Drarry Oneshots

由 Patrick11Stump

7.4K 212 38

Just a little collection of Drarry one shots that I make. (Smut, Fluff, Angst, anything) Accepting Requests!! 更多

The Shared room
Save Me
Blue Eyed Boy
Saviour Of The Wizarding World
Him Pt. 2
Where Did the Party Go?

Cookies, Weasel?

992 30 5
由 Patrick11Stump

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None :)

Word Count: 3.1k+

Summary: Ron and Hermione finally get to meet the mystery "girl" Harry's soon to be married to.

"You're a goddamn slob, Potter."

"I can't say the same for you, Malfoy-- soon to be Potter. I should probably go get some foods and drinks. I'll be back soon." Harry smiles at his fiancé. Draco smiles back and tosses the towel at him and jumps off the counter. Harry catches him before he can run off and rests his hands on his waist pulling him into a hug with Draco protesting. Harry lifts him slightly off the ground making Draco laugh and swat at him. Harry just smiles and hugs him tightly before setting him down and spinning him around. Harry gently strokes his cheek before placing a kiss on his lips. Harry walks out of the door and smiles. Draco flips him off playfully when he pops his head back in. Harry just sticks his tongue out and shuts the door leaving Draco a smiling mess.

Draco shakes his head fondly and turns back to the kitchen. He does the dishes, cleans the table, sweeps and mops. His hair falls in front of his eyes and he blows it away quickly. He wipes his brow and puts the mop back into the closet. He shuffles into the living room. He wants to make the place look presentable when the Weasel and Granger come over. He doesn't want them to think he's messy like Mr. Harry Potter.

To say he's nervous, it would be an understatement. A huge one. The Weasel boy already hates him. Knowing that he's going to marry his best friend will probably give the fool a heart attack or two. Granger though, he doesn't know how she will react. Hopefully since she's the smarter of the two she will be able to get passed the fact that her old school enemy is marrying her best friend.

He sets the books neatly on the shelf and vacuums the floor. He feels like a bloody house elf, but he will do anything for that messy-haired green eyed beauty. The time goes by fast and he's finished everything, so what a better pass time than baking? Sure, he's technically only ever made stuff out of boxes and with the help of Harry, but how hard can making homemade cookies actually be?

After about an hour of finding everything Draco sets everything down on the counter and starts mixing. Feeling rather proud of himself as he rolls the dough and sets it delicately on the cookie sheet. The oven beeps and Draco smiles to himself. Harry should be back in an hour and a half, the weasel and his girlfriend in two. Things will be perfect with Draco's amazing cookies to top it off. He grabs another cookie sheet and rolls more balls of dough and places them on the tray. He waits.

Ron chatters animatedly with Hermione. He's excited to finally meet the mystery woman his best friend is marrying. Harry has kind of gone off the maps for a while. Almost three years. The golden trio haven't talked much between then. Harry off with Auror training and Ron and Hermione raising little Rose. There hasn't been much time for them to get together other than the occasional drink. Still Ron thinks it's long overdue to meet the girl, Harry's been dating her for three years, since they'd all left Hogwarts. Now to come to it, Ron doesn't even know her name. Harry should have said it in the few conversations they've had, shouldn't he have?

Ron just shakes his head and turns to his wife.

"I'm weirdly excited to meet the girl, aren't you?" Ron throws on a robe and Hermione moves a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I am. The way Harry talks about her, like she put the stars in the sky. That man is so in love, would have never guessed he'd be one to settle down and finally marry. I'm still slightly bitter it's not Ginny, they were wonderful together."

Ron nods his head and smiles, "They were, I'm kind of glad they aren't together though. Luna and her make a better couple than her and Harry ever would have. Who'da guessed Lovegood would have the hots for my sister?"

"She doesn't just have the hots for her, they're totally in love with each other." Hermione smiles and hits his shoulder. They grab the floo power and face their fireplace.

"Number 13, Harrison Avenue!" Hermione clutches Ron's hand and they step out of the place.

