. That wasn't shit.

Leo: we took all this nigga merchandise and we got him in the leg. I mean we didn't kill him but we almost did. We messed up his whole buisness. What more could you want?

He said putting the blunt down for a minute, just looking at it.

Me: we still haven't got to Shaun. That's who I really want.

The room was quiet for a minute before Leo spoke again.

Leo: we gone get him soon g, don't trip.

There was a loud knock at the door that took me out of my brainstorming. I made sure I was strapped before I got up to open it. Leo looked around and grabbed his gun, hiding behind the couch. I swear he did some stupid stuff when he was high.

Me: this ain't the police fool, they can't find us that quick.

I said to him. I looked through the peephole and saw nobody. I unlocked the door and opened it to make sure until I saw the face I thought I would never see. The face I had been searching for. Shaun stood in front of me with a smirk on his face not saying a word. Feeling tempted, I reached under my shirt for my gun until I felt his fist run across my jaw, making me fall hard onto the ground.

Leo shot up from the couch and started to shoot but Shaun was too quick and ducked all of his attempts. I watched the blood flow from my mouth for a minute before getting up off the ground.

Shaun: Now let's handle this shit like real men. You been out here in the streets looking for me so bad huh? Here I am.

I pushed him back into the wall and repeatedly took jabs for his face like he had just did me. Shaun had a good grip on my shirt and was about to throw me until Leo came and kicked him down to the floor with his knee. I fell back against the cabinet, out of breath as I watched Leo stomp him.

Me: Leo, let this nigga talk.

Leo looked at me and stepped back from Shaun who was on the ground holding onto his stomach. I looked at Leo reassuringly to let him know it was okay. He nodded but still kept his hand on his gun. This was the moment I had been waiting for.

Me: how the fuck you find out where I was at?

Shaun: I got my ways. You think you hard now because you running in Ross shit trying to shoot up the place?

Leo: we ain't try we did. And if you was real enough you wouldn't have let us get close to his spot. But since you were no where to be found, it was easier for us.

Me: this could have all been settled at the auditorium. We gave you a warning and you could have surrendered. I got tired of playing this hide and seek game Shaun. I'm the breadwinner and I proved it because everyone in the streets will now know Ross is bitch made.

Shaun managed to get up from the ground and stand on his feet, but he still was bent over. His eyes didn't leave my face once and he was furious.

Shaun: he wasn't bitch made before I started to work for him. Admit it, you left once you realized you weren't his top seller. You a weak ass nigga that can't take some competition.

Me: and you just a weak ass nigga that can't sell no more without his partner.

Shaun reached for his gun and aimed towards me. Leo and I pulled ours out at the same time and aimed it towards him. I laughed once he realized he was caught up.

Shaun POV

With my heart beating rapidly, I pointed the gun at Shaun and Leo back and forth. At this point, I didn't know what to do. If I kilt Shaun like I had planned, Leo can easily take me out. There was no way to win. But I couldn't let the fear and defeat show on my face. I kept the grip on the gun tight as the room was quiet with both of them ready to shoot me. Was this really it for me?

Dalvin: so before I pull the trigger, do you have any last words?

Me: you got your own buisness now, you doing your own thing. Killing me would be pointless.

Dalvin: maybe you're right, but you took something from me I can't get back, my baby. Brittany was never pregnant by your lame ass.

Me: well she sure wanted it to be because she never told me about you. I can't believe you been sneaking around with her.

Dalvin: you damn right she come knocking on my door everytime complaining saying how you not shit.

Leo: look this beef not over no female, this way deeper than that. Shaun stay focused man.

He said getting annoyed.

Dalvin: fuck that, he killed my unborn child. Since you wanna hit below the belt Shaun I think it's something that you might wanna know.

I looked at Leo who looked confused as I was and looked at Dalvin up and down.

Me: what?

I said irritated and ready to shoot even though I might be shot as well.

Dalvin: you know your brother Tryell right? Did you ever find that gang of niggas that jumped and killed him?

Me: the fuck are you talking about?

I said raising my voice. When someone spoke on my dead brother it always hit a sensitive spot for me. My heart dropped just hearing his name because I never could handle the fact that he was gone nor did I find who did that to him.

Dalvin: the reason you still looking for the niggas that killed him today is because it wasn't a gang that killed him. If you haven't figured that out yet than your more dumb than I thought.

Me: Dalvin I'm going to ask you again what the fuck are you trying to tell me? You shot my fucking brother?

I said letting tears release onto my face. My hand was trembling while holding the gun making it shake. I never found the people that killed Tyrell and I promised myself I would find them and kill them brutally. I didn't want to believe that I was standing in front of my brother's killer.

Dalvin: I didn't kill him shaun. Ross did. Ross killed your brother with no hesitation. He lied to you.

I fell to the ground after my knees felt to weak to stand up. The gun released from my hands and dropped onto the floor right in front of dalvin's feet. Before anything else could happen there was three loud knocks on the door and I heard the deep voice say it was the police...

A/N: "I'm back and I'm better "😂 yall got every right to curse me out cause I know y'all been waiting on an update and it's been entirely too long! I already seen y'all get on my case and I do apologize. I finally have my phone back working and the book can now resume. I been phoneless guys! 😩 there will be another update this week so be on the look out ! Thank you so much for reading !

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