
510 14 4

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None :)

Word Count: 2.6k

Summary: A simple party where a pair of boys get too drunk and feelings get spilled in a game of truth or dare. (Set in current time, mostly song lyrics). I just always imagined the two of them singing these songs and dancing stupidly so enjoy because I loooove these songs. (The two songs are Tangerine by Glass Animals and Impossible by Nothing But Thieves)

"C'mon, Harry. It'll be fun!" Ron shakes his best mates shoulders ignoring the eye roll from his girlfriend sitting next to him. Harry is simply scrolling on his phone trying to ignore his friend.

"Don't peer pressure him, Ronald," Hermione says looking up from her phone after sending another text. Ron simply rolls his eyes and looks back at Harry. Harry contemplates the pros and cons of going. On one hand he can go and let loose for the first time in forever, but on the other hand he could let loose for the first time in a while and not know what will happen. The idea seems fun in idea, just a bunch of eighth years partying in the Room of Requirement, what could go wrong?

After finally agreeing, which made Ron hoot and holler, the trio makes their way towards the Room of Requirement later that night. The invisibility cloak covers the three of them while they crouch and make their way to the party. It's a little celebration, their final year of schooling with no mass murderer looming over their shoulders. It should be fun, Harry shouldn't have a hard time just letting loose and forgetting everything for a little bit.

Upon reaching the room the three pace back and forth quickly trying to get in as soon as possible. Just because they're adults doesn't mean they won't get in trouble for being out after hours. Stepping into the room the pulsing music and stench of alcohol hits them like a truck. Ron simply laughs making a beeline towards the copious amounts of alcohol, Hermione rolls her eyes but drags Harry along as well. Harry glances around, looking at all the drunk students. Looking so carefree and happy, for the first time in a while he lets himself smile.

Harry leans on the wall sipping a bit of the very spiked punch, Hermione and Ron ran off towards the makeshift dance floor a while ago. Harry just likes observing the party, Ginny and Luna are spinning each other around while stumbling, Neville is very nervously talking to Hannah Abbott towards the opposite wall. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson are laughing at something while Malfoy is rolling his eyes with a small smile on his lips. Padma and Parvati are both sitting on the couch laughing at Lavender who is very unsuccessfully flirting with Justin Finch-Fletchley. The students all having a good time while drinking themselves sick.

"Harry!" Ginny says smacking the shoulder of the raven haired boy. "We're playing a game of Truth or Dare, wanna join?"

The puppy dog eyes of Ginny still get him every time and she knows it too. Harry and her have been broken up for a good long while, Ginny having spent more time at Hogwarts with Luna than Harry had found herself infatuated with the tiny blonde girl. Harry wasn't mad, he was very happy for her. She had come to him bawling her eyes out feeling so bad, but Harry was more than understanding. Now the two girls are inseparable, Harry couldn't feel more happy.

"Fine, only a few rounds though," Harry says while being dragged along by the firecracker of a girl. She smiles dragging him to the circle of students, who all look way too sloshed.

"Okay! Now is this everyone who is playing?" Hermione asks slurring her words slightly, she glances around at the group. Pansy shakes her head and drags a grumbling Draco Malfoy to the circle as well, he plops down next to Harry sitting close, but not too close. Hermione nods her head and smiles at the black haired girl. "Okay, rules are you get one chicken, which means you can skip one truth or one dare. To spice things up Veritaserum will be used for the truths."

Drarry OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin