Reyna's fairy tale

By HeartBroken

56.8K 1.1K 137

Reyna grew up with her mother telling her a fairytale each night before she went to bed, but any hope of happ... More

Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Sneak peak

Part 37

982 17 2
By HeartBroken

"Aren't we just the luckiest girls in all of Leandre?" Zanne said once again with a dreamy sigh. I felt like pulling my hair, that the hairdresser spent almost an hour on, out of my head.

"We're not lucky Zanne! If anything, we're exactly the opposite of lucky." I said yanking her to and fro by her shoulders.

"How can you say that Rey? Since I was a little girl I've dreamt about meeting my prince harming, and tonight that's finally going to happen." she said with a big smile

"No it's not. You already have a prince charming!One that doesn't kidnap you, brainwash you and then feeds you to his children. His name is Xander and he is a werewolf, he's your soul mate. Just think a little Zanne. You have to remember!" I said desperately

"Rey. I know that you're nervous. It's a big deal when a girl gets married but you won't be alone. Just take a deep breath and calm down." she said breathing like she was going into labour

"What about your family on earth? Do you at least remember them?" I asked hopeless

"Earth?" she asked questioningly

"Yes Zanne it's another dimension that we came from to save my families Kingdom from Razzardus. " I told her slowly

"You know, it amazes me how creative your mind can be. Ooh our dresses are here!" she squealed out jumping up and down in excitement

I let my head fall into my hands in frustration. How was I going to convince Zanne, when I finally have enough power to try and break us out of here, that trying to escape is not a bad thing? I've been secretly testing my strength but it was growing slowly. We were left alone after our hair and make up was complete with only two guards standing watch. I was hoping I could convince Zanne about the situation we're in and gain enough power to escape before the 'master' arrives, but I was still too weak and Zanne was a lost case.

"Aren't they beautiful Rey?" Zanne asked as she admired the silky material of the dresses.

"Oh yeah gorgeous" I replied, not even looking. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how this all plays out.

There was a knock on the door and the troll came walking in.

"Why aren't you ready yet? The master has arrived and he has demanded to see his soon to be brides immediately!" the troll said a little panicked

"Oh keep your pants on, the master can wait a few more bloody minutes!" I said agitated. I kept forgetting that I should slowly become more obedient like Zanne. I guess I just wasn't that great of an actor.

"You better watch that witty little mouth of yours. The master doesn't take kindly to insults." he warned

"Well I don't take kindly to being kidnapped!" I said before starting to push him out of the door. He wanted us to get changed but still he kept standing there. Stupid little troll.

I got dressed as fast as I could. The dresses were skanky, even by the standards of a cheerleader. I got nervous once I saw Zanne in her tight little red dress. I just hoped that nobody notices her slightly swollen belly.

A knock sounded once again before a voice screamed through the door "I'm coming in now! You better be ready, the master is getting impatient!" the troll said before coming in

"Hey! We could've been naked in here!" I said feeling the invasion of my privacy

"Well then I would've taken you to the master in all your naked glory" he said with a smirk

I had no doubt that he would have. "Let's just go and meet this 'master' of yours." I replied. I was nervous. What will he do to us? I didn't want to admit it, but that whole eating people thing was really freaking me out.

We walked into the 'masters' study. It had a love seat in front of a fireplace and a bookshelf with a large mahogany desk. The colour on the walls was a light green and a plush carpet greeted my feet. It was beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as the man who stood there to greet us with a welcoming smile. If I hadn't met Ryan before this, I probably would've melted at the sight of him. Luckily I was immune to his good looks and I saw right through his charade.

This was someone you need to be weary of. In his eyes I could see the evil shadow that warned me not to trust him.

"Ahhh! My beautiful brides!" he said looking very pleased. "You've outdone yourself this time Maharani! These creatures would surely deliver me remarkable offspring." he said to the troll

The troll didn't look to pleased at the compliment however. He looked nervous and kept stealing glances in my direction. Probably waiting for me to open my big mouth.

