Chaper 14

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 Before long, Thomas and the others found themselves back at W.O.O.H.P.

“Yeah! Welcome back big brother!” Kristy cheered as she jumped into Marcus's arms.

“Thanks Kristy. I hope you didn’t get in the way of anything while we were gone.” Kristy made a funny scowl.

“I did not. I’m not a crazy kid who runs around acting like a maniac.” Marcus chuckled.

“Ah, so you admit that you are still a kid than?” Kristy’s face turned bright red. Marcus laughed as she just stayed in his arms with a scowl on her face. Just then, Yoshi came in back in her uniform. Marisa walked up to her.

“Yoshi, you were amazing. You sounded totally convincing and you were able to get the information you needed in no time at all and without incident.” Yoshi smiled.

“Of course I did. That’s what being a member of the stealth force is all about.”

“Really? I didn’t realize gloating was part of the stealth force’s job too?” A voice from behind them spoke up. It was Thomas. Marisa was so happy to see him, she couldn’t help but fly into his arms and give him a big hug.

“Welcome back, Thomas. I’m so glad you’re safe.” Thomas smiled as he held her in his arms.

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting for so long and I’m sorry if I worried you.” Marisa just smiled as she shook her head.

“I wasn’t worried. After all, you weren’t alone. I knew you’d be alright.” Thomas couldn't help but smile. Yoshi walked up next to the chair Miki was sitting in.

“Find anything yet?”

“Not yet. So far we’ve been searching all the current files, now we’re going through some old ones.” Miki explained as her fingers ran across the keyboard. On the other side of the room, Minnie was searching as well.

“We haven’t been able to find anything going through our current files. Which means that this is either someone entirely new or an old face who’s trying to make some kind of new lead.”

“Well, keep trying. You guys have never let us down before. I’m sure you’re not about to start now.” Yoshi stated as she left them to their work. Just then, Marisa looked down at Thomas’s hand to see his right index finger had dried blood on it.

“Thomas! You’re bleeding!” Thomas lifted his hand and looked at it.

“Oh yeah, my finger slipped as I was lowering myself down from the ceiling. I forgot all about it.” Marisa reached into the pocket and pulled out a packaged alcohol wipe and a band-aid. She was about to reach for his hand when Thomas pulled it away.

“Hey, it’s really not that big of a deal. It doesn’t hurt at all.” Marisa grabbed his hand and pulled it back.

“Oh hush now. Even little cuts like this can get infected if not treated. Besides, I am a doctor after all. I can’t just ignore someone who’s hurt even if it’s just a scratch.” Thomas thought about pulling his hand away but for some reason couldn’t bring himself to do it. He watched as Marisa used the wipe to clean off the dried blood. Then, she covered the cut with the band-aid that was coated with medicine.

“There, all done. That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Thomas finally smiled.

“Guess not.” Yoshi and Marcus just stood there next to each other watching them. It had been a long time since they had seen Thomas smile like that. They couldn’t help but smile. It seemed as though, when he was with Marisa, Thomas was truly happy. Suddenly, one of the computers started beeping. Everyone shot up.

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