Chapter 25

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   For the next several days, Marisa went through various exercises to get her strength back. Before too long, she was able to walk again. Though she still needed help with a few things, she wasn’t upset at all. It was just like her grandfather had said. Her friends and family were always with her no matter what. One day, Marisa was sitting on her bed working some stretches for her arms. Yoshi was helping her.

“How does that feel?”

“A little sore but I can manage. I still can’t believe I was out of it for 8 whole months.” Marcus chuckled.

“Oh you'd better believe it. We thought you’d never wake up. You were sleeping as hard as a rock. It was as if you were sleeping beauty.” Marcus laughed while Marisa gave him a funny look.

“Ha ha very funny. I suppose you’re thinking that all I needed to wake up was a kiss from a handsome prince.” On hearing that, Marcus rolled on the floor laughing.

“Yeah, that’s it! That’s exactly what you needed!” Yoshi just rolled her eyes.

“How pathetic. Speaking of which, where’s Thomas? I thought he was going to be here too.”

“He came by a few minutes before you did and said he had something important he needed to talk to Commander Sampson about.”

“Hmm, I wonder what it could be?” Meanwhile, Thomas and Commander Sampson were having a serious conversation.

“So, you’ve decided have you?”

“Yes sir. I have.” Commander Sampson thought for a minute.

“You do realize, there’s a chance you will stay there for quite some time.” Thomas remained quiet for a moment.

“Yes sir. I do realize that. But...this is what I want. It’s for the best.”

“Hmm, very well. I will send word saying that you have accepted the offer.” Thomas nodded and headed for the door.

“Thomas.” Thomas stopped.

“One thing I would like to know. Did you decide to take the offer simply because of her?” Without turning around, Thomas spoke.

“No, I decided to take the offer for myself.” With that said, Thomas walked out of the room. About 3 days later, Marisa was able to return to the hospital. Everyone threw a big party to celebrate her return.

“Welcome back, Dr. Marisa!” Everyone cheered. Marisa smiled.

“Thanks everyone, it’s good to be back.”

“You really gave us all a scare. We thought you were a goner for sure.” Dr. John stated. Marisa smiled and shook her head.

“No need to worry. I’m not going anywhere.” Everyone cheered. Just then, Chelsea noticed someone standing behind Marisa.

“Doctor, who’s your friend?” Marisa smiled.

“I’ll tell you all in a minute. First, we have something we need to do.” Everyone formed puzzled looks on their faces as the two of them walked down the hall. Before long, they came to Mrs. Sampson’s room. Marisa poked her head in.

“Mrs. Sampson?” Mrs. Sampson’s face brightened.

“Marisa?! Thank goodness you’re alright! When I heard about your accident, I almost had a heart attack!” Marisa smiled as she gave her a big hug.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Mrs. Sampson almost had tears in her eyes.

“How are you feeling?”

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