Life and Death || Z.M.

By EndlesslyLove_

2.8K 152 0

There are only seconds between life and death, its your choice to decide what to do. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

62 5 0
By EndlesslyLove_

November 25th

19 days till Anna’s death

Anna had woken up quite early in the morning, half past 5 to be exact. She looked around the room to see Zayn asleep in a chair next to her bed. He looked peaceful, but had an almost worried look on his face. She brushed it off and pulled the covers off. She needed to stretch her legs. She pushed herself up and steadied herself before taking a step. She walked to the small bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy and dirty.

She looked pale, but still had some color. It even looked like she lost some fat in her face. She left the bathroom and walked back into the room. She watched Zayn from afar, his chest rising and falling as he slept. How long had he been here, she thought. He did look like he needed some good ole rest. Suddenly a buzzing sound came from the bed area. She briskly walked over and found the origin of the buzzing. Her phone was ringing, Danielle was calling her. She picked the phone up and pressed the call button.


“Hey Anna. I just wanted to call and see how you were doing? I’m about 10 minutes from the hospital”

“Oh, my, uh good. You didn’t have to come see me”

“I wanted to. You’re my best friend, plus I need a hug and you definitely need a hug from me”

“Don’t be so smug Peazer. But I appreciate it”

“Anytime girl. See you in 10, bye”


She hung up and put the phone back where she found it. Anna sat back down on her bed but soon got bored. She took advantage of Zayn sleeping and climbed onto his lap. She snuggled into his chest as his arms wrapped around her in his sleep. She kissed his cheek before closing her eyes.


“Shh, you’re going to wake them dumbass”

“Hey! Watch your mouth, and I am not a dumbass”

“Yeah sure” Anna heard a female voice laugh.

She peeled her eyes open to see Danielle and Louis bickering. She took notice that Zayn was still asleep, so she decided to wake him up, in a good way. She cupped his face and planted her lips on his. Instantly he kissed back and pulled her closer to him. When she pulled back his eyes were opening and he was grinning like an idiot.

“Hi” he croaked his voice hoarse.

“Hi” Anna said back smiling.

She pushed herself off his lap and snuck up behind Danielle, wrapping her arms around her waist. Danielle shrieked but turned around to see who it was. Danielle almost cried out, but held it in as she pulled Anna in for a hug. They held onto each other and didn’t let go. Neither knew when to let go, Danielle felt if she did she would lose her.

“Oh god, Anna. Please don’t do that ever again” Danielle whispered, tears finally rolling down her cheeks.

“Stop crying, you’re going to make me cry” Anna whimpered, finally pulling back from the hug.

Danielle wiped her tears away and took in the sight of her best friend. She looked skinnier, pale and weak. Like it she fell she could break into a million pieces.

“Oh good. She’s up. Anna I have a question for you” Louis piped up.

“So you and Zayn obviously spend a lot of time together and I think you both need a day. Not one full of stress, just a relaxing day apart. You both need it, desperately. So, what do you say?”

“Are you trying to bring back the past Louis? Eleanor died and Danielle was injured! Are you trying to get us killed!” she screamed, her blood boiling at the thought.

“No, I’m not. You two are always together, you need time apart. It’s just for a day. Anna, Zayn feels if he says one thing wrong to you’re going to flip on him and end up here again. He just wants you to be ok and not hurt. He doesn’t want something to happen to you again. Why can’t you understand that?!” Louis shouted back at her.

“What’s going to be different this time? Eyes on us everywhere we go. Bodyguard following us everywhere we go, huh? I know you may not have been fully in love with Eleanor, but she was my best friend Louis. I looked up to her; she was like a role model to me. And in a second she was gone. We thought she was going to make it, but no, she died. All because of one incident. I’m not losing another one of my best friends, especially Dani. If I lose her, hell who knows what will happen. I just might kill myself if she dies. I can’t lose anyone else, I can’t stand anymore heartbreak” she cried, whispering the last part.

Danielle stood by her side and kept an arm around her, pulling her into her side. Louis and Zayn stood across from them, wide eyed. Zayn needed to say something and this was his chance.

“Anna, I know you think that if we do this, that something bad will happen. But I think you should do it. You need to get away from me for a day, just a day. Spend some time with Danielle, please for me. I know you’re scared, I am too, but you need this, we need this. Please, just go with Danielle for a day, ok?” he spoke softly, slowing stepping towards her and reaching out to her.

Anna pulled herself from Danielle’s arms and threw herself at Zayn. He held her close and rubbed her back. Zayn had a way with words and knew just the thing to say in certain situations, sometimes.

“I’ll go, for you. I’ll go for you. You promise nothing bad will happen?”

“I can’t fully promise, but I can hope and try to”

Word count:996. Thanks for reading, I love you all :)

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