"We're a bit early now that I think of it." Hermione swats his arm and calls out for Harry.

They hear a plate clatter and the sound of music coming in from the kitchen. The house being decently sized they probably hadn't heard them calling. Ron leads the way. Harry said he'd be gone until five thirty, it is five right now.

The music gets slightly louder.

"What kind of music is this? I've never heard it."

"Muggle, I wouldn't doubt you've never heard it." Hermione says slightly mockingly.

Draco hears someone talking and sets the trays down with a thud. It must be Harry, he turns back around and checks the cookies in the oven. Almost done. He can hear male talking. Definitely Harry. The timer dings and he opens the oven door. He hears the sound of the door creaking open and lifts the cookies out.

"MALFOY?!" Draco nearly drops the sheet when Ron shrieks behind him. The sheet clatters against the metal bars and he quickly grabs them out before they burn. He sets them on the counter before turning and staring at the weasel. He turns off the music wandlessly.

"Weasley." Draco says indifferently, it's a lie. On the inside he's screaming, Ron'll hex him. He knows it. Why are they here so early? They weren't supposed to be here for another hour.

"What are you doing here?! In Harry's house?!" Draco rolls his eyes at Ron's rushed words. That boy sure is insane.

Draco stares at the cookies waiting for them to cool before moving them onto a cooling rack he'd just accioed over. He finally glances back at the weasel and the girl, Hermione's face is riddled with confusion. Ron's is just well, just stupid as ever, but now with a more intensified version of Hermione's expression.

"Baking cookies, what does it look like?" He ignores the second part of the question, instead replacing the second sheet in the oven.

"But? You're still in Harry's house? Shouldn't you be at your own house? Are you and Harry friends now? Or are those poisonous and you're plotting to kill him?"

"Kill him? Who do you think I am? Cookie, Weasel? These are anything but poisonous." To prove his point he takes a bite of the cookie and stares at the man.

"Why are you avoiding certain questions, Malfoy?" Hermione questions and watches as Draco eats a hot cookie. He chews it and looks at his feet before snapping his gaze upwards. He rolls his eyes and leans back on the countertop. Now thinking about it, he's not even changed out of his pajamas.

"Wow, you two really are thick. I live here." Draco smirks at Ron's face. Ron's face is filled with confusion, more than last time.

"You live here with Harry and his fiancée?" Hermione questions looking as confused as her husband. Draco just sighs, where is Harry when you need him?

"Cookie?" He places some on a plate, avoiding Hermione's question and instead listening to Ron's grumbling stomach. Ron quickly takes one, staring at Draco before taking a bite and nodding in satisfaction.

Draco smiles and takes a second cookie. Ron glares at him and snatches two more cookies from the plate.

"Why are you avoiding questions? How's it like living with the lovebirds? Never thought you and Harry would be friends. What's she like? Are you going to stay here when they get married?" Ron finally asks after his fifth cookie.

Draco sighs and looks at the time still twenty minutes until Potter gets back. He's running out of excuses.

"Why are you asking dumb questions?" Draco turns and gets the second sheet of cookies out of the oven.

Ron stares at him as he takes the cookies out and places them on the counter, Ron's eyes flick down to his hands and he shoves them behind his back on instinct. He nervously stares at Ron whilst looking around for the damned ring that's no longer on his finger. It was on his finger when he was making the cookies earlier. Draco's smile drops, Ron stares at him weirdly.

"Shit." He mumbles and stares at the cookies.

"What?" Ron says with his mouth full. Hermione stares at him weirdly and sits besides Ron.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Draco starts breaking apart the cookies on the tray. He gets about halfway through them before throwing his hands up and sighing loudly.

"Oh Merlin, he's going to kill me." Draco subconsciously rubs the finger where his ring should be. Hermione looks down at her feet, not noticing the exchange.

Ron looks at her staring at the floor, when he bites into the cookie. His teeth bite into something metallic and he pulls it out. A black ring is caught between his teeth and he stares at Draco's flushed face. He's gone extremely pale and Ron drops the ring into his own hand.

