Falling Petals of a Blue Rose

Da coolcatscrochets

846 103 53

Marisa is a brilliant young doctor who has made it her goal to help as many people as possible with her medic... Altro

Falling Petals of a Blue Rose
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chaper 14

24 3 0
Da coolcatscrochets

 Before long, Thomas and the others found themselves back at W.O.O.H.P.

“Yeah! Welcome back big brother!” Kristy cheered as she jumped into Marcus's arms.

“Thanks Kristy. I hope you didn’t get in the way of anything while we were gone.” Kristy made a funny scowl.

“I did not. I’m not a crazy kid who runs around acting like a maniac.” Marcus chuckled.

“Ah, so you admit that you are still a kid than?” Kristy’s face turned bright red. Marcus laughed as she just stayed in his arms with a scowl on her face. Just then, Yoshi came in back in her uniform. Marisa walked up to her.

“Yoshi, you were amazing. You sounded totally convincing and you were able to get the information you needed in no time at all and without incident.” Yoshi smiled.

“Of course I did. That’s what being a member of the stealth force is all about.”

“Really? I didn’t realize gloating was part of the stealth force’s job too?” A voice from behind them spoke up. It was Thomas. Marisa was so happy to see him, she couldn’t help but fly into his arms and give him a big hug.

“Welcome back, Thomas. I’m so glad you’re safe.” Thomas smiled as he held her in his arms.

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting for so long and I’m sorry if I worried you.” Marisa just smiled as she shook her head.

“I wasn’t worried. After all, you weren’t alone. I knew you’d be alright.” Thomas couldn't help but smile. Yoshi walked up next to the chair Miki was sitting in.

“Find anything yet?”

“Not yet. So far we’ve been searching all the current files, now we’re going through some old ones.” Miki explained as her fingers ran across the keyboard. On the other side of the room, Minnie was searching as well.

“We haven’t been able to find anything going through our current files. Which means that this is either someone entirely new or an old face who’s trying to make some kind of new lead.”

“Well, keep trying. You guys have never let us down before. I’m sure you’re not about to start now.” Yoshi stated as she left them to their work. Just then, Marisa looked down at Thomas’s hand to see his right index finger had dried blood on it.

“Thomas! You’re bleeding!” Thomas lifted his hand and looked at it.

“Oh yeah, my finger slipped as I was lowering myself down from the ceiling. I forgot all about it.” Marisa reached into the pocket and pulled out a packaged alcohol wipe and a band-aid. She was about to reach for his hand when Thomas pulled it away.

“Hey, it’s really not that big of a deal. It doesn’t hurt at all.” Marisa grabbed his hand and pulled it back.

“Oh hush now. Even little cuts like this can get infected if not treated. Besides, I am a doctor after all. I can’t just ignore someone who’s hurt even if it’s just a scratch.” Thomas thought about pulling his hand away but for some reason couldn’t bring himself to do it. He watched as Marisa used the wipe to clean off the dried blood. Then, she covered the cut with the band-aid that was coated with medicine.

“There, all done. That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Thomas finally smiled.

“Guess not.” Yoshi and Marcus just stood there next to each other watching them. It had been a long time since they had seen Thomas smile like that. They couldn’t help but smile. It seemed as though, when he was with Marisa, Thomas was truly happy. Suddenly, one of the computers started beeping. Everyone shot up.

“Commander, we’ve found something!” Miki cried.

“What is it?” Commander Sampson stood up.

“We’ve retrieved a file that’s about 10 years old now. It refers to someone by the name Red Claw.” Commander Sampson formed a serious look on his face.

“Red Claw? That name sounds familiar. What does the file say?”

“It says here that Red Claw was a highly dangerous man who once lived in London, England. However, the authorities were hot on his trail so he escaped to America about 30 years ago. After his escape, he became the boss of a large street gang which specialized in drug smuggling and armed robbery.” Miki explained.

“As I thought.” Commander Samson sat back down.

“But sir, there’s something at the end of his file that sort of concerns me.”

“What is it, Minnie?”

“Well, it says here that about 5 years ago, a team of W.H.O.O.P. agents had finally managed to track him down and were in hot pursuit. Unfortunately, while they were chasing him over a bridge, Red Claw’s car suddenly went out of control and he went over the bridge car and all into the river below.” Marisa gasped as she slapped her hand over her mouth. Thomas just stood there with an angry look on his face.

“Was he ever pulled out?” Commander Samson asked.

“No sir. His car was retrieved but his body was no where to be found. I’m afraid that’s the last anybody ever saw of him.” For a while, everyone remained quiet.

