Innocence Lost {Tokyo Ghoul}

By TG_Fan_Nekocriza

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In this world full of sin The demons that lurk within the hearts of people and takes shape as them but, they... More

Authors note
1 |What Didn't Happen part 1
2 |What Didnt Happen part 2
3 |Metamorphosis
4|The boy's Frustration or Heart break
5 |A New Life Is Made
6| Entering The World of Ghouls
7|Want Meat?
8|The Oddest Night
Another A/n
9 |Applying To Be Minimum Wager Barista
10|True Power
13| Scary
14| Rush Hour At Friday
15|Unknown Enemy
16| Learning
17| Masks and Cannibalism?

12| Death Sentence

84 18 18
By TG_Fan_Nekocriza

I'm excited in what's to come!


Touka led me out to a wide grey sewer way system. The place looked really worn down, added the additional sounds of water dripping from leaky pipes above. The high ceilings made me remember -- A old aged crypt -- from a history text book I've read, once.

She didn't turn to even face me, I just followed her to the large space on the winding walk ways. Only the clanking of our heels made any noise —Other than that silence spread...

A couple of minutes later.We reached a stair case, the eerie silence felt unbearable. But still, many questions sped through my still throbbing head.

What was going to happen to me? What am I even doing here?

In front of Touka, a metal bolted rusty door lay ahead. As if it was used in a bunker from world war 2. Just how long had this place had been here?

She opened the door with measly strength for, still copying her actions. Leading up to the "employees only room" and unto the the living quarters of Anteiku — the second floor — another oak door greeted us like it did before. The same routine but with intense tension.

We halted to a stop, as Touka's slender fingers reached for the brass knob. With one fast jolt she opens it, the girl walks in and like I did before — imitated — her actions. My eyes surveyed the room, seeing it appears to be a small modern apartment for two.

She walks to the bed, swiping a new set of clothes "Here, take a shower over there" The purple haired girl known as Touka made tilting signals using her head to the other door next to the bed.

"And change into something more... decent" Touka's eyes  twitched, as she stared at me from head to toe her visible brow raised.

Seeing that weird look, she pointed to a small hand mirror placed on the counter top on the kitchenette (which I guess, wasn't used, just for decoration) "See for yourself"

A few steps from my trembling legs, I made my little journey.  Holding the petite mirror from my pasty white hands.

My jaw dropped — the orange light from the sun, seeped through the azure curtains — I can see why Touka gave off that kind of expression.

I looked like mess

Let me rephrase that, it's as if I looked like a hobo that's been thrown on a garbage compactor that miraculously made it out alive.

My aftermath of straight brown hair, shone stray streaks of ebony and made many odd styles. Its as if a rat made it's home on my head. Large bags of skin sagged below my eyes.

The Cause: obviously sleep deprivation. My teeth turning a horrible shade of yellow, as for my skin is riddled by grimy flecks of dirt and smudges.

Now as for my clothes torn and worn out was an understatement.

( I don't really wanna talk about it, just imagine one of the worst clothes you've scene after a massacre had ended and some clothes that were still usable found it's way from really poor hobos on the street) *no offense to hobo's intended*

"T-Thanks" I grabbed the spare garbs —while hiding the eminent embarrassment on my face — I bolted to the bathroom — locking it with great force.

As I headed for the shower stall, I stripped myself of the remaining soiled clothing I had on. Flicking on the switch on the hot water. It drenched my skin — turning to a bright red —steam rose from the emissions of the scalding liquids that jutted through the shower cap.

It was very soothing, the fluid cleansed the dried blood from my body. It's as if it washed my tribulations of my new life. Almost.
I let out relaxed sigh, I was at peace. This shower stall gave a bit of comfort, my little world of serenity.

But, it was not to last

After I finished my placid shower, I wrapped a large white towel around my slim body —heading for the medium-sized vanity mirror—  with one small swoosh of my weakened hand, clearing the mist from the shower, I gazed at myself.

From before and now, I looked better. My brown hair —
straightened a tad bit  — as it still protruded some visible stripes of black making it multicolored in strange sight. The bags of skin from eyes, regained some elasticity that can't be seen up close.

I was looking rather well after that cleansing, the garments Touka gave me, lay ahead on the petite table. They fit perfectly, too well.

Something about these seem... Familiar.

Hold nostrils started to flare up. A recognizable smell entered my nasal cavity. The tips of my fingers brushed the hem of the shirt.

What is this?

Whose clothes are these?

No  couldn't be...

These are mine

How did they even get my apparels?

I snagged the remaining clothes — consisting of a medium sized black shirt and grey jeans —  I quickly wore them as soon as possible before bolting out of the bathroom.