He stares at it. It's a simple black band with an intricate snaking silver pattern. Ron hands it back and watches Draco wash it off and place it back on his left hand.

"You never told me. Is she a lovely woman?" Hermione rolls her eyes at her husbands question, why would Malfoy know? She finally looks up and sees Draco putting the ring on his hand. But she doesn't notice what hand, or else she probably would have caught on sooner.

Draco glares at him. "You probably won't like them."

Ron tilts his head, "I won't?"

Draco grows agitated by the red heads stupidity. He speaks a simple no through clenched teeth, reminding himself that yes, his fiancé is friends with the buffoon. He stares at the broken cookies and huffs slightly. Still fifteen minutes until Harry is supposed to come home.

"So, is it weird living with Harry while he's engaged? Like is it ever awkward having the three of you here?" Draco feels a little put out that Ron wouldn't even consider Harry dating, let alone marrying him. But he sticks his nose up and shakes his head.

"How's it like seeing the guy in love? He talks about her like she put the stars in the sky. It must be weird. Do you have anyone?" Draco should be happy the weasel is talking to him nicely, but he's a little mad at Ron's oblivious nature.

Draco just shoves another cookie his way and Ron graciously takes it. He stuffs it in his face waiting for Draco to talk.

"I do have someone." He thinks it would be best if he didn't speak about much.

"Ah good for you. I bet she's lovely." Draco smiles at the kindness but is quick to correct him.

"He," Ron tilts his head and Draco rolls his eyes. "He's very lovely, in fact. Probably the most lovely person I've ever met."

Ron smiles and nods his head. "Good."

Hermione smiles at Draco and he smiles back. He's a lot different from the Draco they knew at Hogwarts. This Draco is a lot more mellow and not nearly as much as a prat. Dare say he's not a prat at all. Just a little sassy.

They all hear the door click open and look over. Harry walks in. Surprised to see his best friends talking to his fiancé and not hexing him. Draco looks slightly irritated, but otherwise alright. Harry smells the cookies in the air and smiles. He sets down the bags of groceries on the kitchen table and helps himself to a cookie.

"So Harry, where's your fiancée? I want to meet the woman!" Ron stands and looks at the door expectantly.

Harry chuckles and looks over at Draco who just rolls his eyes and sits on the counter top.

"Also I didn't know Malfoy lived with you? Isn't it weird with the three of you?" Ron looks at Draco and Draco stares back.

"Three?" Harry tilts his head smiling at Ron. Ron nods his head.

"What? Was Malfoy lying about living here?" Hermione asks and stares at him.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head uttering a no and sitting next to Draco on the counter.

"When did you two become friends?" Ron finishes his cookie and stares at the two. Harry is the first to start laughing and Draco soon joins in. Ron and Hermione are pleasantly surprised at the sound of Draco's actual laugh and not a mocking one.

"Four years ago." Harry looks at Draco and he giggles. It surprises the two sitting in chairs even more. Because Harry Potter just made Draco freaking Malfoy giggle.

"Ah, makes sense that we wouldn't know then. So, I'm going to keep asking. When can we meet her?" Harry rolls his eyes, Ron can be good sometimes.

"You already have." Ron just stares back confused. "No, I haven't."

Harry looks at Draco and then back at the two.

"Yes you have, you're staring at them." Ron looks around and tries to see an invisibility cloak or something.

"What is she invisible or something?" Ron looks up at Harry who facepalms.

"My god, Ron," Draco shouts and lifts up his hand, then Harry's left hand. Harry's ring is a silver one with a snaking black pattern. "There is no girl, nor was there ever one. He's marrying me, you git."

Harry gently shoves his shoulder. Ron looks shocked for a second and studies the rings harder. This is a joke right?

"Haha, you guys are funny." Ron says hoping to tell if it's a joke.

Draco just rolls his eyes settling his left hand on the counter and using his other to clasp Harry's closest hand.