“I see. So than the most likely conclusions we can come to would be that he somehow managed to survive and is finally making an appearance after everyone has given up on finding him or someone entirely new is claiming his identity to start their own escapade.” Commander Sampson finally spoke up. Marisa just stood there as everyone tried to figure out what their next move would be.

“In any case, now that they know we’re on their trail, they’re probably not going to make any major moves any time soon. Which means for now all we can do is keep our eyes and ears open.” Thomas spoke up. Yoshi nodded.

“I agree. I’m sure they know that, if they make a move now, we’ll be on them like ants at a picnic. However, the ones we brought in today seem to know the true identity of the one in charge so hopefully we’ll be able to squeeze some info out of them.”

“That’s true. Anything’s possible.” Marcus stated. Commander Sampson nodded.

“Very well. Yoshi, you will go to where the suspects are being held and help with the interrogation. Report back as soon as you learn anything.”

“Yes sir.”

“The rest of you will stand by until further orders are given. No matter how much time it will take, this is a mission we can not allow ourselves to fail. One way or the other, we must succeed.”

“Yes sir!” Everyone agreed.

   After everyone was dismissed, Thomas went with Marisa to check on her car. When they got there, Coby was in the middle of wiping his tools clean.

“How’s it look, Coby?” Thomas asked.

“She’s as good as new. A couple of replaced parts and a little cleaning was all it took. Ready to go wherever and whenever you are.” Marisa smiled a big smile.

“Thank you so much, Coby. How much do I owe you?” Coby smiled.

“Not a penny. It’s the least I could do after what you did for my kid brother. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I charged you anything.”

“Are you sure? But you worked so hard. I can tell cause both you and your tools are covered in oil and grease. I’d hate to have you go through all that trouble for nothing.”

“No trouble at all. Besides, I love to repair things. Getting my hands dirty while being able to fix something that can’t fix itself without my help is something money could never buy me.” Marisa’s face brightened. She felt the same way about her work as a doctor. Being able to help someone who couldn’t handle something without her help was indeed a wonderful feeling.

“I see. Well, thanks again. I really owe you one.” Coby smiled as he gathered up his tools and walked off to his next job. Marisa hopped into her car and turned on the engine.

“Wow, it sounds great. Almost as if it’s brand new and being driven for the first time.”

“That’s Coby for ya. He could even take a pile of scrap metal and turn it into a shiny new car or something.” Thomas stated scratching his head. Marisa got out of her car.

“He certainly is talented isn’t he?”

“Oh he’s talented alright. From what I hear, he’s been fixing things since he was in kindergarten.”

“So I guess becoming a mechanic was something he always wanted to be. But what made him decide to work for W.O.O.H.P.?”

“Actually, his girlfriend is a member of the stealth force. She knew of his talents and recommended him to the commander when it was decided W.O.O.H.P. needed a new mechanic. After demonstrating his skills, he started working here with the highest of praise.”

“How long has he been working here?” Thomas thought for a minute.

“I know he started at a young age. I think he was about 16 and he’s 22 now. So about 6 years.”

“That’s amazing. W.O.O.H.P. sure is lucky to have such a determined worker on their side.”

“That’s for sure. I certainly couldn’t do his job.” With that said, the elevator took them back up to the parking lot.

“So, Thomas, what happens now?”

“Not really sure. It all depends on whether or not Red Claw launches an attack or not. It might be a while before that happens seeing as how we just busted a couple of his men.”

“Does that mean I won’t get to see you for a while?” Thomas looked to see she was looking down at her feet with a sad look on her face. At first he didn’t say anything. Then he let out a smile.

“I’m sure that’s not the case.” Marisa looked up.

“I don’t know when or where, but I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.” At that moment, Thomas put his hand on Marisa’s cheek. Marisa couldn’t bring herself to speak as he moved in close to her. She could feel her heart pounding as she tried not to blush. Thomas just smiled as he stared into her eyes.

“I promise. We will meet again soon.” With that, he brought his hand down and walked away. Marisa just stood there watching as the elevator took him back down. Giving her one last smile, he disappeared under the road as it closed over him. For a while, Marisa just stood there with her hand on her cheek.

“What...what...what on Earth was that?! He...he was so close. I thought he was gonna...!” Marisa couldn’t bring the words to come out of her mouth. Finally, she got back in her car and started to drive home.

“Now I know it’s true. The way I reacted. My heart going out of control while my face turned as red as a tomato. Now I know...I...I do love him.” With a big smile on her face, she headed for home.

The next morning, Marisa headed to work with a big smile still on her face. She just couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday and how her life was finally starting to change for the better. It was just as Mrs. Sampson had said. Sometimes it is best to take little risks. With her spirits high, she flew into the doctor’s break room where Dr. David, Dr. John, and Chelsea were.

