Chapter 24

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 Meanwhile, Thomas was running up a staircase that led to the roof as fast as he could. The whole time, he had an angry look on his face.

“Red Claw! You won’t get away with this!” At that moment, Red Claw was preparing to board a small helicopter. It was pouring down rain which meant the fire would soon put itself out. She looked down to see the agents desperately trying to bring all the bombs outside while not loosing sight of any of her men. She formed a sneer on her face as she stepped into the helicopter. Just before she could sit down, the door to the staircase swung open and Thomas stepped out.

“RED CLAW!!!” Red Claw turned to see him.

“Whatever is the matter, agent? Are you upset that you weren’t able to protect your friend? Are you humiliated because she ended up saving you instead of you saving her? I guess it just goes to show that you really are nothing more than a weakling who can’t protect anyone other than yourself. After all, this is the second time you’ve failed to protect someone you really cared about. Am I correct?” On hearing that, Thomas gripped his fists so hard his nails were cutting his skin.

“Red Claw! I promise you! I will be the one to bring you in no matter what it takes!” Red Claw threw her head back and laughed as she sat down.

“You fool! It doesn’t really matter what you do! There is nothing you can do to bring an end to everything! This whole dilemma has been nothing more than a minor setback! Time will pass and Red Claw will rise again!” With that said, the helicopter started to rise. Thomas reached into his gadget belt.

“No, I will never allow that to happen again.” Quickly, he pulled out a tiny missile launcher and aimed it at the top propeller.

“This is the end! It’s over!!!” Thomas shouted as he fired his launcher. The missile made a perfect bulls eye. As the missile exploded, it released a vast amount of liquid nitrogen that totally froze the propeller. At first, the chopper swerved from side to side. Then, it started to fall. Red Claw tried to get control of things, but there was nothing she could do. As soon as the chopper was close to the ground, she jumped down and rolled out of the way as the chopper crash landed. She tried to stand back up and run away, but a bunch of agents jumped her before she had the chance. Thomas let out a sigh of relief as he put his launcher away and lowered himself down with his grappling hook. Keeping his head down, he walked towards the others.

“You did very well, Thomas.” Looking up, he saw the commander standing in front of him.

“I’m sure your mother would be very proud of you.” Thomas looked down at his feet as his fellow agents lead Red Claw away.

“Yeah.” Slowly, he lifted his head.

“How is she?” The commander tilted his head to the side. Thomas looked over to see a big white truck. He walked over to it. Once there, he spotted Marcus and Yoshi. He became worried when he realized Yoshi was crying. He quickly rushed over to them.

“What happened?! What’s wrong?!” Yoshi looked up at him as she wiped her eyes.


“What is it?! Why are you crying?! Is... is Marisa!” Yoshi shook her head.

“No, her injuries aren’t life threatening. We used the first aid kit Miki and Minnie gave us to treat her wounds. Then the medical team arrived so we turned her over to them.”

“And...what did they say? If her injuries aren’t life threatening, than there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.”

“Yes but...but...” Yoshi couldn’t bring herself to finish as she struggled not to burst out crying. Marcus came up and slowly put his arms around her as she buried her face into his shoulder. He had a sad look on his face.

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