I wasn't ready to do that just yet though. I wanted to take a good look at this 'master' of his first. His golden hair hung over his bright blue eyes and underneath the casual t-shirt he was wearing you could see the muscles rippling as he walked over to stand in front of Zanne. He reminded me of the surfer type, the only thing missing was his tanned skin.

He stopped in front of her, his pleased face turning into a confused one, then it turned angry. "You stupid little troll! The elf is already carrying a child!" he said furious

"No, sire, it can't be!" the troll said panicked

Before I could react the 'master' had Zanne by the shoulders. He pressed her towards him and let his head fall to her neck. When he came up I finally saw what he was. His teeth had grown, creating two long fangs on either side of his mouth. His eyes were suddenly blood red and screaming out his anger. A drop of blood sliding down his chin

He threw Zanne to the ground and looked at her in disgust. "I can hear the sound of another heartbeat and taste the difference in your blood."

"No I'm not pregnant master" Zanne begged on her knees in front of him. I walked towards her to get her off of the floor when I saw the vampire lift his hand to hit her. From all the times I've had to fight Ryan at his top speed, my eyes have somehow started to adjust to the fast movements.

I jumped in front of him. His blow hit me and sent me flying to the other side of the room. I crashed against the wall with a loud boom before falling to the ground.

Ouch, I thought sarcastically as I got on my feet. Nothing was even broken. This guy really was as weak as I sensed. He had a power level as strong as Zanne's at most. Unfortunately my PL was still as weak as a normal citizens power.

He seemed to have forgotten about his anger from a couple of seconds ago as he looked at me surprised. "Rey!" I heard a scream as Zanne came rushing forward towards me.

"I'm fine Zanne" I said waving her off. I was still frustrated with her.

She looked a little hurt at my action before she turned to the 'master'

"You're going to pay for that" she said determined

What? Wasn't she supposed to be under his control or something? I walked closer to her to make sure. She looked a little confused but she gave me a reassuring smile. She was back! The power of friendship triumphs again.

He looked shocked for a second before he turned to Maharani. "Did you not give them the memory elixir?" he asked, his anger starting to clime once again

"We did sire. She must have been able to regain her mind somehow" the troll said confused

"Fix it" he said to Maharani

I saw the troll walking towards Zanne but I sent him flying across the room, my power was increasing

"Leave my sister alone" I warned him

"I'm impressed. This one seems strong. She will bare fine offspring" he said approvingly, looking me up and down. "At least not all of your work was in vain" he said towards Maharani

"That I am." I said stretching " And just for the record I'm going to break out of here the first chance I get, so no strong offspring for you" I said casually, refusing to be intimidated by him

"How is it that she has also regained her mind as well?" the 'master' asked irritated

"Actually sire she never lost control of her mind. She had five plates of food but still she doesn't seem affected by the elixir at all." he explained quickly

"Actually I had four. I just couldn't get that last plate down my throat after you told me about the cannibal babies." I said helpful

"Interesting. Very interesting. Have you found out the reason for that yet?" the 'master' asked

"Not as yet sire, but the scientists are working on that as we speak." the troll replied

"Good. And you? Do you have any idea why the elixir didn't affect you sweetheart?" the 'master' asked me in a friendly tone.

"Yeah actually I do. And call me sweetheart again and I swear you won't be saying anything for a while" I said threateningly

"Ooh feisty! I like it. Since Razzardus created that elixir it has been no fun impregnating the females any more." he told me with a sigh

So Razzardus was behind this whole thing. I knew it. That bastards going to get what's coming to him!

"At least you're here now." he said happily "so if I promise not to call you sweetheart again will you tell me why you are immune to the elixir?" he asked curiously

Before I could answer the troll spoke up "Sire, she doesn't know. She is just making up insane stories" the troll quickly said, trying to hide that he got a lunatic for the 'masters' future bride

"Now now Maharani, let the girl speak." he said turning towards me once again

Suddenly I didn't want to tell him. In a few hours my powers will have increased enough for me to contact Ryan. The less this 'master' knows the better.

I just hoped that Ryan could rescue us before our 'big day'.

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