Gryffindor Princess

By yahsas

38.6K 1.1K 107

We all know the famous story of Harry Potter, Golden Trio, and the Battle of Hogwarts, but what about the nex... More

Platform 9¾
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting Ceremony
The Fat Lady
Heart to Heart
Seventh Year
Incorrect Recipes
Flowers, Frogs, and Fancying
Quidditch Tryouts
Proposals and More Quidditch
First Game of the Season
Butterbeer and Ron II
Into the Lake
Transfiguration Discussions
The Love Tree and a Crazy Slytherin
Planning a Party (with a Ferret Reference)
Dress Shopping
The Library
A McLaggen?
The Halloween Ball and the Truth
Just Like Amortentia

Wronski Feints

1.3K 40 0
By yahsas

AN: Hi! If anyone read the last chapter (which I deleted in about .2 seconds), just disregard it. I decided to take it out because it didn't fit the plot I wanted. This part will take place after the chapter Butterbeer and Ron II.

The next game of the season was Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw, which meant that the Gryffindor team was in the stands and got to watch the game instead of playing it.

The weather was surprisingly nice, and although the autumn air was brisk, the sun was out and the sky was clear. Albus was in luck; it was perfect conditions for catching the snitch.

"Come on, we have to get good seats!" Lily exclaimed, dragging Rose towards the stands. Already, the seats were being taken.

"It's not the World Cup," Rose laughed.

"Well, it's still Quidditch, and if I'm late, Al will be annoyed that I missed 'his first win of the season,'" Lily replied, rolling her eyes. "Apparently he's already won."

"That's Al for you," Rose said dryly.

"True, true," Lily giggled, approaching one of the stands, and they climbed up to find a seat with the rest of the Gryffindors.

Because it was a Ravenclaw-Slytherin game, many of the Gryffindors were divided over who they supported. However, the Potter-Weasley clan often supported Slytherin, simply because Albus played for them.

Rose and Lily sat in the front seats of the stands, staring down to the pitch. Albus and the Ravenclaw captain, a tall seventh year boy with black hair named Alejandro Lannen, shook hands, and the teams mounted their rooms.

Professor Bell blew her whistle and the players were off. Al immediately flew off somewhere, obviously in search of the snitch, and followed tentatively by Alina Ilkay, the Ravenclaw seeker.

"And they're off!" Exclaimed María, waving her hands in the air excitedly. "Nice bludger there by Evan Creevey. And Gabriella Lee is heading upfield with the quaffle, nice weaving around there, and she shoots! Nice save there by Oliver Zabini!"

The three Ravenclaw chasers weaved upfield, and their team was definitely looking better than it had in previous years. About an hour in, the score was 50-30 Ravenclaw, and the snitch was still nowhere to be found.

"Oh, and Ryan Teller of Ravenclaw heading up the field... he is attractive, maybe-"

"María, back to the game!" Shrieked Professor McGonagall as the stands filled with laughter. "You're just like your father!"

"I'm sorry, Professor," replied María quickly, not looking too sorry. "But I'm in love with Fred, don't worry-"

"María," came Professor McGonagall's exasperated voice.

"Okay, sorry, so anyways, here comes Slytherin's Maureen Larkin, fancy skill there, and she's heading towards the goal posts- wow, very nice bludger sent over by Zachary Boot- and somehow she dodges it. Passes it over to Farrah Zabini... AND SHE SCORES. 50-40 RAVENCLAW!"

Rose and Lily cheered excitedly, along with the crowd of students wearing green scarves and waving Slytherin flags.

"Wait, I think he's spotted something... has Albus Potter spotted the snitch?" María cried, craning her neck to look down at the Quidditch players down below.

Sure enough, Albus was hurtling towards the ground, Alina on his heels. He dove close to the ground, reaching his hand out slightly, towards a snitch that was apparently there. Suddenly, he pulled swiftly up. Al shot up smoothly, but Alina was not so lucky. She drifted along the ground before regaining her balance and shooting back into the sky.

"And was that a Wronski feint? Potter's done it, just like his father! That was absolutely amazing!"

The stands went wild, and Lily turned her wide eyes to Rose.

"That was fantastic!" She cried, dancing around her seat.

"Yes it was," Rose agreed, smiling a little. Lily was always so excited when it came to playing or watching Quidditch.

Within the next 30 minutes, both Scorpius and Maureen had scored a goal, and Arielle the Prefect had scored one as well. The two teams were now tied and the crowds were getting restless, waiting for either Albus or Alina to catch the snitch.

Suddenly, Al lurched towards the ground, veering towards the left. Immediately, the entire crowd leaned forwards to watch him. Unsure whether it was another feint, Rose glanced curiously down before seeing a glint of gold in there sun. The snitch was there.

Albus slowly reached out his left hand, leaning forward on his broom. Suddenly, he lurched forward and caught the golden ball in his hand.

"Albus Potter has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins 210-50!"

Albus soared to the ground, his hands raised in triumph. As soon as he hit the ground, he was engulfed by the Slytherin team and blocked from view. Rose smiled to herself. She knew that one of the best feelings in the world was winning a Quidditch match.

"Congratulations Al!" Exclaimed Rose, hugging her cousin once they joined him after the game.

"That was brilliant!" Said Lily excitedly. "You had her completely fooled!"

"Well, I learned from the best," Al said fondly. "It does help to have amazing Quidditch players for parents. Especially when your mum played for the Holyhead Harpies."

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