Blue Eyed Boy

569 21 3

Genre: fluff

Warnings: none :)

Word count: 1.9k

Summary: What starts out as a simple fight gets confusing when Harry finally sees how pretty Draco's baby blues are

It was a simple task, one that couldn't be avoided. Well, technically it could, but neither really thought of that. It was routine.

And there he is. Draco, Harry's one and only mortal enemy now that Voldemort has been killed. He can't say he really hates him anymore, it's just that eight years of daily tormenting is a hard habit to break from.

Now walking down the hallways it's hard not to notice the platinum blond hair and piercing grey eyes. The usual sneer covers his face, the one that's all too familiar but lost most of its former bite. One that's just a reminder of before the war, one that's comforting because at least there's a little bit of familiarity in the school. He's the only one who still treats him the same, not like he's some superhuman hero, just regular old Harry Potter. To Draco he's not a hero, he's just a normal human.

Hermione and Ron roll their eyes as Harry speeds up his walk seeing Draco looking at him with a glare and cocky grin.

"Potter, looking as terrible as usual." Draco sneers as Harry stops in front of him. Harry glares back narrowing his eyes menacingly.

"Sod off, Malfoy. As if you look any better, how long did you take on your hair alone, twenty? Thirty minutes? Still looks as horrible as usual. Bit prissy if you ask me." Harry smirks at the offended look on Draco's face.

"Woah, Harry watch out the ferret may attack you if you talk about his hair like that." Ron chuckles and walks away in the almost empty hallway with Hermione. Draco glares after Ron and then looks back at Harry. Harry laughs at Ron and turns back, his laughter dying off quickly and leaving the air heavy and empty.

Draco misses the way Harry's look seems to change. Like he's seeing him for the first time. Harry furrows his eyebrows. Why do his eyes look so blue all of the sudden, weren't they silver before? Draco's lips move but he doesn't hear a word, why are his eyes so blue?

"Potter?"  Draco questions, confused on why he's just standing there, staring at him with that look. It's scarily similar to the one Pansy used to give him in fourth year. The one she gave him before he told her that he didn't like her the same.

"Why are your eyes so blue now?" Draco furrows his eyebrows, what is he on about?

"What?" He asks exasperatedly, more confused when he doesn't get an answer. Harry walks closer, making Draco take a step back. "Potter?! What are you doing? Get your hand away from my face."

Harry rests his hand on Draco's cheek making him shut up. Draco opens his mouth to say something but shuts it quickly when Harry moves his face closer so their noses brush.

"Why are your eyes so blue?" Harry asks once again. Draco stutters, trying to find words but it's hard when Harry's hand and nose are on his face. His green eyes all too close to his own. He shuts his mouth and just stares like a deer caught in the headlights at the searching eyes so close to him. Everyone is gone from the hallways, just the two of them so intimately close, it makes Draco's fingers twitch.

Draco closes his eyes, hoping that the heat rising in his cheeks will fade. When Harry strokes his cheek that's when his eyes snap open.

"What are you doing, you--you..." Draco tries to ask, but can't before Harry tilts his head to look at his eyes in more detail. Harry's lips dangerously close to his own. Draco roughly swallows when Harry doesn't back up when he takes another step backwards, unintentionally cornering himself.

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