“Good morning everyone!” She squealed.

“Good morning, Marisa.” Chelsea smiled as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“You sure seem to be in high spirits this morning.” Dr. John stated as he was stuffing his face with doughnuts as usual.

“Oh you could tell could you? Let’s just say I had a bit of an eventful weekend.”

“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better. I was a little worried about you.” Dr. David said.

“Yeah, that wasn’t a very good time for me the other day. But everything’s okay now. Thanks a lot for your help Dr. David. Sorry to have caused you any trouble.”

“Not at all. I’m just glad you’re alright now.” Marisa smiled as she put on her doctor’s jacket.

“Well, I have something I need to do real quick. Chelsea, meet me in the examination room for our first patient.”

“I’ll be there, doctor.” With that, Marisa skipped down the hallway.

“Gosh, Dr. David, when you told us about what happened, I thought she was going to come in all down and gloomy. But it’s the exact opposite. It’s like whatever it was that upset her never happened.” Chelsea stated as she watched her go.

“I know. She wasn’t like this at all when I found her at the mall.”

“Did she give you any hints about what happened?” Dr. John asked. Dr. David shook his head.

“No, nothing.”

“Oh well, I wouldn’t worry about her than. Dr. Marisa’s the kind of person who can’t stay down for very long. She’s the kind who needs to get up and go. I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

“That’s true. We first met in medical school and she was always like that back then. I’m sure whatever it was that was bothering her got all worked out in the end.” Chelsea stated. Dr. David didn’t say a word as he just stood there thinking to himself.

   After taking the elevator, Marisa stuck her head into Mrs. Sampson’s room.

“Good morning, Mrs. Sampson.” Mrs. Sampson was sitting in her bed reading a book.

“Oh, good morning doctor. You seem to be doing well this morning.”

“That’s for sure. I spent most of the day yesterday with someone who’s become very special to me.”

“That’s wonderful, dear. So what’s this special someone like?”

“He’s very sweet, considerate, and thoughtful. He has lots of friends who look up to him just as much as he looks up to them. When I’m with him, I feel warm and safe. Like no matter what happens, everything will be alright.” Mrs. Sampson just smiled.

“I’m happy for you, dear. I’m sure the two of you will have many wonderful adventures together.” Marisa smiled.

“I sure hope so. I never thought something like this would happen to me. I’m not very pretty and I’m not very talented. There’s nothing super spectacular about me. I’ve always considered myself to be very plain and simple. But I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. I’ve always liked myself best the way I am. I’ve seen girls completely change themselves in order to get a guy. But I don’t want to do that. I want to stay just the way I am. This is the real me and I want someone to be able to look at me and realize that. I’m happy with the way I am.”

“Well, I know one thing’s for sure. I’ve always thought you were a very special young woman. You say there’s nothing super talented about you. But you have your knowledge of medicine. How many girls your age do you know who have that?” Marisa smiled.

“Not very many. I do love my work as a doctor. I guess that is my special talent.” Mrs. Sampson smiled.

“I’m sure you will be able to use your knowledge of medicine to help people in so many ways in the future. All you have to do is give it your best and never give up. That is your special talent.” Marisa smiled and nodded.

“Thanks, Mrs. Sampson, I guess I really am special in my own way.” Just then, someone called out through the hospital’s pager.

“Dr. Marisa, please come to the front desk. Dr. Marisa, please come to the front desk.” Marisa stood up.

“I guess I’m being called. I’ll see you later, Mrs. Sampson. Thanks again for everything.”

“My pleasure, doctor.” With that, Marisa headed to the front desk on the first floor. When she got there, she walked up to the secretary who was working on the computer.

“Oh, Dr. Marisa, you made it. You have a phone call. I believe it’s your mother.”

“Really? I wonder what she wants?” With that, she picked up the phone.


“Hi honey.”

“Mom? What’s up? Something wrong?”

“No everything’s fine. I just need you to do me a little favor.”

“Okay what?”

“Well, I have to go to my friend Jenna’s house and help her with a few things and I don’t think I’ll be able to make it back in time to pick up Conner from school. Could you do that for me?”

“Sure I guess. Does that mean you’ll be getting home late?”

“No, I’ll be home in time to make dinner.”

“Okay, I’ll pick him up than.”

“Thank you, dear. You’re a big help. I’ll see you tonight at dinner time.” With that, Marisa put down the phone and looked at the clock.

“Let’s see. Conner gets out of school at 2:30. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to his school from here. So if I leave at about 20 after, I should make it just in time.” With that all settled, Marisa headed off to get her work done for the day.

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