Cookies, Weasel?

992 30 5

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None :)

Word Count: 3.1k+

Summary: Ron and Hermione finally get to meet the mystery "girl" Harry's soon to be married to.

"You're a goddamn slob, Potter."

"I can't say the same for you, Malfoy-- soon to be Potter. I should probably go get some foods and drinks. I'll be back soon." Harry smiles at his fiancé. Draco smiles back and tosses the towel at him and jumps off the counter. Harry catches him before he can run off and rests his hands on his waist pulling him into a hug with Draco protesting. Harry lifts him slightly off the ground making Draco laugh and swat at him. Harry just smiles and hugs him tightly before setting him down and spinning him around. Harry gently strokes his cheek before placing a kiss on his lips. Harry walks out of the door and smiles. Draco flips him off playfully when he pops his head back in. Harry just sticks his tongue out and shuts the door leaving Draco a smiling mess.

Draco shakes his head fondly and turns back to the kitchen. He does the dishes, cleans the table, sweeps and mops. His hair falls in front of his eyes and he blows it away quickly. He wipes his brow and puts the mop back into the closet. He shuffles into the living room. He wants to make the place look presentable when the Weasel and Granger come over. He doesn't want them to think he's messy like Mr. Harry Potter.

To say he's nervous, it would be an understatement. A huge one. The Weasel boy already hates him. Knowing that he's going to marry his best friend will probably give the fool a heart attack or two. Granger though, he doesn't know how she will react. Hopefully since she's the smarter of the two she will be able to get passed the fact that her old school enemy is marrying her best friend.

He sets the books neatly on the shelf and vacuums the floor. He feels like a bloody house elf, but he will do anything for that messy-haired green eyed beauty. The time goes by fast and he's finished everything, so what a better pass time than baking? Sure, he's technically only ever made stuff out of boxes and with the help of Harry, but how hard can making homemade cookies actually be?

After about an hour of finding everything Draco sets everything down on the counter and starts mixing. Feeling rather proud of himself as he rolls the dough and sets it delicately on the cookie sheet. The oven beeps and Draco smiles to himself. Harry should be back in an hour and a half, the weasel and his girlfriend in two. Things will be perfect with Draco's amazing cookies to top it off. He grabs another cookie sheet and rolls more balls of dough and places them on the tray. He waits.

Ron chatters animatedly with Hermione. He's excited to finally meet the mystery woman his best friend is marrying. Harry has kind of gone off the maps for a while. Almost three years. The golden trio haven't talked much between then. Harry off with Auror training and Ron and Hermione raising little Rose. There hasn't been much time for them to get together other than the occasional drink. Still Ron thinks it's long overdue to meet the girl, Harry's been dating her for three years, since they'd all left Hogwarts. Now to come to it, Ron doesn't even know her name. Harry should have said it in the few conversations they've had, shouldn't he have?

Ron just shakes his head and turns to his wife.

"I'm weirdly excited to meet the girl, aren't you?" Ron throws on a robe and Hermione moves a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I am. The way Harry talks about her, like she put the stars in the sky. That man is so in love, would have never guessed he'd be one to settle down and finally marry. I'm still slightly bitter it's not Ginny, they were wonderful together."

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