Touka sat on the bed, cross legged and reading from a brochure. She lay ignorant to my actions, preoccupied by what she was doing. What was Touka reading? You don't need to know everything. Those words rang to my ears,

What was that? I asked myself quietly. But I disregarded the strange note,


No response from the purple haired female

"Touka-chan.." I said, scrounging up my brows in irritation — she's was doing it again — she's being a snob. Touka held her gaze to me, clearly vexed by my actions.

"You told me that the manager wanted to talk to me, did you not?" My eyebrow raised to my question.

"Yes," Kirishima took no heed to my complaining tone, expressionless as usual "Why not go the greeting room, you know the way do you?" I bit my tongue, not trying to say a witty comeback. She treats me like I'm an illiterate, Touka must greatly hate me. Why?

I'm not even one of their kind, I don't belong here or anywhere as a matter of fact. But still, she acts as if I don't have any feelings to comprehend anything.

"I understand," bitter venom filled my mouth. I have to be...good, after all she did save me from eating him.

"Thanks for everything Touka-chan," I took a bow to the ghoul, as I turned away "I'll let my self out" pointing at the oak door, I headed for the exit. My fingers and eyes fixated on the knob of brass.

"I hope you get the answers you're looking for, Yuna" I froze, what was this girl talk talking about? How could she know what I've faced since I spun my heels to face the other living soul in the room, Touka stood from the messy bed, making her look intimidating. I waved the feeling off.

"I'm just saying that.." A serious expression etched on her features.

"What?" A irritated scowl shown once more

A sullen smile crossed Touka's once hard expression, "Good luck"
My scowl slowly vanished as she said those words.
What a change of character, from a scary barista to a caring saint.

No, her features shone more...other than that..intentions. Its more like she...pitied me for my life.

I hated being looked down on

I held back my tongue, I shouldn't escalate things to a heated argument — again — Touka raised her eyebrow waiting for an answer, 

What was I supposed to say?

I stayed silent

The ghoul slumped back to the bed and started reading again. As if nothing major happened. I bowed again, taking my leave — unsure of what to do next — to a small sprint to the door. With a swish of the oaken door from opening it and closing it accompanying a dull thud resonated from the source.

Sweat trickled down my neck, glad to be out of that room with the terrifying girl. The measly strength I have regained from a couple of hours ago —disappeared.
I collapsed to the wooden floor, tired from the tension, of what was happening to my, not so mediocre life. I was tired from everything.

"Keep it together Yuna" I reminded under my breath, "Keep it all together" My body ached, even after I recovered, ghost pain? I rested my back to the wall, and hugged my legs to my forehead. "Hold it in-

"Yuna-chan?" Small light footsteps made me snap out of my thoughts, that feminine voice seems..oddly recognizable. I look up to the owner of the voice, vibrant orange follicles with tips of red greeted me as mischievous sea green eyes held their stare on to mine.

"H-Haru?" I coughed back a screech, what a worst possible moment for an encounter with another ghoul.

"Nice meeting you, again" She gives me her hand, I waved off her offer. I Should only depend on myself, to get the respect I needed, even if I rejected Haru's kindness.

I stood from the cold polished floor still, wobbly jelly legs hoisted me up — my arms flailed to get some balance in, Haru tried to assist, but I said no for a second time.

I have to do this alone

I propped my hand to the cemented wall, at last I regained something — I can do something's on my own — it had a cost, sticky sweat slipped through the side of my temples, I panted deep, heavy breaths. Why was I so exhausted?

"Hey, Yuna" Haru's voice filled with unease, "You alright?"
I gasped for another clump of air, "Yeah..Haru, I'm fine" For some reason seeing Haru's worried expression made me tug a smile to my lips. Maybe some ghouls aren't so bad..

"I'm glad you're ok now," The red head smiled again, — the smile not reaching up her sea green irises — maybe I was wrong,     

"Yoshimura-san, wants to talk to you" The grin vanishes on my face, Its time to see him again... The manager.

"Uh..Haru-san.. Could you tell where he is? I kinda forgot" I scratched my nape and nervously chuckled to ease any tense words.

"Sure thing!" She cheers, grabbing my pasta arms — leading me at end of the hallway —  "Here we are, Yuna," I gave Haru a nod, before she she left me to the large decorated varnished door. I inhaled sharply, scared on what's to come.

I entered, to see a male about his twenties with long stark white hair, draped around with a large over coat of black and that scary stare he gave off. Including the contents of the room, the old male sat comfy in the sofa as a pitcher of coffee had been laid, in front, two ceramic teacups accompanied with saucers.

The manager curled a ancient smile upon his chapped lips and took a quick nod. I nodded back as acknowledgement, gliding towards the opposite couch so we could get this talk over with.

"Hello again, Yuna-chan" The manager raises a pitcher containing the presumably one of the best coffee made in Nerima or known as the 20th ward. He pours the liquid to a pink and white ceramic decorated teacup.

