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Genre: Fluff/smut

Warnings: Drug Usage

Word Count: 10k+

Summary: Muggle AU. Based on the song Her by Chase Atlantic (Harry's band in this) Set in 2018.
Harry meets a boy who he only gets a day to spend with before they will never meet again.

"Hermione, I told you I'll be fine. The plane is scheduled for tomorrow morning," Harry rolls his eyes, he loves his best friend but she can be a little overbearing. He is currently stranded in Los Angeles because he is not as tech savy as he thought he was and somehow didn't schedule the plane to be the same day he was dropped off. He has always wanted to see Los Angeles though, he's in an up and coming band. His band has been touring and they had already left earlier that day. Ron and Neville will be fine without him, he's scheduled to perform in Chicago in two days.

"Ron and Neville are freaking out, are you sure you will be here tomorrow?" Harry smiles imagining the scene, he laughs slightly stepping out of the airport.

"I am sure, I had a nice chat with the manager and I will be there tomorrow night," He squints up at the rising sun. It isn't later than twelve o'clock in the afternoon and he is already ready for a nap.

"Okay, if not we're going to have issues," Hermione scolds him over the phone. He laughs louder, maybe having his friends as his bandmates and manager sounded like a good idea. But, they can be more overbearing than the old dudes who are just in it for the money.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow bye~" He hangs up the phone before he can hear what Hermione has to say. Like he said, he loves his best friend but she can be a bit much. He's twenty-one, he can deal with his problems by himself for a day.

The air is hot already, his t-shirt is thankfully white, so he won't be melting completely. His jeans are tight against his legs and the black color seeming to absorb the entire sun. It doesn't take him long to call a taxi to him, he is stepping into the cab before wondering where he wants to go. He has always wanted to see Rodeo Drive. So that's where he tells the taxi to go.

He scrolls on his phone, checking all of his notifications and DM's from other celebrities. He smiles, the radio is playing quietly but he can recognize his voice playing through the cab. The drive takes a while, the traffic is crazy and he wonders how people even get anywhere. The twelve mile drive seems to take hours.

After finally getting out and paying the taxi driver, he looks across at the busy street. People are bustling from designer store to designer store. He raises an eyebrow and puts his hands in his pockets. His phone dings in his pocket and he ignores it, instead walking into the closest store. The price tags are all well over five hundred dollars each and he smiles. God, he loves being famous.

He watches a blond man look over the price tags and stick his nose in the air.

"Jesus, this stuff is cheap," Harry snorts, hearing the typical Beverly Hills accent. He accidentally catches the eyes of the blond man. His grey eyes narrowed slightly, looking up and down Harry. Harry raises his eyebrow back at his staring.

"What?" Harry asks, his English accent apparently catching the attention of the blond man. "Do I have something on my face or something?"

"No, just wondering what's funny," The blond man says walking closer to Harry. Harry looks up at the slightly taller man.

"Just funny I guess, I mean you have to be pretty loaded to think that this stuff is cheap," Harry says holding a seven hundred dollar t-shirt. This stuff must be made of gold if they think a plain grey shirt is worth that much.

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