"We're not joking Weasley." Draco stares at Harry, who is utter perfection in his eyes.

"Oh," Ron slips to the floor. Hermione rolls her eyes and stares down at Ron. Ron hugs his knees to his chest and stares at the two.

"Too much is happening." Hermione glares at her melodramatic husband. She offers a congratulation and smiles at the two happily.

"Malfoy, is becoming a Potter..." Ron mumbles stretching out so he is face down on the floor. "Harry James Potter is marrying Draco Lucius Malfoy, making Draco Lucius Malfoy into Draco Lucius Potter."

"That's usually how it works, Weasel." Draco picks at his nails and leans his head on Harry's shoulder.

"BUT HOW?!" Ron shrieks and sits up accidentally making Hermione fall backwards out of her chair. "You two hated each other! You'd hex each other ever chance you got! I remember you guys fighting constantly! I remember Harry almost killing you with that septa-something spell! And Draco! You almost killed him multiple times! Like too many to count! HOW?!" Ron falls back onto his face stifling a groan and kicking his feet slightly, looking like a toddler having a tantrum.

Draco winces remembering how much of a prat he had been to Harry, but then he remembers how much of a git Harry was to him. So it's even.

"While all of that may be true, I don't mind the Draco he's become. In school he was a royal arse, but now. Now, he's the best thing that's happened to me. After the war, I broke it off with Ginny because I couldn't stand the thought of hurting her, because I didn't love her and I knew she'd be better off with someone else. Then Luna came back, they hit it off. I ran into Draco a few months later and we became friends. I realised maybe if we hadn't spent all of those years fighting, we could have been friends. Then, as cheesy as it sounds, sparks flew. I realised that beneath that bad boy persona that this guy, right here," Harry pokes Draco in the side to emphasise his point, Draco laughs and swats his arm making Hermione smile. "Isn't actually a bad person. He just never had the right guidance. Soon I made a few subtle hints that maybe I wasn't as straight as the wizarding world had perceived he slowly caught on. He'd blush like crazy whenever I'd compliment him. Laugh a little too loudly at joke's that weren't funny. Smile like a mad man whenever I spoke. I remember asking him out on our first date about a year later. What a sputtering mess he was. Quite adorable. I got him a butterbeer and a muggle muffin and everything just fell into place from there. If you couldn't tell this precious pureblood actually quite likes muggle things." Draco scoffs and snuggles closer to Harry's side. Harry just smiles wrapping his arm around his shoulders and continues his story. "We've had our ups and downs. A few times I thought I had lost him. But for some reason he'd come back and we'd be just like nothing happened. Days turned to months. Months to seasons. Seasons to years. And here we are. Engaged. Our wedding a few months away. We've lived together for about two years. You have no idea how strange it was to wake up to your ex-enemy and fall in love a million times over in a matter of a second."

Ron lifts his head up, "you have no idea how weird it is to hear your best friend talk about their high school enemy like they're the reason the world spins." He flops back down on the ground.

Draco just giggles again and stares at Harry. "Get used to it, Weasley, I'm not going anywhere."

"Very true," Harry smiles at Draco. Hermione just gushes and gently kicks Ron's side when he starts muttering something about being too lovey-dovey and happy to be anything but staged.

"Get used to it Ron 'cause if I like it you have to." Hermione smiles at Draco who smiles widely back.

Ron huffs sitting up and stares at the two. "Fine, Ferret, you win. But if you ever hurt Harry consider me your worst nightmare."

"Aye, aye Cap'ain." Draco salutes him before hopping off the counter.

"As much as I'd love to stay in my pajamas, I'm going to go change. So enjoy the cookies." Draco walks out of the room.

"So, you really love him?" Ron asks when Draco disappears down the hall.

"With my whole heart." Harry says, smiling and toying with the ring on his finger. "Anyone can see he's changed. Oh god, I love him so much. I bet it sounds strange. But I don't think I've loved anyone as much as I love that man."

Ron groans and places his hands in his hands as Harry laughs.


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