"Please take sip"

He offered, his voice reminded me of a senile librarian I had visited on four occasions, the manager calm and collective — Is open to anyone be it human or ghoul.
"Yes Sir, I'll gladly take one" everything in this quite room felt so serene — well, except for the guy who's standing in a far corner — discarding that small thing. It was still great, Yoshimura-san pushed the small ceramic near me, a bittersweet aroma flew to my nose, what a great smell this is.

I gave him a quick nod, extending my hand to reach the cup, I stopped midway, It reminded me of someone. The boy, I came here with, our little chats and petite laughter.


My interest in the drink disappeared, the cooling dark liquid appeared saddened by the fact it will not be drunk, and will be thrown out once it losses its purpose, if I become useless I'll be surely thrown out too.

Kaneki Ken, the awkward guy. Who knows nothing about dates and types of people. The kind one, who I had a crush on highschool, when was the last time I talked or even saw him? I abandoned the guy, to protect his bestfriend.

I missed him, and there's this something that I'm feel like I am forgetting what or who was it?

Oh god

Realization whacked me like a baseball bat used by professional Yankee player in the head. How could I be so stupid?

Where was Hideyoshi?

Now I remember everything,

I was stupid


And careless

I forgot about Hideyoshi, where was he!?

I bolted up from the sofa, the coffee table shook in irritation
the manager raised his grey brow in question "What is it, Ms. Yoshikawa?"  Yoshimura asked his voice gave off a little shock.

"Manager, where was the guy I was with?"

Mr. Yoshimura registered deep, to think for an answer. I gulped, my throat dry and scratchy what was he going to say? He gazed up to me. His features shone kindness, but a frown covered it up

"He's somewhat, alive"

"So where is he then?" My hands started to shake, Mr. Yoshimura took notice. 

"Why not we go there right now? To calm your nerves". The old ghoul rose from his seat, making his way to the exit "C'mon on now Ms. Yoshikawa" I followed him to the next room, he took a key from his back pocket and injected it to the key hole. The hears did as they were told by the key. Yoshimura, the ghoul opened the door widely ajar.

Very visible tuffs of blond and orange hair can be seen through the colorless covers, seeing him slowly breathing.

"Hide!" I let out a small shriek, I smiled to see him alive and well mostly...

"Hmm?" The manager, Yoshimura looks to me.

I clamped up my mouth, what a humiliating thing to do. Being a nervous Nelly was one of my unwanted traits, Hide lay safely in the other room, and I panicked — Pitiful.

"Sir, what happened when I was unconscious?" I already knew the answer but, I needed to know for sure.

"When you fought Nishiki and won, Touka was about to take you on Anteiku until your.... Rampage," Yoshimura shook his head grimly.

"The ravenous hunger heightened your need for human flesh and you saw the only edible thing that was ..."

"Hide" I added his sentence, which was undeniably true.

"You, Ms.Yuna ran a mock, it took Yomo and Touka to put you down, you were pretty strong back there"

Something clicked, inside my mind. Like Touka said was true after all, I tried to eat a human, I was this close to...Wait, I fresh metallic flavor shocked and enriched my mouth, I pushed my index finger to it — rolling a round to get something — slowly I retracted the finger which revealed scarlet blood — a human's?

"Manager, what did you to while I was out? Please tell me and why was I in the basement?" Many questions overwhelmed my cluttering mind, it couldn't be.. I couldn't have eaten a....once living person have I?

"You know the only way too satisfy a ghoul's hunger, don't you?"
I turn to him, eyes widening in realization. He opens his always closed eyelid, showing a pulsing red iris drowned in pitch black tar of a sclera "You know what that is, right?"

I clenched my jaws — balling my hand into fists once again, the pressure turning my knuckles white. I was angry for my actions, is this even...?

"The way you were going could have been the same, if the two have not interfered..." I lowered my head to face the wooden floor, how could I?

"You have to know what you're really " He taps my shoulder for assurance.

"Sir," I back away from the door, unable to hold it in much longer. Still, my head hung low tears started to form.

He follows me, before he closed the door he opened moments ago "What is it Yuna?" Yoshimura asked with the hint of sincerity.

I raise my head up to the manager, my eyes shone graveness upon my features. This has to be done, our else I would take peoples lives in order to survive.

"End my suffering..." with a whimper I murmured and took a deep breath and relaxed my stiffening body.

"What did you say?" The Manager had a perplexed look across his sunken face — was he worried for me?

"Please kill me now."


And that is a wrap!
sorry for the late update, it took me two 3 days to think of this plus it's exam time here

Anyway Ive started a Tokyo ghoul roleplay/ how to book
I think that's how Ive been busy *scratches head* so sorry
Any grammatical errors and typos pls comment it and I'll correct it
Thank you for reading


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