Chapter 10

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After dealing with the patients she had scheduled for the day, she stepped outside to think about her options.

“Well, I guess my best chance would be to try and catch him at the Cat’s Eye Café. Even if he’s not there, I could ask someone to give him a message for me.” With that, she walked down the street heading for the Cat’s Eye. She was just about there when she spotted a large group of people gathered up ahead. She looked up to see they were all standing in front of the bank.

“I wonder what’s going on.” Just then, she heard the sound of gunshots. They seemed to be coming form inside the building.

“What in the world?!”

“Everyone! Please clear the area! A bank robbery is in progress! Please return to the safety of your homes!” An officer standing in front of the screaming crowd shouted.

“A bank robbery?!” Before another word could be said, a crowd of people rushed towards her. Marisa hid behind the corner of the building next to the bank as they all rushed by. As soon as it was clear, she rushed over to the corner of the bank.

“I wonder, could Thomas be here? Even if he is, this is probably not the best time.” Marisa paused for a minute as she clenched her hands.

“But...I can’t wait any longer. I have to see him.” Just then, a whole bunch of police cars arrived and surrounded the front entrance. Marisa watched as they formed a defensive barrier. Then, someone called out through a blow horn.

“This is the police! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!” Just then, someone fired a gun at them from inside the building. Marisa watched as the cops took cover behind their cars. It took everything she had not to run away in fear.

“No, I can’t run away! This is my best chance at seeing Thomas again! I’m not going to miss it!” For a long frightening moment, the cops struggled to get closer as bullets continued to be fired at them. Suddenly, the shots stopped. Marisa looked up to see they were now being fired from inside the building. She could also hear the sounds of a struggle. Finally, all was quiet. For a while, no one said a word. Suddenly, a young woman came out of the bank. Marisa recognized her. It was the same red headed woman whom see had seen with Thomas. Not surprising, she was wearing the same uniform she was wearing the day she first saw her.

“Alright boys. Everything’s all clear. Let’s pack it up.” With that, the cops rushed into the building. A moment later, they came out dragging several men all wearing masks over their faces. Marisa watched as the woman came back out leading one of them. She also spotted the young brown haired man who was also with Thomas.

“There are his partners, but where is he?” Just then, the last bunch of crooks came out. Marisa’s faced brightened when she saw who was leading one of them.

“Thomas! He’s really here!” Marisa was so happy, she almost started crying. Before she could do anything, one of the crooks got away from the cops who were holding him down. At first, he just ran towards where Marisa was hiding.

“Hold it! Stop!” Thomas shouted as he ran after him. Just before the man was about to run past Marisa, he suddenly spun around and pulled out his hidden gun.

“You think it’s going to be that easy to bring me down?! You’re sadly mistaken!” He shouted. Thomas stopped right where he was realizing it was too risky to get any closer. The man aimed his pistol right at him. Marisa gasped.

“Say goodnight, officer!” The man was just about to pull the trigger.

“NO!!!” A voice suddenly called out from beside him. It was Marisa. Just before he could fire, Marisa jumped out and pushed his arm sideways causing him to miss Thomas and shot one of the police car’s door instead. Everyone was completely blown away at what just happened. The man tried to free himself as Marisa held onto his arm.

Falling Petals of a Blue RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora